
Chapter 3:THE NEW LIFE

As he took a train home at the station, he waited patiently for the train to arrive with other people of different ages. As the train stopped at the station, he quickly took his seat at one of the empty benches on the right side near the sliding glass doors. As everyone seated themselves, the train, began to move. Inside the train, he watched as people and children were laughing, playing, and having fun around him.

Castiel: (These weak beings are surprisingly impressive at surviving alive for all these years.)

As he thought about it, he then sighed deeply, he looked out the window at the sky with a scarlet red moon shining brightly above the clouds as the sky was getting darker by the minute.

Castiel: (Hah, If only they didn't use it in the battle, we could have won. ...Well no need to recollect about the past. What's done is done.)

As he thought about it he then looked at his surroundings while glaring at the people on the train.

Train announcer: "Now arriving at Station 19 1B. I repeat, now arriving at Station 19 1B."

As the announcer said, Castiel began to prepare to exit the train.

Train announcer: "We have now arrived at Station 19 1B, I repeat we have now arrived at Station 19 1B."

After the train announcer said that announcement, the sliding doors of the train suddenly opened. Castiel then put his hands in his pocket and exited the train car. While walking home he passed through the many busy shops and streets full of all kinds of people to an apartment complex in District 1B.

The name of the apartment complex was Family Apartments. The building was 1000 meters in height and 2000 meters in width. It was greenish-blue in hue while having a slight silver to it. The building itself was rectangular. It was located near the edge of a small park. Near the park, one could feel the cold breeze flowing through the thick trees. It was also the perfect place to relax from the loud bustling streets of people.

At one time, it was an old ruined altar that dated back 1,800 years ago buried deep underneath thousands of layers of soil and rock.

1,800 years ago:

An altar that was once one of the pillars that saved humanity all those years ago. It was first discovered 1800 years ago by a group of starlight warriors alongside a lot of workers and a lot of heavy equipment excavating the large area they were tasked to, looking for large amounts of iron and copper reserves in a cavern.

One of the starlight warriors accidentally found an old piece of machinery that was once used as a mechanism of some sort. Curious about what the machinery does, the starlight warrior accidentally touched the old machinery. As the starlight warrior touched the old machinery, the cavern suddenly started trembling loudly.

Starlight warrior captain: "What the hell is going on here!?"

Starlight warrior: "We don't know the reason, captain, everything started shaking violently all of a sudden!"

The captain was shocked noticing what was happening around them. The captain instructed loudly a full evacuation to all the people inside the cavern.

Starlight warrior captain: "Everyone retreats now to the surface immediately. Starlight warriors protect the workers!"

Starlight warriors:" Sir yes sir!"

Upon receiving the order, the starlight warriors immediately made their move. Using their starlight energy, the starlight warriors quickly used their powers to block the incoming debris, protect the workers and make new passages to escape the collapsing cavern. After everyone was evacuated and the cavern finally collapsed, everyone was amazed at the beautiful site that they discovered.

A beautiful grand altar made of jade marble and very precious jewels and materials. Craved carefully with intricate patterns and runes from a long time ago. Even symbols and signs unrecognizable to this day were shown on its marble walls. The altar was huge ranging from ten meters in width to a height of five meters. A place radiating holiness was felt from the altar that gave the people a sense of euphoria.

The people stunned upon seeing this site marveled at how well made and preserved this altar was. In this grand altar, the people also saw what was like a giant floating orb above the altar. The floating orb was radiating with pure dazzling blue starlight energy. This energy was like a smooth melodic song making your body calm and refreshed. Even from far away, people can feel the holy energy of this orb.

Starlight warrior:" Captain, what will we do about this floating thing?"

The captain upon hearing this snapped out of the trance back to reality and gave orders to the soldiers.

Starlight Captain:" Everyone, stop all operations in this area. We do not know what that place is but we must contact the higher-ups quickly to do a thorough investigation about this area."

Starlight warriors:" Sir, yes sir"

Workers:" Hah, Will do as you say then."

Starlight Captain:( I hope this will help humanity otherwise if this falls into the wrong hands this place will end us all.)

The starlight captain turned around and then for one last time gazed upon the beautiful altar. The higher-ups upon hearing the report made, not knowing what to do urgently passed it until it made its way to the principalities. The principalities upon hearing the report about the altar made by the starlight captain quickly gathered a large force to investigate the area. Fascinated by this discovered unknown altar, they decided with a vote to decide on what to do with the altar.

