
Project Witchcraft

This is a grand tale of Ancient times, dealing with the Seven realms. A period of war, carnage, and bloodshed against the Ashyn Realm, attempting to destroy the Witch Clan for good. But when a Witch of unfathomable strength defended the realm, wielding her magical powers, she was feared and highly respected. During the Great War, the Witch Clan was wiped clean off the map, except for one. Now, she is said to be a myth, her name is only told in old bedtime stories, forever forgotten as a legend. Her name remains unknown, but she is called the Witch of Mutiny. ______________________________ Warning: This novel does have LGBT, and Dark scenarios inside of it.

StarMutiny · Fantaisie
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16 Chs

Sheltered Bait

The Hound of Tindalos was slain by the Holy Paladin. All that was left was its corpse, and corrosion-induced blood, decaying the surroundings until its dead body disintegrated into black particles.

"That's insane... you killed that thing effortlessly!" Said Thomas in awe.

"I wouldn't say effortlessly." Muttered Hermfry as he glanced at Brunhilda. "Why didn't you tell me it's blood was dangerous?"

"Whoops." The wizard knocked on her head, sticking out her tongue. "It slipped past my mind."

"How can something like that slip past your mind?! I could've died, you idiot!" The Paladin was furious, balling his fist at the mage.

"I haven't summoned a hound in ages, so something like that is bound to slip past my mind. Don't blame me!" Said the wizard, retaliating against his statement.

"Now's my chance to sneak away..." Thomas whispered to himself, proceeding to crawl away into the tall grass on the side of the road. "If I leave now, they'll never notice me gone with their arguing. Luckily for me, I had enough time to cut out of the ropes by enchanting my dagger with Grofla- Uwaa!!" Out of nowhere, an axe would strike the ground in front of the bandit, blocking his path.

"Where do you think you're going, Thomas Ironheart?

"I-I'm just... going to pee!"

"Get on your feet."

"Yes sir!!" He stood up, straightening out his body with a look of terror.

"I know your father, the blacksmith in Camelot. You should be ashamed. Aren't you an Ironheart? Your people are known to craft the greatest weapons of Britana, yet you're out here becoming a bandit."

That fearful look in Thomas's eyes would fade, mutating into a slight frown.

"What do you know about my life? Stay out of it, this doesn't concern you."

"What did you say?" Hermfry took a step forward, leaning over the young bandit. "And here I thought you had potential when I saw you as a child."

"My potential lies in stealing, and killing."

The Paladin went quiet before asking, "What happened to you? Why did you run away from Camelot?! Answer me, boy!"

"Like I said, it's none of your damn business!"

Brunhilda approached the angry bandit, stepping in front of him and Hermfry.

"Is that so? Well then, if you aren't willing to give my companion here any answers, perhaps I'll have to train you harder as bait."

Thomas took a step back, quivering in his lip, stuttering, "Y-You can't be serious! N-No way in hell I'm gonna get chased by another Hound! I'd rather die!"

"Oh? You'd rather die, huh? Then perhaps you will this time."

The bandit extended out his arms, shaking them frantically. "No, wait! You're taking things too seriously!! I didn't really mean I wanted to die. That's just a figure of speech!"

"Good grief." Hermfry sighed before muttering, "Being in the Black Oblivion ended up making this girl a sadist."

"Honestly, cut me some slack!! Please for the love of Gaia!"

"Hermfry, what do you say?" Asked Brunhilda.

"I say... we wait."

The small mage, confused about his wishes, would pout, saying, "But I enjoy hearing his screams of despair..."

"Whaaaat?!" Yelled Thomas in disbelief.

"Alright, it's settled. We should start making camp before nightfall, it's getting dark." Said the Paladin.

"Looks like I'm not escaping you guys... huh?"

The Paladin thumped the bandit against the head, knocking him flat.

"Ow, what's the big deal?"

"Go get some wood for fire, and make it snappy."

"Hah!" Thomas scoffed. "You're relying on me out of all people to collect wood? You must seriously be out of your mind, old man."

Brunhilda frowned, saying, "Even if you run away, the Hound of Tindalos will track your scent. You see; they have this ability to smell their prey across all of time and space."

"Firewood it is!" Thomas stood up and made a run for it, dashing to the nearest trees.

"That boy..." Hermfry sighed in disappointment.

"It's common, you know? Joining the bandits."

