
Social Death


This is 7 years after the book 1, and 1 year after the present COI.

Please understand that the lore might be inaccurate.

Chapter Text

Nine years prior to the apocalypse, the Major Arcana members of the Tarot Club had advanced to the rank of Sequence 2 Angel, with one notable exception, Fors Wall, who had already advanced to the Sequence 1 Key of Stars. Since her ascension to the status of Archangel, the burdens and responsibilities she now shoulders have grown substantially in magnitude and complexity.

She yearned for those leisurely, unburdened days of freedom, but alas, the impending apocalypse threw a massive wrench into her dreams of peaceful life. To complicate matters further, her "Boss" happened to be not just any deity, but a supreme, all-powerful being that transcended even the most godly of gods. 

Consequently, she found herself perpetually embroiled in a never-ending list of tasks and missions, in preparation for the impending apocalypse, no less. Of course, she dared not utter a single word of complaint, for that would surely be deemed as nothing less than a heinous act of blasphemy! Praise the Fool!

In a posture marked by a noticeable slump, her form displayed a discernible lack of vigor, conspicuously lacking the dignified grace one might associate with an Archangel of her stature. 

Her languid gaze fixed upon the letter she had received from that fellow Lumian. This fellow had an unfortunate propensity for finding himself entangled in problematic situations, invariably resulting in her own distress and vexation. She thought he might be the unluckiest person in the world. 

With a leisurely demeanor, she took her time to craft a response before summoning her trusted messenger. As the wind outside howled relentlessly, the flame of a solitary candle within her chamber underwent a startling transformation, its once warm and inviting hue morphing into an eerie, deep blue, casting an ominous and chilling ambiance over the room.

The carefully penned letter seemed to come to life as it floated weightlessly into the air, suspended by an unseen force. Positioned strategically atop a delicately carved window ledge, there perched a peculiar "doll," its proportions akin to that of a grown man's forearm. This unusual creation boasted a mane of long, blond hair, eyes the color of light-blue skies, and skin as pallid as freshly fallen snow. Draped in an exquisite pale-gold gown, the "doll" exhibited an uncanny blend of hyper-realistic yet decidedly eerie features.

In a seamless transition, the letter found itself resting within the "doll's" hand, a smooth and shiny appendage that curiously lacked the tactile quality of human skin.

A sneering voice interrupted Fors, its tone dripping with irritation. "You're writing it late once more!" it chided, a clear note of impatience in its words.

Fors, however, was hardly fazed by the reprimand. She rolled her eyes in a show of casual dismissal, shooing her messenger away with a flick of her hand. "I'll be taking a brief vacation in Feysac," she informed the persistent voice, her tone brooking no argument. "Please, do not disturb me for the time being."

The voice let out an exasperated groan, akin to a child throwing a tantrum, clearly displeased with Fors' decision. In a moment that seemed almost petulant, the "doll" vanished into thin air, taking the letter along with it.

With an audible and somewhat exasperated sigh, Fors sank into her chair and reached up to rub her eyes, perhaps in a futile attempt to alleviate the weariness that clung to her like an unwelcome companion. She turned her gaze towards the window, only to be met with the sight of a crimson moon casting an eerie glow across the nocturnal expanse.

Ever since she advanced to an angel, Fors had become privy to the startling truth about the crimson moon, which had, more often than not, been the source of her relentless unease. Furthermore, she now possessed intimate knowledge about the very reasons that had driven Mr. Fool into 'His' slumber—a subject matter as bewildering as it was profound.

As her thoughts meandered through the labyrinthine complexities of outer deities' corruption, the will battle between the former Lord of Mysteries and Mr. Fool, and the ever-looming threat of the impending apocalypse, Fors couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sensation of mental strain. It was the kind of mental gymnastics that could make even the most astute scholar's head explode.

It was no wonder that, in this moment of overwhelming cognitive overload, all she craved was a much-deserved vacation— an escape from her angel duties!

In the blink of an eye, Fors executed her ability to "travel," finding herself transported to the city of St. Milliom, where she was promptly greeted by the embrace of chilly weather. With an air of detached contemplation, she took in the frosty surroundings before deciding to "travel" once more, this time to a cozy restaurant tucked away amidst the city's bustling streets.

As she settled herself at a table, her keen appetite led her to order an assortment of delectable Feysacian dishes. The feast she summoned forth included a hearty bowl of porridge, its comforting warmth a stark contrast to the frigid outdoors, a steaming serving of rich beetroot soup, sautéed pieces of succulent beef, and a glass of liquor.

As she drew nearer to the realm of godhood, where the need for sustenance ceased to exist, the act of indulging in food continued to provide her with a unique connection to her own humanity. It was a momentary escape, a fleeting reprieve from the immense burdens of duty and responsibility that rested upon her shoulders.

Just as she began savoring her meal, an unexpected jolt of spiritual intuition surged through her. As a Sequence 1, these intuitions were particularly potent for her, and this one was no exception. It was a grave matter that caused her to set her fork down, a deep frown etching across her face.

The revelation was unsettling: the Lord of Mysteries was on the brink of awakening, but the unsettling possibility loomed that it might not be Mr. Fool! Fors had always held unwavering faith in Mr. Fool to become the Lord of Mysteries, but now, doubt crept in. What if all their efforts, the toils of the Tarot Club, and her own aspirations turned out to be in vain?

"It couldn't possibly be true! No, I mustn't succumb to this pessimism!" Fors exclaimed, her voice trembling with a mix of determination and anxiety. She couldn't allow herself to entertain such doubts.

"The only course of action is to maintain our unwavering faith in Mr. Fool!"

In a moment of frustration, she impulsively reached for her own hair, gripping it as if trying to physically shake off the overwhelming uncertainty that threatened to engulf her.

"There's nothing else we can do!" her tone laced with resignation.

Yet, as the words echoed in the confines of her mind, a profound sense of horror washed over her, starkly emphasizing the magnitude of the situation and the weight of the impending decisions that lay before her and her companions.

Amidst the turmoil of her internal crisis, Fors was abruptly jolted from her contemplation by the sound of a distant, plaintive prayer—it was the voice of Mr. Star. The familiarity of it sent her mind racing with questions.

Could he have stumbled upon a solution to their predicament? Or perhaps, had something even more dire occurred? But what could be worse than the looming possibility of Mr. Fool failing to awaken from 'His' slumber? 

With a swift act of "travel," Fors found herself transported to a familiar setting. Before her sprawled a primal forest, its thick foliage so dense that it nearly obscured the sky above. Nestled within this untamed expanse was a rustic, brownish-yellow hunter's hut.

She carefully traversed the rugged terrain, her steps navigating past the occasional leeches and the airborne dance of noxious insects that swarmed within the verdant flora. Her destination was clear, the hunter's hut, its weathered wooden door unlocked and slightly ajar.

Upon entering, Fors was greeted by a sight in stark contrast to the primal wilderness outside. The interior of the hut revealed a surprising juxtaposition—rows of bookshelves lined the walls, and at the heart of it all, a wooden table stood, as if existing in a world entirely separate from the untamed forest that encircled it.

However, this time, the scene that greeted Fors was undeniably peculiar. Gathered around the wooden table, Mr. Star appeared to be in the throes of an emotional breakdown, his tear-streaked face betraying the turmoil within him.

Madam Justice, wore a look of concern as she attempted to console him, although her own countenance seemed far from unaffected.

Adjacent to them, the angel of time, Pallez, sat in relative tranquility, engrossed in the contents of a newspaper, apparently detached from the unfolding drama.

On the other side of the table, the angel of mercury, Will, exhibited a childlike enthusiasm, munching on an ice cream cone and observing the unfolding scene with unabashed curiosity.

Fors couldn't help but inwardly wonder about the cause of this situation. Mr. Star didn't appear to have lost control, yet the level of distress and disarray in the room suggested something more than a mere trivial matter.

Mr. Star turned his gaze towards Fors and, with a deep sigh, posed a poignant question.

"Madam Magician, imagine if someone you hold dear has constantly deceived you, only to find themselves elevated in the eyes of everyone else. What course of action would you choose?"

Amidst the emotional turmoil, Madam Justice softly murmured, "Not deceiving, not deceiving…"

Sobs punctuated Mr. Star's distress as he continued, "Ladies! I'm at my wit's end! This world teeters on the brink, and my dearest friend has placed himself in grave danger! Danger!"

Fors then felt a mixture of bemusement and irritation at being summoned for what seemed like a personal drama. She reached into the "void" and retrieved a tissue, offering it to Mr. Star.

Am I really here to console your love-stricken melodrama? She criticizes inwardly.

