
Quick Transmigration: I'll Chase You in Different World

Author's note: Hey guys :)  (If someone..well I bet no one's reading this...but anyways) Thanks for checking out this story. Just a little reminder, english is not my first language, so bare with some of my crappy english. Feel free to express your opinion or suggestion. TRANSMIGRATED- of the soul; to pass at death from one body or being to another Plagiarism is a crime. This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and etc. were all product of the author's wide imagination. Any resemblance to actual peoples, living or dead, or actual events are pure coincidental. PHOTOS NOT MINE. CREDITS TO THE OWNER. ENJOY. COMMENT. VOTE. FAN. SYNOPSIS Being killed by the one you love and trusted the most. Chen Meng meng swear that she will get her revenge. Because of her huge will to live again, her spirit was entangled on a group of system which grants a spirits wish... But everything has a great price to pay. She must first collect a million life points for her to be able to go back in time. A life points that she will only get once a mission is completed in this transmigration game she's willing to participate.

LunaChriz · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
17 Chs

Arc 1-12

Arc 1-12

Jeung tong dan was awakened by a familiar voice turned to scream. And was also red in embarrassment when he saw were his beloveds hand was rested.

In his 'bulging' ROD!

He panicked.

While Chen Meng meng hide her whole body on the silky sheet with her face red like a tomato and hands that she swear is so 'sinful'!

"I-i...i can explain!" Jeung tong dan nervously said when he recovered from shock.

Chen Meng meng's little head pop out from the quilt. Half of her face peep to look at jeung tong which is really cute! She looks like a bullied kitten.

With hesitation she asked. "W-what happened last night? Why...are we sleeping in the same bed?"

When jeung tong hear this, he immediately flushed red, as he remember what happened last night.

As Chen Meng meng saw the flushed cheeks of jeung tong she paled in realization that every images that flashed in her minds were right! Oh no...

Jeung tong couldn't look at Chen Meng meng's eyes for fear that she may loath him for whatever he was going to say. He's ashame of himself. He couldn't stop his self last night to take advantage of Chen Meng meng and marked her as his as she innocently—*ehem maybe not innocently but forcefully? Pushed him for marriage.

His timid voice rang inside the quite room as he narrate everything that happened in her drunk state.

"When you get drunk. I was about to drive you home when you suddenly...get talkative towards me", jeung tong started.

"You s-said that I'm your..."

"...my what?" Chen Meng meng anxiously asked.

"I'm your f-future husband"


Jeung tong is on the verge of collapsing in shame, but the curious face of Chen Meng meng stop him and at the same time urge him to be honest with her, so he take a deep breath and continue.

"W-what else..." she asked on her little voice afraid that the next words will make her want to dig her own grave.

"Well...*cough... you said that i shouldn't call you president...so I called you intimately", jeung tong said with red cheeks as Chen Meng mengs cheek also heat up and her heat beat a little faster in unknown reason.

"What did you call me..." She whispered, too afraid to show her true feelings.

"M-meng'er", he timidly answer.

They both fall into silent before Chen Meng meng broke it with her sudden change of character.

Jeung tong perplexingly glance on Chen Meng meng's direction.

He didn't know the reason why his beloved suddenly stand-up and head on the nearest bathroom to clean herself up without looking on him when he finished narrating their situation and conversation last night.

The sound of the running water on the bathroom stop and the body of his beloved step out of it with her now dressed self.


"What did I told you last night. You can call me on whatever name just not president right?" Chen Meng meng interrupted.

Jeung tong was shocked at what he heard. What does she mean? Why did she say that? Does that mean that...

She remembered everything now?!

If that's the case then...

He didn't know what to feel. He couldn't see Chen Meng meng's face to found out what she really feel or think right now.

He was about to asked when Chen Meng meng said, "We're husband and wife now. So you can call me intimately whenever you want...'tongtong'" her voice is so calm. She walk out of the room with a meaningful smile smirk on her lips.

'The side mission is complete. So what's the use of being so distant to him?' Chen Meng meng thought as she left the dumfounded jeung tong inside the room.