
Chapter Twelve

"Room 7"...

Zara:(low, on the bed on her phone, her new phone case on it)......

Kross:(walks into the room)..... Hey...

Zara :.... (Barely audible).... Hi....

Kross:(walking up to her)... Are you seriously using that phone cover?......

Zara:(takes it off her phone and throws it on the floor)......

Kross:(shocked, confused)...... Are you good?......

Zara:....... (Looks at him, with heavy sarcasm ).... Yeah, I'm excellent....... (Gets off the bed, walks away to the bathroom)....


"Room 12".....

Tandeo:(on her bed, on her phone).......

Marques:(knocks on the door).......

Tandeo:..... (Looks at the door)..... Its open....

Marques :(walks in, closes the door behind him)...... Hi

Tandeo:...... Hey .

Marques:....... Is Jhene here?....

Tandeo :(about to lie)..... Uhm...... She's uhm.....

Marques:... (With sincerity)... Please....... I really want to fix this....

Tandeo:........ Okay. Uhm...... She's in the bathroom.....

Marques:... Thank you... (Going to the bathroom).....

Tandeo:(sighs deeply)..... (Gets back to her phone).....

Marques :(walks into the bathroom and closes the door behind him)........

Jhene:... (At the center of the circular tube filled with foam...... Her legs folded at her knees, her hair tired up..... Listening to music through her air pods).....

Marques:..... (Grabs the little stool in the bathroom, places it near the tube and sits on it).....

Jhene:(her eyes closed, swaying her head a bit)......

Marques:....... Babe...

Jhene:(opens her eyes slowly in frighten).....

Marques:... Its just me sorry....

Jhene:(looking at him).....

Marques:(takes her air pods off her ears carefully).......

Jhene:......... What do you want?.....

Marques :........ I know what I said was shitty......

Jhene:.... (Laughs a bit, upset)...... I don't think you know....... If you knew you wouldn't have asked me that........

Marques :(looking down)......

Jhene:...... I want to erase everything but I can't....

Marques:(shocked)...... Erase us?.....

Jhene:... Yeah.... You and every other guy that has been with me intimately...

Marques:... You don't mean that....

Jhene:... (Looking at him)......

Marques:... We have so much..... You can't just throw that away.....

Jhene:(angry).... YOU'VE THROWN IT AWAY!.......

Marques:........ Can I have your hand?.....

Jhene:..... (Confused)....

Marques:.... (His hand out for hers)........

Jhene:(puts her hand in his).....

Marques:.... (With sincerity)..... I'm so sorry....... I'm sorry that that come out of my mouth......


Marques:.... Kameron is my friend and it hit me a bit that he had you before I did.....

Jhene:... He never had me....

Marques :..... (Breaths out)...... I don't think I like you...

Jhene:(takes her hand out of his)......... Why are you here? To break up (tears up)....

Marques :.... Bring your hand back.....

Jhene :.......... (Holding back her tears)......

Marques:(Gets up).....

Jhene:(looking at him).... Yeah you should just leave.....

Marques:(takes his shirt off...)....


Marques:..... (Takes his bottoms off)....

Jhene:... (Confused)....

Marques:(enters the tube with his boxers on)......

Jhene:(now looking at him in front of her)....

Marques:..... (Sighs)...... I don't like you because I love you....... I know this feeling I have right now isn't some like thing.....

Jhene:(tears roll down her face).....

Marques:.... After the bonfire its like every single memory of you and I was playing simultaneously in my head...... I knew I couldn't sleep without making things right.....


Marques :.... I don't care who you've dated....... I love you and I want to be with you.....

Jhene:(smiles, sniffs)....... I love you too.....

Marques:(smiles)..... I'm sorry...

Jhene:.... Its all good.......

Marques:...... Okay now that that's done......... (Humorously).... Why is this water so cold?...

Jhene:(laughs)........ I've been here for two or three hours....

Marques:....... (Pecks Jhene's lips about six times)........

Jhene:(smiles after).....

"Outdoor area of the hotel"....


