
Chapter 20 Fear Of Seven Horrors

Last night was hot, hard, and ya...I am on the doorstep of the Stone mansion again. In less than five minutes, I am walking into Vic's office trying to explain to him what and mostly who has led me back here. I cannot, with all honesty, say, 'Well Vic, I fucked your daughter over the phone last night.' It seems that we are back to sneaking around. A sneaking that I am looking forward to...and god, I am going to sneak.

So what the fuck do I say? Well, that door is coming up fast, and the excuse needs to come up even faster. And as I step through that door, I know exactly what I am going to do.

"Hey, Vic."

"Colton, you have no idea how glad I am to see you."

"Ya about that."

"No need to explain. The girl can get out of hand."

"Ya about that. This Castaneda, the man is not taking this...arrangement seriously. I think it is in both your and her interest to let her stay here until he cleans up his shit."