In the midst of this emotionally charged exchange, the angel of time, Pallez, emit a derisive snort. "Lad, what your former colleague truly needs is not your tears, but your unwavering understanding and faith," he remarked, his voice carrying a note of seasoned wisdom.

Mr. Star, though his tears persisted, retorted with a hint of bitterness, "Old Man, why did you keep this from me for so long? What have I done to deserve this?"

Fors was observing the unfolding spectacle with a hint of amusement, she share a knowing glance with the angel of mercury, Will. Both seemed to echo the sentiment that this situation was bordering on the absurd.

Pallez, taking on the role of the voice of reason, defended his actions. "I'm just a frail, old angel! Why should I disclose the secret of The Fool to you?"

Fors, now thoroughly perplexed, interjected, "The secret of Mr. Fool? Is this related to Mr. Fool?"

A sudden shift in the atmosphere made Fors acutely aware that the room's occupants had turned their gaze upon her, their expressions fraught with complexity.

Pallez sighed heavily, his countenance appearing to age in a matter of moments. "Oh, here we go again," he muttered under his breath. While Will spectates everything with an ice cream cone in his hand. 

Fors directed her attention to Madam Justice, who, rather than meeting her gaze, turned away, her own features contorted by conflicting emotions.

With a dramatic clearing of his throat, Mr. Star attempted to clarify the bewildering situation.

"Um, what I meant to say is, my dear friend, the one who has placed himself in danger is Mr. Fool Himself. The Evernight Goddess Herself revealed this truth to me, and Old Man and Will have been privy to it for quite some time. Please, you must believe me!" 


Fors felt like her mind was on the brink of a complete meltdown. Did Mr. Star just claim that Mr. Fool, the very deity they all revered, was the friend he had been referring to? And to top it off, the Evernight Goddess "Herself" had confirmed this? The notion was utterly mind-boggling, teetering dangerously close to the realm of blasphemy!

"Huh?" That's just how Fors answered. She doesn't know what else to say.

"Cough! Cough!"

As Mr. Star choked on his saliva and dramatically coughing, it was Madam Justice who came to the rescue. She gestured for Fors to take a seat, signaling that something significant was about to be revealed.

"First and foremost, I understand that this information is utterly mind-blowing and bordering on the blasphemous. But it is the undeniable truth, and it is intricately linked to the impending awakening of the former Lord of Mysteries."

As she spoke, Fors could sense that even Madam Justice herself had been grappling with the mental turmoil of these revelations.

"So, let me get this straight," Fors began, her mind racing to piece together the puzzle.

"The revelation of Mr. Fool's secret is somehow tied to preventing the former Lord of Mysteries from awakening, and it increases the likelihood of Mr. Fool awakening instead?" She looked at Madam Justice for confirmation.

Madam Justice nodded solemnly, her gaze unwavering. Mr. Star, his voice still raspy from coughing, added, "Indeed. The revelation serves as a potent anchor for Mr. Fool. The Evernight Goddess 'Herself' told me that the Tarot Club, are 'His' strongest anchor, and uncovering the truth about 'His' secret is a pivotal step toward 'His' awakening."

The angel of mercury, Will, chimed in with an explanation of his own. "Furthermore, there's a connection between you Tarot Club members and Sefirah Castle that plays a significant role in all of this."

Fors couldn't help but feel both a sense of revelation and a deepening sense of responsibility for the destiny of Mr. Fool and the fate of the world itself.

Madam Justice's voice trembled. "Fors," she addressed Fors by her name. Her own internal struggle is evident in her words. 

"I must admit, when I first learned the truth, I found it almost unbelievably blasphemous. But... but we cannot deny it any longer. Mr. Fool embodies benevolence; 'He' has come to our aid countless times. I... I implore you to hold onto your faith in Mr. Fool."

Fors was ensnared in a profound dilemma, a moral quandary that tugged at the very core of her beliefs. What does one do when on the precipice of uncovering the secrets of the deity they hold in the highest reverence? Especially when those secrets are shrouded in an aura of forbidden knowledge she shouldn't possess.

Yet, the weight of that knowledge was undeniable. They, the members of the Tarot Club, were the anchors, the linchpins upon which the fate of Mr. Fool and the world hinged.

At her dilemma, a wave of memories surged forth. She recalled the moment she had joined the Tarot Club, nearly meeting her end during the chaos of a blood moon's raving, only to be miraculously saved by Mr. Fool. 'He' had not only spared her life but had granted her the privilege to invoke 'His' name as a protective shield when subsequent blood moons loomed. Fors was sheltered within 'His' kingdom, safeguarded from the ravages of those malevolent nights.

Mr. Fool had, time and again, demonstrated unwavering benevolence. 'He' had saved her life countless times, bestowed blessings upon her as she advanced to the status of an angel, and even extended 'His' protective care to the Abraham Family. The question reverberated within her: which deity could possibly embody such boundless benevolence?

Fors found herself instinctively making a religious gesture, her right hand gently touching her chest, over her heart. It was an act of reverence for Mr. Fool, a silent pledge of unwavering devotion.

She spoke with piety in her voice, her words a testament to her unyielding faith.

"My faith lies solely with Mr. Fool."


"My faith lies solely with Mr. Fool."

"Praise be to Mr. Fool," Madam Justice and Mr. Star chorused in unison, their voices resonating with 'devout' reverence.

"Mr. Fool... Cough! Cough!" Mr. Star's dramatic coughing fit seemed almost comically ill-timed.

Despite Mr. Star's coughing theatrics, Fors remained undeterred, her gaze locked on Madam Justice as she readied herself to convey the revelation. Then, Justice Audrey dropped the bombshell, her words landing like a seismic shock.

"The matter of fact, Mr. World is actually Mr. Fool Himself."

The revelation hit like a thunderclap, leaving Fors choking on her own saliva in sheer astonishment. She now shared Mr. Star's affliction, both of them caught in a symphony of coughing fits. 

Mr. World, was not just any member of the Tarot Club; he held a truly unique and hallowed position within their ranks. He was, in fact, the chosen and blessed of Mr. Fool himself, the embodiment of unwavering devotion to their deity. Positioned as the King of Angels who resided beside Mr. Fool's very throne, he was the epitome of devout belief in Mr. Fool, a living testament to the divine presence they held in the highest reverence.

Yet, beneath this hallowed facade, Mr. World wore a different mask in the eyes of the broader world. Known as Gehrman Sparrow, he bore the reputation of 'the strongest and craziest adventurer of the Five Seas.' It was the very mention of Gehrman Sparrow that sent shivers down Fors Wall's spine, for her apprehensions about him ran deep.

And the sheer audacity of Mr. World being Mr. Fool was simply unfathomable! Why on earth would a deity take on the guise of 'His' own devout believer? The cold and intimidating Gehrman Sparrow, synonymous with daring exploits and fearless adventuring, couldn't possibly be reconciled with the benevolent and gentle god, Mr. Fool. It was the very essence of absurdity, an idea too preposterous to entertain! 

But why, Fors pondered, should she even contemplate such an outrageous notion? It was nothing short of blasphemy, a sacrilegious concept that sent shockwaves of disbelief rippling through her. This couldn't be true, it simply couldn't! It had to be some elaborate prank or, perhaps, a grave misunderstanding. In her frantic denial, Fors even resorted to slapping her own cheeks, not once but twice.

Fors chuckled nervously, attempting to dispel the unthinkable notion that had gripped her mind. "Haha, it's just not possible. Mr. Fool is an ancient deity. Why in the world would 'He' masquerade as Mr. World?" She shook her head, resolute in her denial.

However, when she dared to raise her gaze, Fors was met with a collective look of incredulity from all the angels present, their expressions suggesting that they regarded her as if she were a complete and utter fool. The only exception was Mr. Star, who remained oblivious to the scene as he struggled with the snot that marred his handsome face.

Fors, despite her reluctance to accept this mind-boggling revelation, felt compelled to seek further confirmation. She needed to be absolutely certain. "Wait," she began, her voice tinged with uncertainty, "are you all completely certain that this is the truth?" 

She needed to hear it one more time, just to be sure she wasn't caught in some bizarre prank.

Fors turned her gaze toward Madam Justice, half-expecting her to deny the shocking revelation. Instead, she was met with a solemn nod, confirming the truth that had unsettled her to her core.

"It's confirmed through the Evernight Goddess via Mr. Star," Justice Audrey provided an explanation, her voice notably hushed, almost as if she lacked confidence in her own words. "As well as from Mr. Pallez and Mr. Will. While I may not fully comprehend the intricacies of this revelation, Mr. Star is the one who possesses the details provided by the Goddess. With the evidence of both angels and the direct testimony of the Evernight Goddess Herself, I have chosen to accept it as the truth."

