

Riley was being carried out of the arena, clearly injured by the surprising blow. The referee was announcing the end of the match and Arrow was declared the winner. The crowd was still quite hushed, obviously troubled by the turn of events.

Alter sighed and shook her head. "Y'know, Arrow, we've got a reputation to maintain. Our whole goal now is to show that we can integrate with humans and compete on equal grounds. Scarin' them off like this certainly ain't gonna help." She said slightly annoyed.

Arrow took a deep breath. "I know, I know. stop rubbing it in already. Besides, that "equal ground" nonsense is just a fallacy anyway." At that moment, the coach approached them both he looked to be a Mane, looking somewhat frustrated; he wore a pink jumpsuit with two white linings going down the sides his buff tone clearly visible, his eyes were a fierce deep orange and he greatly towered over the houd maybe being a whole foot or two taller or even more compared to the wolf.

"Arrow, Alter, I don't need to tell you that this is not what I meant by 'demonstrating your skills.' We're here to encourage humans to participate and learn from us, not to intimidate them to the point they won't even try now," the coach scolded, disappointment evident in his deep bellowing voice.

Arrow looked at the ground, understanding the situation. " sorry, Coach." Arrow muttered, with Alter following sounding even more annoyed than before.

"Next time, I expect better judgment from both of you. Remember, we need to work together if we want this integration to be a success," the coach continued, trying to instill the importance of cooperation. He then turned to address the entire crowd, "Alright, everyone, is there anybody else who would like to give it a try?" He said in an up-to-beat tone; The crowd was silent with only a few chatters many repeating the lines. " If that guy was a champion and lost that fast there's no way I'm going up there."

As the coach tried to rally the crowd Arrow and Alter stayed in the corner; the hound gave off a glare to the werewolf. "Ya got me in trouble and I didn't even do anything yet." The werewolf scoffed and crossed her arms she turned her head to meet at Alter's Gaze. "You should really be thanking me I only called "trouble" in advance for you." Their back and forth was cut short when the coach returned not giving off a look of defeat despite failing to rile up the crowd instead he held his head high.

He approached them both and scratched his chin"Listen I need to make a new plan, I thought having a few of them come up and you showing off a few "cool" moves during the sparring would excite them...We should try offering workshops for anyone interested, and give the beginners a chance to learn before throwing them in the ring. The vets can still have their intense matches, but at least this way, newcomers won't feel like they're being thrown to the wolves." Arrow's face twitched and her attitude immediately changed taking notice the coach encouraged her to speak her mind and to his surprise, it held slight anger in it.

"Coach, what are you suggesting? Babysitting humans and holding their hands? This club was meant to show the strength of our kind and the potential that we have, that's the whole reason why I joined. If we keep catering to the weak, we'll become weak." She stated passionately.

The coach signed then grunted and looked Arrow straight in the eye's. "I hope you know what you just said was extremely inappropriate, I know a few beasts share you're opinions but the new year is just starting it's barely been two months, and the school what's to diversify certain clubs. Think of this as a chance to learn from each other, a different perspective." Arrow was about to open her mouth but she knew better than to talk back to the coach.

Since no one was participating in the matches anymore most of the crowd had already left although some had stayed in hopes more people would enter the ring; Young and Bria were some of those people although, during the time of the dormancy, Bria had been nagging Young to stay because he was ready to leave but she brought up the excuse they could stay out of class longer and use the "Partaking in diversity and inclusion classes." so they won't get in trouble, although Young was being thick skulled about it.

Arrow gritted her teeth and tensed up she looked at the floor while Alter and the coach were talking, she lifted her head and shot a stern glare at the remaining crowd most of which were humans her gaze at the crowd looked to be filled with spite, the fur on her fire red tail started to stand which then started to spread to other parts of her body. "Down girl!" Arrow shook her head and looked at the origin of the Voice, Alter, she was standing right beside her. "When did you get there weren't you just talking to coach?" Arrow looked around. "Where is he?" Alter eyed up Arrow suspiciously she then pulled out two pair of matted boxing gloves and threw it on the floor next to Arrow's feet." Glove up it's me and you." Arrow looked shocked "What you can't be serious where coach!" "He approved, what's wrong ya scarred? it's only sparring." Alter said in a cocky and sarcastic tone, she then nodded her head to the stage "Look there he is."

