


Two days later.


Nothing eventful happened in the next few days and Sunday quickly arrived.


As he adjusted his clothes, Klein carried his small suitcase and a cane into the Backlund Metro. Through the main door, Klein followed the people ahead of him and walked to the ticketing booth.


After being in line for a few minutes, he bought a second-class seat ticket for 4 pence. Walking towards the corresponding platform and location, Klein didn't have to wait long before the thunderous sound of the steam whistle shook the ground.


He first waited for the other passengers to alight before slowly carrying his cane and luggage over, allowing the conductor to check his tickets.


Just as Klein sat down, he suddenly heard hurried footsteps. Ian appears… He recalled the event on the metro and looked up to see a thin, adolescent boy rush into the carriage. 


"I'm sorry, I got on the wrong carriage. I'm from third-class…" Ian showed his ticket, apologizing to the passengers before briskly walking towards the third-class carriage.


Klein didn't retract his gaze and waited a few seconds, just as a few men dressed in black coats and half-top hats rushed into the carriage as well.


"Did you see a teenage boy? He's wearing an old coat!" One of the men fiercely asked the conductor.


The conductor shrank back and pointed towards the third-class carriage. "I-I saw him…He went that way."


The leader nodded indiscernibly, leading his men towards the third-class carriage immediately. 


Ian should smoothly escape his pursuers. Recalling the past, Klein calmly looked away and opened a newspaper, reading it.


And sure enough, soon after the steam metro started moving, Ian walked slowly into the carriage wearing his old coat and round top hat. 


Klein discreetly scrutinized the teenage boy for a few seconds out of the corner of his eyes and continued reading his papers.



Klein arrived smoothly at Cherwood Borough, where he took a rented carriage to Minsk Street. Moving familiarly, as if he had walked this route dozens of times, he came to Unit 17 and pulled the doorbell.


He waited a few seconds until the door opened, a young maidservant peeking her head out. "May I help you?" She looked warily at Klein.


Klein smiled, adjusting his glasses. "I'm here to find Mrs. Sammer about renting a house. Has it been rented out yet?"


"Not at all. Please wait a moment." The maidservant bowed slightly, rushing inside to report to her mistress. Moments later, she came out again and invited him in.


"Madam, the guest is here." The maidservant brought Klein to the living room after she helped him place his cane and luggage in the foyer and hang his coat and hat on a clothes rack in the same place. 


Klein looked at the familiar face of his landlord and maintained a polite smile. "Hello there, Mrs. Sammer." He pressed one palm to his chest and bowed.


The blonde-haired blue-eyed woman smiled in a reserved manner. "Good evening. Please, have a seat. Would you wish for some coffee or tea?"


"Tea, please." Klein sat on the sofa.


Mrs. Sammer instructed her maidservant to prepare Marquis Black Tea before turning her eyes to Klein. "How might I address you?" She asked.


"Sherlock Moriarty. You may call me Sherlock." 


The rest of their conversation closely aligned with Klein's own memories, and they settled on a deposit of half a year, equivalent to 25 pounds. After exchanging a few more pleasantries and being introduced to Luke Sammer, Klein was led out of the house by the maidservant and into the neighboring Unit 15.


He half-listened to the maidservant's introduction, after which she returned to the Sammers. Klein looked at the living space with a bit of nostalgia, recalling memories from around eight years ago. 


Time sure flies…Unfortunately, 'Sherlock Moriarty' is fated to leave Backlund for a 'vacation' and rarely reappear afterwards. Klein started unpacking the few things in his suitcase and sat in the empty living room.


Now that the Tingen affair is over, I can begin making a large-scale, comprehensive plan for the next three years…and even longer… Klein frowned, seriously thinking.


The most crucial thing is to promote quickly and steadily. Rushing too much will only backfire on me. It would be best to prevent Amon from becoming a dual-pathway God altogether, in order to make my ascension to Godhood and later to becoming a Great Old One easier. If that's not possible, I need to make as much preparations as possible to fight Amon in Sefirah Castle.


Well, right now matters of such a level are out of my reach. Yes, I should focus on developing the Tarot Club quicker this time, amassing allies, and increasing my own personal strength…I'll use Rosago's Beyonder characteristic as the main ingredients and find the supplementary ones through other channels.



The next day.


Klein spent the morning posting an advertisement for Sherlock Moriarty's private detective business, tidying up Unit 15, and purchasing mysticism materials from various stores. 


In total, including his expenses during the last three days, Klein now found himself with just over 200 pounds left.


Luckily, I won't need to purchase more items due to bringing some with me. I can also save some money in the future, since I already have a gun and won't need to buy one… Klein returned to 15 Minsk Street, where he took four steps counterclockwise and entered Sefirah Castle.


Klein gazed through the crimson star that represented Leonard and saw the Red Glove idly dawdling in his private quarters in Saint Samuel's Cathedral. Two days ago, Klein had already received a response from Leonard, affirming that The Star would be the next newest member of the Tarot Club.


Hm, even though I made practically no preparations the first time I inducted Leonard into the Tarot Club, it doesn't have to be the same way this time… With this thought, Klein first notified The Sun to prepare for the Tarot Meeting before extending his spirituality and enveloping the star connected to Leonard.



Leonard had been casually chatting with Pallez as he kept an eye on the clock, waiting for the time to approach 3:00 pm, when suddenly a crimson tide engulfed his vision. Allowing the familiar sensation to wash over him, Leonard blinked in confusion as he sat at the ancient bronze table, a mysterious figure shrouded in fog at the head.


"Klei– uh, Mr. Fool?" Leonard quickly corrected himself. I need to be careful to call Klein The Fool during the Tarot Club…


"Isn't the time too early?" Leonard asked curiously.


Klein maintained his composure with his Clown abilities as he smiled, although his expression was hidden under the gray fog. "Yes. However, Mr. Mitchell, I would like to remind you of a few things before your first Tarot Meeting in this timeline commences."


Leonard nodded, a bit unused to Klein using the lofty identity and tone of The Fool to talk to him.


"As of right now, there are only three Tarot Members– Justice, the Hanged Man, and The Sun. You should know their respective situations and can help, but don't offer too much information on The Sun– the Forsaken Land of the Gods isn't something you should know much about right now. I'm afraid changing The Sun's chain of actions may lead to an undesirable future."


"I see." Leonard expressed his understanding and suddenly thought of something. "By the way, even though I have confidence in my acting skills, it would still be difficult to hide my instinctive reactions from Miss Justice…"


Klein spread his hands and leaned back in the Fool's high-backed chair. "That's simple– I can simply thicken the gray fog that covers you. Of course, once Miss Justice breaks through the demigod level, whether or not you can hide your true thoughts is up to your own ability, but right now she's just at Sequence 9."


Leonard blatantly gawked. Seriously? She becomes Sequence 3 in three years? What's up with these crazy promotion rates?! 


The Fool ignored Leonard's expression and glanced at a conjured silver pocket watch. "The Tarot Club starts in five minutes, you–"


Leonard snapped to attention and half-raised his hand. "Uh, actually, Mr. Fool? Is it possible to redraw my Tarot Card?"


Klein paused and glanced at the Red Glove. "...You don't like The Star card?"


"Well, I'm not complaining, but I've always thought it didn't suit me…" Leonard coughed awkwardly, looking away from The Fool's seat.


"So you won't feel a sense of incongruence later on if, say, Emlyn White joins the Tarot Card and happens to draw The Star card instead of you?" Klein kept trying to persuade Leonard. After all, it was the card that he had personally chosen for him! How does it not fit you? I think it's perfect! 