The angel of mercury, Will, offered a quiet, contemplative murmur. "So, you all really believe he's an ancient deity..."

The implications of this revelation sent shivers down Fors's spine. If Mr. Fool was not an ancient deity, then what, or who, was 'He'? The fear of the unknown gnawed at her.

Seeking clarification, Fors turned her attention to Mr. Star, the one individual who held the key to the details provided by the Evernight Goddess. She needed to understand this truth more profoundly, no matter how unsettling it might be. However, Mr. Star appeared somewhat forlorn at this moment.

The angel of time, Pallez, couldn't resist a mocking sneer. "These two ladies seem to be handling this revelation far better than you are," as he compared the reactions of Fors and Madam Justice to Mr. Star's apparent distress.

Mr. Star, however, was not one to back down. He defended himself fervently, "But...! Klein is my only friend! What would you do when you happened to discover that your dearest friend has been a God all along? The Klein I know is not Mr. Fool!"

Fors' expression contorted into one of horror at the audacity of his casual mention of Mr. Fool in such a manner. 

Pallez shrugged nonchalantly, while Will couldn't resist chiming in with a teasing remark, "It's rather pitiful, isn't it? Having no friends aside from him. Did the honorable Mr. Fool ever consider you a friend? Hmm?"

Mr. Star, clearly stung by their words, appeared genuinely embarrassed. "W-what do you mean by that?! Watch your tongue!" The sorrow in his eyes did not escape Fors' notice. He bore a resemblance to a downtrodden animal facing persecution.

Will took the opportunity to mock further, sticking out his tongue childishly. "Did you just threaten a 9-year-old child?"

Meanwhile, Fors' focus unwavering on the crux of the matter, raised a curious eyebrow. "Klein?"

The response from Justice Audrey was nothing short of aghast, her wide-eyed expression suggesting that uttering the name was akin to committing an act of blasphemy.

The doubt that had now taken root within Fors was palpable. "Wait, are you telling me that 'Klein' is actually Mr. Fool's name? Is this... is all of this really true?" Her words seemed to teem with a sense of betrayal, as if she had been led astray or deceived by 'Him' throughout her entire life.

The perplexing conundrum weighed heavily on her mind. If Mr. World was indeed Mr. Fool, what purpose could such a divine being have for descending to impersonate someone like Mr. World? The deity they had devoutly served as Mr. Fool had always been held in the highest reverence. Why, then, would 'He' choose to descend and take on a different identity? No, it's impossible.

A surge of indignation and disbelief coursed through Fors, threatening to consume her rationality. The entire situation was veering dangerously close to the realm of the absurd, and she was determined not to accept her worst fears as the truth. 

It couldn't be, she reasoned fervently. Mr. Fool must have had some other purpose for taking on the persona of Mr. World, perhaps using him as a vessel for some divine plan. There was simply no way that Mr. World and Mr. Fool could be one and the same. Mr. Fool was a majestic deity, a great god, while Mr. World had always stood as 'His' devoted believer. 

No, no, it couldn't be! Fors repeated to herself, refusing to waver in her conviction. There was no chance that these fundamental roles could change. The idea that Mr. Fool and Mr. World were one entity was nothing short of preposterous, and she clung steadfastly to her denial, unwilling to accept any alternative explanation.

A stern and determined look etched across Fors' face as she confronted Mr. Star. There was an implicit demand in her gaze, a plea for clarity and truth, and perhaps, deep down, a fervent hope that the revelation she sought would somehow affirm her faith, rather than shatter it.

"You better explain it," she urged. It was as though she was on the precipice of an abyss, and she yearned for Mr. Star to either guide hers safely across or confirm that the abyss did not exist at all.

Mr. Star's voice erupted in a shout, his emotions spiraling out of control. "What do you want an explanation for?! Mr. Fool is Klein! He is my friend! The World and Mr. Fool are one and the same!"

Fors' own temper flaring, retorted vehemently, "Enough with that nonsense! All of this is impossible! And you! How dare you speak of Mr. Fool in such a blasphemous manner! I thought you were fiercely loyal to 'Him'? Or is it because Mr. World has entered slumber alongside Mr. Fool that you've started spouting this blasphemous idea about 'Him'?" 

Her accusations were like a blade cutting through the air, leaving no room for doubt about her unwavering loyalty to Mr. Fool. Yet, deep down, perhaps she was unwilling to accept the truth that loomed over them all. 

"I... I'm not betraying 'Him'!" The Star Leonard's voice quivered with a mixture of frustration and sadness, his words a vehement protest against Fors' accusations.

"You're in denial!" He accused. "Why is talking about my own friend blasphemous?! He is my friend, I have known him for a long time. You stubborn... you stubborn bastard..." His voice trailed off, leaving behind an air of palpable misery. Despite his evident rage, his handsome visage makes it seems bearable, although it was now tinged with a sorrow that lent him a bittersweet aura.

"You... you f*ckin—" Fors began, her anger on the cusp of boiling over, but then something peculiar happened. 

It was as if a wave of serenity washed over her, soothing the tempestuous emotions that had been surging within her just moments before. In an instant, the sharp retort that had been on the tip of her tongue dissipated, replaced by a profound calm that enveloped her entire being.

The turbulent storm of emotions within her was quelled, and what she had intended to say was transformed into more tranquil and measured thoughts, leaving her momentarily speechless as she grappled with this unexpected inner shift.

Under Madam Justice's ability, she "placating" both Fors and Mr. Star, a sense of harmony washed over the room, underscored by the gentle curve of her smile.

"Madam and Sir," she began, her voice carrying an air of diplomacy, "let us engage in a civil discussion. Mr. Star, your complete explanation can be presented when you meet with the Goddess, for you hold the key to the intricate details of this revelation. Madam Magician, I humbly plead with you to open your ears to what's unfolding. We are faced with the pressing task of awakening Mr. Fool and confronting the truth, regardless of how surreal it may appear. Do you all find yourselves in agreement?" Madam Justice's words resonated with a call for cooperation and unity, her visionary abilities fostering an atmosphere of understanding and collaboration in the midst of their circumstances.

"Yes, Madam Justice," came the unanimous response, as Fors and The Star Leonard echoed the sentiment in unison. It was as if they were both caught in a subtle trance, their emotions transformed by the influence of Madam Justice's ability.

The transformation in the room was palpable. Thanks to Justice Audrey's intervention, the atmosphere had shifted significantly, rendering the situation far more civil and amicable than the confrontation that had preceded it. Even though the tranquility had quelled the mounting drama, the angel of mercury, Will, looked somewhat disappointed by the absence of the drama he had anticipated.

Madam Audrey is so, so beautiful.. Fors thought inwardly.

Meanwhile, Mr. Star was over there, sheepishly trying to wipe off the remnants of snot and tears from his face.

"Um, hehe, thank you, Madam Justice," Mr. Star chuckled awkwardly, still wiping away the traces of his earlier emotional display. "My apologies, I may have been a tad impulsive back there."

Fors joined in, expressing her gratitude with enthusiasm. "Me too, me too.. Audrey, you truly are remarkable!" She flashed a thumbs-up in Justice Audrey's direction.

Justice Audrey's cheeks faintly flushed with embarrassment, waved off the praise with a modest smile. "Oh, it's really nothing, no need to make a fuss," she mumbled, but quickly shifted gears, her demeanor becoming more serious. "But let's not forget, the most pressing matter at hand is Mr. Fool's situation," she interjected, steering the conversation back on track.

Fors, momentarily swept up in the appreciative exchange, blinked and then nodded, her expression transitioning from a momentary lapse to one of renewed focus. "Ah, right." She remembers the paramount importance of their mission concerning Mr. Fool.

In a sudden moment, the angel of mercury, Will, sprang to his feet. "I need to get going. My parents are likely out there searching for me," he declared—really not fitting as the president of the Life School of Thought— before vanishing from sight in the blink of an eye.

The word 'parents' hung in the air.

Will, now reborn as Will Ceres, held a deep affection for the simplicity and innocence of his childhood. He was, in a way, making the most of this chance at youth and all the mundane joys that came with it.

Mr. Star absentmindedly scratched his head, his curiosity piqued. "Parents, huh? What were they like? Must be nice to have folks worrying about you~"

Fors, who had glimpsed the warmth of parental affection during her brief childhood before everything took a downhill, found herself at a loss for words.

Madam Justice Audrey smiled with gentle understanding, her gaze shifting toward the angel of time, Pallez.

Ah, Fors thought, a revelation dawning upon her as if she held a sudden insight into the situation. Pallez, in his no-nonsense manner, regarded Mr. Star with a stern expression that hinted at exasperation, as though this angel man-child had said something utterly absurd.

