

"I'll never leave you." I made a promise to my brother, but I didn't keep it. When a William Alexander, the perfect man who has a big secret in the past, an adopted son who left his younger brother to take the place of a business empire heir who has special needs. William must keep his promise to be loyal and obey any request from his adoptive father Jackson Alexander, an ambitious and cold-hearted rich businessman so that Jackson reunites him with his brother again. One time Jackson asked him to return to his home country, to become a governor in order to make it easier for him to do real estate development, for that he had to marry a woman, a twenty-three year old girl, Roseline a superstar who was loved by all the people who turned out to be the lover of his biological brother. His brother, Rayhan Adamson who has grown into a famous music producer without William knowing, he just wants to meet his younger brother as promised by Jackson if he succeeds in becoming a governor and gets a development permit then Jackson will bring him together with Rayhan. Will William be able to meet Rayhan again, atone for his sin of leaving Rayhan when he was seven years old and getting his slowly growing love for Rose? *** hi, thanks for reading my novel I will really appreciate every review and comment you give. You can contact me at: lmarlina8889@gmail.com

mrlyn · Sports, voyage et activités
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Choose to love you

William knew what he was doing was extremely dangerous, now he couldn't stop following Rose's agitated eyeballs.

There were still tears in the corners of her eyes, it looked like Rose was having a really bad nightmare. Yes, the dream must have been so bad that Rose expressed hatred for him even in the dream.

Now William became annoyed again, at first he just wanted to tease Rose but now he just pulled away.

"Let's eat, I'm already very hungry." Said William who immediately walked away leaving Rose who was still frozen.

Rose was a little confused because his attitude William suddenly change but was relieved at the same time.


William looks scary, he doesn't speak a word and just eats quietly but William's expression makes Rose unable to eat comfortably.

Rose was wondering in her heart about what made William cold again, did she offend William when she accused him earlier?

It felt strange when William was cold to her because William was usually both annoying and warm.

"You don't like the menu?" William asked because Rose had been just chopping the steak on her plate without eating it.

"No, I like it," Rose answered without looking at William and ate a piece of the tenderloin steak.

The atmosphere became quiet again, it was strange to be in a situation like this which made Rose feel awkward and didn't know what to do other than just eat quickly without paying attention to William.

"Helicopters or Yachts?" William asked suddenly.

"What?" Asked Rose back because she didn't understand what William was saying, she almost choked and made her drink a glass of water that was nearby.

"Drink slowly, you'll choke if you drink like that," William said, he swiftly wiped the remaining water on Rose's lips with his thumb.

The small touch made Rose stunned and looked down again.

"Why won't you look at me? Am I scary?" William asked, Rose could feel a cold aura slowly envelop her.

Without needing to look up, Rose could feel that William had put down his fork and knife and was currently leaning back on the chair looking at her.

"If I weren't William Alexander, would I still be scary in your eyes?"

Rose lifted her face and looked at William when William asked a question that puzzled her.

"If you weren't William Alexander, wouldn't you propose to me?" Rose asked back.

"Perhaps the story will be different."

Rose didn't understand this conversation even more while William was still looking at her with the same gaze, very sharp and carrying a chill through her heart.

"Will you still love me?" Asked Rose again, "Or will you fight for the love that you keep in another corner of your heart?" she continued.

William didn't answer immediately, he showed a twinkle in his eye that flashed a sadness that Rose couldn't understand.

"What if I choose to love you?"

Rose's breath hitched, she dropped the dinner knife she was holding because she was so surprised by William's answer.

William answered, what does it mean if he prefers her to the woman who has occupied his heart first?

"Why?" Rose asked.

"Because I find peace when I'm with you," William answered calmly.

"But sadly, I am William Alexander." William continued before getting up and leaving Rose alone feeling restless and confused.


Lucy quietly listened to the conversation between Rose and William and was not happy with what William said to Rose.

An asshole, she chided in her heart. Gwen gave her whole heart and life just for William and the man easily said that he wanted to love the girl he had only been with the last few days.

As Gwen's cousin who works for William, Lucy feels very displeased with William's attitude for the first time she feels disapproves of Gwen is in a relationship with William.

To hell with a political marriage, William seems genuinely interested in Rose and if Gwen finds out about it then Gwen's health will only get worse.

"Seems like eavesdropping is your new skill?"

Lucy was so surprised to hear William's voice and who knows how long William had been beside her.

"Forgive me," Lucy said hiding her annoyance.

"You work for me or Jackson? Why are you so busy taking care of my personal life?" William asked furiously, he felt that Lucy was too involved in his personal life even though he was the only secretary who proposed directly to him without going through Jackson but it seemed that Lucy was also Jackson's spy who was ordered to monitor him.

"I warn you, if you cross your limit again then it won't be difficult for me to kill you!" Threatened William without the slightest mercy, no matter if Lucy had worked as his secretary for the last two years, the secretary he had worked with the longest because William thought that Lucy was different from his previous secretary who was always under Jackson's control but it turned out to be the same.

Lucy could only hold back her tears because of the fear of William's threat, she couldn't even catch her breath. William could do as he just said.


Time seemed to move slowly, Rose didn't know how long she had been on William's plane, even though she had eaten three meals and changed her clothes three times.

Why did it take so long, Rose felt suffocated in the plane that she didn't even know where she was going while William was out of sight after their last conversation at the dinner table.

William looked displeased at the time and it all made Rose feel uneasy not understanding why William was being cold for no apparent reason.

"He should be happy because he managed to mess up my relationship with Rayhan but he's acting like he's the one who's heartbroken here, you stupid man!" Rose said while slamming her body on the bed while closing her eyes even though she didn't want to fall asleep.

"Rayhan... I miss you." Rose muttered without Rose knowing that William had just come with a glass of orange juice.

"Is there only Rayhan in your head?" William asked as he put the glass of juice he brought on the nightstand and sat on the edge of the bed leaning back.

Hearing William's voice, Rose immediately opened her eyes and got up.

"Why? Are you jealous?" Rose asked curtly.


"That's right! What if it wasn't jealousy, you've been acting so weird all day like a cold iceberg, I'm half-dead confused about where my fault lies with you!"

William just laughed softly at Rose's passionate answer. It's funny when Rose finds the energy to scold him again after she just cried and said that she hated him.

"Right, let's just say I'm jealous because my future wife keeps crying over other men," William answered because maybe that was the reason.

"We were together for five years, you wouldn't understand how we feel right now having to part because of the situation," Rose replied with a sad face again.

"I see, but this is fate," William replied, Rose, looked back at the glance again, the sadness behind William's eyes.

What sadness is William hiding?