"I'm not that petulant." Leonard grinned at Klein.


Sighing, Klein could only acquiesce, a stack of Tarot Cards miraculously appearing on the table in front of Leonard and fanning out.


Leonard immediately furrowed his brows and squinted, carefully scrutinizing the identical back of each card. Please, this is my last chance to change my codename in the Tarot Club…


After a few seconds of contemplation, he reached out a hand and plucked a card from the very end, flipping it over!


The Star.


Leonard's expectant face immediately fell as he stared at the familiar image of a goddess pouring holy water.


How? Is my luck so bad? Am I simply fated to draw The Star card? As thoughts whirled around Leonard's head, a sudden absurd theory emerged in his head.


"Ah, it seems you drew The Star card again," Klein commented, hiding a smile.


However, Leonard didn't respond at all–instead, he looked up and made direct eye contact with The Fool. Then, the Red Glove slowly reached out a hand and flipped over all of the other cards. One by one.


They were all The Star cards!


Leonard stared at Klein in disbelief.


"...Did you do this the first time as well?"


Klein stared back at Leonard, struggling to maintain a blank face. The Fool cleared his throat and shiftily changed the topic. "Congratulations on becoming the Tarot Club's fourth member, Leonard. Oops, looks like it's 3:00 already, let's talk later."


As if escaping something, Klein looked to the side and touched three familiar red stars in quick succession, activating his spirituality. 


Speechless, Leonard looked at the mysterious figure hidden behind the gray fog. 


You rigged it both times, didn't you?!


Above the gray fog, inside the palace that looked like a giant's residence.


Three blurry figures appeared, seated at the ancient bronze table.


"Good afternoon, Mr. Fool, good afternoon…" Audrey started greeting the members of the Tarot Club when her gaze suddenly fell on a new member, sitting where there was once an empty seat!


"This is?" Audrey looked at Mr. Fool with puzzlement and delight. Has the Tarot Club grown bigger again? I wonder what the background of this new member is… Thinking of Mr. Sun who was from the elusive Forsaken Land of the Gods, Audrey felt somewhat excited.


Klein leisurely leaned back and, not exposing any abnormalities, said, "This is a new member, The Star."


Leonard "The Star" had an exasperated look on his face as he heard the codename. Well, if Klein really wants me to be 'The Star,' I can't do anything about it…


Audrey and the other members of the Tarot Club curiously examined the new member. Hm, normally I'm able to see the overall characteristics and read some emotions from the Tarot Members, but this 'Mr. Star' seems to be shrouded with a thicker layer of gray fog… Audrey was deep in thought. However, I'm still able to tell that Mr. Star is male from his stature.


Alger also had similar thoughts. Perhaps, The Star is of a mysterious identity where simply viewing him will cause insanity? He shuddered and immediately averted his gaze. The Fool is indeed a powerful existence that has been sealed for mysterious reasons…being able to pull someone so strong into the Tarot Club is evidence of his growing strength!


After everyone had greeted the new member, with Leonard responding warmly, Alger looked towards The Fool and rushed to speak.


"Mr. Fool, I've obtained nineteen pages of Roselle's diary this time."


"Here, I must thank you for sending your adorer to help me get rid of Qilangos. These diary pages will be the compensation I should pay!"


Ah, right…Qilangos… Klein recalled the matter and smiled faintly at The Hanged Man. "That is the principle of equivalent exchange." In fact, all I did was send a letter to Mr. Azik…


He suddenly felt a piercing gaze on him and turned to look at The Star's seat, where Leonard looked at him incredulously. 


Audrey detected The Star looking towards The Fool's seat, and although she was unable to discern his emotions, Audrey could understand his reaction. The new member should have heard about the Pirate Admiral, Qilangos', death and is shocked that the Tarot Club was actually behind this matter! She felt a smudge of satisfaction at the Tarot Club's influence.


Leonard was indeed shocked, but for a different reason. Qilangos…wasn't he killed by a High Sequence Beyonder of the Death pathway? The Fool's adorer? But Klein was only Sequence 8 at that time! Unless…Azik Eggers? Does 'He' even know he's become The Fool's adorer??


Klein looked away from Leonard as naturally as possible and immediately regretted bringing him into the Tarot Club this early. It's one thing to pretend to be a God, but it's another to pretend right in front of someone I know! Uh, technically I am an ancient existence trying to regain 'His' divine throne… 


Alger continued speaking, either not noticing The Star's actions or not caring. "The limit of my current memory is six pages. Please allow me to give them to you over separate occasions."


"No problem." Klein nodded gently. Yes, this is also another problem–should I continue collecting Roselle's diary? I mean, I've already read it before, so there's no use…


Forget it, this gives the Tarot members an easy way to repay me. Furthermore, I'm certain my collection of Roselle's diaries has gathered the attention of Bernadette later on, and stopping would mean losing this connection. 


The Hanged Man inscribed the diary contents he remembered onto six pages. Once they were complete, they disappeared and reappeared in front of The Fool.


Now Klein was in a dilemma. I can easily remember the contents of Roselle's diary through dream divination…Do I still allocate a specific time during the Tarot Club?


He pretended to read the pages in his hand as his mind churned. Mn, after this meeting, I'll just 'casually' set aside the diary pages from now on. Either way, it's not as if Justice or the Hanged Man are going to pester me to read it…


After an appropriate amount of time, Klein put down the diary pages and tapped his right index finger on the edge of the long bronze table, looking at each of the Tarot members. 


Now for a general education lesson… He lampooned to himself as he smiled gently, speaking in a low voice. "Roselle mentioned some simple knowledge that reminded me of something that I don't recall informing you all." 


Leonard's interest was piqued and he looked at Klein sitting at the end of the bronze table.


"Mr. Fool, I'm willing to pay for this information." Audrey was thrilled at The Fool taking the initiative to mention Roselle's diary and couldn't help but speak.


Klein chuckled. "There's no need, this is very general knowledge." Very general indeed… If it wasn't for the fact that the Tarot members (aside from Leonard) truly weren't aware of this, Klein wouldn't have bothered to talk about it.


He continued his speech from his memory. "After reading this part of the diary, as the host of the Tarot Club, I feel it's necessary to inform you all. Of course, I'm certain some of you are already aware of this." 


"Thank you very much! Mr. Fool, you're very generous!" Audrey replied with joy.


Leonard showed no change in expression, even as he laughed inwardly. Now that I'm aware that Klein is The Fool, all of 'His' actions seem less majestic now…even a bit funny…


Klein took in Audrey's praise and continued calmly. "The first piece of knowledge–the Law of Beyonder Characteristics Indestructibility. Beyonder characteristics are never destroyed or reduced, simply passed from one carrier to the next."


Only Audrey showed a bit of surprise, everyone else having already known. As she ruminated over The Fool's description, she immediately understood that she was the only one who was unaware–even the newcomer, The Star, was unmoved.


Hm, The Star should be a relatively experienced Beyonder… With the keen intuition of a Spectator, Audrey was able to deduce this.


At this point, Klein added, "After a Beyonder dies, they will leave behind Beyonder Characteristics– this can serve as the main ingredient for a potion, without a supplementary ingredient, or be made into a mystical artifact."


Audrey immediately reacted, understanding the underlying darkness around the mystical world. So the reality of this path is so cruel and dark…


As thoughts whirled around her head, Klein continued in a calm tone. "The second piece of knowledge–the Law of Similar Sequence Beyonder Characteristics Conservation."