"So, about that explanation?" Fors gave The Star Leonard a pointed nudge, reminding him of the task at hand.

He blinked, his attention seemingly drifting once again. "Oh, yeah, right. Let me get started."

Mr. Star is always distracted... Fors then remembered when she taught him to write literature—it was hell. At least his handsome face can makes it bearable.

"About my friend, yes, my friend," Mr. Star began, his tone hesitant, "I introduced you to him. His name is Klein Moretti, and we used to be colleagues in Nighthawk. The story of how he came to join Nighthawk is quite intriguing, and I'd love to share it with you..."

Fors, on the edge of her seat with anticipation and anxiety, couldn't hold back any longer. "Wait, what? Hold on, what does all of this mean?" Her voice quivered with fear that Mr. Star was about to confirm the unthinkable—that Klein was somehow equivalent to Mr. Fool.

Mr. Star, looking slightly offended by the interruption, raised a finger to his lips. "Shush! Let me explain, can't we be civil here?" he chided, though there was a hint of impatience in his tone.

Fors rolled her eyes, while Justice Audrey watched the exchange with amusement dancing in her eyes.

"So," Mr. Star continued, his attention briefly drifting as if lost in thought, "it all began when he commiting suicide due to the influence of the Antigonus family's notebook. But the incredible thing is, he actually survived."

Fors was left perplexed, her mind struggling to make sense of the astonishing revelation. "Huh?" She could hardly find words to respond.

Justice Audrey's brow furrowed with genuine concern as she inquired, "But how, precisely, did 'He' manage to survive?"

She used 'He'... Fors couldn't help but fixate on this linguistic subtlety. Could it be that this was indeed the tale of Mr. Fool? Despite the outrageous nature of the revelation, an unexplainable calm had settled over her, as if Justice Audrey's influence had granted her a clarity of thought.

"That's precisely the part where the Goddess stepped in to enlighten me!" His voice carried a mixture of awe and bewilderment. 

"I was on the verge of losing my sanity when I stumbled upon this revelation, but fortunately, Madam Justice arrived just in the nick of time." 

As the mischievous glint appeared in his irritatingly green eyes, he couldn't resist taunting the ladies. 

"Sooo... are you all just dying of curiosity now?" Clearly intended to provoke a response.

Fors' eyebrow twitched, and she felt an almost irresistible urge to launch him into the cosmos. 

In the midst of this tension, Madam Justice Audrey, ever the voice of reason, spoke gently but firmly. "Yes, we must understand the story of Mr. Fool in its entirety in order to awaken 'Him.'"

Fors' mind, still reeling from the revelation, appeared momentarily dazed. If this conversation had occurred a few minutes earlier, she might have responded with cries of blasphemy and contemplated casting them into the depths of the cosmos. However, now her emotions had been steered into a different course, and she found herself contemplating the idea that 'Klein' was indeed Mr. Fool.

"According to what the Evernight Goddess revealed," Mr. Star continued, his tone both earnest and astonished, "when Klein attempted suicide, he did indeed die as a result. However, he miraculously survived because another soul took residence within him."

"And here's the kicker," he added with a sense of awe, "this soul originates from a time that predates even the first epoch. Can you fathom the sheer span of time we're talking about here? It's a timeline that stretches back unimaginably far, and yet, this is the Klein we've come to know."

Fors listened to this astounding account with a mix of disbelief and fascination, grappling with the idea that 'Klein' was, in essence, a vessel for an ancient soul that transcended the very concept of time. 

The notion of a pre-epoch era left her flabbergasted, as it was beyond her comprehension, for even the most orthodox gods that she knew of hadn't existed before the epoch itself.

"The legend of Mr. Fool.." Fors whispered.


"The legend of Mr. Fool.." Fors whispered.

Mr. Star's beaming expression radiated with a sense of pride. "Heh," he quipped, "as one would expect from a best-selling author, 'the legend of Mr. Fool' does sound like the perfect title for an epic book, wouldn't you say?" He said in a sing-song voice.

Fors felt an almost irresistible urge to summon a barrage of stars and pelt him with them. "Can you please stay focused?" 

Meanwhile, Justice Audrey's usual composed demeanor had been shattered by the revelation, and she spoke with a sense of profound astonishment. 

"During one of our therapy sessions," she began, her voice carrying a weight of realization, "Mr. World mentioned that 'He' had been in slumber for an exceptionally long period, and that 'He' yearned for 'His' home and family. At the time, I couldn't fully grasp the significance of those words. I had the privilege of meeting 'His' sister, and she appeared to be in good health and not far away. I speculated that perhaps Mr. World had feigned 'His' own death to protect 'His' family from danger. But now, as you reveal these incredible details, the pieces of the puzzle are finally falling into place."

"'He' missed 'His' true home," she continued, her voice filled with a mixture of empathy and understanding, "because 'He' doesn't truly belong to this era."

"'His' existence transcends the boundaries of time itself." 

The information had transformed her understanding of the deity they revered, casting Mr. Fool in an entirely new light.

'The Fool that doesn't belong to this era.'

The three of them were gripped by a shared realization, an understanding of the first line of Mr. Fool's honorific name. What had initially sounded mighty and ancient now carried a depth of meaning that left them both astonished and sorrowful. Mr. Fool had transcended the very epochs of existence, hailing from a time that predated their understanding.

As Fors grappled with the information that Mr. World was, in fact, Mr. Fool, it became easier to imagine the deity as an ordinary, lonely man. Her rich imagination as an author painted a picture of Mr. Fool, plagued by homesickness, acutely aware that a return to 'His' home was an impossibility. In the face of such constraints, 'He' had chosen the only path available: to become stronger.

And yet, the question that loomed was, at what cost? Fors pondered the sacrifices that 'He' had made, recognizing that even the most omnipotent of gods could not reverse the inexorable march of time, except through the wholesale resetting of the universe, a prospect akin to its destruction. The weight of Mr. Fool's duty as the luminary who would save the world from impending apocalypse took on new dimensions, and the toll it exacted was a matter of profound contemplation.

Fors suddenly became aware of something amiss—she had been referring Mr. World as Mr. Fool without even realizing it! It was as if her subconscious had seamlessly accepted this astonishing truth!

She shot a quick glance at Madam Justice, who merely smiled in response. Fors couldn't help but suspect that Justice Audrey's visionary abilities were at play here, subtly influencing her perception without any grandiose displays. It was a subtle reminder of the power at Justice Audrey's disposal.

Visionaries' abilities are truly terrifying… to the point where she can even influence an Archangel when she was still an Angel…

Madam Justice appeared to have an insight into Fors' thoughts, and she addressed the unspoken concerns. 

"I'm not manipulating your thoughts," she clarified, "I'm simply assisting in maintaining a calm state of mind. My influence is limited when it comes to individuals with concealment abilities, such as yourself. Ultimately, whether you choose to accept this revelation or not remains entirely within your control."

Fors heaved a sigh of relief at Madam Justice's explanation. With her mind now clear, she delved into the intriguing questions swirling within her thoughts regarding Mr. World's identity as Mr. Fool.

First and foremost, she wondered why 'Klein' had awakened in this era. Was it the work of the Celestial Worthy, orchestrating events behind the scenes? She refrained from asking this question, knowing that Mr. Star would likely provide further details later. 

The second question, however, proved equally perplexing. If Mr. World truly was Mr. Fool, how had he managed to impersonate a deity from the outset? It struck her that an ordinary human assuming the role of a god was an immensely challenging feat, far more complex than a god disguising themselves as a mortal. Was the Celestial Worthy also the one who orchestrates it?

She refrained from underestimating the impact of the former Lord of Mysteries, the Celestial Worthy of Heaven and Earth for Blessings. It was evident that this world had already come under 'His' influence, beginning with the troubles that had befallen Lumian.

The Celestial Worthy of Heaven and Earth stood as the mastermind behind these events, actively suppressing Mr. Fool. It became increasingly clear that understanding this revelation was the key to aiding Mr. Fool in regaining control over the situation.

What weighed heavily on Fors' mind was the notion of equating Mr. World with Mr. Fool. It was a concept that left her feeling deeply unsettled. Prior to this revelation, she had harbored a profound fear of Mr. World, perceiving him as a figure to be cautious of. In stark contrast, her regard for Mr. Fool was one of reverence and awe. Now, the unsettling realization had dawned upon her that these two seemingly distinct entities were, in fact, one and the same.