Zara :(sitting by the pool, her legs crossed).......... (Her phone blowing up with messages, turns it off).......

Boys:(running close to the area by the pool in excitement).....

Zara;(turns to see but see's no one, a little scared)............. (Gets up)......

Sahari:(walks out of the door leading to the pool).....

Boy 1:(from inside)..... is it a ghost?.....

Sahari:... No... (Looking at Zara)... Far from that....

Boy 2:...... What are talking about bro....

Sahari:.... I'll catch up with you later.....

Boy 3:(from a distance inside)..... MATES!......

Sahari :go I'll be there........

Boys:(rush off)...

Sahari:(closes the door)..... Hey are you good?...

Zara:(hugging herself)........ Yes.

Sahari:(walking up to her).....


-18 years old

-very tall

-dark skinned(chocolate)....

-nappy curls


-dimples on both sides of his cheeks....


Sahari:.... It's one in the morning and you're out here....

Zara:... Yeah. I guess I can't wait to go.....

Sahari:(in realization)...... You're Kross' girl yeah?....

Zara:... Yes.

Sahari:..... He has been looking for you or rather was....

Zara:.... Was he one of the guys you were screaming around with....

Sahari:(chuckles).... We're not screaming around..... And no he wasn't.....


Sahari :..... You're sure you're good.....

Zara:(nods her head).....

Sahari:........ I'm not buying it but...... Do you want to hang?....

Zara:.... (Shakes her head).... I'm good....

Sahari:.... You're sure..... We are taking some of Mrs Style's things and putting them in Noah's suit case....

Zara :(shocked).... Why?...

Sahari:... He's a dick and why not...


Sahari :...... Well damn.....

Zara:... What?....

Sahari :...... I just like to see that feature?...... I don't know why..

Zara:.... What feature? ....

Sahari:(pops out his dimples)....

Zara:(smiles)...... (Holding herself back).....

Sahari:...... Come on let's go to Noah's..... I know it will be fun...... I know you're bored and this will pass time.....

Zara:..... (Sighs)....

Sahari:.... Trust me it will be funnier because you participated....

Zara :..... I don't know....

Sahari:... What he's your mate?.....

Zara:... No.

Sahari:.... Let's go...

Zara;.... Okay what ever....


Zara:... This better be worth it....

Sahari :Bet... I know for sure... Kuffi's there too by the way...

Zara:... That's not surprising... (They go off together)....

"Early morning"...

Students :(sitting in the reception room).....

Security:(checking the cases at one corner).....

Mrs Style:... (Pissed).... I know it's one of you......

Students:(talking over each other)....

Sahari:(eyes Zara from a distance)....


Kross:... (Notices the transaction)........ What's going on?....

Zara:... (Looks at Kross).... Nothing.

Kross :... Where were you last night? Is it because of the cover?... Why are you mad at me?...

Zara:.... I was with the girls last night....

"Flashback "

Tandeo:... She's not here...

Kross :.....

"Flashback ends"


Zara:... And I don't care about the cover..... You and Ndasi have your own thing going on....... And I'm not mad at you.....

Kross :.... You're capping....

Zara:...... (Looks away)..... I'm not so believe what you want to....


Mrs Style:(watching the security team)...

Students:(even louder)....

Security 1:(unpacks Noah's bag).... (Mrs Style's things discovered)......

Students:(gasp in shock, talking increasing)...

Noah:(shocked, angry)..... The fuck?...

Guys:(laughing at Noah)...

Noah :... Did you losers do this?...

Marques :... No, but we know who did.....

Guys:(laugh even more).....

Kuffi:.... This should be great....

Kameron:.. Bet....

Mrs Style:..... So Noah is it?....

Noah:..... I've been framed....

Mrs Style:..... We'll see what the principal will have to say about this.....


Students :(talking over each other)....

Kross:... This is wrong... Why would Noah steal from Mrs Style......

Zara:.... (Holding back her laugh).... Right?......


Kuffi:..... I'm so happy.... You have no idea....

Kameron:... He deserves it...

Kuffi :... Who even thought of it...

