
Protagonist Abuser Chat Group

A question & answer quiz appears in the ninja world. Answering the question correctly can get you incredible rewards but wrong answers may take your life as punishment. An ordinary young man, who was reborn as a passerby character of the Uchiha-clan, decides to use his knowledge of the plot to save his life in the upcoming Uchiha genocide. As he got more powerful, a 'Protagonist Abuser Chat Group' invited him to join. He becomes the group owner and members from the different Anime and Movie worlds are invited in. Watch as they abuse the protagonists of all worlds together. ‐------------------------- MC: "A protagonist is someone with incredible luck. They may pick up a pet fox on the street and it will become a celestial Nine-tails or something unreasonable like that. If they fall off a cliff they will find the inheritance of an ancient cultivator. You get the idea. Anyone who goes against the protagonist will have their IQ lowered and end up miserably." Loki: "But didn't you say that I am also an Antagonist?" MC: "Yes, you are." Loki: "So...will I die?" MC: "Mhm indeed." Loki: "..." --------------------------- Yun Che: "Hey beauty my name is Yun Che. Do you want to travel together?" Esdeath: "Hello Yun Che. My name is Esdeath and this is a robbery." Yun Che: "Is this a jok-puff! Wh-why did you hit me?" Esdeath: "I'm not playing, give me all your valuables!" A few minutes later. MC: "I get that we rob him for the strategy, but why exactly did you take off his clothes?" Loki: "Clothes have value too." MC: "What about his underwear?" Loki: "Yes." Esdeath: "Don't forget his socks." -------------------------- The questions will be designed in a conspiracy theory type. This fanfiction is not copied from a Chinese fanfiction, I just used the theme and wrote my own story. Dark. Single heroine. One chapter a day. Enjoy my new fanfic (the other one will not be dropped) I don't own Naruto, Against the Gods, Bleach, Marvel, Akame ga Kill.

Iamxourtingdeath · Anime et bandes dessinées
Pas assez d’évaluations
60 Chs

Last Luck Explosion (Part Four)

When these words came out of Takashi's mouth, all the dragons were immediately stunned. They looked at him with their mouth agape and then cautiously looked up to the sky, fearing that the heavens were offended and will smite them down the next second.

Takashi saw their actions, looked at them with a contemptuous expression and started scolding them.

"Cowards, even a little girl has more courage than you."

He pointed at Jasmine, who was unfazed by his earlier words. She knows that Takashi is someone, who can freely cross worlds, the little heaven in this world is nothing to him at all, so she has no reason to be afraid.

But to the dragons, this was a substantial hit on their pride. Some lowered their heads in shame, making Takashi nod his head in satisfaction. Randomly pointing at one of the dragons, his voice sounded again.

"Hey, you! Yes, you. What's your name?"

The cultivator who was suddenly pointed on was confused and a bit anxious.

'Did I offend this big shot somehow?'

"My name is Long Cheche, Sir."

"Why are you stuttering when saying your own name? Shameful trash! Go to that corner and face the wall. Think about your own shameful state just now little coward."

"But Sir I did not stutter while saying my name. There are two Ches in my name."


'Forget it. It seems like I am overplaying my role.'

Takashi quickly adjusted his mood and didn't do these useless things anymore. The group of dragons have already believed that he is a cultivation bigshot, any more nonsense may leak flaws. Lightly glancing at them, he spoke.

"Okay, whatever. Anyways, I am going to kill this boy Yun Che and you should either join us watching or go back to where you came from."

The dragon monarch was conflicted, on one hand, he is scared of Takashi, and on the other hand, he is worried about a backlash from heaven if they don't fulfil the oracle. And according to the oracle, this young man is very important for the survival of the whole world, so he is not sure how he should decide.

Takashi had already predicted that he would have these worries and reassured him.

"I know what you are worried about and I can tell you that it's not wrong to worry about that. There is indeed a world-ending catastrophe coming to the primal chaos soon, and Yun Che would be able to stop it in the end, if he is given the opportunity. But that's a future without my intervention.

Now it's different...I have chosen this little girl Jasmine, you should know her."

The dragon monarch was quietly listening to Takashi's speech, although he was shocked, he didn't interrupt him and waited for him to finish talking. When he heard Takashi's question, he looked at Jasmine and nodded.

"I know her. Although she is a bit different from what I remember, she is definitely the Heavenly Slaughter Star God."

"Yes, she is the one who will save this world and it won't be difficult for her either, just because she was chosen by me."

Jasmine nodded quickly, with the chat group it is indeed not difficult for her to solve a mere Tier 9 world.

"That's right. Leave it to me."

Although the dragon monarch was surprised at her confidence when she said that he still believed it. Someone who was chosen by a senior, who even the Lord Dragon God had to beg for help is not something his little Peak Divine Master head can think about.

"I am very grateful for that senior. Then we will not pester you anymore and return to the God Realm. If Senior ever happens to arrive in the Dragon God Realm, please be sure to inform us, we will definitely receive Senior with the highest honour.

The same counts also for everyone else present. I am sure we dragons will entertain you well.


As someone who is known as the strongest cultivator in the God Realm, the Dragon Monarch feels very uncomfortable in the presence of someone who has the ability to kill him. The sense of contrast to his usual feeling of security makes it impossible for him to stay here longer than necessary. His last words were hypocritical too, he hopes every last one of these guys stays as far away from his Realm as possible. Even if Takashi is someone, who has the inheritance of the Dragon God, he himself is not a dragon after all.

Hearing his words Takashi thought for a moment about how a cultivator bigshot would react in this situation when the junior is leaving successfully.

'Man I don't know. Fuck it, I'll just go with the classic, then nothing can go wrong.'

Thinking this Takashi snorted heavily and turned his head away.

'This...should be okay, right? Or should I say something too? Naaa.'

Glancing at the group of dragons from the corner of his eyes and seeing their expressions, as usual, he knew that he did it right.

After hearing the words of their leader, all the other dragons also bowed respectfully. The attitude of Takashi didn't surprise them in the slightest. Powerful cultivators should be moody, he talked to them and now he doesn't want to, it's normal.

They didn't want to disturb Takashi and his group anymore and flew away at extremely fast speeds.


Author Note:

Guys, I finished two of my exams (both A's hehe) and there is only one left on Thursday. After that I will write more chapters, with a regular schedule and with higher quality again.