
Prometheus[MoviesXAnime crossover]

From a very young age, I find it hard to blindly follow the crowd and accept their approach. I find no happiness to allow myself to indulge in the usual manipulation game of role creation =================================== A/n: This is your generic op isekai'd mc fanfic, the first two chapters are kind of edgy, so I hope I don't get too much backlash. If you read this on Wattpad, then yes I am the author, I am not stealing someone's work. And lastly, I would like to point out that this is a fanfic based on movies and animes.

_HERMIT_ · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs


"H-Help..." A desperate voice filled with agony calls out to him followed by sounds of heavy thumping noises.

He slowly opened his eyes to look at the source of the voice and found himself tied up in the captivity of a padded room, the kind of room where you can scream all you like and not have to worry about upsetting the neighbors.

Right now Theodore has no idea what the flying fuck is going on, a moment ago he was inside that void, wishing to leave the place, and the next moment he opened his eyes inside this room.

[What the hell is going on?] How is he still breathing? He questioned himself?

Maybe that Covit-19 fiasco is nothing more than a bad dream, but a dream like that is too real to be a fake. It felt too real to be a dream, but he can't comprehend one thing, and that is if it wasn't fake then how come he is still breathing?

"Augh!" That's when he noticed the commotion before him, he spotted two shady-looking Asian men, one fully clothed and the other one is wearing only jeans, and set in the far wall is a large ring with a meter length of chain dangling from it. One of the men walked out and then dragged a woman inside, her face is covered with a weave hood but from her accent he can tell that she is from the western region, the two-man haul her over to the far wall and handcuffed her to the chain.

He can't see her face, because these two Asian men are blocking his view with their bodies, but he can see her figure from between the gaps of one of the man's legs.

The way they leer at her leaves no doubt the subject of their conversation. Apparently, they like what they see.

The fully clothed guy comes over and touches her hair as if feeling for quality. The shirtless guy clasps her breasts with one hand as if testing a melon at a market stall for ripeness.

"I'm not in the mood!" The rejection seem to anger the shirtless dude, and then suddenly he punched her in the face.

The woman falls back and he kicks her in the gut several times, shocking Theodore.

"Hey, Assholes!! Why don't you pick someone of your own size, Yeah?" They turned, and right that brief moment Theodore caught the view of her face.

The woman is none other than Scarlett Johansson, one of the top most talented actresses in Hollywood.

"What the bloody Fuck! That's Scarlett Johansson, you mother fuckers!" Theodore roared as he stared at her way, she was writhing in pain, gasping for breath and clutching her stomach.

Theodore's eyes became incomparably murderous on seeing the blood dousing her white shirt. Right now if his hand wasn't tied behind his back he would have bashed their face in.

(Shut him up!) Theodore knew a little bit of mandarin so he was able to understand what they were saying.

(go fuck yourself) He shouldn't have said that when his hands are tied behind his back but words said in anger lead to a bad situation and he knew it too, but as usual his temper got the better of him.

The second they heard him throwing cursing at them, the man in jeans charged at him & kicked him in the stomach, but for some reason, the pain is too unbearable, Theodore knew his body can endure kicks much stronger than this, but it hurts like hell!

"You kick like a little bitch" Theodore groaned out in mandarin and even let out a yawn to further anger the man.

"You are a dead man!" The shirtless man pulled a gun from behind the waistband of his pant and pushed the muzzle to Theodore's forehead.

"Hey, hey, he is carrying two packets worth of powder in him! Boss will kill you, stupid" The fully-clothed man quickly interfere and snatched the gun from his hand.

The shirtless man groaned out to express his displeasure and then began his angry stride out of the room.

"Behave, or you might lose your life." The fully-clothed man warned him ominously before he to walked out of the room.

"You have no idea how screwed you fuckers are, kidnapping a top actress & an MMA athlete..." Theodore chuckled at the stupidity of these kidnappers.

"Sooner or later cops will come knocking to your door." Theodore muttered with narrowed eyes, before moving his attention on Scarlett.

"Are you okay, Miss Johansson?" She didn't reply back. "Miss Johansson... ?" She looked at his way and gave him that helpless and begging look.

"H-Hel..." Before she could finish her words her body twists into insane, completely dislocated positions, like a fish out of water she spins around like a top, hitting herself all over.

The sounds that come out of her mouth are inhumane, more like the grunts of a fatally wounded animal. She slithers across the floor on her back, pushes against the wall, and starts sliding up it.