Kameron:.. I don't know..... I just found myself going...

Kuffi:... (Laughs).....

Martin:..... Noah is full of surprises...

Lebana :... I always knew he was a criminal, he looks like one...

Martin:...(laughs).... Hold your fire it was a petty theft......

Lebana :(laughs).... Still won't change my mind....

Martin:(admiring her beauty)....

Noah :... I swear when I find out who did this....

Security:(walking out to applauding and cheers)......

Noah:..... (Rolls his eyes).....

"Flight later "

(Bus ride to Waterford, 2:23pm).....

Jhene:(making out with Marques in the back seat).....

Kross:...... What's different this time?....

Zara :(confused)....

Kross:why aren't you telling me what's up?....

Zara:..... (Sighs)...... My mum wants to see me at 3 today.....

Kross:... And?.....

Zara:..... She practically had me kicked out last time........ It all takes me back to the slow send away to Mauritius.....

Kross :...... (Sighs)...... Thank you for telling me. You should have told me earlier....... I thought you were upset about the cover.....

Zara :... That's petty....... I just wanted to clear my head first...... I don't want to over think.... And over react.....

Kross :.....

Zara:... I feel like they want me to say bye to her....

Kross:...( Trying to be positive)..... Or maybe she does want to see you..... I mean, isn't she bipolar or something... She didn't want to see you then but now she does...

Zara:..... (Looking down)...... She..........

Kross :....

Zara:... She was never bipolar..... (Looking at him her eyes full if tears).....

Kross :...... (Looking at her in worry).....

Zara:.... The pills she took were pain killers.... (Looks out the window, wipes her fallen tears)........

Kross:(turns his whole body facing her)....... (Holds her hand)....

Zara:... (Still looking away).......


Kuffi:(her head on Kameron's, both watching a movie)....

Kameron:(his arm around her).....

Asani:... So that's it?.....

J'hream :... Yeah. I can't be friends with a person with her level of pride....

Asani:...... So who will you hang out with?....

J'hream :..... (Shrugs).... Jhene and Tandeo I guess...

Asani:... But they...

J'hream :... I'll apologize....


J'hream :(smiles).... Your smile is...... God it still drives me crazy....

Asani:(chuckles).... I know that....

Lebana:....... Do you know what I think?..

Martin:.. What?...

Lebana:... I think I should date Ndasi....

Martin:.... Why?... (Bothered)....

Lebana :... Kross hates him.... And his kinda cute too so two in one....


Lebana:... Do you think I should?....

Martin:(looks out the window)......

"Waterford, high school"

(Parking lot)....

Students:(heading to their parents, hugs.... Excitement, etc)....

Kross :(rushes the back of the bus holding Zara's hand).....

Zara:(following)......... (They both reach).....

Kross:(leans Zara against the bus)....... (Looks around for a second).....


Kross :(pecks her lips three times and then lowers down his tongue in her mouth).....

Zara:(doing the same).......

Kross:(breaks away from the short make out)...... Monday.... (Kisses her forehead)....

Zara:... Monday.....

Kross:(walks off).....

Zara:... (Also goes her way)....

Emani:(by the car, looking in the crowd of students for Zara).......

Zara:... (Gets her case).....

Emani:(see's Zara, smiles).....

Vanessa:(excited).... ZARA!...... (Running after her).....

Emani:(follows her)....


Ermias :(in the car with London)...... You see that smile.......

London:(confused)..... Yeah. Emani told me that she told her about her mum.....

Ermias :... Yeah, I told Emani knowing she would tell Zara.....

London :... Maybe she's over it already....

Ermias:..... Babe. Canceling that therapy was a bad turn.......

London:....... You can't force the therapy on her

Ermias:(looking at Zara)....

Zara :(explaining something to Emani and Vanessa in excitement).....

Vanessa:(equally excited with Emani)......

Ermias:.... I don't want her to see Jennifer.....

London:.... Babe you suggested this yourself..... And now that she knows she won't let you take that opportunity away.....

Ermias :(emotional)...... That witch damaged my daughter.....

