
Project Witchcraft

This is a grand tale of Ancient times, dealing with the Seven realms. A period of war, carnage, and bloodshed against the Ashyn Realm, attempting to destroy the Witch Clan for good. But when a Witch of unfathomable strength defended the realm, wielding her magical powers, she was feared and highly respected. During the Great War, the Witch Clan was wiped clean off the map, except for one. Now, she is said to be a myth, her name is only told in old bedtime stories, forever forgotten as a legend. Her name remains unknown, but she is called the Witch of Mutiny. ______________________________ Warning: This novel does have LGBT, and Dark scenarios inside of it.

StarMutiny · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
16 Chs

Old Friends Reunite

After following the middle-aged woman, Hermfry stopped in front of a log house. The porch was clean, and so was the balcony. There were animals in stables at the side of the house, and the smell of hay was prominent.

The Paladin kept Brunhilda on his shoulders, waiting for the woman to welcome him in.

She opened the door, placing down her son before gesturing him to come inside with a joyful smile.

Hermfry nodded before stepping foot into the stranger's residence. His heavy armor made the floor creak as he looked around him, noticing a furnace and kettle in the middle of the room, with fish and meat hung up on wires.

"I see you do your own hunting." Said the Paladin with a smirk.

"Oh, no, no no! We have kind neighbors who give their share of meats to us whenever they return from their hunting trips."

"Ah, I see. What a lovely town this is. Full of nice people, and the Dalvan ale couldn't be any better." Still drunk, Hermfry stumbled a bit, but the woman held onto his arm, helping him balance. "Ah, sorry mam, I managed to drink too much. That Dalvan ale is quite addicting."

"Ufufu, worry not, I understand how you feel. My husband was the same way."

She aided Hermfry through the house, approaching a wooden door in the corridor.

"Here we are, my husband's room…" The woman looked a bit dispirited in her face, but she opened the door nonetheless. "Dear, there is someone I brought to see you."

"Tch. Is it one of those damn clerics again? I already told you that none of their magic works! Tell them to fuck off and eat cow shit!"

"N-No dear, it's… a brother in arms."

"…A what?"

Hermfry stepped inside the room, glancing at the man in bed.

He had white hair, and a long gray beard, with an eyepatch on his life eye.

They stared at each other until both widened their eyes.

They looked… bewildered.

"…Is that… you… Hermfry?"


It was as if time had paused.

The wife was baffled, and visibly shocked in her expression, while the son peeked around the corner, watching everything go down.

"I can't believe it, am I daydreaming?"

Hermfry's shocked expression twisted into a relieving smile.


A sword was unsheathed from its scabbard and pointed directly at the Paladin.

"Who the hell are you?"

"What?" Hermfry lowered his brows in confusion.

"You heard me. Just who the hell are you?!"

"It's me, Hermfry Agadel. You said my name a moment ago, didn't you?!?"

"The Hermfry I know is dead."

The wife looked at the Paladin with a questionable glare.

"No, that's not true… brother."

"Speak the truth, you imposter! Who the hell are you?!"

"I already told you, it's me, Hermfry, goddamnit!"

"Cast a holy spell, right now, prove it."


"Demons are the only race that I know who can mimic appearances with their magic, but they're unable to mimic memories and experience. If you're Hermfry, then you better start proving it right now, before I gut you like a fish!"

"You dumbass fool, since when could the demons infiltrate Gaia?! Start thinking logically, Archibald!"

"Hmph. I've been in this bed for five whole years, for all I know, the Black Oblivion could've opened a dimensional breach and allowed access to the Demon Realm. I'm not taking any chances.

"The Black Oblivion only worships the Undead God, and you know this."

"…Alright, then what color are the commander's panties?"

"Polka dot pink."

"Bwa ha ha ha! It really is you, fucking bastard!" Archibald dropped his blade and laughed to the heavens.

Hermfry smiled, approaching his friend in haste.

"You gave me a scare, you blind old fool."

The Paladin hugged his friend with one arm, keeping Brunhilda on his shoulder.

"Well, you know me. It's better to be safe than sorry, ain't it?"

"Goddamn right. I learned that from you, after all."

"Aye, who's that girl you got there on your shoulder? She a whore?"

"Hey, watch it." Said Hermfry before chuckling. "You know I'm not that type of guy. She's an acquaintance of mine, her name is Brunhilda."

"Acquaintance?! Hermfry, where the hell have you been all this time?"

