

Yook Dong-sik followed Sei-In woo as he instructed him to do so.

Sei-In woo went and sat on his chair.

"So... Yook Dong-sik... I have heard from your last department...that you are a very loyal and trustworthy employ... Is it true? Can I trust you too...?"

Yook Dong-sik smiled a bit

"yes...sir of course..."

Sei-In woo looked away for a few seconds and looked back as he nodded.

"alright... Is your work for today finished yet..or not?"

Yook Dong-sik replied

"It is done sir..."

Sei-In woo smirked a bit and nodded

"good... Then go get your bag. I will take you out for a drink"

Yook Dong-sik was surprised because Sei-In woo was acting so kind.

"ye-ye...yes sir...i will go..and do that right away."

Sei-In woo nodded and gestured to the door for him to go get his bag.

Yook Dong-sik bowed 30° and quickly went to go get his stuff.

After they both went down to the parking lot. They reached Sei-In woo's car. Sei-In woo unlocked his car. Yook Dong-sik was about to get in the car but Sei-In woo stopped him by putting his hand in front of Yook Dong-sik.

Yook Dong-sik was confused

"sir...is everything okay?"

Sei-In woo nodded

"Mmm..everything is good.."

Yook Dong-sik got more confused


Sei-In woo smirked and opened the Passanger seat for Yook Dong-sik on his own.

"here.. Get in"

Yook Dong-sik smiled awkwardly and got in the Passanger seat.

"th...thank you sir.."

Sei-In woo closed the Passanger door and got in the driver's seat.

"put your seat belt on.."

Yook Dong-sik quickly did that.

Sei-In started the car and started driving to very fancy and expensive bar. That he usually goes to.

There was a lot of traffic right now. They were stuck in the traffic right now and in pure silence. But Sei-In decided to break the silence.

Sei-In woo placed his hand on Yook Dong-sik thigh.


Yook Dong-sik went red and embarrassed.


Sei-In woo turned to look at Yook Dong-sik and smiled as if he did not do anything.

Yook Dong-sik just smiled and nodded back awkwardly.

Yook Dong-sik didn't know he has to be a Passanger princess as well.

After a whole hour they finally arrived at the bar and the whole time Sei-In woo hand came back on Yook Dong-sik's thigh. Yook Dong-sik wanted to vanish at this moment.

Sei-In woo parked the car and got out of the driver seat.

Yook Dong-sik opened the Passanger seat.

Sei-In woo quickly closed it back up.

Yook Dong-sik looked at him through the window awkwardly and confused.

Sei-In woo smiled a bit and opened the door for Yook Dong-sik himself.


Yook Dong-sik quickly got out of the Passanger seat.

"t....thank you sir.."

They both then walked out of the parking lot and before they entered the bar. Sei-In woo stopped walking and looked at Yook Dong-sik.

"sir...did something happened?"

Sei-In woo nodded a bit.

"would you do me a favor?"

Yook Dong-sik quickly nodded

"yes...sir. What should I do?"

Sei-In woo replied as he took some money out of his wallet handing it to Yook Dong-sik.

"Go buy me a pack of condoms size large..."

Yook Dong-sik git confused on why Sei-In woo wanted him to go buy condoms right now but he won't question it.

"Uh...okay...just regular...or a flavored one?"

Sei-In woo paused and thought about it

"what flavor do you like..?"

Yook Dong-sik got even more confused on why his opinion mattered on this..

"well...i like grape..."

Sei-In woo smirked and nodded.

"go buy a pack of large grape flavored condoms.."

Yook Dong-sik was very confused but quickly went to the convenient store near by to buy them.