London:.... Babe she's just really strong.... I don't think she's damaged.....

Ermias :.... Not even an average adult would react the way she has been.....


Ermias:...... This shit affected her and I just want her to be helped.....


Ermias:... (Sighs)......

London:(holds his hand)..... Everything will be okay. Let's just put God first cause this is clearly way beyond our power....

Ermias:.... Yeah, you're right....

London :(looks at the kids as they walk back to the car).....

Emani :(to Zara).... Your stuff came back by the way, dad said it was a clean up......

Zara;.... (Confused)... Clean up?...

Emani:.... Yeah....

Zara:...... (The three reach the car)........ (Opens the back and puts her case in).....

"Drive home".....

Ermias :..... Do you want to Zara.... We can still cancel....

Zara;.... I'd love to see my mother thank you....

London :.......


Ermias :okay.......

Emani :.....


"Prison, visiting room"

(Slow piano tune echoing as the scene proceeds)....

Jennifer:(sitting at a round table opposite Zara, the only prisoner in the room and Zara the only visitor).........

Officers:.... (Standing at their posts making sure everything is okay).......

Zara:.... (Crying)...... I let each day pass by me believing that you're sick and that I had to understand........

Jennifer:(her face swollen from several beatings).....

Zara:...... Each day I stood strong because I made myself believe that you didn't do it intentionally

Jennifer:(tears roll down her face)...... I love you....


officers:(trying hard to mind their own business).....

Zara:(breaking down).....

Jennifer :(crying)...... (Shaking her head).... Lies...... All lies.....

Zara:.... YOU TORTURED ME!.......... YOU HAD ME BRUISED.........


Zara:... What did I ever do?.....


Zara:...... I only listened...... I agreed...... I followed everything you said......... (Wipes her tears, crying loudly)......

Jennifer:..... All lies......... I..... Never pain killers....

Zara:... You can drop the act okay..... Don't waste your time Jennifer......

Jennifer:(shocked)..... Jennifer.... No...... Mum....

Zara :... Oh I'm not your daughter, remember?.........


Zara:....... It hurts even more now you know.....


Zara:... Replaying every memory........ But this time putting no excuse on every act...


Zara:....... You left me in the rain.... Drenched and cold.........


Zara:... You made me stand from six pm to six am......... You made me watch you sleep.........


Zara:... I was twelve.... (Crying).........


Zara:.... You pressed my arms against pieces of glass...... You teared through my skin with no mercy....... (Wipes her tears)....


Zara:........... You burnt everything I treasured.........


Zara:...... I always just understood........ I refused to cry sometimes you know.... I told myself over and over that you're sick and that you love me and that I love you because you're my mother.........

Jennifer:(shaking her head)....... None of that.... None of that

Zara...you're a monster....... A monster that deserves to be here......... To be beaten up.......

Jennifer :......

Zara:......(looking at her)....... I wish it was a lie...... In fact I wish I never knew that it was an act...


Zara:(wipes her tears completely, sniffs).......... (Looking straight in her eyes)........ I hate you......

Jennifer :(breaks down, screaming)......

Zara:(gets up).....

Jennifer :...... (Crying).... MY DAUGHTER!....... MY DAUGHTER!........


Officers:..... (Head to Jennifer)..... (Scene mutes as Jennifer screams and the officers roughly pulling her to her cell)..........

"Midnight "

(Ahli house)

Zara:(walks into a living room with tense emotions).....

Ermias:(gets up from the couch)...... ZARA WHERE WERE YOU!........

Zara:....... (Her eyes worn out and swollen)....... Choolwe's.....

Emani :.....


London:... Emani, Vanessa go to bed now..... Your sister is here......

Emani:(leaves with Vanessa).....


London:... Okay that's enough babe, she's here now.....




Zara:(tears up)....

London:... Babe babe babe.. Okay. She's got it and she's sorry..........



London :(stands right next to Ermias)....... Okay. That's it...... You can go to bed now sweetheart....

Ermias :..........


London:..... (Walks up to Zara)....

Zara:....... (Tears roll down her face).......