The Hanged Man slightly changed his sitting posture as he heard this. He felt that he understood something but was unable to fully grasp it.


Justice and The Sun shared the same feelings as he did, while The Star remained impassive in his seat.


"Why Similar Sequence?" Alger couldn't help asking.


Klein felt a bit awkward in his heart. Before I turned back time, I issued a task to investigate the Secret Order in return for the answer…But if I were to do so now, it would seem really cheap in front of Leonard. 


Anyway, it isn't some especially huge secret…as they improve their strength, the Tarot members will find out sooner or later.


Klein leaned back in his chair. "Although this can't be counted as 'simple general knowledge,' it isn't a big secret either."


Audrey's eyes sparkled. Praise Mr. Fool for his generosity!


Alger unconsciously leaned forward in anticipation.


"This Law refers to how High-Sequence Beyonders are interchangeable with other pathways at higher sequences."


"For example, a Sequence 5 of the Death pathway can not only advance normally but also advance to Sequence 4 of the Giant pathway without losing control. Of course, if it's not a similar Sequence, madness is the only result."


"Your pathway determines your enemies and allies." Klein added an extra piece of information as a warning.


Both surprised and excited, Audrey covered her mouth. She was delighted that she had another chance to choose again in the future!


Alger and Derrick were similarly enlightened, with Alger stunned at what The Fool considered 'not a big secret.' This information is way too valuable! He instantly became wary, recalling a saying that 'what is free costs the most.' So-called simple knowledge is enough to shock most Low-Sequence Beyonders and benefit them immensely.


He suddenly recalled something and turned to look at the newest and quietest member, The Star.


Unexpectedly, the man didn't even seem interested in the conversation!


Alger frowned but turned his attention back to The Fool as Audrey asked a question.


"Mr. Fool, may I ask what other pathways are exchangeable with the Spectator pathway?"


"I-I can pay for the answer to this question. H-how many gold pounds do you think is enough? I believe your adorer will need a certain amount of funds for other activities…"


Klein's interest was instantly piqued. Ahem, how do I honorably accept this deal without seeming too much like a money grubber… 


Leonard had to look away for a few seconds to regain his composure, biting his lip hard to stop from laughing.


Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice in his head. Leonard, say that you will answer this question and provide her the answer through paper. Ask for 1,000 pounds, I'll give you a commission fee from it.


The Red Glove's lips twitched as Klein's voice disappeared. He resigned himself to his fate and slowly raised his hand. 


"Uh, Miss Justice…If you would like, I can answer this question for you."


Immediately, every Tarot Member turned to look at the seemingly low key new member.


Alger was stunned. Sure enough, this new member is of a high level! He suddenly felt a sense of suppression from a stronger member. I wonder what The Fool's goal is… 'He' is able to exert more influence on the real world?


As Alger agonized, Audrey glanced at The Fool for a second with wide eyes. Seeing no response from the mysterious figure, she looked back towards The Star.


"Yes, I'm interested! What would you like in return?"


Leonard smiled. "1,000 pounds." I'll applaud you, Klein, you managed to find a solution between getting money and saving face…


Audrey didn't hesitate for a second. "Deal!"


Leonard pretended to be confused on how to make the transaction, perfectly acting as a new member. After some guidance from Justice and The Hanged Man, a blank sheet of paper floated in front of him and he 'inscribed' information on it.


In fact, words magically appeared on the paper outside of his control, without anyone else seeing. 


Leonard scanned the words as they appeared. "The Spectator pathway is interchangeable with four other pathways–the respective names of their Sequence 9 potions are Sailor, Reader, Secrets Supplicant, and Bard."


The paper quickly vanished and reappeared in front of Audrey. Filled with anticipation, she read the paper and froze. This…there's so many! Sailor and Bard…aren't these the pathways of The Hanged Man and The Sun? Audrey was overwhelmed by the information and felt that this was worth way more than 1,000 pounds!


Klein waited until Audrey digested the information before advising, "Miss Justice, it would be best for you to remain in your current pathway." He didn't mention why, intending for the others to fill the gaps themselves.


The Sun, although curious, wasn't interested in the knowledge since he didn't plan on switching pathways. The same couldn't be said for Alger, who looked at Audrey's stunned countenance and burned with curiosity.


I plan on continuing down the Sailor pathway because it's the most useful to me right now, but what Mr. Fool said… Alger recalled 'His' sentence: Your pathway determines your enemies and your allies.


He grit his teeth. 1,000 pounds…can I afford this?


Regardless, he looked towards The Star and, with a respectful tone, asked, "Mr. Star, are you aware of the exchangeable Sequences to the Sailor pathway? …I am willing to pay an equal price, but I need time to gather the money…"


Leonard controlled his facial expression to remain still, but a voice quickly sounded in his head. " Ask for either the remnant spirituality of an ancient wraith or a pair of eyes from a six-winged gargoyle. These two ingredients add up to about 800 pounds, and the rest can be paid later."


Klein wasn't afraid that the Hanged Man or The Sun would guess that these were supplementary ingredients to the Marionettist potion–after all, his mouthpiece, Leonard, wasn't even from the Seer pathway. 


Leonard echoed Klein's words to Alger, who hesitated for a few seconds. These are all relatively rare and expensive Beyonder ingredients…it isn't easy to obtain, but it isn't impossible either. 


Finally, the Hanged Man nodded. "I'll keep an eye out for these materials. If I can't find them, I'll pay you the equivalent in pounds." 


Nodding, Leonard pretended to create another sheet of paper which promptly appeared in front of Alger. 


The Hanged Man immediately read it and was stunned–the Sailor pathway could actually be exchanged with four other pathways! With Spectator being one of them! This…this! He was so shocked he was unable to form a coherent thought.


Audrey watched The Hanged Man's expression with satisfaction. Yes, you couldn't have imagined that such valuable information was exchanged for only 1,000 pounds, right? 


Indeed, Alger was shocked and, after digesting the knowledge, looked up at The Star. He felt that the new Tarot member was even more unfathomable and mysterious than he thought! Perhaps, he may even be a 'He'... Alger shuddered at the thought.


The Sequence 7 Leonard resisted the urge to sneeze.


After a brief silence, Audrey looked at The Hanged Man again. "Mr. Hanged Man, my tip allowed you to finish Rear Admiral Hurricane. Have you prepared the complete pituitary gland of a mature Rainbow Salamander?"


Alger nodded gently and said, "I've gotten the Beyonder material you wanted. But how should I give it to you?"


How should it be given to me…? Audrey froze as she considered this issue. I can't just give my address. Go through Xio and Fors? But that will reveal the fact that I'm a Beyonder…


As she lost herself in thought, Leonard furrowed his brow imperceptibly. Isn't this simple? Just sacrifice it to the Fool… He suddenly became enlightened. Oh, so this is before Klein–I mean, Mr. Fool–used 'sacrificial rituals' to pass items in the Tarot Club!


Expectant, Leonard sat back as he waited for The Fool to speak up.


At that moment, Klein lightly tapped the edge of the long table and smiled.


"Miss, Sir, are you willing to cooperate with me to make an 'attempt' regarding this matter?" 


"Attempt?" Justice was immediately thrilled at this keyword and nodded, acting reserved and elegant. "I am very willing to cooperate."


Attempt… Contrary to Justice's reaction, Alger tensed up, viewing The Fool's proposal with wariness. What does 'He' want to do? Is it related to 'His' true purpose? Is this good or bad for me? Thoughts rapidly popped in his head, but he ultimately lowered his head.


"Your wish is my wish," he replied respectfully.


