
Queen Of Mages

The story is about a Women who got transmitted to a world where witch and warlock rule. Will she able to survive the ordeals that appear before her and help the prince regain his kingdom? Why does the prince resemble her first crush when she was at junior school?? Who is that girl and why does she seem a little familiar???

Raindrop0904 · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

Encounter Rehaan

After getting the book about the history of Lotus world and the kingdom Maya started to read it with a gutso. She realised although she has the memory of other Maya she wanted to read about it in depth so that she will not have the feeling of not belonging here. She was thinking about asking uncle about it but didn't realise he would think about it for her and sent her the book she needed the most.

Maya was so immersed in reading that she didn't realise the time so when uncle came looking for her.

He was worried about her when he realised that Maya hasn't come out for their appointment and is still in her room he decided to look for her.

So when he came to Maya's room with full of worry what he saw made him speachless when he saw that the person he was worried about was so immersed in reading the book that he gave. He almost didn't got mad looking at her like this.

After standing there for a while he decided to make his presence known and called her "Maya I'm really happy about your enthusiasm for learning and all but give some rest for yourself as well dear the book will not run away and you can continue after we come back from our dinner".

Hearing him Maya was stupid for a while before returning to God and realised that she was so immersed in reading that she forgot about their appointment for dinner.

"Sorry uncle I made you worry about me I will be ready in a while".

Seeing her like this uncle just laughed and asked her to take her time and went down to wait for her.

They decided to have dinner at outside the Lotus world so that they can get some information about what's happening in the kingdom.

After they both got ready uncle asked her to follow him they both came near the cave where she got the sceptre and the golden egg and went further down that path and came to a rock that looked like a giant dragon.

When uncle came forward and touched it the dragon glowed and opened it's mouth. Uncle turned around and asked her to follow him closely and went inside the dragon's mouth Maya soon followed after him.

As soon as they entered the dragon closed it's mouth while Maya was bewildered by what just happened thinking about her own rebirth she quickly adopted to it though.

Seeing her bewildered look uncle decided to explain about it.

"Don't be surprised Maya, dragon is the spiritual guardian of the Lotus world. So if you want to enter the Lotus world you need to have the key or know the spell to enter the Lotus world".

"Does that mean anyone can enter the Lotus world uncle".

"no dear not everyone can enter only if you are worthy can you enter there if you are not worthy even if you have the key and know the spell you will not be able to enter there".

"Ohhh ok then. hmmm uncle where are we going now".

"we are going to the place where we can get the information we need without being caught by others and have dinner as well after we go there you have to be careful about what you say Maya don't be impulsive ok".

"Got it uncle I will be careful don't worry about me".