
Queen of Zoram

Every woman is a volume if you know how to read her. Ordinary girl found herself caught in depression because of the relationship she was in.Now she needs to act strong but how? Somehow she found herself in another world in another character.She can't act like a normal crying girl now. .......... She is a woman now,she has to understand that,a strong woman who is going to be the queen of Zoram.

Jeniffer_Marak · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

Tears of the day

Miu's been crying for past few days.Some boys broke her heart when she was 14.Second time she was rejected at 20.Now she is 25 and the guy she was dating turned out to be a complete flirt.If his wife wouldn't have called Miu,she would have never known that her boyfriend was a married man.Thinking all these,its making her more sick inside.But no more crying now! What's the use?Life must go on! Miu carried herself to the bathroom.She took a nice bath and dressed up ,got out of her room.May be a cup of coffee will cheer her up.. perhaps an ice-cream will do good, she thought.

The busy road hustled with traffics and people.Miu looked left and right and tried to cross the road and BAAAAAMMM...!!! A big crashing sound she heard that made her ears go deaf.She saw people running towards her.She felt hot with weakness, with her eyes shutting she fell down.