"This attempt will make your transaction easier and safer, and it will definitely be sufficiently confidential." Klein continued speaking, following word for word what he had said before. 


"Do you remember the sacrificial ritual described by The Sun?"


Alger answered truthfully, "I remember. I do come into contact with such things usually."


Klein nodded slightly. "My idea is for you to sacrifice the Beyonder material to me and I will bestow it upon Miss Justice. A transaction like this will be beneficial for the both of you."


That can be done? Audrey was dumbfounded but soon understood the advantages of this method, as well as the true nature of a deity hidden behind this simple act! Praise the Fool!


 Alger turned even warier than before. "Honorable Mr. Fool, what do I need to do?" He tried to figure out the true purpose of The Fool from the process of the sacrificial ritual.


Understanding Alger's hidden thoughts, Klein almost chuckled and calmly explained the whole process.


After a few minutes, they came to an agreement. 


With the sacrifice and bestowment topic coming to the end, Audrey then waited a few seconds before speaking. 


"Mr. Fool, I've found two ladies suitable for our Tarot Club. They're both Beyonders and have their own circle and resources in Backlund. They're also able to keep a secret and have decent personalities. Are you willing to let them join the gathering?"


Leonard looked at Audrey, surprised. So, Miss Justice was actually the recommender for a few Tarot members? From the description and location…Judgment and Magician, Xio Derecha and Fors Wall?


Before Klein had sent them into the past, most of the Tarot members had already exposed their real identities to each other. It was partly because a fundamental level of trust had been established and partly because of the frequent need to collaborate in the real world. 


Derrick was also very interested in this matter as he looked sideways at The Fool, waiting for his answer in anticipation.


Klein was calm and simply responded, "It will require a certain amount of examination. Miss Justice, you may use a discreet method to let them know of my name to garner interest in them."


When Audrey saw that her proposal was about to be accepted, she immediately responded in excitement. "Yes, Mr. Fool!"


After a few more exchanges, with Leonard rarely speaking, the gathering came to an end. The Sun, The Hanged Man, and Justice left, while Klein remained in Sefirah Castle with Leonard.


He casually waved his hand and the gray fog surrounding them disappeared. 


"In two weeks, I should be able to create The World in the Tarot Club and won't need you to step in," Klein explained apologetically. "But before then, I'll have to trouble you."


Leonard nodded relaxedly, showing he was completely fine with it. "I'll withdraw the money and send the cash to you."


"Alright." Klein paused for a second, habitually tapping the edge of the table. "I have a request for you, " he finally spoke.


"For the next three years, I hope you can do your best to boost the growth of the Tarot club, using your knowledge of the future. I hope you will also collaborate with me in preventing upcoming disasters such as the Great Smog of Backlund." Without the obstruction of the gray fog, Klein was able to look directly into Leonard's green eyes. 


"Of course, under the principle of equivalent exchange, you may ask for a wish in return."


The Red Glove had a slightly stunned look on his face before he laughed lightly. "I accept– this is only natural. Why wouldn't I help?"


"There's also no need to give me anything in return since we're friends, right, Klein?"


Sitting in the Fool's chair, Klein froze and then smiled helplessly. "Yes, we're friends." As he looked at Leonard, he suddenly felt a bit guilty.


"...Didn't you want to change your Tarot card? You can draw again, if you'd like. I can think of an explanation for the other Tarot members."


Leonard chuckled, shaking his head. "No need. Since you picked it for me, I'm happy with it." He smiled towards the young man with a bookish aura.


…Whatever floats your boat… Klein was somewhat speechless, a subtle feeling in his heart.



A few minutes later, Leonard returned to reality in Saint Samuel's Cathedral.


Where did you just go? Pallez questioned, suspicious.


"I had a short chat with Klein," Leonard replied smoothly, in a good mood.


For over 40 minutes? How is your colleague able to directly contact your Spirit Body, so discreetly that even I almost didn't notice it?


Leonard stood up and put on the red gloves he had taken off before the meeting, leaving his room. "Hmm…he has his ways." He casually thought up an excuse. Even though I trust Pallez, it's too risky to let him know of Sefirah Castle right now… 


Pallez clearly knew Leonard, this brat, was lying to him, but didn't press the issue.


Well, it's inevitable for the 'protagonist of the times' to have secrets. He snarkily commented in Leonard's head.


Leonard tripped and almost fell down the stairs again, embarrassed.




After sending Leonard off and completing the transaction between The Hanged Man and Justice, establishing the method of 'sacrifice' to exchange goods, Klein left Sefirah Castle and returned to reality.


He took a nap for a bit over an hour and made a trip to East Borough, renting a one-bedroom apartment at the rent of four soli three pence a week, completing his preparations. 


On the way back to 15 Minsk Street, Klein hesitated in his steps as he saw the sallow and listless groups of people in East Borough, dressed in shabby clothes and trapped in poverty. 


A bit of gloom settled over his heart, but he knew that even if he helped them, there were countless others in the same situation. Right now, I'm only a single person, not even at the demigod level. To truly improve their lives, widespread systematic change is needed. 


With a clear resolve, he left East Borough and first ate a simple dinner before returning to 15 Minsk Street and resting for the night.




The next morning, he woke up and made a simple breakfast for himself. He looked around the room and suddenly found himself with nothing to do.


All that's left to do is wait for Ian to come knocking at my door. Klein relaxed for a bit, created a few charms using his own spirituality, and cut up paper figurines. He looked at his handiwork and was satisfied. My paper-cutting ability has really improved since eight years ago…


Suddenly, he heard the doorbell ring.


The first job for my detective career? Klein put away the charms and paper, adopting a thoughtful look as he sifted through his memories.


Just before he opened the door, his memory jogged as an image of the visitors outside appeared in his mind.


One of them was an old lady with white hair but lively eyes, standing next to a young man in his twenties– Jurgen Cooper.


Klein's lips twitched imperceptibly. Right, it was this…


The lost cat…


He opened the door and greeted the two familiar strangers with a welcoming smile. "Good morning, Madam, Sir."


After a brief conversation that followed Klein's memories, he was led to their house at 58 Minsk Street. As expected, the issue was of Brody, their beloved black cat, having gone missing.


"This is Brody's bowl, and here is his favorite box. He always sleeps here." Jurgen's grandmother, Doris, had a worried expression on her face.


Klein pretended to investigate his surroundings for a few seconds before he confidently strode over to an old cupboard.


Without saying a word, he directly pulled open the door at the bottom of the cupboard.


Meow! A black cat darted out and ran for its bowl.


"Brody! How did you get locked in there?!"


Amidst Mrs. Doris' cry of astonishment, Jurgen turned to look at Klein with surprise. "How did you know Brody was in the cupboard?"


Like a charlatan, Klein smiled and replied in a deep voice. 


"Inference, my good man."



Having received a reward of 5 soli and the friendship of the two, Klein returned to 15 Minsk Street. 


He soon saw a familiar figure loitering in front of his door. It was a boy of fifteen or sixteen, dressed in an old coat and round hat that didn't fit his age.


Klein put on a polite smile and walked over towards Ian. "Excuse me, are you looking for me?"


Ian was startled and quickly turned around, his bright red eyes filled with unconcealable fear.


He composed himself and asked hesitantly, "Are you Detective Sherlock Moriarty?"


"Yes." Klein looked around and said, "Let's talk inside."


Ian didn't refuse, and Klein led the teenage boy to the guest area, gesturing for him to sit down.


"How may I address you? What job do you have for me?" Klein feigned ignorance as he gazed at the teenager sitting across from him.


