

“Ahli house”

(the whole family outside dragging their last bags to the car)…..

Zara:(standing near the car surrounded by her friends)……

Kuffi:… call every single day…..

Zara:….(smiles faintly) I will…,

Tandeo:… I know you’ll get awesome new friends but don’t forget about us….(all the girls agree)….

Zara:(smiles)…. I don’t think that’s possible)….

J’hream:(walks up to Zara and hugs her)……(all her friends join the hug)…..

London:(kisses Emani on her cheek)….. everything will be fine….

Vanessa:(watching Zara and her friends)…… I’ll miss my friends too….


Ermias:……. Okay girls….. I hope the hugs were enough cause we have a flight to catch….

girls:(hug one last time)….

Kuffi:( to Zara) sorry about Sahari…..

Zara:… it’s all good. This is actually better. One last person to miss when I live….(sighs)….


girls:(all wave goodbye as the Ahli family lives)…..

Zara:(looking out the window and the houses in the street one last time)….