London:(hugs Zara)...... I know you don't like to fall but Zara I'm here..... We are here to catch you and we love you.....

Zara:(hugs London, crying silently)......

Ermias:..........(walks up to the two)...... I was just worried and I'm sorry........ You didn't need that.....

London:(still hugging Zara, breaks the hug).....

Zara:(walks off)...........

Ermias :......... I think I need a hug too......

London:(hugs him)....

Ermias:(hugging London)......

London:(pecks his lips).....

Ermias :.... I love you

London:.. I love you......

"Tuesday "....

Kross:... (Outside his class in the school truck suit)......

Coach:(talking to the teacher).......

Teacher:..... Okay listen here......

Students :(attentive).....

Teacher:.... Kross Kumenda is going to Durban to hold a position to be in the team representing cape town.......

Students :(clapping).....

Zara;(smiles at Kross)....

Kross:....(gesturing Zara to go to him).....

Zara:(shakes her head, with no sound but lip movement)...... I can't.....

Kross:(walks in, straight faced)..... Mr Smith...

Mr smith:... Yes...

Kross:... Can Zara step out of class? .... She has my uhm...... My swimming strategy book......

Mr Smith:.....

Students :..... (Some murmuring, others talking etc).....

Mr Smith:... Sure, Zara....

Zara:(gets up)..... (Goes out)......

"The empty hall"....

Kross:(kissing Zara, cupping her face).....

Zara:(kissing Kross).... Okay okay........ Do you want us to be caught......

Kross :.... They have to understand...... I'm going to Durban and I'll be there for a whole week.....

Zara:...... I'll really miss you....

Kross:.... I was so scared that you would miss school today too.....


Kross:... Are you good?....

Zara:... Perfect....

Kross :(kisses her again)......

Zara:.... You'll make it to the team....

Kross:..... Thank you..... (Sighs).....



Tandeo:.. (At a table with J'hream).....

Jhene:(comes along with Zara and Kuffi).....

Tandeo:(shocked)..... I thought you guys would sit with....... Your boyfriends.....

Jhene:(sits down with Kuffi and Zara)...... Come on, I always sit with you......

Zara:(looking at J'hream).......uhm.

Tandeo:.... Oh you weren't here yesterday........... J'hream is now a part of us....

Zara :....... Part of us, okay...

J'hream :... I know you don't like me....

Zara:...... no I don't.....

J'hream :... I'm sorry for everything really.... I don't even remember cause all this beef started when we were in middle school....

Zara :............ Yeah

Jhene:.... Okay. You two can start slow..........

Tandeo:.... Kross' is gone now yeah?....

Zara:... Yep...... I already miss him.....


Zara:.. What?....

Kuffi:... Nothing........

"Durban "....

(Reception room)....

Kross:(sitting in a chair, looking at the art on the walls)......

Nicole:(walks up to Kross and sits down)...... Hi

Kross:...... Uhm, hi....


-16 years old


-long black hair


Nicole :you're a fan of art or your phone's just dead?.....

Kross:(chuckles)..... My phone is dead....

Nicole:(smiles, holding her hand out)..... I'm Nicole...

Kross:(shaking her hand)...... Kross...

Nicole:... Cool name..

Kross :thanks...

Nicole :.... You're here for the team competition right?....

Kross:... Yeah.... Are you?...


Kross :......... Okay.


Kross :..... You kinda look familiar.....

Nicole:... You live here?....

Kross :... No, cape town....

Nicole:... Then I don't think so..... I've never moved anywhere else in south African...

Kross :... Oh. I guess you just look like someone I've met.....

Kross' coach :(calls out)..... Kross...

Kross:(gets up).... I have to go

Nicole:... Okay, see you around.....


Nicole:(watches him leave)......


Zara:(walking with her sisters and Emani's friend).....

Ayanda :(whispers)... Is your sister always that quiet.....

Emani:.... Not really.....

Sahari :(walking the opposite direction)........ Really Ayanda....



Emani:... Your brother?....

Ayanda:..... (To Sahari)...... We just went for some ice cream.... Sorry....