She is literally climbing the wall by pushing her back against it. "What in the blueberry fuck muffin is that shit!" There are only two conclusions to this, and that is, he is either high or his mind is playing games with him, but this scene is very familiar to a movie he watched in 2014.

Some gang would shove some powerful drug in her stomach, the packet would break inside her and the powered drug would mix with her blood giving her supernatural powers, almost akin to a god. That is the plot he remembers.

"W-Wait... That dude said I had two packets worth in my stomach." Theodore's head snapped down and that's when he spotted the fresh blood.

"Oh, shit... Agh!" Just like her, he contorts in pain, like a wriggling earthworm. "I fucking love my shitty life!" Theodore doesn't know whether laugh or cry, if all this is real then he has less than 48 hours to live after that his body will break down to a molecular level & he will become a conceptual being, just like Scarlett in the movie.

That is a life worse than death, he doesn't want to lose his emotions, his desire, his existence as a human being.

"FUUUUCK!!!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs and let out a bloodcurdling scream before losing his consciousness.

A few minutes later Lucy's eyes flit wide open. Her retina glowed with luminescent blue, before becoming normal again.

There's a glint in her eyes that if Theodore was awake he could tell that she wasn't herself anymore.

Her eyes are cold, jagged, primal... and are giving off the vibe of something animalistic.

She picks herself up with no apparent pain visible on her face, she then stares at Theodore, the man who is in the same predicament as herself.

She noticed something odd about the man, the veins on his neck and his muscular hands bulged as a visible blue glowing liquid made their way through them, the muscles in his arm's started convulsing, she can't tell if the same thing is happening with his legs or torso since it was covered by clothes, but she knew it's likely to be the case.

Suddenly the already ripped muscles in his arms became more ripped, the scars marks on his scary and manly looking face healed by themselves in a matter of milliseconds, much to her confusion. She pulls her shirt up to check, but her wound is still fresh.

Lucy grabs a chair and sits down, back straight, palms on her knees, eyes staring at the man as he goes through unusual changes, changes much more different than her. She sat motionless in the corner and kept her eyes on him.

Suddenly she heard a barely audible "Click!", coming from the door as if someone has unlocked it from outside.

The door opens, the fully clothed man enters, slaps two trays of food down on the table, and glances at Lucy as she sits motionless in the corner.

Lucy moved her gaze away from Theodore and focused them on the man, the guy gazes back at her. She calmly smiles at him and slowly opens her legs. The guy is given an obstructed view of her denim skirt.

The horny man smiles at her open invitation, he quickly peeks out of the room to check if there's no one in the hallway, before locking the padded door and then glances back at Theodore, only to find Theodore sitting hunched over against the wall, a fine trickle of drool leaked from the corner of his mouth.

The man frowned, if something bad happens to these people and they are not fit to board the plane then their boss is going kill them, brutally. Worried about his life, the man walks over to him and crouches down before Theodore.

"Hey! Hey!" The man grabbed Theodore by his hair and raised his head, the man slapped him gently and tried to wake him up, but he gave no response.

"That fucking bastard..." Beads of sweat formed on his forehead, their boss will definitely kill them for sure. "Fuck!" He cursed in Chinese, he messed up badly this time, and it's not even his fault!

While the man trying to think of a plan to save his arse, Lucy noticed Theodore's eyes snapped open, his retina changed, going through a spectrum from cat to reptile to bird, before becoming human again.

Theodore's eyes are calm, collected, there is something odd about those eyes, something savage, she dwells deeper into them as if she is trying to find answers, his eyes filled with evil, she shivered unconsciously when he stared back at her with a calm and witty smile on his face, she can't shrug off this bad feeling, the man was completely fine and even seems somewhat approachable, but that evil look on his face is quite unnerving.

Like a snake, Theodore's legs moved and wrapped it around the torso of the man catching him off guard. Before the man could react Theodore smashed his forehead against the man's face shattering his nose.

The man let out a bloodcurdling scream and squirmed violently in the clutches of Theodore's vice-like grip, but no matter how much he squirms or struggles he can't find the strength to get out of his grip.

Theodore pulled his head back and bashed his head over the man's face, repeatedly, and didn't stop until he falls lifelessly to the floor.

Since his hands his tied behind his back Theodore grabbed the keys from the man's waistband with his big toe and index toe and hauls them towards Lucy's direction.

"Free yourself first, then free me." Lucy nodded and picked the key from the ground before unlocking her handcuffs.

She quickly move over to Theodore and freed him too. "Thank you." "Lucy...my name is, Lucy." She introduced herself as she stared at him emotionlessly. "Theodore Miller." He told her, with a calm and collected look on his face.