
Project Witchcraft

This is a grand tale of Ancient times, dealing with the Seven realms. A period of war, carnage, and bloodshed against the Ashyn Realm, attempting to destroy the Witch Clan for good. But when a Witch of unfathomable strength defended the realm, wielding her magical powers, she was feared and highly respected. During the Great War, the Witch Clan was wiped clean off the map, except for one. Now, she is said to be a myth, her name is only told in old bedtime stories, forever forgotten as a legend. Her name remains unknown, but she is called the Witch of Mutiny. ______________________________ Warning: This novel does have LGBT, and Dark scenarios inside of it.

StarMutiny · Fantaisie
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16 Chs

Project Witchcraft

Multiple colors lit up the town from above. Heat parched the cold night sky, while gravity was being shifted. Micro-sized black holes and fire spells collided with one another, shaking the fabrics of reality.

A battle of the Gods some would call it.


Uriel was on the offensive, assaulting Brunhilda with his spear of darkness.

Ramming the spear forward in a flurry of jabs, Brunhilda dodged each, and every one of them. Tilting her head to the side, ducking under the others, while blocking some with her staff. However, this left her wide open from behind, which gave Gabriel the opening.

"Shiiiii!!" He dashed forward with his sword stretched outwards in both hands, aiming for her spine.

"Nulma." But before he could reach the mage, Brunhilda aimed behind her back with her hand, chanting the weakest fire spell known to man.

"Don't underestimate me!!" Gabriel shouted, frustrated at her attempt to strike him with such puny Magic.

"I can say the same." Said Brunhilda. "Gelohois." Another spell was activated, instantly.

"Wha-?!" The miniature fireball was all of a sudden amplified, ten times over. "Uwaaaaghhhh!!" Gabriel was engulfed in immense heat, hurtling away on the ball of flames.

"Damnit!! Curse you and that witchcraft!" Shouted Uriel.

"Imposing laws on the world, that's what her magic known as, Witchcraft, is capable of." Muttered Michael as he watched from afar, grunting in frustration.

Brunhilda continued to evade his spear of darkness, eventually finding an opening. "Luganteh!" With her staff pointing at Uriel, a magic circle formed.


A hole pierced through the angel of darkness, driving him away.

"I-Impossible… she harmed me with the weakest light spell?!"

Uriel was baffled, but Michael understood what was happening.

Among his brothers, he was the most perceptive, and smartest Elder Fiend. Nothing could escape his eyes, there was always an answer for something.

"My eyes do not deceive me, I know what she is capable of. Brunhilda Blackwood, Witch of Mutiny, there is a reason why you're so feared across the World. During the Great War, you battled the realms with your magic, Project Witchcraft."

Uriel slowly regenerated his wound and charged at the witch once more.

"I never knew what it was capable of, but now I see it. You have the ability to connect yourself with the world itself, including chaos. This allows you to construct new laws, enforce them upon the world, to create your own world. That is how you nullified my black holes with your light magic." Michael couldn't help but admire her magical knowledge, and strength. "Whatever you cannot beat, there exists a law that can be constructed, allowing you to overcome your limitation, or defeat."

"Damnit!! Damnit!!!" Uriel shouted in frustration, continuing to swing his spear at the witch, but she dodged it all. "Why can't I hit you?! Why!?!"

Brunhilda once more found an opening through his strikes, saying, "Gegra!" The fiend was paralyzed, unable to move his muscles.

"C-Can't move…!"

"It seems I cannot completely kill you Elder Fiends with the spells I wield, considering it requires high-tier holy magic, which isn't my strong suit, thus… I created a spell to overcome that."

"W-What?!" Uriel was shocked to his core, unable to express it with his lack of facial features.

"Elder Fiends can regenerate, even if one were to vaporize their entire bodies. Unbound by conventional life and death, basic magic in the Wheels of Magic struggles to destroy your existence." Brunhilda slowly raised her staff, placing the tip against his chest. "Not to mention, even if you were to die, you'll just resurrect over time, in a new manifestation of humanity's nightmares. With such existences reliant on the Curse of Gaia, you cannot die, as long as the curse exists."

"W-What are you saying?" Muttered Uriel.

"I'm saying, I have the power to wipe you away, and prevent your resurrection."

"What?!!" Michael shouted from afar, widening his eyes in disbelief. "Shit, brother!!" Charging at Brunhilda, he readied his scythe.

"Get out of my sight." Brunhilda lowered her brows in annoyance, activating her newly acquired spell. "Zeviastan Dulva." At the end of her staff, a magic circle appeared, and the Elder Fiend, Uriel, exploded in a bright light.

Even with his immortality, he could never return.

"Brother!! Damn you, Brunhilda!!!"

The Witch of Mutiny glanced at Michael in a mocking smile. "To think that the Elder Fiends could experience such emotions, it truly is a lovely sight."


Michael swung his scythe at the witch, but she stopped it with her bare hand engulfed in Grofla, proceeding to pull him forward, face-to-face.

"Do you see how humans feel when they lose their loved ones? It's quite heartbreaking, isn't it? To see your relatives die in the heat of battle." Her eyes looked fearsome. Her voice sounded elderly, yet full of youth. This was Brunhilda's true side. "I saw my people wiped away, every single one of them. There was nothing I could do at the time—I was powerless—I was helpless. I had to run away to survive."