Sahari :(smiles at Zara)..... Hey....

Zara:... Hi..... (They all stop).....

Ayanda :... Mum said I could walk myself to the car....

Sahari:... Yeah to you... But she told me otherwise so be in class next time....

Ayanda:(frowns playfully).....

Zara:........ I had no idea she had you waiting for her, I wouldn't have taken her......

Sahari:... Its okay....

Ayanda:(goes over to him).....

Sahari:(looking at Emani and Vanessa)...... Since when do you have these two around? Cousins?.......

Vanessa:no sisters.....

Sahari:(confused)........ Oh.

Zara:.... Yeah,......

Sahari:..... Okay, guess that's something I didn't know.....

Zara:.... Yeah.

Sahari:..... I don't usually see you around but I noticed you didn't come to school yesterday.....

Emani:(smiles at Ayanda)....

Ayanda:(smiles back).....

Zara:..... Did you?.... Uhm, I was sick.....

Sahari:... You okay now? You would have missed your boys departure...

Zara:.... That's why I came actually....

Sahari:.. Bet.


Sahari:okay..... We'll be off now.... (Goes off with Ayanda)....

Emani:.... Are you two...

Zara: don't even finish that... We're not... (Chuckles)..... Come on let's go.... (They start walking)...

Vanessa :(giggles).....

"Durban, that night"

(Braii, consisting of the swim team competitors)

Nicole:... (Sitting at a table with Kross)....

Random girl:(videoing them from a distance).....

Nicole:(playing with her straw in her drink)... I was never allowed out of the house actually my dad always said I was bait......


Nicole:.... Yeah, he's an important person in the business industry so.....

Kross :... I really don't think it's that, he was probably scared to have you raped......... You're really pretty.....

Nicole :(smiles, blushing).... Come on, I'm not even that pretty....

Kross:......... You are.....

Nicole :(looking at him)......


Nicole:(kisses Kross).....

Kross:(with immediate effect)..... What the....... (Gets up)..... Look, that was just a compliment nothing major..... I have a girlfriend, I don't even know why I'm seating here.....


Kross:(walks away).....

Nicole :(shocked).....

"The next day"......

(Waterford, soccer field)......

Players :(rushing to Kameron)....

Kameron:(on the ground in pain holding his leg)......

Zara:(confused).... What's going on?.....


Jhene:...... Calm down....

Kameron:(groaning in pain, swaying on the ground).....

Sahari :(pushes Noah)..... WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!........ (fist fight erupts on the field)......

Coach:(blows the whistle, running at the scene with 8 supervisors).....

Kuffi:.... (Worried, at the fence)... I have to go in there....

Tandeo :... You can't...

Students:(all stand, moving closer to the fence to watch)......

Noah :... (Being held back by the coach, bleeding from his nose )........

Sahari:(struggling free)..... (To Noah)...... FUCK YOU! ......... LET ME GO!....

Noah :.... FUCK YOU!.... (Blasting at Sahari).....

Nurses :(rush in to pick Kameron up)......


players:(all blowing up at Noah)....

Noah:(to Hakeem)..... REALLY?...... REALLY, YOU'RE TAKING THEIR SIDE!......

Sahari:.....(angry, gets free).... Are you fucking slow?....... No idiot would support this bullshit...

Noah :..... STAY OUT OF MY SHIT!.......

coach:.... EVERYBODY JUST SHUT UP!.........


Nurses :(take Kameron away on a stretcher)....

Coach:... THE GAME IS OVER!.......... GET OFF THE FIELD NOW!.... NOAH STAY!.....

Noah:.. It was an accident....

Coach:I NEVER ASKED!..........

players:(leave the field in anger)...

Kuffi:(rushes off)....


"School clinic".....

Zara :... I'll wait here.....

Kuffi:... Okay... Thank you... (walks into the clinic)....

Zara:(sits on the bench outside)......

Sahari :(walks out in anger)...


Sahari:(sits on the bench, bending forwards his head in his hands).....


Sahari:(sits up, leans back)......

