

But things weren't so simple at the other end. A few rooms away from the princess room there was another room it was of the same size as the princess, the room was bright, cozy, and comfortable perfect for resting and for kids. It was the prince's room. He was different from the princess. Apart from their looks and birth time they were two completely different kids. One was obedient but the other...well, it's kinda hard

Compared to the princess the prince cried all day. Didn't eat on time, refused to eat what he was given. Didn't sleep in time. Would cry and wake everyone up at midnight all in all the maids were having a headache. It was actually normal for a kid to do all these things so the others didn't find anything weird.

It was just that it was too troublesome. And when they saw the other servants who were assigned to serve the princess they felt so jealous, they could sleep peacefully and have very little trouble as the princess was so well behaved. they were twins right can't the prince share any traits similar to his sister. The maids sighed inwardly but anyway after all they were just infants they shouldn't keep so high hopes.

After all, the prince was adorable despite all those. when he would be hungry he would cry and once they fed him he would stare at them unblinkingly with big round eyes. That sight was adorable. His eyes were not the same as the princess, his eyes had an innocent look that belongs to only infants. His gaze was clear he may be troublesome sometimes but after all, he was still an infant right nobody can tell about the future.

All the maids that were assigned to take care of the babies were very sensible and were specially trained for taking care of kids. They might have gotten dark circles, muscle cramps from running back and forth taking care of the prince the whole night. They may sometimes complain internally and gossip and become irritated but they still took care of the prince like their own child. They patiently consoled him, coaxed him, sang him songs, and played with him. Because they knew he was going to shoulder many responsibilities, face problems and difficulties in the future so they tried to do their best to let him be happy in his infant age.

The Queen was working from morning till late nights. They knew what they were doing was nothing compared to her.

The servants that were assigned to the prince and princess were loyal to the present Queen. Who had vowed with their lives to never rebel or betray her, the same goes to her off spring's and those are the servants and maids who have been taking care of the prince and princess with their own hands. Even if there are many servants in the palace. Only a few have access to enter the baby's room in the will. Because they fear spies from enemies or enemies to royal families or rebels might harm the babies.

Strictness and ruthlessness can be seen in the eyes of those special servants. They walked with straight backs nothing like common servants. It was completely suitable to say that they should belong in the military. One mistake and you might have to face their murderous gaze that was enough to make someone tremble.

But all of that disappeared as soon as they came in front of the babies it was exchanged by a warm and gentle look that was filled with affection. It was like this and a few months passed new year and festivals came and ended. A year passed.