"Grrrghh…" Michael tried pulling away his staff, but it didn't budge.

"You've three lived powerful, and invincible, all your lives, not knowing what it means to lose something precious to you. But it's time you wake up to reality."

"I'll kill you, witch!!"

"My spirit has already died long ago, there is nothing you can kill." Brunhilda crushed his scythe with her fire-dyed hands, proceeding to grip his face and fly downwards.

"Ghhh!! Aaaaaaghhhh!"

Michael screamed in frustration, unable to break out of her grasp.

"Damnit—! Damnit!! Aaaaaahhhhhh!!!"

Brunhilda was flying towards something.

It was bright and ominous to the likes of his kind.

"My magic isn't the only thing that can completely kill your kind, you know?"


Michael knew what she was doing.


But it was too late.

Brunhilda hurtled towards the Divine Arrow that was killing the Black Goats.

It was Eldme Dona Greta.


A loud, ear-piercing shout echoed from the Elder Fiend once she rammed into the divine arrow with his body, burning him to nothingness.

His body was slowly melting away like a piece of paper that was set on fire.

Before Brunhilda could get submerged in the spell, she teleported away. "Gelmum!" A spell that came from the Correlation Wheel. By connecting her desired spatial coordinates, she vanished, appearing where she wished.

Her body manifested in the sky, witnessing Michael's end from above.

"Hmm." Her head slowly turned away, looking to her side in the vast distance. "Gabriel vanished. It appears that he fled the battlefield. How cowardice."



Hermfry continued to control the divine arrow of faith, wiping away the fiends around the village, and destroying the remaining Black Goats.

Sweat masked his face, and exhaustion was evident from his slouchy pose.

"Perish in the light of faith, fiends!!"

Civilians watched from afar, hiding in their homes, as others hid under Market Stands and tables.

"I will not have these people die to the likes of evil! In the name of Gaia, peace will be brought back, to the men, women, and children who have yet to live their lives!"

All of a sudden… Brunhilda widened her eyes, feeling an ominous aura come from behind her.

"…Did I miscalculate? No… it can't be, how is that possible?"

Hermfry grinned, prideful as ever.

"And now, to end this!"

He would maneuver the divine arrow into the sky, holding it there with his absolute control.


The Divine arrow would explode, causing a torrent of arrows to rain from the sky, targeting the remaining fiends around the village.


Hermfry yelled in triumph, hearing the sounds of the fiends perishing, one by one.

"It is done…" The Paladin fell to his hands and knees, frantically breathing. "I have eliminated them all…"


Unearthly grunts.


Otherworldly growling.

It sounded like the grumbling of one's stomach.

Hideous creatures appeared everywhere around the town, walking on their tree trunk legs.

Their tentacles danced through the sky, with multiple mouths surrounding their dark bodies.

"…How…" Hermfry looked up, realizing there were more of them around the town. "…How…"

There was even more than last time.

An entire army to be exact.

"How?!!" Hermfry rose from his hands, staring outside the town in disbelief. Frustration was evident, with a look of hopelessness.

"…The fiends, they're turning into the Black Goats."

Brunhilda appeared next to the Paladin, lowering her brows in annoyance.


"Hermfry, you did a good job, thank you."

The witch smiled at the Paladin, placing her hand atop his head.

"…You handled those Elder Fiends?"

"Yes, however, one of them managed to escape."


"Do not worry, he won't be coming after us anytime soon."

Hermfry clenched his fists, watching as the chaotic creatures approached the village, prepared to wreak havoc.

"You said that the fiends are turning into Shub-Niggurath's children, how is that possible?"

"It is done through magic, that much is for certain."

"What could it be?"

"Without a doubt in my mind, this is caused by that mage."


"The Elder Fiends said they had a master who gave them orders."

Hermfry widened his eyes. "W-What? Fiends working for a human? That is unlikely."

"There is much that I don't know, though, I'd like to get down to the bottom of it. But for now, you rest."

The Paladin slowly rose to his feet, stumbling a bit.

"No, I must aid you in this battle."

Brunhilda sighed.

"I figured you say that. No hard feelings, Hermfry."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Zeptes." Brunhilda would cast a magic circle on the paladin's body, sending him to sleep.

It was a low-tier spell from the Wheel of Life, that peacefully sends the target to rest.

Hermfry fell forward, but she caught him, despite her petite size, gently laying him down.

"Restore your mana. I'll handle this." She would gently pat his head and slowly stand up.

"Project Witchcraft is powerful, but it does have its limitations. I can only use a dozen spells from it until it runs dry, forcing me to wait an entire week until the magic formula is refueled."

Project Witchcraft was a magic formula, one that unshackled Brunhilda from the laws of existence, and logic of the world, separating her from the common sense of reality, thus, always following her own. Such was a magic created in her past from vengeance.

This magic formula ran solely on mana, however, the mana required to completely refuel it is an ocean's worth.

Even if nothing could shackle her to the world, including the fate of the Gods, she wasn't omnipotent by any means.

"I must end this in one spell."