"I know." Said the Paladin. "But I didn't expect him out of all people to resort to such a lifestyle."

"That's because it's easy. Once you see how simple it is to rob someone or take their coin, you'll start to gain a twisted view of life. People would rather take the easy route by stealing and killing for coin, rather than working nine hours a day for it."

Hermfry nodded his head, crossing his arms. "That much is true. Bandits make an easy living."

"Sometimes wicked actions can cause good. Some bandits make enough money to the point they retire from their lifestyle and buy a house, and even start a family."

"Hmph. Don't sway my heart about those thieves, Brunhilda."

The mage smiled, stating, "I'm only speaking the truth, and you know it, Hermfry."

"Yeah... well, sometimes the truth is better kept quiet. I don't wanna feel any sentiment towards criminals."

"Mm. Very well then."


A camp was set up by the road with a campfire burning bright. Around the camp was sprinkled pixie dust, keeping out the nightmarish monsters that came out in the dark.

Brunhilda sat on a log, poking at the fire with a stick, as Hermfry and Thomas sat across from one another, staring each other down.

Ghouls were heard walking around their camp, as the sound of demonic wolves howled in the distance.



They were quiet, making the atmosphere tense, but Brunhilda had enough of it.

"If you two are gonna stare at each other all night, you might as well start kissing."

"...Hmph." The Paladin scoffed, grabbing his sleeping bag, and unrolling it on the ground.

The smell of firewood lingered in the air, along with its crackling heat.

"I have a question..." Said Thomas.

"Hm, what is it?" Replied Brunhilda.

"These... creatures, just what are they?"

"Do you mean the creatures of the night?"

"Yeah... of course. I always wondered what their purpose was, and why they only come out during the night?"

Brunhilda poked at the campfire with her stick, keeping it burning.

"It's a curse placed on the Realm of Gaia from the Dark Mother herself. It happened long ago, during the Great War of the Seven Realms."


"Don't you do your research? I shouldn't be surprised since you're some bandit." Proclaimed the Paladin, lying on his sleeping mat.


"Yes. During the Great War, it is said that the Order of the Outer Planes got involved, and the Dark Mother placed a curse on the Seven realms of the Inner Plane. The curse placed on Gaia is to suffer nights of pain and agony, as the fears of humanity, known as Fiends, will spread across the world, killing all in its way, during nightfall. Men, women, children, animals. It doesn't matter. Fiends have no emotions towards those of the Gaia Realm. The only thing that can prevent the Nightmarish creatures from attacking is Pixie dust."

"I-I see..." Thomas looked down in thought... until he widened his eyes, realizing something. "Wait a minute, how could those of the Outer Plane interfere with the Inner Plane? Isn't that impossible?"

"It's a long story. I'd rather not talk about it this late at night." The mage continued poking at the fire until she threw her stick inside of it. "We should get some rest. There is a sleeping mat in our supplies, use it." Brunhilda stood up, walking towards her sleeping mat that was already unrolled.

Ghouls surrounded their camp, staring at them, but they couldn't approach because of the pixie dust. Sleeping like this was unsettling, but survivors of this world had no choice.

"Well, this sucks..." Muttered Thomas. "Me and my group usually slept in caves, sprinkling pixie dust at the entrance to prevent Fiends from getting inside." Sighing, he lowered his head and facepalmed himself. "Man... just what the hell? Is this even real? I lost Maggie and Druic back there. My friends... whom I accomplished a lot together with, are gone from my life." Closing his eyes... Thomas started to cry, reminiscing old memories. "Am I gonna die? Are they really gonna use me as bait? This sucks..." Whispering this to himself, he could only cry in silence, until the morning arises.


In this world, it was killed or be killed. There was no mercy. Not for the wicked, or even the innocent.

Throughout the Seven Realms, chaos exists primordially. It's the essence of creation.

None can withstand it.

And none can live without it.

For hope, there must be chaos.

For happiness, there must be sadness.

Chaos was the duality of all creation throughout the world. Mages, Paladins, Warriors, and Knights, use chaos unknowingly in their spells, to either do harm or do good.

But despite all of that...

Despite Chaos being primordial in this plane of existence, Brunhilda remains a mystery.

Even chaos itself cannot shackle her to its essence. Her very nature defies all odds.

It's as if she's enforcing a world of her own, to do as she pleases.

Perhaps the world will uncover the truth of this mage, opening a Pandora's Box of mysteries.