

[ Project:Karma is currently being manufactured... Recording Participant's Karma... Participant's Karma is ---%. Participant's Karma is corrupted. Participant is eligible for Project:Karma. Does the Participant want to partake in Project:Karma? Refusing the offer results in death. YES / NO? ]

Saga_Sama · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
21 Chs


[ Calibrating... ]

[ Host has returned to reality. ]

Nova's body began to rebuild itself from nothing, illuminating a yellow hue as he came back to the real world. The next thing he knew, he was on Shane's couch, the house silent, like nothing ever happened - his limbs intact. 

'It was just a dream....like hell it was...' He dazed for sometime at the ring, before it suddenly vanishing.

[ Item stored in Inventory. ]

"That's pretty neat...." But now, now he had to get his priorities straight. Nova was still obviously weak, but wanted to help Two was something he wanted to achieve, no matter how hard it is.


Akira sat up. His recall of his nightmare sent shivers down his spine but was instantly reminded of how hungry he was by the roar from his stomach. He put on spare clothes provided by Shane, with contained a graphical white t-shirt, and a pair of technical black trousers, and headed down to the front door, in which he set out for his breakfast.

Akira's day was spent navigating the labyrinth of the city, his movements shrouded in secrecy. His lean frame moved with agility, slipping through crowds and evading the watchful eyes of authority. For Akira, survival meant one thing—stealing.

It was a skill honed through necessity, a means to quell the emptiness in his stomach. The day brought with it new challenges, new opportunities to outwit the system that had forsaken him. With nimble fingers and a keen eye, he navigated the perilous landscape of theft, always one step ahead of those who sought to catch him.

On this particularly harsh evening, hunger gnawed at Akira's insides with a ferocity unlike any other. The pangs were relentless, driving him to the brink of desperation. With determination etched into his features, he set out into the streets, his footsteps echoing against the pavement.

His target was a bustling marketplace, teeming with vendors peddling their wares under the glow of flickering lanterns. Akira melted into the crowd, a shadow among shadows, his eyes scanning the array of goods on display. His stomach growled in anticipation, urging him forward.

With practiced precision, Akira selected his mark—a crate of freshly baked breads displayed at the edge of a vendor's stall. The scent of sweetness tantalized his senses, heightening his resolve. In one swift motion, he reached out, his fingers grazing the smooth surface of his goal.

"Still hungry?"

"Jesu-!" Akira pounced away from his prey and whipped around to see his little sister, staring up at him. "Two....What are you doing here?"

"I followed you. You're still stealing food when there was plenty at the house provided?"

Akira grunted and started to walk off and Two followed along.

"Do you still get the nightmares of your...thing?" She asked. He replied with a sorrow nod. "....I think it can help with saving One."

"It's a disability. Something that sets me out from others. It's not a weapon. And i'm not doing it."

Two frowned, but understood his doubt in his abilities. But she came with an idea. "Nova."

"What about Nova?"

"He can help you."

"How so? He's just a guy."

"No...he's different. I know you could tell when you first met him."


"Something about him just felt...uncanny, like he was unrealistic."

"..." Akira knew the feeling.

"Please just...just ask him to help. I can't let One die like the others." Then she left the boy to make his final decision.


Within the heart of a sprawling metropolis, where skyscrapers kissed the clouds and the pulse of life reverberated through the streets, a clandestine gathering was set to unfold. Deep within the recesses of an unassuming office building, an unknown organization convened in secrecy, their intentions veiled behind layers of mystery and intrigue.

The attendees, dressed in impeccably tailored cloaks and masks of inscrutable expressions, exchanged furtive glances as they awaited the commencement of proceedings. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation, each individual harbouring their own suspicions about the true nature of the gathering.

At the head of the table sat a figure cloaked in shadows in gold, their features obscured by the dim light cast from above. Their voice, a commanding presence that echoed through the room, cut through the silence like a blade.

"Welcome, esteemed guests," the figure began, their tone devoid of emotion. "You have been summoned here today to discuss a matter of utmost importance—one that will shape the course of our collective future."

The members of the council, a diverse array of individuals from all walks of life, exchanged wary glances as The man's words hung heavy in the air. They knew better than to question his authority, for his reach extended far beyond the confines of the room in which they now found themselves.

As the meeting progressed, The figure outlined the agenda, his words soaked in ambiguity as he spoke of matters too sensitive to be discussed openly. Each member listened intently, their minds ablaze with speculation as to the true nature of the council's intentions.

"The one to lead us to Karma has woken. Karma's student is the liminal bridge between All Karma and our goal. Before our enemies take it from us, we retrieve what is rightfully ours. Is everybody prepared for The Hunt?"

There were a few murmurs in the crowd. The figure's voice then altered deep and chaotic.

"My children, do you all understand? Get going and look for that student."

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