Fors recollected her initial impressions of Mr. World, or Gehrman Sparrow as he was known. Her first encounters with him had left a sour taste in her mouth. She had perceived him as a dangerous man, a borderline psychotic killer with a penchant for wild adventures. He had appeared strict, cold, and incredibly intimidating to her. Yet, she couldn't deny that his strictness and persona could have been merely a façade. As Mr. Star had suggested, the equivalence between Klein, who was akin to Mr. Fool, and Klein, who was akin to Mr. World, it makes sense if it's just a façade. 

Nonetheless, what continued to unsettle her was the revelation that 'Klein,' or Mr. Fool, had masterfully manipulated their perceptions, leading them to believe that 'He' was a deity before truly ascending to godhood. In a stunning twist, it appeared that 'He' had impersonated 'His' own blessed. The entire hierarchy of subordinates that they had assumed to exist under Mr. Fool's rule was, in reality, a charade carefully orchestrated by 'Himself'—Mr. Fool alone. 

It was akin to a masterful dance in which they had unwittingly been mere pawns, swayed by the strings pulled by Mr. Fool, oblivious to the profound truth that had eluded them for so long. 

Fors, being quite the lazy person herself, couldn't help but marvel at the sheer amount of effort it must have taken.

Mr. Fool is really a hard working man... Uh, no, a 'Him'!

"It seems like you've pieced together all the puzzles already. I don't need to explain any further, do I?" The Star Leonard tossed his hands nonchalantly.

"Well, you don't have to explain if you want to get turned into Beyonder characteristics," Fors casually threatened him. She then heard Justice Audrey's soft giggles.

"Why are you sounding so much like Klein?" Mr. Star pouted. "Alright, so, where were we?"

Fors couldn't help but feel honored to be compared to Mr. Fool.

"The suicide." Fors reminded him.

"Oh, right. After that, Klein got recruited into Nighthawk and decided to be a Beyonder in the Seer pathway. He officially became a member after being involved in the Antigonus Family's Notebook case. Ah, Klein was actually a history graduate student, so he was quite the expert in that field. He had a liking for sweet iced tea, and he was generally a very polite person. But, for some reason, I always felt like he was silently judging me... Looking back, I think I understand why he might have found me annoying. I was a bit extra, you could say, hehe... And then..."

Fors couldn't help but twitch her eyebrow at Mr. Star's unreliable storytelling. The details were all over the place. What did he mean by Mr. Fool being in Nighthawk, liking sweet iced tea, and studying history? Secretly judging? It was all so confusing.

Justice Audrey found herself in the same situation but was doing her best to keep up.

Before the ladies could even begin to analyze the situation, Mr. Star continued with his beautiful storytelling.

"...and then, a True Creator's spawn descends into Tingen, which results in Klein's death."

Fors clenched her fists, her knuckles turning white as she gripped the table. Her patience was running thin as Mr. Star's narration seemed to grow more cryptic and frustrating.

"Soo.. are you guys curious about the complete story?" The Star Leonard's handsome face looked utterly punchable at that moment.

Fors felt her anger simmering, and Justice Audrey just sighed, clearly not relishing the prospect of more convoluted storytelling.

Fors leaned forward, her eyes narrowing at The Star Leonard.

"If you can't provide the information in a normal, sane way, I will... I will subject you to the corruption of the Mother Goddess of Depravity," Fors threatened, her tone taking on a sinister edge. "Hehe, I think having one of the Servants of Concealment experience a pregnancy wouldn't be a bad idea..."

The Star Leonard's face turned ashen, and he shivered at the mere thought of being pregnant. He immediately began to beg for mercy. "No! No, I was just joking! I promise I'll be serious next time!"

Madam Justice refrained from intervening this time, having tacit understanding with Fors' approach.

"Old Man! Help me!" The Star Leonard pleaded, seeking assistance from Pallez, who had been leisurely reading his newspaper.

Without warning, Pallez smacked him on the back of his head.

"Old Man, why did you hit me?" The Star Leonard rubbed his head, baffled by the sudden blow.

"How old are you?" Pallez grumbled, clearly irritated. "Just tell them the important information, you punk. Do you have any manners?"

Fors feel a sense of satisfaction as she watched Pallez scold Mr. Star for his antics.

After the scolding from Pallez, Mr. Star continued talking with a demeanor that was in stark contrast to his earlier antics. 

"The pivotal information was that Klein is technically considered to be the Goddess' blessed, and 'She' had been paying attention to him from the moment Klein appeared. 'She' referred to the person who possessed the soul from the pre-dates of the first epoch as the 'Transmigrator.' This 'Transmigrator' could originate from two distinct sources, which both are Sefirot. Firstly, there was the Chaos Sea, a Sefirah associated only with the Ancient Sun God. Secondly, there was the Sefirah Castle, which was part of a revival plan orchestrated by the Celestial Worthy. 

'He' had sealed over a hundred 'Transmigrators' within cocoons of light prior to the onset of the apocalypse, placing them inside Sefirah Castle."

His tone is serious and composed, befitting his role as an Archbishop of the Church of Evernight Goddess.

Madam Justice frowned, "Transmigrator.."

Fors somehow thought about the secret organization, the Curly-Haired Baboons Research Society, which had a faction that worshipped Celestial Worthy.

"I have received permission from the Goddess to share this information," Mr. Star continued. "The first three 'Transmigrators' from the Sefirah Castle were actually the Evernight Goddess Herself."

"Evernight Goddess?" Justice Audrey and Fors exchanged astonished glances, their eyes filled with disbelief and intrigue.

They didn't think that the Goddess was also a 'Transmigrator' like Mr. Fool!

Mr. Star nodded solemnly. "The Celestial Worthy's revival inside 'Her' was unsuccessful, and 'She' didn't explain why."

Even Pallez, who had been engrossed in his newspaper, put it down to listen attentively.

"The second 'Transmigrator' was, hehe.. you all know him… Klein- uh, I mean, Mr. Fool has always asks for his diary. The Celestial Worthy failed to revive within him."

Of course, they know too well. To think that Roselle Gustav was also a 'Transmigrator' wasn't too surprising.

It explains why Mr. Fool asking for Roselle's diary in equivalent exchange, because Mr. Fool and Roselle were from the same era. Therefore, Mr. Fool was able to decipher the complicated symbols in Roselle's diary and obtain information from it.

"The last of Celestial Worthy's revival plan is Klein." Mr. Star continued.

"The fate of the 'Transmigrators' would be intricately woven into the pathways of the Lord of Mysteries group, notably the Fool pathway. Among these 'Transmigrators,' the Evernight Goddess stood out as a subsidiary god of the ancient God Flegrea, 'He' was a Sequence 0 of the Darkness Pathway, who held authority over the Fool Pathway. In the region of Intis, where Emperor Roselle was active, the Secret Order existed. Emperor Roselle had early interactions with Zaratul, the leader of the Secret Order, although he did not ultimately choose the Fool Pathway. On the other hand, Klein's journey led him into a case involving the Antigonus Family's notebook, swiftly presenting him with the opportunity to choose the Seer pathway."

"When Klein underwent the process of 'transmigration,' his destined existence was meant to be born with a 'curtain.' This 'curtain' would encompass the characteristics of the Fool Pathway, spanning from Sequence 9 to Sequence 1. To thwart any possibility of the Celestial Worthy's revival within him, the Evernight Goddess took action. She intricately grafted this 'curtain' onto the Forsaken Land of the Gods, employing the Uniqueness derived from the Antigonus."

"I see... So it was thanks to the Goddess that 'She' prevented the Celestial Worthy from reviving. 'Her' favor onto Mr. Fool is too great…" Fors remarked.

Audrey Justice appeared somewhat amused and slightly embarrassed as she recounted, "Once, I asked Mr. World if the Evernight Goddess and Mr. Fool were allies. 'He' looked at me with a somewhat longing expression and said that 'They' were allies at that moment. Then, I teased 'Him' saying that if only I knew what 'His' inner thoughts were because of 'His' expression and from the incident in the 'Hall of Truth'... I, I was so bold! If only I had known that the one I was talking to was actually Mr. Fool..."

Mr. Star burst out laughing, "Hahaha! You just asked Mr. Fool if he was favored by the Goddess! If I were Klein, maybe I would have struck you down or something... Ah, no, I'm kidding! He wouldn't mind!" He stopped his antics abruptly after receiving a sharp glare from Fors.

"Maybe at that time," Mr. Star continued, his expression turning sorrowful, "Klein didn't know yet that he was heavily favored by the Goddess. Knowing him, I understand he would have felt indebted if he had asked for help. If only I had known from the start that Klein was actually Mr. Fool, I would have offered him my support and not let him face those challenges alone..."

The two ladies refrained from interrupting him, sensing that Mr. Star needed to vent his feelings. They listened attentively, allowing him to share his thoughts and emotions without any interruption.

