
Queen Charlotte

Charlotte a princess who has been living like a slave because she was a illegitimate daughter of king Roland and a concubine who later become the queen, suddenly she was married off to the king of England who already has four wives but all barren, Charlotte became the queen of England,the arrival of Charlotte brought happiness into the king life who has been living in fear Charlotte is yet to understand the trouble in the harem as everyone fought for the queen ship, problem upon problem,the king love is been questioned.....

Sophia_Iguma · Histoire
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Am I a pushover to you all

"Did I stutter"nathan asked (the king) as he sat on the throne

"No, but is a wedding night are we not supposed to spend time together like in the same room" Charlotte said not even sure if it is what she want but it's their wedding night after all

"Why"Nathan asked which sound like a bombshell to Charlotte ears

"We are married" she retaliate

"Yes just like how I'm married to the rest of the concubine in the palace so what, am I supposed to spend the night with everyone of them"Nathan said

"I see why they never get pregnant so you are the problem not them" Charlotte said Nathan was angered

"Listen to me young lady don't forget I'm still your king the fact that you are the Queen does not give you the right to talk to me the way you want"Nathan said coldly and walk to her

"It's getting late go to bed early tomorrow is your coronation"he said and walk away Laura walk in and tap Charlotte

"Show me go my room" Laura bow and lead the way with the rest of the maids


A gently tap land on Charlotte's back she turned to see her room filled with maid each holding a dress then she saw another one facing her "my queen is time for your bath"

The rest bow greeting her as she sat up

"But it's just six in the morning"

Back in a father Palace she normally woke up late, because there wasn't much to do,she kind of hate the ideas of being a queen if it means early to rise

"It's your coronation today you are not supposed to be late"Lisa the first maid said

Charlotte sigh

"Take the queen to the bathroom"Lisa commanded they rush to Charlotte bundling her to bathroom

After getting dressed Lisa lead her through the hallway and filled her on what to do and what not to do then Charlotte notice that Laura was missing

"Where is Laura"

The Queen dowager sent her away"Lisa said Charlotte stopped abruptly making Lisa to hit her nose on her back

"According to the dowager Queen you are supposed to let go of some certain things,you don't need any maid from your father Kingdom" Lisa said Charlotte became angry

"I don't get this you are kept calling me your queen but treat me like a trash, am I a pushover to you all"Charlotte shouted Lisa and the rest maid fell on their knees, Charlotte became confused then the first concubine Melissa walk in

"What's going on here" she asked looking at Charlotte who has anger written all over her face

"Am I supposed to bow to you lady Melissa"Charlotte asked Melissa was dumbfounded she must have thought Charlotte was like the rest she could match over their head

She reluctantly bow and whisper to Charlotte "don't act like you are a queen when you aren't properly married"she walk away Charlotte tried to find the meaning of her words but couldn't find any,she walk away with the maid running after her

Inside the hall stood a large sum of people,Charlotte stood beside the king as the crown was placed on their head the priest turn to the crowd and shouted

"God bless the King and god bless the Queen"

The people repeated after him and bow towards them the ceremony was over everyone moved to the side or to have their food and drinks sat

"Let's dance"came a voice she turn to see the king

"I don't know how to dance"she said about leaving when he hold her

"Why do I feel like you are avoiding me"Nathan said Charlotte struggled to free her hand the he let go of her hand

"You are the king what right do I have to avoid you,if you will excuse I will be in my room"she said and turn to Lisawho lead her out,Nathan couldn't keep his eyes from her as she walk away

"My king"Melissa called touching him,Nathan turn to her smiling, Melissa has been the king favorite as they where once childhood friends

"Do you care for a dance"she asked

"No I have pending issues to attend to"he said and walk towards the direction of Charlotte room

"Jessica follow him and find out if he is going to her room"Melissa said to her maid who how and ran after the king

"Lady Melissa"Natasha called (the second concubine) walking towards Melissa with the third concubine(Agatha)

"We saw the king leaving in a hurry, hope there is no problem"Agatha Said Melissa smile

"None for you to worry about,he just went to get me something"Melissa said in her proud state

"Melissa please put in good words for me before the king,he hasn't visited me since we go married"Natasha Said Melissa smile

"You know he can't leave my side though I tried to tell him,he is just so adorable"Melissa bragged Natasha and Agatha smile Melissa walk away as she saw Jessica giving her signal

"Look how proud she is,as if she is the queen"melody Said walking towards them

"I heard the king is going to the queen room tonight,I bet that's why Melissa left in a hurry"Agatha whisper they laugh and went to continue the party.

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