"You may call me Ian," Ian surveyed his surroundings for a few seconds. "I was previously hired by another detective, Mr. Zreal Victor Lee, who helped me gather some news and information."


Over the next few minutes, Ian summed up the current state of events, asking 'Sherlock Moriarty' to investigate Mr. Zreal and determine his current condition.


"All I need is confirmation, " Ian finished, seriously speaking to the private detective wearing gold-rimmed glasses.


Klein hid a smile and kept his expression solemn. Still keeping the major details a secret, that hasn't changed…Heh, if I knew previously this would lead to a lot of inconvenience and even a 10,000 pound assassination, I definitely wouldn't have taken this request. 


However, Klein already knew how everything would play out, so he simply smiled and said, "Then how much are you going to pay? You should be well aware that this may be very dangerous."


Ian looked down at the pocket of his coat. "There are two ways. First, I can directly give you a payment that's enough to satisfy you, but that will be all unless you suffer a serious injury."


"Second, I could pay you five pounds in advance, and when you finish the job, you can add on the bill depending on the difficulty of the matter."


Already knowing what his choice would be, Klein pretended to think for a while before he said in a low voice, "Why don't we do it this way?"


"You pay me five pounds in advance, then after the mission is completed, help me with three things. Don't worry, they won't be anything difficult and won't make you feel uncomfortable. This can be agreed upon in the contract."


Ian knitted his brows before standing up. As before, he leaned forward and stretched out his hand. 




Klein shook hands with him, and the two quickly drew up a contract. After signing it, they went through a few more formalities and Ian carefully counted out 5 pounds.


As he handed them over, the teenage boy had neatly arranged the notes on the table, with even the portraits of the former kings facing up without a single mistake.


Klein felt a bit exasperated at Ian's obsessive-compulsive disorder and took the bills, randomly stuffing them into his pocket, ignoring the untidiness.


Ian's expression twisted slightly.


"I'll complete the investigation as soon as possible." Klein stood up, ignoring Ian's facial expression, and bade him farewell.


"Thank you for your help." Ian hesitated for a few seconds and thanked him sincerely before leaving the apartment, disappearing into the polluted air that enveloped the city.


In his living room, Klein sat back on the sofa, not in a rush at all. Of course, he already knew exactly where Mr. Zreal was, and even his condition– decomposing in Backlund's sewers. But my main goal in this matter isn't the five pounds or three requests from Ian. 


I'll be aiming for Rosago's head!


Klein planned on letting things pan out on their natural course of things, and according to his memories, Ian wouldn't come to Klein's door until a day later.


Thus, Klein decided to first handle another problem.


A certain swindler should be lurking in the East Balam Dock's Dock Union at this time. Klein thought to himself. It'd be best to deal with Lanevus as soon as possible, before he can do more harm. I'll go and confirm he's there before reporting it to the Church!


As for why Klein didn't plan on handling Lanevus himself, it was simple–Lanevus had the godhood of the True Creator on him! Even with Sefirah Castle, if I, a Sequence 6, recklessly ran up to him, I would just be wasting a chance to revive!


Before he set out, Klein forged a few reporter documents. He dressed in a thick sweater, a tan jacket, and a simple cap that closely resembled the usual investigative reporters. As he looked in the mirror, Klein frowned slightly and dense granules covered his entire face.


When they disappeared, his facial hair had disappeared and a man with average features stood in front of the mirror.


He took off Sherlock Moriarty's gold-rimmed glasses and inspected himself from a third person perspective. Satisfied, he walked out the door, locking it behind him, and went out into Backlund's streets.



In front of the Dock Union in East Balam Dock.


As he approached the two story building, Klein felt several pairs of eyes watching him but pretended to not notice. 


He pushed open the door and explained to the man by the door that he was a 'reporter' who sympathized with them. 


"Is that so…" The man seemed to believe him as Klein used his Clown and Faceless abilities to make his eyes look incredibly sincere. "Go to Mr. Rand, our committee member in charge of publicity. Second office on the right."


"Thank you." Klein bowed with feigned relief, feeling the gaze observing him vanish. 


He found the right office door and knocked.


The door slowly creaked open, a middle-aged man with sparse hair looking at him. 


"May I know who you are?"


Klein smoothly introduced himself according to his memories. "I'd like to make a report with unions as the theme to help you acquire more attention," Klein added.


"A report with actual interview data would be better than nothing. At least you can provide your views and guide things in the direction you want."


Rand touched his head and replied hesitantly. "Alright…I'll follow you the entire time."


"Thank you!" Even having already expected this, Klein nevertheless made his smile more radiant. 


Afterward, Klein casually entered one office after the other, interviewing the members of the worker's association.


He naturally made his way to the second floor, as if following the course of events. 


As before, this time Rand led him into the office and introduced him to the people inside. "This is a reporter from the Backlund Daily Tribute. He wants to interview you, but I will remind you that there are some questions which you have the right to refuse to answer."


Klein smiled and shook hands with the people in the room and calmly looked towards a corner of the room.


Slightly tanned skin, gold-rimmed glasses instead of round ones, and a slightly sharper face… Klein noticed that Lanevus' change from his original face wasn't as extreme as when they had first met in Backlund, likely because Klein had encountered him so much earlier.


Regardless, a single glance was all Klein needed to confirm it was Lanevus!


Not letting a single stray emotion show on his face, Klein went on with the interview as normal, even interviewing Lanevus himself. Of course, his every movement and mannerism strictly followed that of an 'investigative reporter.' 


As appropriate, he bade farewell to the worker's association and walked out of the dimly lit building.


It wasn't until he walked down a dark alley, changing back to Sherlock Moriarty's appearance, and calmly took a public carriage back to 15 Minsk Street, that Klein allowed his expression to distort.


Different from the twisted laughter when he first rediscovered Lanevus, a wide, calculating smile spread across Klein's face.


Found you!



In the privacy of his own home, Klein built a wall of spirituality and familiarly entered Sefirah Castle. 


He sat above the gray fog, surrounded by a giant ancient palace. The Fool looked towards the side, at the glowing red stars, and reached towards the brightest one.


Klein controlled his emotions and said in a calm tone, "Leonard, Lanevus is confirmed to be hiding in East Balam's Dock Union."


"Find a way to alert the Church of his location and that Lanevus has the godhood of the True Creator on him."


"It's best to complete the operation as soon as possible. I will be watching over nearby."


Having finished what he wanted to say, Klein retracted his spirituality and was about to leave when he suddenly received a prayer from Leonard.


…That fast? Klein was taken aback and took a look at the Red Glove through his corresponding star.


He saw Leonard standing in a dingy bathroom stall, hands clasped together and praying devoutly. The image was highly contradictory and a bit weird to look at– a handsome young man earnestly praying right next to a toilet that had definitely seen better days.


The Fool's lips twitched imperceptibly. Poet classmate, I've just discovered your tastes are rather strange…


Ahem, I also frequently pray to myself in a bathroom… Klein reflected on himself before seriously listening to The Star's prayer.


Leonard had his eyes closed as he spoke."Mr. Fool, I've transferred your 1,000 pounds to an anonymous bank account. Miss Justice really works fast," he added. "As for Lanevus, I've just notified the Church."


"I'll let you know of the date and time once it's decided."


The hazy image of the black-haired green-eyed man faded from view.


How efficient… With a thoughtful expression on his face, Klein simply threw an "understood" at Leonard and left the gray fog.


Back at 15 Minsk Street, The Fool sat on the sofa and, with a deadpan face, picked up a popular romance novel written by Fors.