"He... can you imagine how lonely he must have been?" Fors and Justice Audrey listened intently, empathizing with the depth of Mr. Star's emotions. He continued to speak, his voice heavy with sorrow.

"He was in an entirely different era, then forced to leave his siblings behind because of a certain person's actions. He had to live a solitary life, driven by the burning desire for revenge. I... I also sought revenge, but I was weak, too weak to do anything. I could barely survive after his 'death.'"

"There were times when I would hallucinate, seeing him and the captain as if they were still with me. Meanwhile, he was struggling tirelessly to become stronger. He transformed into a completely different person, unrecognizable to me, all for the sake of vengeance. But deep down, I know... he just wanted to find a way back home. Oh, Goddess, how cruel fate was to him..."

Tears streamed down Mr. Star's cheeks as he shared the poignant story.

Fors, too, was overcome with a deep sense of sorrow as she listened to Mr. Star's emotional outpouring. She couldn't help but empathize with him, putting herself in his shoes. How would she react if her dear friend were forced to face such danger all on their own? The thought tugged at her heartstrings, and her mind wandered to her own dear friend, Xio, who had risen through the ranks to become a deputy director of MI9, all through her hard work and determination. A soft smile played on Fors' lips as she cherished the thought of her friend's achievements.

Justice Audrey's eyes welled up with tears, mirroring the deep emotions that had been stirred by Mr. Star's heartfelt confession. She gently placed her hand on his, offering him a comforting touch as she spoke with compassion.

"Don't worry," she began, her voice filled with sincerity, "we will awaken Klein. You're not alone in this matter. And we will make sure that Mr. Fool is not alone either."

Her emerald eyes shone with a profound sense of determination and resolve. In that moment, amidst the heavy atmosphere of revelations and secrets, a sense of camaraderie and understanding seemed to bridge the gap between The Magician Fors, The Star Leonard, and Justice Audrey.


Moments before the revelation.


Seated in a relaxed manner, he cradled a cigarette in his hand, an island of calm amidst the bustling street. A biting chill filled the air, evident in the thick coats and bundled attire of passersby and customers alike. Yet, his attire defied the cold—a thin shirt, carelessly adorned with a coat, lending him an air of eccentricity in the face of plummeting temperatures.

His long, raven-black hair cascaded down his back, framing the contours of his slender face. His green eyes bearing a hint of weariness, gazed languidly towards the window, observing the passerby. To the casual observer, he exuded an aura reminiscent of a poet lost in the vivid tapestry of life.

As Leonard took another drag from his cigarette, his mind was preoccupied with the weighty matters of his work, a responsibility he held with utmost dedication. Oddly, the Head of the Archbishops, Arianna, had recently approached him with a message.

She had spoken of a forthcoming revelation from the Evernight Goddess Herself, a revelation that was to be bestowed upon him. The details remained shrouded in mystery, for Arianna had shared only a fraction of what she knew. 

But Leonard had an intuition.

In his understanding, the relationship between Mr. Fool and the Evernight Goddess appeared to be one of alliance. From what he knew, they were not at odds with each other. After all, he pondered, if their accord had been strained or if they held opposing interests, the Evernight Goddess would have likely dealt out swift retribution upon him for simultaneously placing his faith in another deity, Mr. Fool.

Of course, Leonard had never forsaken his worship of the Evernight Goddess, as he was, after all, one of 'Her' angels. His allegiance to 'Her' remained steadfast. Yet, when it came to Mr. Fool, it was faith.

Despite the occasional pangs of guilt that Leonard felt for placing his faith in Mr. Fool, he reasoned by the undeniable rise in influence of the Church of the Fool. The strength and reach of this faith had grown steadily, making it a prominent religious force within the Rorsted Archipelago. 

Moreover, the Church's presence had extended beyond the archipelago's borders, exerting its influence even on the Southern Continent. The awakening of the Death Consul and 'His' subsequent ascendancy to control the Numinous Episcopate further solidified the Church of the Fool's significance in these regions. 

In his role as an Archbishop of the Church of the Evernight Goddess, Leonard will be able to sense when 'She' displayed animosity towards specific deities or religious sects. Surprisingly, in the case of the Church of the Fool, he hadn't detected any such negative sentiment. Quite the contrary, there was a notable absence of hostility between the two faiths.

The relationship between the Church of the Evernight Goddess and the Church of the Fool had even reached a point where they coexisted harmoniously, with the latter permitted to preach its teachings within the Loen Kingdom, albeit without delving too deeply into the theological landscape. Moreover, both faiths shared a striking degree of similarity when it came to their religious regulations.

However, the most crucial piece of evidence supporting the notion that the Evernight Goddess and Mr. Fool were allies was the case of Klein Moretti. He had started his religious journey as a devotee of the Evernight Goddess, only to later become the blessed of Mr. Fool. This apparent shift in allegiance from one deity to another suggested a cooperative connection between the two deities.

In light of these observations, it became increasingly evident to Leonard that the Evernight Goddess and Mr. Fool were indeed allies in some way.

As Leonard sat there, contemplatively puffing on his cigarette, he dwell on the notion that the upcoming revelation from the Evernight Goddess would somehow be intertwined with Mr. Fool, likely about the ancient deity that fought against Mr. Fool. It was as if his intuition was pointing him toward a connection.

However, an inexplicable feeling tugged at the corners of his mind. He couldn't shake the thought that the revelation would also concern someone dear to him—Klein Moretti, his friend. This intuition suggested that the impending revelation wasn't solely about Mr. Fool but had, at the very least, some connection to Klein, who held a significant place in Leonard's life.

A faint smile touched the corners of his mouth as he softly whispered, "Klein…"

To his dear friend, Leonard had always been plagued by feelings of inadequacy, like he was constantly falling short while Klein excelled, creating a widening gap between them.

Klein, his dear friend, had been elevated to slumber with Mr. Fool as 'His' blessed. Leonard often found himself questioning why Klein had become Mr. Fool's favored one. Did Klein comprehend that being the chosen one of a deity required surrendering one's very essence?

Leonard didn't harbor any resentment toward Mr. Fool. He understood that it was unwise to challenge the actions of a deity, and he possessed enough common sense not to test 'Him.' Mr. Fool was a God that Klein held in the highest reverence, and Leonard respected the divine boundary.

It was just that he had witnessed how tirelessly Klein worked, never taking a moment's respite. He noticed the weight of responsibility that Klein bore, especially after advancing to an angel. The magnitude of this responsibility was apparent when Klein got to the Forsaken Land of the Gods, because Mr. Fool inhabited his body, and subsequently engaged in a fierce battle with Amon. 

At that time, Leonard felt a profound sense of powerlessness, realizing that they were entirely at Mr. Fool's mercy.

The benevolence of gods, he had always been told, is not to be fully trusted.

His mind wandered again. During the final gathering of the Tarot Club, as Mr. Fool approached the edge of slumber, 'He' bestowed specific commissions upon each of the members. These tasks involved spreading 'His' name far and wide, as well as embarking on missions intricately connected to awakened 'Him'. 'He' revealed prophecies that hinted at the aspects of the future, leaving the members with a sense of anticipation for the events yet to unfold.

Klein, known also as the World, was in the same slumber as Mr. Fool. During this period, Leonard's sole purpose was to fulfill the commissions bestowed upon him by Mr. Fool, all in the hope of awakening 'Him'. Only then could he have the chance to reunite with Klein, his dear friend.

His emotions turned sorrowful, something he knew Pallez would disapprove of. Pallez had always been there to lecture him whenever his thoughts drifted towards sadness. Speaking of Pallez, the angel had stopped parasitizing him ever since Leonard advanced to an angel himself. But Pallez had been acting peculiar lately, especially when the topic of Mr. Fool was brought up. There was something peculiar about the way Pallez spoke, as if he knew some mysteries.

This peculiar behavior had started around the time Mr. Fool entered 'His' slumber. Leonard always wondered inwardly why Pallez was acting this way. 

He grumbled, why was he suddenly thinking about that Old Man now? He shook his head, stubbed out his cigarette and pushed open the café's door, deciding it was time to leave. 



"It's good to see you again, Your Eminence."

Leonard's eye twitched. "I told you to just call me Leonard."

"I cannot speak disrespectfully to the archbishop of the Church of the Evernight Goddess," she retorted.

Leonard hesitated, then continued, "Well, I've already mentioned that I don't mind…"

The lady rolled her eyes subtly, before letting him into the house.

"Is Will still with Lorelei?" Leonard inquired as he surveyed the welcoming guest room.

"They're with Mr. and Mrs. Ceres, enjoying a theater show," she replied, then heading to the kitchen to prepare a drink.

