
Psycho X Psychic

Teren Hark - Quiet and ordinary at school. Passive and nothing noteworthy about him. However, one of his classmates thinks otherwise. Iesa Hun - Quiet but extraordinary. Aggressive when provoked. On top of the school's hierarchy because of her brains and beauty. Recently, she learned the secret about Teren Hark. He's a psychopath who had a rich history of murder, massacre, and other atrocities. But she has her fair share of secrets as well - she's a psychic who can read other people's thoughts, except, of course, the psychopath himself. Welcome to Mershen High where these two superhumans collide as they slowly learn each other's pasts and meet the world's hidden supernatural together while still trying to be proper students.

JhiThan_Ser · Urbain
Pas assez d’évaluations
296 Chs




WARNING: There's extreme violence in this chapter. You may skip this chapter as you may not like what Teren will do. The next chapters will tell the summary of this chapter.


Hanon looked at Mike and Catherine. He couldn't believe that Teren will put them on the same spot as he is. However, their contracts are a little bit different from his. Still, though, they're on the same boat.

"So conveniently, that's the story. What happens now is to make you guys scream until the moment where any of them feels not only friendship or compassion pushing their hearts but even pity as a fellow human being."

Saying that, Teren pulled Mira's hair up and easily threw her as if she's just a doll. Not feeling the ground by even the soles of her feet, Mira then felt a large impact hit her belly.


Teren kicked, not showing mercy even for a girl, which made Mira not fall on the same spot she was pulled but a meter away.