It wasn't until a while later, after Klein made himself a simple lunch and ate it, that he heard a hazy voice sounding in his head signaling that someone had prayed to him.


I should hurry and get a messenger, it's too much of a hassle going back and forth from Sefirah Castle just to communicate. As Klein had this thought, he entered Sefirah Castle and received Leonard's prayer, which was only three short words:


"Tonight at 12."



As evening arrived, Klein randomly scrambled his appearance and changed into a grayish-blue worker's uniform. 


He didn't approach Lanevus' direct location, the dormitory provided by the Dock Union, but instead familiarly headed towards the clock tower. As it overlooked the entire area, it was a great spot for surveillance–and would also help him avoid the Evernight Church's airship.


Klein patiently waited in the rich darkness for around an hour. Just as the clock struck 12, a gigantic airship covered in dark black paint soared into view!


Very soon, the airship silently hovered about 10 meters in the air.


I wonder if Leonard will be directly acting in this operation… Klein suddenly realized he forgot to ask the Red Glove. Hopefully not; although no major harm was done to the Nighthawks before, it's still sufficiently dangerous…


Right at that moment, four figures dressed in black suddenly appeared in front of the building, interrupting Klein's thoughts.


The man at the lead was someone Klein had last seen four days ago– one of the nine high-ranking deacons, Crestet Cesimir!


Wait… Klein subconsciously frowned. In his memories, he recalled only three Nighthawks making direct contact with Lanevus.


So who was the fourth?


Klein squinted his eyes at the fourth figure hanging slightly behind and found him increasingly familiar, filling him with a sense of exasperation. 


…That's definitely Leonard!


He resisted the urge to facepalm and quietly jumped from the clock tower towards a building closer to the Dock Union, ensuring that if something happened he could make it in time.


On the ground, Crestet turned his head to the left and said, "Use Sealed Artifact 1-63."


"Yes, Your Grace." The unnamed Nighthawk crouched down and untied the chain around a silver-white metal suitcase, wound around the deacon's left hand.


Throughout the process, Crestet Cesimir's muscles were very tense, as though he was fighting something.


The Nighthawk on the left took a deep breath and pressed down suddenly, causing the illusory ripples on the surface of the silver box to crack.


The surrounding halo instantly disappeared, as if sucked into the case. A bone sword, less than a meter-long, emitted a pure white light as it slowly floated upwards.


Its blade had an ancient silver-coated mirror attached to it. The Nighthawk on the left took the mirror, pointing it at the brick-red building.


Even as nothing appeared to change, Cesimir slowly exhaled and grasped the short bone sword.


"Let's go in."


The four Nighthawks, Leonard included, silently opened the door and went straight towards the second floor.


Just then, a tall figure emerged from the shadows in the corner. It wasn't Lanevus– this man wore a black priest's uniform, with curly hair and dark eyes.


"You're the Goddess' Sword?" The nearly two-meter-tall 'Giant' spoke in a deep voice.


Yes, there was this guy too– a member of the Aurora Order sent to watch over Lanevus. Watching the matter from high above, Klein pondered for a few seconds. 


Inside the brick-red building, the 'Giant' suddenly clenched his right palm.




The Union members in the building exploded one after another while sleeping! Their bodies split into pieces of thick flesh, weaving into a cloak to protect the 'Giant' while condensing to attack the Nighthawks!


However, Crestet Cesimir and the three Nighthawks accompanying him simply watched silently, not moving a finger.


Miraculously, the flesh and blood about to blanket them collapsed and disintegrated into falling rain, but the raindrops didn't leave a single mark on the floor. In all of the rooms, the sleeping figures appeared once more, as if the gruesome scene had never occurred.


"This is within a mirror world that only targets Beyonders. The flesh bombs you planted are only illusions here." Cesimir raised the bone sword, causing the light around him to disappear.


"Hmph!" The 'Giant' grabbed his arm and suddenly tore it off, throwing the blood arm forward!


Boom! His arm exploded, turning into another rain of blood that rained down on his assailants. At the same time, the flesh on his shoulder squirmed as his torn off arm quickly regrew.


All of the bloody raindrops incredibly avoided the four Nighthawks as they fell and left dark traces on the ground. They always missed the Red Gloves by just a hair's breadth, as if cursed with misfortune.


"My enemies aren't always lucky enough." The corners of Cesimir's mouth curled up as he instantly appeared in front of Giant, who turned into sticky flesh and blood that merged with the floor!


Crestet immediately kneeled, plunging the Holy Artifact into the ground!




In the rich darkness, a roar filled with pain sounded. Cesimir stood up and drew out the bone sword, having accurately penetrated the 'Giant!' 


Pat! Pat! Pat!


Three shadows appeared around Cesimir in quick succession, but rapidly collapsed to the ground, forcefully taken down by invisible entities.




Another Nighthawk fired three bullets, and the attackers hiding in the shadows revealed themselves, twitching as they lost their life.


"Rose Bishop, Shadow Ascetic…People of the Aurora Order." Cesimir frowned and turned slightly to Leonard. "It's as you said. Everyone, prepare to deal with the possible influence of the True Creator."


Suddenly, the sound of shuffling footsteps echoed in the empty space.


 Lanevus appeared, walking down the dark staircase, calm and without any signs of fear–only curiosity.


"I'm very curious, how did you know? Through an informant in the Aurora Order, maybe? No need, since I'm even more of the True Creator than they know!"


He suddenly yanked open his shirt, revealing the dark red flesh of his skinless chest and abdomen.


The flesh and blood were conjoined together, forming the figure of a hanged man! The void around them shattered like glass, all scenes crumbling.


This was the aura of a deity.


Quietly watching from outside, Klein suppressed a yawn and routinely averted his gaze from the building to avoid looking directly at God. Good, at least things are staying on track…Leonard should've read the case file on Lanevus before we traveled back in time, thus he should know what will happen next and be prepared for it


Klein was significantly reassured of the success of this operation. …In fact, it might be so successful I won't even have a chance to show up…


His words, unfortunately, proved true.


Klein watched as a high level battle ensued between the Nighthawks and Lanevus with the True Creator's godhood.


He watched as the strange mirror, suspected to be a Grade 1 Sealed Artifact, was expended and rolled to a corner.


He watched as Crestet Cesimir, with great difficulty, managed to get close enough to Lanevus to pierce the short bone sword straight through the Swindler's body, ridding Lanevus of the True Creator's godhood. 


He watched as Lanevus started a taunting speech at the spent Nighthawks, while Leonard pulled out an unfamiliar Sealed Artifact that allowed Crestet Cesimir to recover.


He watched as the high-ranking deacon simply pulled out a gun and shot three bullets into the still-jabbering Lanevus–


Wait, what? Klein's eyes widened. This wasn't part of the script!


But his eyes didn't betray him; Lanevus' body crumpled to the ground, the Swindler's eyes wide with disbelief.


Klein physically reeled back in disbelief as Crestet gave medicine to the other Nighthawks that allowed them to quickly recover. 


With a few other personnel disembarking from the gigantic airship, the Nighthawks remained at the scene a while longer before police enforcement arrived to help clean up the scene.


Klein was still standing on that rooftop, watching it all but not actually processing anything.


… That's it…?


It wasn't until the clock struck 2 that Klein stirred. He discreetly left the rooftop and, stopping by his rented apartment in East Borough, changed out of the blue worker's clothes as well as completing other preparations to ensure his identity was concealed.


He returned to 15 Minsk Street safely late at night and lay on the bed, at a complete and utter loss.


