
QT : Strategy to capture men

Synopsis: System: Han Yanyan, you have been chosen by the quick transmigration world. What kind of gold finger do you want, you can propose it here. Han Yanyan: If the world is peaceful and prosperous, I want to be beautiful and have a lot of money. If the world is life-threatening, I want to have strong combat power. System: Sorry, your requirements cannot be met. Han Yanyan: Then why did you ask me? NOT MY STORY ! NOT MY TRANSLATION !

Study_Bytes · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

Chapter 3 World Zero: All Routines (3)

Next, like walking through the motion, Miss Cao finally started to deal with Han Yanyan like the silly female supporting role in the ancient Mary Su. Han Yanyan was still sighing when she was abducted into the van and blindfolded on her way home, "this is a definitely old-fashioned routine of ancient Mary Su."

When Han was being held in an abandoned warehouse, she had some hardships, mainly because Miss Cao abused her, slapped her and stomped her feet. She felt painful, but fortunately, there was no plot the vicious female partner found someone to rape or treat the female role or finally gets raped. Han Yanyan was very gratified.

In the past, when she was a gunman, she insisted on not writing such a plot, no matter how stupid the female supporting role was, she won't write this kind of plot. The editor also blamed her for this, and suspected that she did not write enough melodramatic plot. Even so, she insisted not to write, which was too low.

Although she felt a little painful on her face, Han Yanyan regained her spirits now, because, from the prediction of everyone's behavior, she could see that she would soon see the dominating figure of this world.

Ms. Cao took her as a threat, and asked Zheng Yao to come out to meet, and then forced him to marry her. If there were no accidents, she would be beaten down by his subordinates who suddenly appeared, sent to prison, and then the Cao Group was completely taken down by Zheng Yao.

In this incident, Han Yanyan was innocently involved because of being used as a smoke bomb by Zheng Yao, and finally met him.

Here, all the background information was complete. Next, there was no longer behavior prediction, and the behavior of the target person cannot be speculated, and it may change at any time. From here on, it will all depend on Han Yanyan herself.

"Bang!" Miss Cao slapped Han Yanyan who tied to the chair and tilted her head, scolding, "He hasn't come yet, it seems he doesn't like you so much!"

Han Yanyan spit out the blood in her mouth, looked at her through the messy long hair blocking her face, and suddenly felt sympathy for her.

She was originally a very beautiful lady with thousands of dollars. At this time, her face was distorted, so ugly that couldn't be seen. She had a wealthy background and was highly educated. In the normal world, she was a lady from a decent family, a winner. But in this god-fuck "quick-transmigration world", she could only end up with a vicious female supporting role.

Who decided this fate, this life track for her?

What a jerk!

The huge noise caused by the fierce friction between the tire and the ground quickly approached from the distance. The door of the warehouse was open, and the dazzling luxury car rushed in. A drift stopped suddenly and stopped twenty meters away. The door opened, long and powerful legs extended, and shiny shoes stepped on the concrete floor…

Han Yanyan has been calm since entering this world. At this time, she finally got a little curious and wondered what this man she was going to took down looks like.

But she couldn't see it! Miss Cao's thugs surrounded the two of them. Miss Cao herself was standing in front of Han Yanyan. Although she was slender, she was just right to block the man!

In fact, if Han Yanyan stretched her neck to the side, she could see the person she wanted to see. But she suppressed the curiosity in her heart and didn't do it.

She was slapped by Miss Cao, and her cheeks were swollen and bruised. This face was not the unrivaled beauty she wanted. It could only be said that she was pretty. She hung her head quietly, showed the beauty of tender, but if she stretched her neck to look, the tender beauty was gone!

This was her first meeting with her target object! She could only try to keep her beauty, tenderness, and pity in the existing conditions, just forgot to peek.

The door closed with a bang voice, and it was echoed in the empty old warehouse.

The man took two steps forward and stood still. He didn't need to speak; the powerful aura was intimidating. Han Yanyan felt the silent and invisible pressure from this man behind Miss Cao. She could not help holding her breath slightly.

"Zheng Yao! You're finally willing to come!" Miss Cao's voice was sharp, but she finally brought a trace of crying. The Zheng Family and the Cao family were originally business marriages, Zheng Yao was playing along, but Miss Cao was deeply in love with him.

Han Yanyan heard Zheng Yao's slight silence, and finally spoke, "What do you want?" There was no nervousness, anxiety, but calmness in the voice, as if he was sitting in a conference room and controlling the audience.

Miss Cao acted like the information predicted in Han Yanyan 's brain, and like all stupid female supporting roles, she asked Zheng Yao, "I want you to marry me! Otherwise, I will kill the one you love!"

Without Han Yanyan's participation, Zheng Yao was had fun by released all kinds of fake news to confuse Miss Cao, and made Miss Cao mistakenly believe that Zheng Yao was in love with Han Yanyan.