6th Principality Carlos of the 10th generation:" We must destroy it at all costs!"

4th Principality Raven of the 10th generation:" But this was left by our ancestors!"

5th Principality Byron of the 10th generation:" It's too dangerous to keep a weapon like that, if worse comes to worst, it can harm humans as we know it!"

2nd Principality Armin of the 10th generation:" How can you be so sure it can harm us when we can use this to end the war!"

Carlos:" Do you know what happened to the previous ones that we used!"

Other principalities of the 10th generation:" ... "

This silence made everyone recall the previous inventions that were used against the fallen but turned against them due to corruption.

Raven:" ... But it is different this time unlike the other machinery used. This machinery that was found has an Aether orb!"

3rd principality Lilith of the 10th generation:" Hmm, it seems I can agree on that one but what about the others"

The principalities became silent once again because of this sudden suggested voting by Lilith. After a while, a loud clap can be heard making the principalities turn their heads towards the sound.

1st Principality Storm of the 10th generation:" Well, since this sudden incident has occurred then everyone please vote on what shall we do about this machinery whether to destroy it or use it to end the war. I hope everyone decides wisely."

After that meeting was adjourned, the principalities that voted the most wanted to use the weapon to end the war.

The Present:

walking inside the apartment complex, he was greeted by the landowner wearing a formal suit and full of documents in one hand with a happy expression upon seeing him.

Landowner: "Hello Castiel my boy, how are you feeling today?"

Castiel: "Hello Mr. Peter, I'm fine as always."

Castiel said while greeting Mr. Peter respectfully with a bow.

Me. Peter: "I'm glad to hear that, anyway there were some letters you received in the mailbox. You should go check it out."

Castiel: "Thank you, Mr.Peter "

Mr. Peter was an old man with white silver hair as white as snow, brown eyes, and a lean body, and the landowner of the apartment complex. In the past around 40 years ago, he was one of the strongest starlight warrior commanders at District 19 1B.

Me.Peter:" It seems you're in a good mood today my boy, did something happen?"

When Mr. Peter walked towards Castiel, as he approached Castiel he smelled a girl's perfume all over him and said in a cheeky voice grinning.

Me.Peter:" Hoo, who's the lucky girl eh."

Upon hearing the compliment Castiel's face suddenly blushed unnoticed by the old man.

Castiel:" What are you saying, old man!"

Me.Peter:" Hoo, so it is a girl then. Am I right? So who might be that lucky girl that fell over heels for that cold expression of yours?"

After a few moments of calming down and trying to compose himself, he answered the old man in a calm voice.

Castiel:" (Cough), well she is Amy and she is just my friend."

Me.Peter:" Are you sure she's just your friend?"

Castiel:" ... Yes, yes she is "

Me.Peter:" Hoo, is that it?"

Castiel:" Yes and that's final."

Me.Peter:" Oh young love finally blossoming!"

Castiel:" Are you even listening to me, old man!"

Mr. Peter:" Finally after so many years without a friend the young boy has grown up!"

Castiel:"..."( When will this old man shut up!)

Mr.Peter after many sarcastic remarks and fun messing with Castiel, calmed down with a smile and walked beside Castiel and placed his hand on his shoulder then said to him in a calm voice which surprised Castiel.

Me.Peter:" We'll if you do love her, keep her safe because you'll regret it if you do. ... Well can't stay for long, I need to sign a lot of paperwork for the new tenant living here. See you around my boy and have a lovely evening."

Me. Peter then patted Castiel's shoulder softly and walked away waving goodbye. With what Mr.Peter said, Castiel was bewildered hearing this and thought about what Mr.Peter meant by this.

After a while of contemplating, he then proceeded to the wall where cluster mailboxes were to collect his letters. He then took out the key from one of his jeans pockets and proceeded to mailbox number 14. He opened it using the key given to him by Mr.Peter and opened the mailbox. He saw letters addressing him from his parents and other stuff.

He then proceeded to take the elevator reaching the second floor of the apartment complex to his room number 35. When he reached the second floor, he then went to his apartment room number. In front of the average red door, he then opened it using the key given to him by Mr.Peter and entered his apartment room. He then turned on the light to the side next to the door and took his shoes off.

He then had a nice warm bath and quickly changed into his sleeping garments, looking through his refrigerator. After that, he then proceeded to the cupboard to just get an instant noodles pack and placed it in a cup with hot water. Lastly, he then ate the instant noodles in a cup then cleaned the area where he ate then washed the cup he used then went to bed for the night.