Leonard settled into a nearby chair, his fingers fidgeting and his feet shifting restlessly beneath the table. His eyes darted around the room, but they consistently gravitated towards a framed picture hanging on the wall to his left, a familiar sight from his many visits to this place.

The photograph captured a moment of family togetherness. Seated at the forefront was the gracious host of the house, the lady with whom he had just spoken. In the picture, she appeared younger, still a teenager, dressed in an elegant white lace dress that exuded youthful charm. Flanked by her were her two brothers, both bearing the same striking combination of jet-black hair and warm brown eyes.

The brother on the left side of the lady had a mature air about him, signified by his receding hairline. He was clad in a simple yet classic black suit, his presence radiating a sense of wisdom and experience. 

The gentleman to the right of the lady, on the other hand, exuded a bookish aura. His impeccable black suit spoke of sophistication and elegance. His gentle smile and kind eyes portrayed a warm and approachable demeanor, making it clear why they were captured in this precious family portrait.

Following Mr. Fool's slumber, Leonard made it a habit to regularly visit Klein's family, keeping a watchful eye on them. The Angel of Mercury, Will, also began to take an interest in their well-being, as evident from his frequent interactions with Klein's niece, playing and bonding with her.

As the lady returned from the kitchen, she carried a tray bearing two steaming cups of black coffee. Placing the tray on the table, she took a seat across from Leonard.

"Is Lilly not here?" Leonard inquired with curiosity, noting the absence of the maidservant.

She shook her head, "She requested a week off."

Her scrutinizing brown eyes fixed upon him. Leonard inwardly flinched, for those eyes were a constant reminder of Klein. Despite being siblings, he also couldn't help but notice the fundamental differences between the lady and Klein.

"How was your day at work?" Melissa inquired.

Leonard had always been discreet about his occupation, especially due to the sensitive and perilous nature of his duties. And Melissa remained unaware that the person she conversed with was an angel.

Leonard had shared with her that he served as an archbishop of the Church of the Evernight Goddess, and he suspected that she might be speculating that he's a Nighthawk.

But... Melissa is practically a genius like Klein... I'm pretty sure she's pieced together a lot, Leonard mused to himself, not daring to underestimate her.

The revelation that he was an archbishop hadn't been intentional on Leonard's part. It all happened when one of his underlings slipped up and accidentally addressed him as 'Your Eminence' during his conversation with Melissa. To make matters worse, he'd forgotten to maintain the 'concealed world' barrier between him and his subordinate. 

An angel, forgetting such an important detail was truly embarrassing… Fortunately, Melissa still treated him the same way, although she began to address him as 'Your Eminence' as a joke.

"It went well, as I carried out my duties under the guidance of the Goddess," Leonard replied, while tapping his chest four times by tracing a clockwise circle in a pious manner.

Melissa paid no attention to his cryptic response and pressed on, "So, what brings you here today?"

His intuition led him here, although he wasn't entirely certain of the purpose. As he became increasingly anxious and restless, knowing that a revelation from the Evernight Goddess awaited him, he had initially set out for Backlund with the intention of meeting Klein's sister.

He sighed and took a sip of the coffee. "Hmm... this is excellent. Fermo Coffee, it brings back memories of Tingen," he said, but then choked and coughed uncontrollably.

Melissa looked at him with a deadpan expression. "Your Eminence, I believe you need a day off."

Leonard quickly recovered and remarked, "You sound just like my colleagues..."

"Did Klein have that effect on you as well?" her questions were as sharp as ever.

"Yeah, you do bear a striking resemblance to him," Leonard admitted, clearing his throat. "But, well, why are we discussing your brother now? Haha... What I meant to say is that I came here simply because I wanted to, to see how you're doing..."

"Your Eminence, is Klein still alive?" Melissa fixed him with an intense gaze, as if she were on the verge of unraveling a long-held secret.

Leonard panicked for a moment but managed to regain his composure. Melissa had a habit of probing about her brother's fate, but Leonard couldn't reveal the truth, so he offered the familiar response, "No, he's not."

"Melissa, I understand the pain of losing him. I went through the same thing. I was devastated back then, unable to carry on with my work and life... But we must come to terms with it, just as you have to," Leonard offered his words with a sense of 'adult' responsibility.

Melissa, with her deadpan expression, simply responded, "Sure," and continued to sip her coffee.


Leonard scratched his head, uncertain if his performance had been convincing enough. It had to be, he thought. He couldn't let her know that Klein was still alive, for various reasons…

"Melissa," Leonard began changing the subject. "I've always been curious about your machinery creations… Tell me, what have you been working on recently?"

"Well," Melissa replied with her usual stoic demeanor, "I've been tinkering with a few projects. I just finished a musical clock, and I've been working on a rather intricate musical box. They're turning out quite well."

Leonard leaned forward, genuinely interested. "That sounds fascinating! How's your progress, and have you considered selling it?"

"I've made significant progress," her stoic expression belying her underlying enthusiasm. 

"As for selling them, I've already started, and the profits have been rather promising."

Leonard's eyes lit up as he probed further, "Really? How's the demand for your creations? What tunes do your musical devices play?"

A glimmer of excitement shone through as she replied, "The demand is steadily growing, and the tunes vary. I've incorporated some classic melodies as well as a few original compositions."

Leonard couldn't hide his intrigue. "Original compositions, you say? That's impressive! I'd love to hear them someday!"

Melissa nodded with a hint of a smile, "Of course, Your Eminence. I'll be sure to share them with you."

I'm certain Klein would love to hear it as well… Ah, he'd be so proud of you.



"Your fate is about to change," Will announced.

Leonard sighed and turned his gaze toward the nine-year-old boy who was enjoying his ice cream. "Heh, you can sense it, can't you?"

"What's pate?" Lorelei, the six-year-old girl, asked with a curious expression.

Will and Lorelei had just returned from the theater, leaving Leonard amidst a group of children. Melissa was occupied with her work, leaving him to tend to the young ones.

"It's 'fate,'" Will corrected her.

He then turned his attention back to Leonard. 

"Well, of course! I am an angel of fate! So, did something significant happen?"

Leonard sighed once more. "Yes, the Evernight Goddess will bestow 'Her' revelation upon me."

Will nodded with a hint of a sneer, "You'd better brace yourself. The revelation will have something to do with The Fool."

Leonard concurred with a nod, "Yes, I had a feeling it would. So, it's connected to Mr. Fool's awakening?"

Will shrugged nonchalantly as he continued enjoying his ice cream. "Perhaps," he said, "but you should seek 'Her' tonight, just in case. Delaying it might awaken that ancient deity…"

Leonard remained on edge, his anxiety mounting, as his spiritual intuition reveal that the forthcoming revelation teetered on the edge of danger. He had an unsettling feeling that it could potentially turn his life upside down, but the uncertainty of whether it would be for good or ill only deepened his fear.

He then mischievously snatched Will's ice cream for a bit of fun and to calm his anxious mind.

"Hey! My ice cream!! Waa! Waa!" Will cried.

Leonard was taken aback by the audacity, he chuckled at the reaction. "Come on, you're nine years old now! No need to act like a baby!"

Meanwhile, Lorelei was always loyal to her friend, "Uncle Leo is naughty! Uncle Leo is bad!"

Hey! Did you know that this guy is older than your grandpa?! Leonard thought in exasperation.

He then handed the ice cream back to Will. The nine-year-old gladly resumed enjoying his treat, no longer pretending to cry.

However, now that ice cream was the center of attention, Lorelei couldn't resist. She tugged on Leonard's sleeve, her eyes wide and pleading. "Uncle Leo, can I have ice cream too, please?"

Leonard chuckled, "Alright, alright. Let's get some ice cream for you too!"



Beneath the baleful gaze of the crimson moon, the imposing church emerged from the obscurity, its towering spires and intricate Gothic architecture cloaked in a shroud of darkness. 

Shadows clung to the intricate carvings, and crimson moonlight broke through the worn stained glass windows, breaking into a kaleidoscope of eerie patterns that danced with sinister elegance throughout the sacred interior.

An indescribable sense of dread gripped the atmosphere, as if the darkness itself was the embodiment of fear, a whisper of lurking danger and impending doom, an ominous silence punctuated only by the faintest of echoes, echoing a hushed and unforgettable stillness.

Then, the ethereal humming of an eerie choir began to echo throughout the room, their voices invoking a sense of mystique and foreboding, making the hairs stand on end for anyone who dared to approach.


"The Evernight Goddess stands higher than the cosmos; and more eternal than eternity."


