
Queen Of Heart's: Revisied

"Some people love with passion like a blazing fire in their hearts whereas some keep the ocean of compassion inside theirs. The loss or defeat of one leads to another's destruction." For they had the best and worst of each other. In the nick of time, Lu Jianjun was puzzled looking at her. Is she for real? The bundle of a burden he owned was not the same anymore. It was as if her internal color and form were completely altered. Whenever he saw her she seemed different! Like a mystery for the brain but an answer from his heart. What will happen...Whether he can or cannot solve this mystery? This is a tale is about their separate path branching from ending towards the delightful beginning of fated love...

Surviving_17 · Fantaisie
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16 Chs

A Name

'What's this?' Li Na blinked curiously. There was something beneath the cover as a little portion like a dot was visible and uncovered. Feeling peculiar about the bandage wrapped around the recurring needle bruises from the given vaccinations and injections all through the past few weeks she pulled out the bandage in one stroke before she rubbed the wrist as the stinging sensation of her ruptured wrist,"Aa-Ow...that hurts, how long has it been pasted to dry that bad?"

Her pale white wrist swerved into the red rashes. Swollen green veins were humped and obvious of the needle atrocities it underwent.

She blew some air and when the pain receded a little, suddenly, Li Na thought of wearing her eyeglasses and went stiff.

'Wait a minute! I think, I don't need them for this pair of eyes.' Awkward to confess, she bit her bottom lip. Well, it's just the beginning of changes adapting and adjusting will take time. She bitterly chided herself.

Rubbing a thumb over the wrist Li Na closely looked over the light green mark on her left wrist. It seems design or something was written in sloppy cursive handwriting.

"A name tattoo?" And why is this written in English?

Furrowing her brows, Li Na carefully spells the tiny words written, "Lu...Jian...jun" just as she spells it like a strong jolt sparked in her memory and an image flashed before her eyes as if imprinted on the wall of her mind. 'Woah...'she gasped partially with the surprise of jolt and rest to witness something so clear and vivid alive.

A handsome man sitting behind the huge desk. Dressed in a posh black suit, and well-build. His head was slightly inclined at a slight right-angle as his eyes focused on the documents reading them carefully with a face filled with seriousness.

Astounded to see a mesmerizing stranger, Li Na went into a daze. She had a one pointed focus on him while she was mildly aware that there are various things and thoughts swirling in her head yet she couldn't tore her eyes from him.

When suddenly the man look at her she came back to herself with a jerk as if caught red-handed. Her face flamed with unreasonable embrassment. And the vivid image collapased.

"Woh! What's that suppose to mean?" Li Na cleared her throat and mind while she stopped rubbing the tattoo. No matter what, it won't disappear this wasn't written with a pen.

She groaned in frustration.

A stranger's name on a stranger's body.


Meanwhile, a nurse entered along with Elder Li.

Li Na looked over and instantly remembered the old lady. An awkward yet wide smile spread across Elder Li's face knowing Li Na had lost her memories.

Li Na responded with the same warmth as she saw the exhaustion and fatigue on the old lady's appearance.

Elder Li's eyes were filled with concern and sadness despite that smile on her face, she looked extremely worried. As Li Na had no memories so she wants to take Li Na along with her but it's not that easy.

Li Na talked to Elder Li generally and the more she talked, the more old lady beamed with happiness.

The talk was casual and Li Na can sense the extreme joy of the old lady from her short laughs and constant smile. As if she was talking to her granddaughter after years of separations.

Surprisingly, Li Na had no memories of the happenings.

It's strange! The only memory she had was of that man sitting in front of her.

After a while, knowing about each other's health and where about Elder Li left Li Na to take her medication and rest.

Resting on the bed Li Na could not help but started to brainstorm and Doctor had already warned her not to stress more, nevertheless, she couldn't sleep.

'Hm! Lu Jianjun? Why does this name feel familiar in odd ways? Have I meet him as Mei Xing from before? But from where?

School? Nope.

Work? Nah... no way.

Academy? Maybe be.

Not sure, but this name, I for sure know it from somewhere before.' She could not remember anything related to him.

'Very well I may know the man, but who's he to Li Na?

He doesn't seem entirely stranger nor closer to her. Then what's the relation between them?

Li Na's Boss? Looks like.

Crush? Maybe.

Boyfriend? Should not be.

Fiance? In the worst case.

Husband? Noo, please don't be the husband.'

'Hold on. Why I am stressing on that, stop overthinking...stop it, stop it please...better change the topic... ' her brows furrowed deeply, 'I better worry about that nutcrack who shot me dead.'

On that deadly night when she almost saw the man's outline and there was amiss, one close look and she knew he was not Zhang Han. Not possible! Although their height and outline were somewhat similar but not precise. And the man had his left ear pierced, and the ring's outline was what caught her attention while standing at a few meters distance.

"Retards, they dare to drag my family into this mess, I swear if anything happened to them, even a single scratch, I'll roast them alive one by one. Now I don't give a shit about the required validation from anybody. Hell with you all!"

"Zhang Han, where was he that night?" she murmured.

She was sure that Zhang Han might not have the slightest idea that his cellphone was hacked to trap her. He is unaware and doesn't know about her previous profession. If not for the fact that she had hacked into the best systems, some time to steel the information or to trap the scapegoat she would definitely doubt, Zhang Han. And she trusts Zhang Han. Her trust in him was not blinded he had earned it. Moreover, he loved her too deeply to even hurt a hair on her. Murder seems futile.

'Somehow, I must check on him? He has to be alright. but I don't have a...'

Just then, Lu Jun-hui entered the room.

Seeing Li Na's perplexed and troubled expressions he asked coolly, "You need something?"

No matter what, he was particularly ordered by his brother to provide her everything she needs. Since then she was the only pain in his life. And if Li Na knew that Lu Junhui wants to throw her out of his brother's life then she would probably kill him. But he also knows that is impossible to do there is someone at home who would be grievously hurt after knowing. And he loves that person more than he hates her.

Li Na asked blankly, "Who are you?"


Lu Jun-hui was stunned and stood frozen. It's true! She does not know me? She don't remember me? he stared at her dumbstruck for a while and then began to examine.

'She lost her memory? Great! God answered my prayers. But how much she lost… Almighty Lord had shone his grace upon him.' his hand clasped near his chest in gratitude then something struck his head.

'Oh... No, no, don't be so happy. Confirm, be sure of it.' Lu Jun-hui nodded to himself as the corner of his mouth turned up, mischievously.

"Little lady, you really don't remember me?" his eyes shone he asked her to clear a little doubt.

"Judging by your reaction...honestly I don't think I should care to remember you," she replied with raised brows and forced a smile.

"Absolutly right! If it's in my will I would kill you a thousands times," he said with great honor.

"That's needless thinking, are you unemployed?" she enquired casually.

"Shut up!" he barked and Li Na smiled quietly.