
Quick Transmigration| Princess Simulator

"No matter how I think about this, this mission is way too hard. Why are you assigning me tasks like this!? Do you want to be replaced!?" The system wisely went into hiding, refusing to face Marianne's wrath. She had envisioned her first mission as a gentle introduction: perhaps being a pampered princess in a small, luxurious kingdom, helping it flourish. Instead, she found herself as a tribal princess married off to safeguard her people. Where were the gold, the luxury, the cakes? And why did she have to live in a tent!? The only silver lining was flirting with her husband's ex and a cute guard who seemed to pop up whenever she needed him. Hm? Why is he in this mission? Is it a system bug? Between mastering herbal concoctions, dodging assassination attempts, and managing unexpected crushes, Marianne's life in "Princess Simulator" is anything but dull. Join her as she navigates love triangles, politics, wars, fights, and her quest to own an ungodly amount of gold. TLDR: Quick Transmigration Author: This is my first Quick transmigration, stories are split in half and will be continued when the MC grows and comes back. Please forgive if it's not the best, hopefully my next one will be better.

Aalis · Histoire
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55 Chs

Chapter 13

The atmosphere of the grand hall buzzed with the hum of conversation and the clinking of goblets. Soft, inviting cushions and low tables filled the room, where the elite of the tribe reclined, enjoying the lavish feast set before them.The men in the room talked in low voices as guards remained dotted around the area. A sickly sweet smell of incense filled the room. The men seemed not to notice, but Azul's nose scrunched up under her black veil. The smell of incense mixed with the scent of exotic spices and roasted meats; she would have thrown up if she hadn't prepared herself for this.The room was alive with the sounds of a Khuur being strummed softly in the background, adding a soothing undertone to the lively chatter. Guards stood vigilant at the periphery, their eyes scanning the room beneath. Servants moved silently, ensuring the guests' cups were never empty and their plates were always full.Azul walked up to the center stage, followed by three other women, as the music settled and a comfortable silence filled the room."Great Khan, I hear this group of dancers is famous. How much gold did you splurge to hire them?" one of the men said.The Great Khan laughed heartily. "That is a secret for me to keep. Now, brothers! Let us enjoy the show!"The musicians beat the Shigshuur, and the rhythmic music filled the air. Azul raised her head and twisted her body, her eyes under her veil were striking. The drums beat furiously as she and the women behind her danced freely.One of the watchers whistled. "Great Khan, you outdid yourself this time! Who is the beauty in the back?" he asked, referring to one of the women behind Azul."Be patient, brothers. After their performance, there is still much entertainment."As the conversation continued, a servant approached the men with a large silver tray, offering an array of delicacies. Azul twirled elegantly, her veil momentarily lifting to reveal a fleeting glimpse of her eyes before she moved on, blending back into the rhythm of the performance."I hear that the Valthorn tribe is scrambling to gather supporters."The Khan scoffed."A young Khan like him with a common background will naturally be incomparable to Jeder."The men hummed in agreement."It's laughable he thinks he stands a chance," another chimed in."I hear he got himself a wife and grew a pair.""That poor woman, marrying an ugly Khan."The group laughed, enjoying their talk. The dancers behind Azul trembled slightly but kept dancing.Azul closed her eyes, arcing her back far until her hands touched the floor and raising her legs. The men were in awe, clapping their hands.The performance soon came to an end, and the women were distributed to serve wine among the men. Azul sat by the Great Khan, his hand around her waist as he laughed with the other men. She poured wine for him, and her eyes scanned the room quickly. No one had noticed, but the guards had nodded off. The only ones awake were the men in the room.She leaned in closer to the Great Khan, her voice barely above a whisper. "My lord, you seem tense. Is there anything troubling you?"The Great Khan, still holding his goblet, chuckled. "Nothing a bit of good wine and company can't fix." His other hand snaked around her waist rubbing it. Azul smiled, pouring more wine into his goblet. "Of course, my lord."As she poured, she kept her eyes on the other women, ensuring they were discreetly spreading out among the men, listening, observing. One of the men leaned closer to the Great Khan, lowering his voice. "What of the Valthorn tribe's alliances? Any news on their movements?"The Great Khan shook his head. "They are but a minor annoyance. Jeder will crush them easily."Azul's ears perked up at the mention of Jeder. "Jeder is indeed powerful," she said softly, "but what if the Valthorn tribe manages to gather enough support? Could they pose a real threat?"The Great Khan laughed, his grip tightening on her waist. "Let them try. They will fail."Azul nodded, feigning submission. "The Valthorn Khan's wife, she is said to be quite cunning," one of the men said. "Perhaps she will bring him luck."Azul's eyes flickered with interest. "Cunning, you say? What do you know of her?"The man shrugged. "Only rumours. But they say she has a way with words and plans."The Great Khan snorted. "She is just a woman. She poses no real threat. Once the Valthorn tribe falls, she will become a common harlot."Azul's smile remained fixed, but she poured more wine, biding her time.Eventually, the bustling room grew quiet. The incense rose and settled, casting a hazy veil over the scene."Khatun, are you alright?" Ayuun asked, her gold-decorated locs flowing down her shoulders. Azul's silence was unusual; the words of the men had clearly cut deep. She stood, looking at the man sleeping at her feet; her eyes were empty, devoid of emotion."Kill them all," she commanded softly.The three women nodded and, with practiced efficiency, slit the throats of everyone in the hall.That morning, the door to the receiving hall creaked open. A teen boy with long brown hair peeked in hesitantly."Khatun?" he asked with a shaky voice.He opened the door wider to see Azul sitting on the Khan's throne, her eyes closed as if in peaceful slumber.Maral, who was casually eating from the feast despite the corpses scattered around, looked up at the boy at the end of the throne room. "Khatun, the boy is here."Azul stirred from her rest, opening her eyes slowly. "Temur?""Yes, Khatun," he said, bowing immediately. Seeing his father's corpse highlighted the grim reality for him. This woman was a harbinger of death; any clan she visited faced doom."If you pledge your allegiance to the Valthorn clan, you can sit on this throne. If you decide not to, the Valthorn clan will seize this tribe by force."Now that the higher-ups were dead, if the Valthorn clan attacked, the tribe would surely collapse."I pledge allegiance to the Valthorn clan," he said quickly, his eyes darting away from the corpse of his dead older brother.Azul extended her arm casually. He got up, scurried to her feet, and took her hand to kiss it.Till his death, he would fear her.·͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙"Is the Khatun truly well?" Yisui inquired, her voice gentle as she swam in the private pool. Temur had graciously treated them with the utmost respect, acknowledging their new authority. Now they luxuriated in the private bathing pool of the Khan. Her brown hair fanned out in the water, creating an ethereal aura."I cannot say for certain; surely the constant disparagement must wear on her," Ayunn replied, her tone thoughtful as she dipped her feet into the water."At least our mission here is complete. We can soon return to our respective tribes," Maral remarked, delicately picking at a bowl of large purple grapes. "I must admit, I have relished this experience. The accommodations here are far grander than my tent at home.""Indeed, once one becomes accustomed to the unsavoury men and the bloodshed, it has been a rather pleasant respite," Yisui agreed, floating languidly through the pool.Ayunn turned her gaze to Azul, who sat at the pool's edge, silently brushing her hair. Azul stared absentmindedly at her reflection.She was so sleepy. She wanted to sleep so much. She hadn't slept her full nine hours once the entire month. She just wanted to sleep.[...is all you think about sleep?]'You wouldn't understand, you're just a system.'[If you say so.]The snake bobbed up and down the water leisurely. Azul only had her feet dipped in, staring at her reflection. Not soon after, her serenity was disrupted by a large splash that drenched her completely. She had been so occupied she hadn't heard the girls get into a water fight."Apologies, Khatun!" Yisui called out, her voice filled with genuine concern and a hint of mischief.Azul wiped the water from her face. "It seems I was too lost in thought to notice your antics."Maral chuckled, swimming over to Azul. "Join us, Khatun. It might help clear your mind."Azul sighed, knowing they meant well. She slipped into the water, feeling the cold. "Very well, but no more splashing me," she said, a faint smile playing on her lips.The women resumed their playful banter; the mood light and carefree. "Do you ever wish for a simpler life?" Ayunn asked, her tone contemplative as she floated beside Azul. 'What kind of question is that? Is life ever simple?'She took a moment before replying aloud. "I don't believe there is such a thing as a simple life. Everyone will have their own struggles. I might not struggle to find bread, but someone out there does."Yisui, who had been listening quietly, nodded. "True. Every life has its burdens, seen or unseen."Maral added, "And in our positions, we carry the weight of many. Simplicity is a luxury few can afford."Azul looked at Maral, realizing that despite their time together, there were still many things she didn't know about her companions. "Before Khan Orin sent you to me, was your life quite complicated?" she asked Maral. The youngest and shortest among them, Maral often spoke and acted as if she had her life all figured out.Maral sighed, a wry smile playing on her lips. "Oh, you could say that. Life back home wasn't exactly simple."Azul raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "How so?""Well," Maral began, her voice tinged with a tone of schadenfreude, "my mother is a concubine of our Khan. As you might imagine, that comes with its own set of complications. There were always expectations, and one of those was a contract marriage my mother wanted me to enter."Ayunn and Yisui exchanged glances, listening intently. Who didn't enjoy a bit of idle gossip?Maral continued, "The man chosen for me was... not to my liking. He is too scrawny; I like bigger men, like your Khan."Azul had never considered Ragnar's muscular build before, but now she thought about it - he was quite solid. "So, is Ragnar someone you had your eyes on?" she asked, intrigued."I'm sorry, Khatun, but he is still too scary for me," Maral said apologetically.Azul laughed. "None taken. So, you volunteered to join me to escape the marriage?"Maral's smile grew more genuine. "Yes. When the opportunity arose to travel with you, I seized it. It was the perfect way out. I much prefer travelling with you than being trapped in a loveless, oppressive marriage.""Wait, you're not talking about Khan Jarek, are you?" Yisui asked, appalled. "He is so intelligent; he is the best bachelor out there.""Jarek?" Azul's mind wandered to the Khan in the meeting tent. "He must be quite young if he is still unwed." She eyed Yisui suspiciously, "Are you interested in Khan Jarek?"Yisui blushed. "Marriage is decided by the elders. I wouldn't dare," she said meekly."I can see the appeal. An intelligent man means you will never starve," Ayunn said, comforting the painfully shy Yisui. "Since he is looking for a Khatun, you should ask your father.""I wish," Yisui said with a sigh. "My position in my clan is too low. He would not want a Khatun like me." She turned to look at Azul. "You and Maral are princesses of your tribes. I am the daughter of a slave. It would be a great shame to Khan Jarek."Azul frowned; she understood this was how this era saw people's birth right. But when she saw how beautiful and bright Yisui was, the fact she disparaged her birth made her chest tight."Yisui, worth is not determined by birth but by character and strength. If you desire something, you must strive for it. You might feel ashamed of your birth, but that doesn't mean everyone does.""Khatun..." Yisui said, stunned. "Thank you."'...Why are you thanking me?'Azul felt stifled. The girl looked at her like this was the first time someone was looking past her status as a slave."In this world, we should remember that we must all die. There is no point in living so rigidly."That day at the pool, they were warriors and strategists, but ultimately they were allies.