The hum of the choir turns into something far more terrifying—a symphony of screams that pierce the night, laughter that echoes with maddening joy, and whispers that speak of forgotten secrets. Sometimes, the voices intertwine in a mesmerizing dance, luring those who dare to listen into the depths of madness. At other times, the voices turn into a mad chant that threatens to consume all common sense.


"You are The Mother of Concealment, The Empress of Misfortune and Horror."


A solitary figure knelt reverently before the altar, bathed in the sanguine glow of the crimson moonlight. His gaze, fixed unwaveringly upon the Dark Sacred Emblem adorning the altar. His hands were clasped together in a supplicant's pose, fingers entwined with an almost unnatural rigidity. 

As he lowered his head, a cascade of long, raven-black hair flowed around him, the strands appearing to grow endlessly, until they pooled and writhed upon the cold, stone floor.

However, it was the figure's eyes that had the most terrifying aspect of all. Within the depths of those eyes that were once human eyes, a disturbing transformation had taken place. A myriad of strange insects, their bodies made of chitin glistening with a wicked luster, writhed and crawled within the eyelids. Their tiny legs scuttled, their antennae twitched, and their variegated eyes glittered with a terrifying light.


"You are The Mistress of Repose and Silence."


The darkness deepened.


"I implore you to bestow upon me your divine revelation."


As his last words escaped his lips, the surroundings grew even more eerie. The darkness wrapping the space in an impenetrable shroud of obscurity. Insects, grotesque and twisted, began to crawl forth from the crevices of his mouth, ears, and even his very skin. 

Black liquid oozed from his eyes, nose, and ears, dripping to the ground. His hair underwent a transformation, transforming into an inky, serpentine substance. Atop his head, a pair of demonic wolf ears sprouted, and his figure grew ever more inhuman and terrifying.

Despite his grostoque appearance, the figure remained devout, kneeling before the Dark Sacred Emblem with clasped hands in an eerie display of reverence. Insects continued to emerge from every pore, their creepy procession never-ending. While his eyes, once filled with humanity, now stared blankly with vacant, pupil-less voids.

The stone floor below began to be flooded with black liquid, the surface writhing with relentlessly crawling insects. The swarms of insects moved in a macabre dance, creating a disorienting symphony of discomfort.

As the unveiling ritual progressed, the figure's torment intensified. His body twisted and writhed on the cold stone floor. Screams of agony filled the dark church, echoing in the dimly lit room. Every scream, every moan, resounded with a chorus.



Leonard stood encircled by the darkness that stretched endlessly in all directions. The void was adorned with an ethereal tapestry of moonflowers and night vanillas, their ghostly glow casting an eerie pallor upon the desolate expanse. The air seemed saturated with an otherworldly fragrance, as if the very essence of night itself enveloped him.

His memories flashed back to the moments prior—a recitation of the Evernight Goddess' honorific name, a fervent plea for revelation—and then, as if transported through the veils of existence, he found himself in this place.

This was the Tenebrous Heaven, the abode of the Evernight Goddess Herself, where mysteries and secrets dwelled in this realm. It was a place where the boundaries between reality and dreams blurred.

Suddenly, a female figure materialized within the darkness, 'She' bore an air of divine elegance, cloaked in a layered black dress adorned with innumerable specks of radiant light that twinkled like a celestial tapestry of stars. 'Her' form was ethereal and unsettling, for 'Her' ribs and waist seemed to unfurl, each segment extending to form two additional arms.

A voice, tender and resplendent, flowed from 'Her' lips, imbuing the space with an aura of profound serenity that enveloped Leonard's very soul. 


"My child."


Overwhelmed by the presence of the Evernight Goddess Herself, Leonard dared not raise his head to behold 'Her' countenance. Instead, he immediately sank to his knees before 'Her', a gesture of reverence and submission in the presence of the Goddess.


"This revelation pertains to my blessed." 


'Her' voice resonated with an otherworldly serenity.

As the words reached Leonard's ears, he couldn't help but feel a sense of intrigue and anticipation. Whom could this revelation possibly concern? His thoughts swirled with questions while he continued to maintain his humbled position.


"He is Klein Moretti." 


The revelation hit Leonard like a bolt from the blue. The shock was evident on his face, his eyes widened in disbelief. 

K-Klein?! He's the Goddess' blessed? He was utterly surprised!

He was unable to reconcile the newfound knowledge with his previous understanding of Klein's identity as Mr. Fool's blessed!

The Goddess extended one of 'Her' hands in a graceful gesture, and in an instant, the world around Leonard dissolved into a vortex of unreal sensations. It was as if he had been thrust into the center of an esoteric storm.

Suddenly, a stream of subtle knowledge and mysterious insights began to flow into his consciousness, each passage coming with astonishing speed and intensity. It was a relentless torrent, incredible in its scope and depth. A symphony of facts, secrets, and hidden truths enveloped him, carrying the weight of thousands of years.

Leonard found himself standing on the brink of a cosmic library, as the universe itself whispered its deepest secrets into the recesses of his mind. 

Leonard's consciousness was transported to a realm beyond his comprehension, a surreal space where strange symbols and archaic runes materialized in the air, each pulsating with an otherworldly glow. 

Within this mysterious place, a figure materialized before him.

The man possessed features reminiscent of an elven heritage. He donned a pair of glasses. With deliberate movements, he placed four distinct portions of staple food at the four corners of an eccentric looking room.

As the man positioned himself in the center of the room, Leonard observed that he commenced a series of ritualistic movements, stepping forward in a deliberate counter-clockwise manner, gradually forming a perfect square within the room. With each measured step, the man chanted an incantation in a language Leonard had never encountered before, a tongue that seemed both ancient and foreign.

Despite his initial unfamiliarity, Leonard's amazement deepened as he experienced a profound revelation: the meaning of the incantation became crystal clear, as if he were effortlessly deciphering an ancient text. 

Every word and phrase now had perfect understanding, and he grasped the context in its entirety. A once incomprehensible language had been revealed to him, transcending the boundaries of understanding.


The man took a first step, chanting "The Immortal Lord of Heaven and Earth for Blessings."

The second step, "The Sky Lord of Heaven and Earth for Blessings."

The third step, "The Exalted Thearch of Heaven and Earth for Blessings."

And then, the fourth step;


"The Celestial Worthy of Heaven and Earth for Blessings."


Upon hearing the incantation, Leonard's eyes changed instantly, and his being was transformed by the revelation. His thoughts and understanding exploded like a cosmic explosion, a chain reaction of knowledge that burned the boundaries of his mind all at once.

The honorary name has a very deep meaning, and is none other than the former Lord of the Mysteries, with the respected title from the Western Continent. 

When the revelation came, the environment around Leonard seemed to lose its stable form. The space around him shifted and warped, leaving him in a surreal void, the boundaries of existence blurring into an endless expanse of cosmic uncertainty.

At that moment, he found himself floating in a state of transcendental revelation, hovering over an abyss of secrets and enigmas beyond the limits of his understanding.

Then he "saw" Klein Moretti materialize before him, his eyes soulless and black, gazing directly into Leonard's.


Leonard reached out for him, but 'Klein' began to transform into a swirling gray fog, slipping through his grasp.

The fog engulfed Leonard, and in that moment, he was inundated with a torrent of information. 

So many information.

'Transmigrator', the pre-epoch, Klein Moretti's Identity…


He "walked" through the formless void, his consciousness traversing a surreal landscape. 


He "saw" Sherlock Moriarty, Gehrman Sparrow, Dwayne Dantès, Merlin Hermes.


He "saw" Klein Moretti, he was as tall as a mountain, controlling each one with a string in each finger.


He "saw" Klein Moretti, wearing a robe with the symbol of Pupil-less Eye and Contorted Lines.


'He' was The Fool.


He "saw" The Fool, being controlled by the man with elvish facial features, while the man appearing like an ordinary human.


He "saw" The Fool shrink, turning into the same height as him. The Fool stood right in front of him.


'His' face was inconsistent, but then it settled. It was a face merged between Klein Moretti and Gehrman Sparrow.


'His' hair grew longer and longer. 'His' eyes were soulless black. 'His' lips slowly smiled.


His head seemed on the verge of exploding, and an indescribable sorrow overwhelmed him.


Leonard wept profusely, black liquid oozing from his eyes, nose, and mouth. He sprouted additional appendages, and demonic wolf ears emerged atop his head.


"O' Goddess.."

"How cruel fate has been to 'Him'..."



"The era that was buried in the past is a memory shared between us, and also the critical period in which our humanity was born, sprouted, and nourished. Even if I've had a long life, it remains my fondest memories."


"My child, the moment has come for you to impart this knowledge to them."


"We all require his presence, and we hold him dear in our hearts."