
Punic Death

Chartium · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Chapter 1 | Dayu Mors

A hunchbacked man in his early twenties, with olive skin was lying in the deep expanse of forest. His head was missing hair in patches. His body was being devored by the monstrosity, that somewhat resembled a mix breed of a mantis and a lion. Every second a considerable amount of blood was being exsanguinated out of his body, because of the wound he received after losing his right hand.

He wasn't hallucinating. His life is coming to an end.

After being used as a mere toy by someone he thought who would save him and the only person he cared about in this world

Life doesn't always turn out how we want it to be.

Hordes of abomination were trying to tear him apart. There was no resistance from him but they couldn't kill him.

He is cursed!

He is enslaved!

He is the death himself!

How can a mere puppet of life even strive to kill death?

Even the thought of it was enough to make Dayu's blood boil.

"I.... I wouldn't be suffering this today, only if I trusted clan leader. Only if I did as he told me. Aaaaa..."

Munch munch... Crunch crunch...

A monstrosity started feasting on Dayu's leg.

His mind was already going blank because of adrenaline streaming through his body. He was trying his hardest to not loose consciousness.Even in this situation only thing which was circulating in his mind was a statement that he received from clan leader.

"Never try to deceive Phoenich I mean never."

He should have trusted clan leader. He should have never tried to get close to that vicious Phoenich. Everything that has happened or is happening to him was because of his own ignorance. His consciousness was slipping now only one job remained for him to do. Either he could end the world from the suffering of death or surrender to the fate that Phoenich has stored for him.

He has already seen the future. Everyone dies in distant future. Even the Earth Clan was destroyed by the hand of Mighty Phoenich.

Dayu has already given up on this world, his reason for living was already dead. Why was he even thinking about it, he was the one who killed her, not like he was free to do anything. Actually his master ordered him to kill herself.

"Why do you have to leave me all alone in this world of endless suffering." cried Dayu.

His voice echoed in forest.

Agony was talking over his mind. He cannot last longer in his corporeal form. His master was dead he can now trasfer his life energy to any living being. At that moment something clicked in Dayu's mind. Now that his master was dead he was free from the bond that prevented him from alternating the reality.

Chilling laughs echoed in the verdant forest.

"Now I understand why you did that master just wait for me I'll make sure Phoenich suffers tenfold no at least hundredfold what you suffered in your life span."

Dayu chanted a mantra that was passed down to him from clan leader. Suddenly a gust of wind engulfed the forest. Moon became crimson in colour making it look soaked in blood. The breathtaking sea of stars flowed in random direction. Sun rose from all four directions colliding with each other like balls and bounced off the horizon. It all looked ludicrous. Nothing was making sense. He has seen this views once but this time it was just way too soothing. Suddenly a crack appeared in the fabric of reality he knew this feeling. This was the same as that one time when he time traveled to see the future with clan leader.

The fabric stretched and compressed in a funny manner making it look like a scene from some anime. Suddenly a urge to get as far away from the crack arised from deep within his heart. On contrary a hospitable aura appeared near him. It was trying to reach him and started to engulf him. Dayu didn't try to resist as if he was obliged to do so.

Everything went black and he cannot feel anything around. He felt as if only his brain remained in his body. He was able to think but couldn't feel anything. Suddenly Dayu can felt something .

He was seeing himself standing in deep expanse of a thing that somewhat resembled a black hole. He was able see his body from some divine perception but still couldn't feel anything. He ordered his body to move near black hole.

Dayu was familiar with this black hole also it was all new to him. He has visited it about a decade ago with his clan leader. He unconsciously made his body move inside black chunk of mass. He was now standing inside something you can call nothingness. Dayu focused on a point where this nothingness ceased to exist.

He saw the tapestry of time. Everything was connected and entangled in an inconceivable pattern.

He didn't care much about it though. He was here to destroy the time and rewrite it from the start.

Dayu untangled all the fabric and poured his life energy into it.

He was searching for the best time for him to jump into so that he could change the fate.

He cannot actually see everything about the future and past. It was actually a boon given to the Death Clan by God themselves to get a glimpse of the future or past so that clan can

take the lives of a person on time. Not like that matters to right now.

Suddenly he got a glimpse of his past where he wasn't adopted to Death Clan and was a regular boy living happily with his family.

He cannot remember it well but he was a eigth grader at that time.

It was all decided. So he uses another mantra to jump to that time but he couldn't.

Dayu started to hear some voices for first time in a time that felt like hours.

A voice resounded from Black Hole

"Life and Death are two contrasting characters of life. You are Death and your master is your Life. If you want to use the boon given by God to the death clan, you must abandon your position as Death Leader."

This was the last thing Dayu wanted to hear from anyone. He thought for a moment and then he came to the conclusion that he was going to join the Death Clan anyway so abandoning his position as Leader was worth it if he wanted to destroy Phoenich this was a small sacrifice.

"Do you want to abandon your position as Death Leader?"

"Yes, I Dayu Mors hereby abandons my position as Death Leader." said Dayu with conviction.

He was sucked inside the black hole and everything around him suddenly turned black. His consciousness was fading away not like he care now.

"By the grace of God you are hereby given a chance to change the fate"

These were the last words that the creature or whatever it was said.


Dayu was struggling to open his eyes. A sharp cephalalgia pierced his head, he was trying to grab his hand staff unconsciously but he grabbed nothing except air.

There was no soreness in his back. Was it because of excruciating pain in his head that made him numb to feel anything or was he dreaming?

"Brother wake up! What are you trying to grab in thin air ... huh?"

A childish voice somewhat exasperated echoed in Dayu's ears.

Dayu opened his eyes. He saw a firm girl pouting in front of him.

"Wh... who are you?" asked Dayu.

Girls suddenly started shouting "Mamma brother is teasing me again. Now I am very angry with my big brother and now I will not go to school."

"Brother? What brother?" thought Dayu

He glanced himself in a mirror in front of him. He didn't see a hunchbacked bald man who seemed to have infected with progeria. What he saw made his eyes gleam with excitement. He wasn't dreaming. He was him but his younger self.

His cloudy mind cleared and he suddenly remembered everything. He decided to summon his cloak incase to check if got any of his power from his future self. Everything was in vain.

"I think I will have to grow from the start... huh."

He crawled out of his bed and opened the windows for some fresh air.

"A new day... No wait a new life has just started. Just you wait Phoenich this time I'll have last laughs.