
QUEER Platonic

I gulped and started my walk to my room. I stopped at the entrance to the dark hall. What was that? I swear I saw something moving. 'Is that you Casper?' I yelled into the dark. My moment was interrupted by snickering. I turned and saw nothing. I gasped and stepped behind nearly knocking over the vase. I grabbed it before it fell. The culprit came out of their hiding spot, down the stairs. My mouth dropped when I saw tan skin peeking out the spaces of the Celtics jersey he was wearing. The muscles, such burly glory..the height, like a tower. Just kidding, a 6'3 perhaps. His shorts exposed his muscular legs, I remembered Levi..that's when I looked at the culprit's face. Dark messy hair, straight nose with a nose piercing on the left side, salmon lips and that jawline...ohhhhh 'Oops you're drooling!' His voice shocked me out of my scrutiny. I quickly wiped my dry mouth and heard him chuckle. 'A clumsy one_' 'If I was you I'd wipe that smug look from you face_' I crossed my arms over my chest. 'And why is that?' He imitated my action. 'Your zipper is undone!' I shamelessly pointed. He laughed rolling his eyes, he thought I was pulling off the same trick he'd used on me. 'Yah sure!' He waved his hands in the air. 'Perhaps Casper can back you up on your allegations!'

La_Mujer · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
20 Chs

Samuelle Johnathan



I sat at my desk awaiting my next meeting, in between them I had received a number of complaints about how I helped find the Lexve Prince.

I need the freaking drink!

I uncrossed my legs pushing up to get myself a drink.

I opened the cooler at the right of my office relishing the feeling of the cold that radiated off it.

I grabbed a large bottle, I shook it enjoying the view of the swaying red in it. Snapping out of my gaze, I was quick to grab a glass and pour it in. I closed the bottle carefully placing it back in the cooler and proceeding to my seat with the glass of red.

'Avian!' A face cocked up from the door. 'Can I come in?' Hugh continued attempting to come in. I nodded rubbing my temples.

Lately, I felt so irritated. I hadn't been able to take any glass of red. Red is just a decent way we referred to blood. I lifted the glass to my lips before a minor flash in my eyes, I recalled that girl from the tree again.

Everytime I had this flash I failed to take any form of blood.

But why?

Why did that tree attempt to drain her blood? It had attempted to drain my humans blood but never actually did. It just killed them retaining their tainted souls as the bats that tended to gather on it as leaves.

It kept renewing it's bats as the others vanished into thin air leaving behind a dark smoke morphed like a human to settle as dust. I have heard stories that this dust gave life to the roots and vines due to the restless souls seeking revenge.

Total fπcking myths!

I remember watching a bat disappear before one flew to the vacant spot on the branch from nowhere just to replace the lost one. Just how many souls did that tree consume? Could that be the reason for why that place is secluded?

Fπck! Now I am being crazy!

'Hugh! Get ready we are going to pay someone a visit!' I sighed placing the untouched drink down. Hugh creased his brows..I knew he was shocked because I hated visiting and visitors but my raised brow sent him rushing through the door forgetting to do what he came to do.


I walked past a familiar hedge, standing past it. I could see the house from close to that tree. The breeze flew past my body reminding me of the sickening silence surrounding us. I made a 360° turn taking glimpse at the place, there was clearly no other house but theirs.

'Sire?! Should we be here? Why?' Hugh's voice broke the silence, it was something good but I had to make it seem annoying of which it was. How could he not be curious about this girl and the tree?

'Hugh.. curiosity.. curiosity for the fourth and hopefully last time!' I groaned, he was the only one I could freely express myself around. His mouth formed a firm line and I knew he'd still talk even after his dramatic silence.

I sighed taking the initiative to go to the house. I kept my eyes on the tree knowing it acknowledged my presence. Even the Tree of Perpetual darkness knew me.

We made it to the house in time to catch her leaving. She stopped and walked to us, her brows creased.

'Never thought I would see you again!' She spoke warily holding out her hand for a handshake. I stared at her hand for a few seconds, not realizing my breath was held.

I took it hoping not to hold onto to it longer than expected.

I did a great job at it when I let go and walked past her.

'Forgive my intrusion but I came on research terms..I don't think you'd mind me asking about your..' I turned glancing at the tree. '..little encounter?'

Her eyes darted between the tree and I, her mouth agape. I took a quick glimpse of her lips quick enough to look away when her eyes returned to me.

Fπck! I knew my problem!!!

I was attracted to her. But how? Why? It had been long since I felt this kind of attraction. I liked the blondes..the kind with the darkest shade of blonde hair but with green eyes..

All kinds of green.

She was the exact opposite!

Teal eyes!

I loved green.

Cerise lips..

See them everywhere!

Heart shaped!?

Uh..still hated other stuff!

Dark.. burgundy hair..

Absolutely hated it!

But.. when I saw her.. Teal piercing eyes with thick straight lashes that fell to her raw cheek bones whenever she blinked.. I called them raw due to the way it was hard to notice them if you looked just as quick as I just did.

Thick tamed eyebrows, similar to her hair held messily in a bun, that moved with every word she spoke.

Her cerise lips.. common as I may have said didn't fail to mesmerize me looking well cared for and heart shaped?

I smiled.

'Did I say something funny?' Her voice brought me back to reality. I cleared my throat.

'Pardon?' I used my most formal yet intimidating voice. She sighed.

'Nevermind!' She walked off to the house returning with her mother and driving off.

'How may I help you?' She spoke and it was my turn to sigh.


We sat there for hours awaiting her return. Her mother occasionally offered an apologetic smile.

I stood up..'Perhaps..we should_'

'I am home!' Her voice interrupted. I sighed turning to her.

'And.. you're still here?' She dropped her bag and groceries on the table.

'Sweety..they have a few questions and tests for you..' Her mother begun.

'Huh!' She turned.

'Its about the tree!' Hugh spoke up. Their eyes locked for a while before she broke the contact.

I cleared my voice.

'We have some questions that forced us to wait for you as you took your precious time!' I raised my brow.

She shrugged.

'I mean what's the rush!' She picked up an apple and bit out of it. I bit my lip and turned to her mother. Still smiling apologetically.

'Do you know why_'

'The tree tried to drain me?' She completed and shrugged.

'Have you had any force compelling you to come here before?' I asked and a thoughtful expression took her face.

We all remained silent waiting for her response when she just shrugged and resumed eating her apple.

I glared at her, unbelievable how I wanted to help her but she didn't seem to need the help.

I turned to the tree..I had to find out why it chose her. Something deeper compelled me to help, I returned my attention to her. Our eyes connected and I felt my breath hitch.
