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Saga_Sama · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

Brief Disturbance

Moonlight filtered through the tall and small buildings around them. The area teemed with poverty, from the coughing, sick old men, to the thieving homeless children. Each step Nova and Two took into the small town revealed new unpleasantries that invited malnourishment.

"I thought he'd be here somewhere...but in reality, he could be anywhere." Two expressed her worry with doubt in her soft eyes.

"I'll find him, trust." This urge to find Seven had Nova's blood running faster than ever before. Was it out of pure kindness and generosity? Was it guilt of leaving a kid to suffer? Or perhaps it was the growing conscious that maybe... just maybe this missing kid was something like him? No matter the reason, Seven was going to be found one way or another.

Thud. A drunkard tripped over his own foot right beside Nova. After using his shoulder to hoist himself up, the man eyed the pair up and down, before causing a ruckus.

"Oi, boy! Don't you know how to treat your elders? Apologize!" He said, while propping his finger into Nova's face. Two reached into her pocket with haste, but Nova stopped her before she could do anything. Nova remained quiet while the drunkard threw a list of slurs at him. However it didn't last for long, as the alcoholic raised the beer in his hand and struck the bottle across his head. Nova, now covered in glass shards and booze, led Two away from danger without reacting.

Two spoke up. "Why aren't you fighting back?"

"Quite frankly, I don't care."

"...huh? Why?"

The conversation ended abruptly - when they were surrounded by a mob of drinkers.

Nova sighed.

[ EoJ Enabled. ]

His eyes darted left, right, up and down, searching for the most efficient route of exit, one that both he and Two can escape from. Nova's gaze rested on a small gap between the crowd, and with a swift lift, he hurled Two onto his shoulder, and began to run past all his opponents, ducking and swerving through to safety.

The faces of the mob blurred into a menacing blur as Nova's mind raced, searching for an escape route. Every corner he now turned seemed to be blocked by a wall of furious protesters. With each passing moment, the mob closed in on him like a tightening noose, their shouts of anger growing louder with each step he took. His legs burned with exertion as he pushed himself to the brink of exhaustion, the fear of what awaited Two if she were caught propelling him forward.

As the narrow streets gave way to a sprawling town square, Nova's heart sank at the sight of the mob converging from all sides. With nowhere left to run, he skidded to a halt, his chest heaving as he faced the angry crowd with defiant eyes. In that moment, he knew that his only chance of escape lay in outwitting the mob, in finding a way to elude their grasp and disappear into the anonymity of the city's labyrinthine streets. With a steely resolve, Nova braced himself for the confrontation that lay ahead, determined to emerge from the chaos unscathed.

His mind laid out a plan, and he begun to place it into effect.

"Two," he whispered to her, "When I give you a chance, you escape." 

He put her down, and walked away from her, the mob paying all attention to him.

"Gentlemen, let's be civilised, shall we?" His voice protruded loud and distinguished, catching everybody's attentiveness. "You see, my wife is pregnant, and in a few minutes, my child will be born. I'm sure you all have families of your own, right? C'mon, this kerfuffle is no big problem, right?"

His excuse wasn't enough to fool them, and the angry men closed in on him, however, they had forgotten about Two in their drunken states: Two was now free from their watch and scurried away, far away from harm.

Nova noticed her disappearance, and his real plan could now be put into play.

[ *100 Mana used.

Mana: 0/100 (Regenerating...)

Rage is active. ]

[ Stats

Strength: 7 (+8)

Agility: 8 (+7)

Sense: 6 (+9)

Desire: 4 (+1) ]

He took a burst of steps forward, alarming the man before him, resulting in the guy stumbling backwards. Using this opportunity, Nova leaped onto the man's chest, and propelled himself over the mass of people out for his head. He came back down to the ground, but not before dive-bombing his feet into one of their faces, slamming his face into the ground and crushing it. He hopped off of the unconscious (half dead) man, and escaped, benefitting the increased agility he currently had for now.


[ Rage has timed out. 

Cooldown: 24 hours. ]

Behind cover and very well in safety, Nova rested himself down and took a moment to collect himself.

"You escaped too?"

His heart burst out of his mouth, then he looked at Two, who was sitting right beside him.

"For Chris-...Two, you can't just..."

His gawp extended, as he saw the screen above Two.

[ Status Window

Name: Alta Emrys

Status: Mundane ]

A small smile slipped from his mouth as he looked up into the night sky.

"I'm glad you're okay."

Nova stood up, and scanned the area for enemies. Knowing the cost was clear, he marched forward with Two following close behind.

"The search for Seven begins again."

"It sure does."

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