The Paladin stared at his old friend before closing his eyes with a look of regret.

"I know that I left Asteria, the holy lands of Britana, a long time ago, but it was for good reason, brother."

The wife of Archibald approached Hermfry, a bit hesitant at first.

"M-May I?"

She pointed at Brunhilda.

"Oh, yes, of course."

Hermfry gently handed the middle-aged woman Brunhilda, as she carried the small mage in her arms.

"She's quite light."

Muttered the woman, laughing at her own comment.

"Be careful with her, I don't know if she'll wake up fighting, or screaming."

"Oh dear… I'll do my best." She then walked out of the room, smiling back at the two men.

"You have a lovely family, Archibald."

"Goddamn right. A family is worth more than any treasure out there, I can assure you of that."

"It's too bad I don't have time for one."

"Never got your dick sucked? Keheheh!"

Hermfry chuckled as he shook his head, ashamed.

"You're still the dirty old fool that I remember."

"There's plenty of women out there, and you still haven't banged one yet?!"

"I still follow the oath, even if I abandoned Asteria."

"Tsk. Maybe my actions are what had the Gods take away my blessings as a Paladin"

Hermfry sat down on the wooden chair next to the bed.

"You mean to tell me; you've sinned so much that even the Gods of Gaia had to take away your blessings?!"

"Goddamn right. But what can I say? I like women. They're Gaia's gift."

"You gotta be shitting me."

"…Hmph. Enough about me, tell me why you left?"

Hermfry leaned back into the chair, crossing his arms at that question.

"I was running."

Archibald glanced at his bald friend, lifting his brow.

"Running from who? Death?"

"Something like that."

"And you didn't tell me?!"

"It's… a long story, old friend."

"After you left, the undead attacked Asteria."

"…What?" Hermfry widened his eyes, glancing at Archibald.

"There were hundreds of 'em. Some small, some big… and some that had enough power to wipe out entire countries with their power alone. It was a goddamn massacre."

"How am I just hearing about this?"

"Because no one talks about it." Archibald reached for a smoking pipe in his drawer, along with an incantation stone. "It was so goddamn brutal that nobody in Britana talks about it." Using the Incantation stone, he lit a small fire underneath the pipe, burning the tobacco inside.

"I've been gone for five years, and so much has happened…"

"I was the only survivor."

Hermfry kept his eyes opened wide, in shock.

"You mean to tell me…everyone…"

"Yes, brother, everyone died."


"It was a massacre. They left me alive and cursed me with an incurable sickness. They wanted to make an example out of me to our brothers and sisters that remained outside of Britana."

"Those goddamn bastards!!"

"The other paladins across the world heard about the incident, and what they did to me. That's why they won't return to Britana. They would rather live their lives in peace, and not risk it any longer."

"If they won't give up their lives for Gaia, then what kind of Paladins are they?"


Hermfry curiously glanced at Archibald who was smoking his pipe.

"Gaia hasn't communicated with us in over centuries. People were bound to lose faith one day."

Hermfry went quiet, gazing at the wooden floors beneath him.

"Ever since the Great War of the Seven Realms, Lady Gaia has stopped talking to us. She's been quiet ever since; that's why this age is called the Dark Age."

"The Undead spreads throughout Gaia, and Fiends curse the lands at night. It truly is a dark age, isn't it?"

"Aye, indeed." He blew out smoke through his nose, nodding his head. "Everything is in our hands now, brother."

Hermfry brushed his beard in thought, muttering, "I've found someone who's powerful, brother."

"Hm?" Archibald glanced at Hermfry, asking, "And who may that be?"

"The woman I've been traveling with is an incredibly powerful mage. Actually, she's the most powerful mage I've ever seen in my life."

"…Even more powerful than our former commander?"

"Archibald, If I were to compare our commander to Brunhilda, it would be like comparing an anthill next to a mountain."

The former Paladin widened his eyes, gasping at Hermfry's comment, which made him cough on the smoke.

Cough cough!

"Are you fucking with me?!"

"Far from it. She can use all six wheels of magic… and even utilize the wheel of chaos."

"Use all six wheels of magic? Is this some kind of joke?"

"No. She's powerful. I sometimes think that she's even a God, but despite her level of skill, she claims that there is someone else out there far superior to her."

"…Hermfry, just what the hell are we dealing with here?"

"I don't know, brother, but I'm trying my best to find out before the realm of Gaia is brought to its demise."