
Chapter 60 Playing Chase

Why do I want to go back to the city?

Because this is not me, I cannot hide in a hole and fear for the day that Vic Stone finds me. I can see that it is working on Trinity. She pretends to be happy, but I know that deep inside, she misses her old life.

Ya, I do too.

I love my old life; I miss doing what I am best at doing. In a way, I am protecting Trinity still, but I have to protect my own ass. I cannot describe the fear that I feel having to look over my shoulder when I even make the simplest trip to the store.

So I was wrong.

I thought that this is what Trinity and I needed, but in the same breath, I know that once we are back that I will probably never see her again. If Vic were not so damn hard-headed, then we would not have done what we did. If I thought he wanted me dead before, he would rip me apart after this.