
Queen Of Esla: Realm Of White Magic.

" Look into your past and find out who you are." " You are the choosen one. Don't try to avoid your destiny. It's your faith." Jane was bewildered look at her replica. She looked just like her but was different in so many ways. ==================================== " Forget about those filthy people. Choose our side and you shall rule the world. Let the dark magic make you more powerful. Our kingdom will bow to you worship you sing praises of you, " a shadow like creature almost in a form of human spoke with a great authoritative voice. ==================================== " You broke my trust, your broke my heart and hell you broke me. And you want me to trust you? Again?" " Give me one more chance, Jane. And I will prove my love to you."David said.

Euphoria_writes · Fantaisie
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10 Chs


'Wake up,' someone whispered.

Jane's eyes twitched slightly. She opened her eyes slowly adjusting to the surrounding light. 'Oh dear she is finally awake,' she heard a female not recognising her voice.

Jane turned to her right and located two elderly smiling at her.

' Who are you ? A...and where am I ? ' she asked tensed. Finally taking in her surrounding.

She looked around.

The room was a huge round chamber. Five tall pillars stood in the front each linked with massive opaque glass walls behind her were no pillars or glass walls only a ordinary wall painted in mild blue full of texts in a language she failed to understand.

There was a portray on ceiling, ten elderly stood creating a circle five women stood on right and five men stood on left. All of them wearing royal clothing.

Jane looked back at the pair standing in front of her and repeated her question.

' Where am I ? ' The old man smiled, ' Esla. My child you're in Esla. And I am Zacathar and she is Sofia.'

' Esla ? Never heard of that place. Where is it ? And exactly where am I ? ' Jane requested once more more tensed.

The old man named Zacathar smiled again.

' My dear you possibly have not heard about it due to the fact that you cannot because.., ' The old man paused.

' Because ? 'Jane asked eagerly.

The pair looked at each other then back at Jane.

' Well? Tell me because? '

This time the woman spoke, ' My dear Esla isn't on earth. Leave earth it is not in your galaxy. It's completely a different realm. '

Jane was bewildered, ' What ? '

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