Even though Han called Miss Cao NPC, it was Han Yanyan's secret tease. Miss Cao was actually a living person, like the bodyguards around her, colleagues in the office, etc. They were all living people. It was just that the information Han Yanyan has obtained from the electronic voice has already included what these people would do and say. As long as Han Yanyan does not deliberately make unexpected problems, things will develop step by step. As if the previously on before a game.

That's why Han Yanyan secretly said that these people are NPCs.

All of this, only Han Yanyan herself and Zheng Yao were different.

Han Yanyan himself needn't say anything, Zheng Yao… The only thing that electronic voice can give Han Yanyao was background information, such as origin, education, relatives and friends, connections, assets and so on. Regarding Zheng Yao himself, Han Yanyan's information was poor.

For the next development, she had only a rough outline, knowing that Miss Cao and the Cao family had a miserable ending. But Han Yanyan actually didn't know what Zheng Yao would say, what to do, and what reaction to give in this scene of standard romance.

If he was the president with the love brain, and really loves Han Yanyan, he will probably warn Miss Cao not do anything with Han Yanyan, otherwise, he will never let her go.

But Han Yanyan and his co-star play haven't started yet. According to the current situation, he was more like a dangerous president.

Han Yanyan bowed her head slightly and made a weak gesture. In fact, her ears were pricked up, and she wanted to hear what the target object would say.

However, what was heard was silence.

During this silence, Miss Cao's breathing sound was particularly clear and thick, and she must be very nervous in her heart.

The man was silent for a long time before slowly saying, "You threatened me with my lover's life, in order to marry me?"

"Yes! If you don't promise me, I'll kill her!" Miss Cao shouted exhaustedly.

It was silent again.

Han Yanyan couldn't see him but could feel the man's gaze at Miss Cao. Miss Cao's back could not help but tense up, and passed the pressure of sight to Han Yanyan.

The man was silent for a long time and suddenly asked, "Do you know what a business marriage is?"

Miss Cao shouted, "What do you mean?"

A man called "Zheng Yao" slowly said, "A business marriage is a pair of men and women who can represent two families make the integration of funds and technology in the form of marriage, which is a connection of interpersonal connection and resources, a union between strangers. "

His voice was not high, but his penetration was strong. What he said was normal and logical. In this heck of the "quick-transmigration world," this normal gave Han Yanyan a feeling that "everyone is drunk but he wakes up alone."

"This is marriage, not… enemies."

After a moment of silence, Han Yanyan heard the man said so. She couldn't help feeling that this world… there were still normal people!

But Zheng Yao was silent after speaking.

He didn't remain silent for a long time, because Miss Cao screamed indifferently, "I don't care what you say, I just want to marry you!" She was so close to Han Yanyan that nearly broken Han Yanyan's eardrum.

In this scream, Han Yanyan heard Zheng Zheng's voice clearly. The man murmured as if talking to himself, his voice was very low, but somehow, he could penetrate Miss Cao's sharp screams, reaching directly to Han Yanyan's eardrum.

He said gently, "… what the hell."

Han Yanyan suddenly had a terrible foreboding.

Sudden changes occurred at the moment when a man's voice came!

The concrete-screed floor was smashed under the man's shiny leather shoes and turned into powder. What was exposed under the cement was no foundation or soil, but nothingness! A storm rose suddenly around the man, whirling and spreading. Wherever he went, everything turned into powder.

"What, what is this ?!" Miss Cao stepped back in fear, screaming, stepping on Han Yanyan's foot.

The thin heels of the high heels was stepped on, causing Han Yanyan to shed tears. Under the pain, she could not care if she was weak. Although she was tied to a chair, her upper body could still move slightly. She shoved her head to the top, and Miss Cao waled a few steps, dropped on the ground.

Suddenly the whirlwind came within sight.

Miss Cao's fingers were pulverized first: she felled forward; her arms stretched out, and her fingertips first touched the storm.

Han Yanyan watched Miss Cao pulverized from her fingertips to her arms to her head, shoulders, and back… in the screaming, she turned into a powder and blended into the storm.

The bodyguards and thugs shouted in panic, and one of them even pulled out a handgun to shoot Zheng Yao, the gunfire failed to wake up Han Yanyan from shock until the storm spread to her eyes in just a few seconds!

She was tied to a chair, her wrists and ankles were tied, and the most prominent part of her body was the knee.

In Han Yanyan's eyes, she seemed to be watching a slow-moving special effects movie, watching her knees become sandy, and those powders were immediately involved in the storm and became part of it. She didn't bleed or feel pain, and her legs, which turned into powder, had just lost her sensation, as if she had never owned this part of the body.

As the storm spread, Han Yanyan lost her legs. One second before the storm was about to reach the tip of her nose, she finally woke up from shock and looked at the man in the center of the storm.

The man had no floor under his feet and no roof over his head. Those material things have collapsed and disappeared. He put his hands in his trouser pockets and stood in nothingness like that, staring at everything in front of him indifferently.

He was still there.

The world has collapsed.