Zara:...... (Nervously).... Uhm........ Hey...

Sahari:(without looking at her).... Hi.......

Zara:...... Sorry to ask but what really happened?....

Sahari :(sighs)..... Noah tackled Kameron........And from Kameron's reaction it wasn't a light hit........ I could see his boot prints on his leg.....

Zara:...... Wow, Noah is a doosh....

Sahari :... I swear to God.

Zara:.... I saw you on the field..... You looked so heated up....

Sahari:......... Kameron is like one of the best on the team...... And his like my brother....


Sahari:... When someone messes with my family I react...... I don't even waste my time thinking....... I just act....

Zara:..... (Smiles a bit)..... Your friends must be lucky to have someone like you as their friend......

Sahari:... Bet.

Zara:.... Is he okay?.....

Sahari:....... I don't think so....... But you know, Kuffi walked in so I just had to give them their privacy...... Cause like wow, she was a wreck.... She looked like she's been crying for at least a day....... (They both laugh).....

Zara:.... She's not emotional but she gets there at times.......

Sahari:..... It was cute though...... He really loves her, he deserves that care and attention.....

Zara:... He does?...

Sahari:.... I always find out about his girlfriends when its over but with Kuffi........ He was all about her before he even talked to her....

Zara:..... Well. She also deserves him then..... Hakeem wasn't that much of a prince....

Sahari:.... I was their during that shit...... Noah is this snake. Hakeem is a good person but Noah got to his head....

Zara:... Oh so Noah made him say those things....

Sahari :... Yeah...... But the blame also goes to Hakeem though......... If he was really feeling her he wouldn't have said the things he did.......

Zara:.... (Sighs)......

Sahari :......

Zara:.... I think Kameron will be fine......

Sahari:..... I hope so....

Zara:....... (Sighs).......

Sahari:(chuckles).... I just remembered something on a totally unrelated note...

Zara:.. What?....

Sahari:..... I don't know what your sister does to mine but just wow....

Zara:(chuckles).... Why?....

Sahari:.... She's always been shy like her whole life...... I'd never even talk to her like I won't lie, I loved her but I didn't like her......... But now she has this sassy attitude...... She said she got it from Emani........ She's been making my days for sure.....

Zara:.... Emani is something else..... I feel like I've known her forever you know..... She's a vibe that I'd never want to lose.....

Sahari :..... (Confused).... What do you mean you feel like you've known her forever?...... Haven't you?.....

Zara:......(sighs)...... Uhm, she lived with our dad....... I didn't.

Sahari:......... Is it too personal?........

Zara:....... My mum brought me to cape town........ I was nine then, my dad was in Mauritius with my sisters and his wife...... Yeah that's pretty much all I can tell you....

Sahari:(nodding his head).... Interesting........ I uhm....... I also never lived with Ayanda....... I met her when she was 7...... She was adopted....

Zara:... For real?....

Sahari:..... Yeah...... So was I.....


Sahari:... My parents couldn't have children......

Zara :..... I had no idea....

Sahari:.... Many don't (they both laugh a bit).......

Zara:..... Do you like them? Your parents......

Sahari:.... Love them. Bet.....

Zara:.... You say bet a lot...

Sahari:(chuckles)..... Its goes everywhere...... It can mean.... Yes, sure.... Deal... No cap.... Etc...

Zara:..... (Smiling).....

Kuffi:..... I was so scared....

Kameron :(on the bed sitting up, his leg wrapped in a bandage, smiling)...... I know I heard Sahari laughing a bit when you walked in.....

Kuffi:(chuckles)..... I kinda acted like you were shot so.....

Kameron:.... I was just struck...... I've never seen you cry and I never thought you would around me especially over this.....


Kameron :......

Kuffi:... Are you okay though?....

Kameron:.... Its not hurting as before but I need to have it checked.....

Kuffi:yeah you should......

Kameron:(looking at Kuffi)........ (Opens his arms wide)....

Kuffi:(hugs him)......

Kameron:(hugging her).......(kisses her at the break of the hug).....

Kuffi:(kissing him)............