
Queen Of Mages

The story is about a Women who got transmitted to a world where witch and warlock rule. Will she able to survive the ordeals that appear before her and help the prince regain his kingdom? Why does the prince resemble her first crush when she was at junior school?? Who is that girl and why does she seem a little familiar???

Raindrop0904 · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

Meeting Arpina II

Hearing what Maya said Arpina's lips ticked upwards.

"Yes Maya you are right, what I'm going to say is related to your birthmark and rebirth also of your connection to Sunland as well".

"Huh I have a connection with Sunland what do you mean by that".

"I will tell everything you need to know, let's start from the beginning so that you can fully understand everything let's sit down it will take a long time".

I was born in Pearl village, it was called as peal village cause it had an abundant amount of pearls. It was said that the land was blessed by the king of the sea to repay a villager for raising his daughter as his own.

The village was peaceful filled with the laughter of the young and old ones. But that peace didn't last long as some people was not satisfied with what they got and wanted more. Because of their greed they started to do more and more inhuman deeds.

It gone too far that even the land couldn't hold it any more and an major earthquake along with a huge stand storm happened and the entire village was buried under the sand.

In that disaster only few were left alive and that was also because they were not greedy for other people's things. Later the remaining people made offerings to the land hoping to rebuild a village in the same area. After a lot of offerings they were finally able to build a new village it was named Zinnia.

It was named as Zinnia in the remembrance of the peal village that was buried cause of excessive greed. Although it happened a millennium before my birth the reason why I told you about it cause you needed to know about it to have a better understanding of what happened to me.

It was not only me who know about the pearl village our ancestors made it as a rule to tell the younger generation hoping that they won't do the same mistake that they did.

As they were talking they heard faint noise coming from the direction of kitchen. They stopped what they were doing and went in the direction of the kitchen only to see a kitten don't know where it came from was searching for food.

Seeing the two of them it was frightened at first and later showed it's tiny claws and puffed up tail, trying to scare them away.

Seeing the action of the kitten both laughed and slowly approached the kitten while trying not to frighten it.

As they approached the kitten Maya unconsciously released her aura making the kitten relax while Arpina smiled knowingly.

When Maya took the kitten in her hand it was very docile and started to act like a baby in her arms.

"Are there any cats here? Are there any other animals or pets here were, if so were are they?" Maya asked seeing Arpina.

"To be frank with you I don't know and before you ask me I'm not real in the sense you see I'm just a part of real Arpina's conscious. I can only appear after the you got in Sunland so I'm not familiar around here".