On the stage, the coach had a microphone in hand and addressed the crowd "Ladies and gentlemen to show you the potential each and every one of you can bring out, and what you can achieve through training, it's been decided that two of our clubs best members will demonstrate the skills and tactics that they have learned in one on one bout let me introduce you to, Arrow!"

Alter looked Arrow in the eyes. "Better go up there don't wanna keep them waiting do you?" Arrow scoffed and confronted her. "you damn hound what did you pull!" Alter brought her paw up to her face and scratched her cheek and a menacing smirk then formed on her face. "It's been far, far too long since me and you went at it. don't you agree?" The wolf flinched a little her face showing slight trepidation; she growled before picking up the gloves and marching off to the stage.

"And in our other corner Alter!" Alter strode onto the stage giving a wave and smile to the crowd as she looked among them her eyes locked onto someone else's her proud and welcoming tone only for a moment to switch to a deathly glare. "We have our combatants on the count of ten the match will start!" The coach got off the stage and sat on a chair not far from the ring and almost as if their names alone were magnets more people a lot older looking this time flooded into the room students poured in wanting to witness the fight that was about to take place.

"Oh yeah Arrow this isn't sparring," Alter said cockily; Arrow looked at the hound with a scowl flashing her sharp teeth in the process "Damn you hound." Arrow's voice was deep and unforgiving. The two made their way to opposite corners ready to fight and with the ring of the bell, the match was on.

Arrow stood her ground her guard close like an impenetrable fortress she dared not move drops of sweat already falling down her face; Alter paced around the edges of the ring her guard was completely down the only sign that showed she was taking this somewhat seriously was her ferocious stare, the two stared each other down.

"Gonna make a move or what I'm getting bored of waiting on you," Alter remarked playfully swinging her arms. "I ain't dumb!" Arrow growled; Alter returned a smirk and in a split second Alter lunged forward with her fist aimed at Arrow's gut. Arrow quickly sidestepped her smaller frame allowing greater movement she spun only to be met with a devastating blow to the face.


Arrow fell but quickly returned to her feet she opened the distance between them, blood was oozing from her busted lip, Alter stood smug.

Arrow dashed to Alter her muscles tense ready to attack the distance was closed in an instant Arrow sidestepped to Alters side and delivered a smashing strike to her side a loud POW! echoed throughout the room.

Arrow didn't let up she continued with a barrage of punches pummeling Alter's side the sound of the thrashing could be compared to a fully automatic weapon going off with no end in sight.

However, Alter retaliated she pushed Arrow off of her and then swept her leg under Arrow's causing her to meet the floor yet again.

"Wow that's it have you even been training? I barely felt that." Arrow returned to her feet Alter was about to deliver an uppercut, but Arrow was quick to dodge her lean body twisting out of the way.

Alter now exposed to Arrow went for a jab to the stomach delivering the blow, but Alter brought her elbow directly down onto Arrow's head.

Arrow collapsed to the floor a ringing pulsating throughout her head; it was as if the world had gone quiet with only the ringing to bring her noise. She stumbled to her feet to look at her opponent there were two of them. Arrow's arms hung to her side leaving her completely open she was gasping with one eye closed.

BAM! Alter delivered a gut-destroying kick to Arrow's Stomach sending her tumbling to the floor.

Arrow fell to her knees clenching her stomach her mouth and eyes agape her breathing hard slight moans letting loose here and there drool dripping down from her mouth.

Ding! The bell ranged marking the end of the match.

Alter grabbed her side and limped over to the edge of the ring. "ouch ouch ouch ouch oh no that hurt so much I'm in so much pain!" She said in a not-so-convincing tone; Alter took a glance over to Arrow she saw that she was still on her knees but two referees ran to check up on her.

One of the referees walked up to Alter he had a mic in his hand he grabbed Alter's hand and raised it! "Alter is the winner!"