What happened? What happened to the bizarre scene of scattered Tarot cards, almost akin to a strange ritual? The widespread news coverage? The emergence of a new secret organization, the emergence of the Tarot Club?! Leonard, what happened!!


Klein slept soundly until dawn when he was woken up by the doorbell. He already expected this early visitor, so he calmly got up and dressed, going down to the first floor to open the door.


"Good morning, Detective Moriarty," the teenage boy with bright red eyes wearing an old coat, a tattered satchel, and a brown hat greeted Klein. "Any progress? Yeah…I'm only asking because I happened to pass by."


As Ian shiftily looked around his surroundings, Klein nodded seriously. "Yes."


Ian seemed shocked and stared at Sherlock for a few seconds before he stammered in surprise, "Have you determined Mr. Zreal's condition?"


"Yes. I found Zreal's corpse."


"Corpse…" Ian's pupils shrank as he repeated the word in a low tone, not sounding surprised as if he had predicted the worst-case scenario.


Klein watched quietly as Ian exhaled and surveyed his surroundings again. "Sigh…Your efficiency is amazing. Can you take me to see Mr. Zreal's body?"


"No problem." Klein paused for a few seconds and added, "I hope you won't mention me when you call the police."


Ian wasn't surprised at this request and readily agreed.


After taking the public carriage to East Borough and walking half an hour, Klein stopped in front of a remote sewer entrance.


"This is it."


Ian looked at the sewer in surprise as Klein lifted the cover and climbed down. "How did you find it?" He asked curiously.


"Skillful training which includes many techniques in reasoning, investigation, tracking, and interrogation," Klein answered casually, once again making things up as he went.


The teenage boy followed Klein into the sewers, no trace of disgust on his face. "You seem to have received very professional training."


Yes, very professional training in the occult… As Klein had this thought, he held a lantern and familiarly led Ian to a fork in the path, arriving at a gloomy corner.


Klein surveyed the corpse as they drew near. Good, its appearance and location align perfectly with my memories… so Lanevus' death last night didn't affect this event at all. As he confirmed it, he raised the lantern higher, allowing Ian to clearly see the grotesque, half-rotting appearance of the corpse.


The young boy squatted down and directly vomited onto the sewer floor. Klein took out the Quelaag's Oil he prepared, unscrewed the cap, and bent over to place the mouth close to Ian's nose.


The strong, clear scent entered Ian's nose and his expression brightened. "...Thank you," He weakly whispered after recovering.


The teenage boy stood up and examined the mutilated corpse. "I can confirm that this is Detective Zreal."


"My condolences," Klein offered politely. "I suggest you call the police."


Ian nodded almost discernibly as he followed Klein back to the surface. 


Once back in East Borough's streets, Klein turned to look at Ian. "Well, this is the end of my commission. As for the follow-up, that is up to you."


Silent, Ian looked at the grimy tiles on the ground for a few seconds before speaking. "I still owe you three matters, you can tell me now."


Klein smiled. "I only need one at the moment. I want to know where I can get a gun and bullets without needing a full class weapon permit."


Of course, I already have a revolver, bullets, and even a weapon permit– one that says 'Klein Moretti'. However, without the introduction of Ian, it would be difficult to logically show up at the Bravehearts Bar and thus make contact with Madam Sharon and Maric.


Ian's reply was quick. "Go to the Bravehearts Bar at Iron Gate Street in the Backlund Bridge district. Find Kaspars Kalinin and tell him 'Old Geezer' introduced you."


"Alright, thank you. Let's talk about the other two things later…I have a feeling that we'll meet again." I don't just have a feeling, I know we'll meet again. Klein added inwardly as he smiled at Ian.


Ian gave him a strange look but didn't say anything. The two split up and went their respective ways, entering different streets in East Borough.


Without looking back, Klein directly boarded a public carriage and left. I already know Ian will double back and check on the corpse again. There's no need to waste time and effort. 



At the same time in Empress Borough. 


Viscount Glaint was in his study, the door tightly shut, separating the four people inside from the participating guests in the salon outside.


After Audrey paid Fors and Xio for their help with Qilangos and they discussed a few more matters with Viscount Glaint, the four began chatting about various rumors amongst the Beyonder circles and followed Audrey's example of finding books they wanted to read.


Suddenly, Xio's eyes lit up as she saw two hardcover books. Similarly, Fors also found books that interested her.


"Honorable Viscount Glaint, may I borrow these two books? I'll return them soon." Xio looked pleadingly at the owner of the study.


Glaint nodded casually. "No problem."


Fors also rushed to make a similar request and also obtained approval, clear happiness on her face.


Audrey's lips curved into a faint smile, unseen by anyone, as she pretended to look for a book. 

Guiding someone yet making them feel like it was done out of their own will is the true nature of a Spectator.



In the evening, Xio curled up on the sofa reading History of the Loen Kingdom's Aristocracy under the gas lamp's illumination. After reading for a while, Xio suddenly felt something strange about the hardback cover.


Carefully examining it, she found a hidden layer where an ancient piece of paper was hidden inside. The front side of the paper was covered with the special symbols of Emperor Roselle, while on the back was a paragraph written in ancient Hermes.


Curious, Xio squinted and deciphered the ancient Hermes written, muttering silently as she translated.


"The Fool that doesn't belong to this era, the mysterious ruler above the gray gog, the King of Yellow and Black who wields good luck…"


Xio froze as she realized what happened. …This seems to be the honorary name of a hidden existence! Furthermore, I recited it in ancient Hermes, completely unprotected…I'm so dumb.


Horrified, she looked around in fear of an indescribable monster suddenly appearing in her house.



Klein sat beside a fireplace burning with charcoal in 15 Minsk Street, reading the newspaper. Suddenly, he heard an illusory prayer echo in his ears. Leonard? No, this is a female voice…


Ah, that's right…This was when Miss Judgment, Xio, prayed to me for the first time. Klein pondered for a few seconds. I'll still contact her at night, so she thinks it's only a dream. Hm, I could use this opportunity to digest the rest of the Faceless potion…


Of course, if Xio wasn't open to joining the Tarot Club at this time, he naturally wouldn't force her.



In the middle of the night, when most people were sound asleep, Klein instinctively woke up, got out of bed, and entered Sefirah Castle.


He appeared in the high back chair that belonged to The Fool and looked towards the side, at the rippling ring of light that resembled a prayer.


However, he also saw another crimson star glowing with light! When did Leonard pray to me? Klein was shocked he hadn't noticed when the Red Glove had contacted him.


He sifted through his memories and froze awkwardly in The Fool's seat as he recalled that last night, he seemed to have heard a certain poet pray to him…and then ignore it and go right back to sleep.


Ahem… Clearing his throat embarrassedly, Klein simply spread his spirituality towards the red star.


The image of a praying young man wearing red gloves entered his vision. " Klein, uh, sorry about Lanevus…I gave a bit of extra information to the Red Gloves for precaution, but I didn't expect we'd be able to directly deal with him. If you want, we can drag out Lanevus' body and recreate the original scene…"


Not letting him off even in death? Klein listened to Leonard's apologetic message, feeling exasperated once he heard the last sentence. Forget it… He sighed and responded to the prayer, certain that Leonard would be awake at this time. 


"It's fine, you don't need to apologize for this or do anything extra. Lanevus has been cleanly resolved, which is what matters."


With that done, Klein turned his attention to the glimmering light. He was about to touch it when he suddenly thought of something. 


The Fool snapped his fingers and the mysterious space above the gray fog began to shake. Gradually, the ancient palace, the bronze table, and the high-backed chairs crumbled into the gray fog as walls, sofas, and assorted furniture rose, wood boards emerging above the fog and covering it.


