

Everyone was busy getting in the bus, keeping their belongings,clicking the photos.When group of five came out of their car. They walked pass them and walked straight to the bus. And took their seats. The bus started moving and then they reached the resort where they had planned to stay.

The bus stopped and gina entered and looked at them.

Gina- I am glad to see that everyone have arrived. within the stay here I want you all to take care of your own belongings and we have to follow all the rules which will be given to you. If you fail to work accordingly their will be a severe punishment. Hope we all have a good time together.

Everyone headed to their rooms. The four guys together in their room. Guy and tech in bed while thud checking out his bag.

Guy- they want us to have a good time by blackmailing us?

Nam(reading through the rules)- dont worry guys we should have fun ourselves. We arnt supposed to go out and drink and we are going to do the exact thing.

Thud( taking out his phone)- I will inform pam

In the night the five of them came out and was roaming around idealy beside the beach with the beer in their hands when they happen to notice some light far away.

Thud(excitedly)- guys let's go get some wine.

They screamed- yes let's go

As they were drawing closer they heard some faint singing and the group of people were circled. They came close and headed straight towards the bar and was ordering some more wine. When the music stopped and the stroking of the guitar filled the air. Some people screamed. Nam felt something the music he knew that song. He looked over and saw him.he was gently stroking the guitar as If if he was touching his lover. his face it was so angelic with the smile and the dimple on his cheek. black hair, white shirt,light brown jacket. his hair slightly moving because of the wind. he looked like an angel. he began singing.

"I saw a part of me in you

Part of me lonely and broken

I was running towards you

To feel completely taken

Words and mistakes I took them in for memories

How lost I was to feel complete"

pam pulled him to seat. His eyes were fixed in him. He was still singing

"Can i just go back to where i was before

Should i move on to you alone

I kept waiting, i kept knocking

But you heart is shut and I feel cold

And now you want me to stay

Make you feel loved?"

Nam closed his eyes and thought the pain he had to undergo. He was crying begging his father not to leave him but he let him and his mother alone. Tears fell off his eyes and he slowly opened them and looked at the singer and smiled.

# do comment and give me your opinion and stay tuned the love have started #nam×tar.