After a few seconds, Sefirah Castle now resembled a cozy home–a perfect replica of where Fors and Xio lived.


Holding his chin, Klein thought for a few seconds before his figure suddenly shrunk in height and became more petite. His hair grew out and lightened in color, and before long, he was the spitting image of the famous author, Fors Wall.


Klein expressionlessly changed into a standard Loenese dress he had prepared beforehand, squashing the slight bit of embarrassment he felt at cross-dressing. It's for the potion digestion, he convinced himself. 


He looked around the room and calmly settled in a nearby sofa chair, picking up a random newspaper.


Preparations complete, Klein extended his spirituality towards the rippling light to form a connection with it.


His spirituality surged out uncontrollably, but it didn't drain him to the extent that it did before he went back in time. After about a third of his spirituality was depleted, a blurry figure slowly appeared in the middle of the room. 



In her reverie, Xio opened her eyes sleepily and saw the dimly lit room with the crackling fireplace and her best friend quietly sitting to the side.


"Eh, Fors…?" Xio rubbed her eyes and sat up, bleary. "What time is it?" She moved to instinctively look for the wall clock but found it was missing. The short blonde girl frowned and felt a slight tinge of incongruity, but this idea rapidly disappeared from her mind and left her with only a feeling of forgetfulness.


"Xio, it's late afternoon already!" Her best friend lazily looked over and half-raised her brows. "I came back from a meeting with my editor and found you taking a nap."


"Oh…" Xio seemed to recall going to sleep at night, but since Fors had said so, she subconsciously believed the opposite and reconstructed her memory to follow that perception. "Ah, right. I took a nap because I was tired…"


"Now you're starting to sound like me." In a common instance of self-realization, Fors half-mocked both herself and Xio before she set down the newspaper she was reading. 


"Actually, Xio, I've been needing some inspiration for a scene in my recent novel. Could you help me?"


Fors often asked Xio for help with recreating scenes from her novels, so Xio didn't find this request strange at all. "Hm…alright, what scene?"


"It's a scene where the main character meets a leader of a secret organization, and the leader probes whether the main character would be open to joining or not." Fors earnestly explained, raising a finger.


"I'll play the secret organization head, Xio, you can play the main character since she's a bit similar to you."


"Okay." Xio got out of bed and walked towards where Fors was sitting, taking the chair opposite her. "Let's start, then."


Fors was silent for a few seconds. "Miss, your current goal is to restore your family's reputation, correct?" Fors started with a low voice, making direct eye contact with her.


Xio raised an eyebrow at Fors, using her eyes to speak. Aren't you basing your character off of me too much? However, she still played along. "Yes, it's no big secret." 


Fors rested her chin on her hand. "I can assume you care about your family a lot?"


"...That's correct," Xio slowly answered, unsure of where Fors was going with this.


"Then…What would you do if your family was in danger? Danger so extreme you can't protect them or save them, that you can only helplessly stand to the side and watch?"


Xio furrowed her brows, becoming serious. "That won't happen," she declared. "I'll become strong, strong enough to block anything that comes my way. It's why I'm currently working to improve myself." Unconsciously, Xio had treated this as a real discussion about her real life.


"But I will still uphold my morals. I won't chase after absolute strength and disregard my ethics," Xio finished resolutely while she stared at the brown-haired woman seated in front of her.


Fors smiled mysteriously, the light from the fireplace dancing in her eyes. "I see, that's a very honorable goal. Then, would you like to participate in the gathering I oversee?"


Xio cocked her head, confused at the sudden change in topic.


"There will be a great danger in the future, one that will threaten not just your family, but put the whole of humanity at risk. Our gathering will give you the opportunity to improve your strength and protect not just your family and friends, but the ordinary people that walk the ground."


"You will be a defender of justice and a savior of the people. But you walk in the light's shadow, hidden from the public, never given credit for your deeds. You will constantly balance on the thin line between sanity and madness, struggling against existences beyond human understanding."


"We are guardians, but also a bunch of miserable wretches constantly fighting against threats and madness."


"Are you willing?" Fors looked up through her bangs, her eyes deep and unfathomable.


Xio subconsciously drew back, a bit scared of the aura Fors emitted, like that of a deity coldly overlooking life and death.


"I…" She was silent for a while, considering what Fors had said. Finally, she looked up and made direct eye contact with her friend, a determined look on her face. She swallowed hard and spoke.


"I'm willing."


Fors was quiet, then suddenly smiled brightly and leaped to her feet. "Thanks, Xio, you've just ended my writer's block!" She dashed towards her room where her writing desk was. "Wow, I got chills from that performance. It was perfect!"


"Eh?" Xio was left dumbfounded and felt like she was suddenly doused with cold water. Why did I get so wrapped up in that scenario…?


"Don't disturb me for the next hour, I need to focus!" Fors instructed her friend. However, just before she closed the door, she paused.


"I almost forgot, I need to give this to you." She walked over and pulled a red-backed card seemingly out of nowhere, placing it face-down on the table next to Xio.


After that, the door creaked shut, and silence filled the apartment. Blinking, Xio regained her composure and then hesitantly reached towards the card, flipping it over.


It depicted an angel flying above praying people, blowing a horn. It was the Major Arcana card, Judgment!


Confused, Xio scrutinized the card closely. Why did Fors…? She decided to ask her friend about it once she emerged from her room when words suddenly appeared on the card, like ink staining a piece of paper.


"Every Monday, three in the afternoon, Backlund time. Do your best to be alone."


" Do not speak to anyone of this."


Abruptly, Xio felt like she had woken up from a long dream. This wasn't reality; no, she had recited the name of a secret existence then gone to sleep—


Xio woke up in the middle of the night, sweating and breathing heavily. The sound of her heart beating filled her ears.


She had been worried about the potential dangers of chanting an honorary name the entire day before she slept. Now, not long after she fell asleep, she dreamed of her apartment, and her friend, but they were all fake!


And the 'Fors' in the dream even recruited her into a secret gathering! And she had actually accepted!


The dream had been so clear, so lifelike, so real that Xio was afraid. The 'Fors' she dreamt about acted exactly like the sleeping woman next to her, so much so that Xio actually doubted whether she was still dreaming.


She pinched herself. I'm in reality…


A wave of despair and confusion overwhelmed her. What do I do? I was stupid enough to recite an honorary name in ancient Hermes, then I was contacted by an unknown existence in a dream, and then I was stupid enough to join 'Its' organization!!


Xio suddenly feared for her life and recalled rumors of human experimentation and bloody rituals that needed human sacrifices. Am I going to be sacrificed to an evil god?!


She had the urge to shake Fors awake and tell her everything, but recalled the last few words on the Judgment card.


"Do not speak to anyone of this." 


Xio shuddered and decided against it. Who knows what horrible things would happen to me or Fors if I went against the instructions of an unknown existence…


However, in the dark room barely illuminated by the crimson moon, Xio paused and looked through the window at the empty streets.


If what 'Fors' in the dream said was true… Xio sighed and laid down again, smiling wryly. Then I probably would've joined either way.


It wasn't like I was forced to join; I myself agreed to it. Xio was still a bit hesitant about the whole matter, but she thought of the dream so real it didn't seem like a dream at all, and the perfect imitation of her friend and her home, and thought that even if she wanted to rebel, she most likely wouldn't be able to do anything.


For now, it's best to go with the flow and determine the true goal of whoever–no, whatever– is behind all this.