

Old man: "Chron, can you leave me and Asura for now? I have something to discuss with him."

Chron: "O-OK. I will be waiting outside the house."

After Chron left the house, old man and Asura looked at each other uncomfortably.

O: "So what do you think of all of this?

Black-purple dragon and a man with burning eyes, yes?"

Asura: "It's strange. It's rare to see even one of 'them' being involved in any matter.

But here? Both of them were after this same person.

One killed, other one saved, huh?

Could it be that one rebelled?"

O: "Honestly I don't know.

'Lights' are so hard to understand."

O: "On another matter, I checked Chron's status and noticed something."

A: "Huh?"

O: "'Fate of death' is lifting.

Title like that isn't supposed to get off, even after support from one of the Lights."

A: "What do you mean?"

O: "I suppose that it's not his actual title.

In my opinion it is safe to think that he is going to be such frightening individual that 'he' personally changed Chron's status. Don't you think so?"

A: "Yeah, that might be true.

But there is something more to this child.

I sensed part of Erekate's aura in him."

O: "Are you saying that he is the 'one'?

A: "I'm not sure yet but it might be the case.

That could explain his title change.

If it is really truth then I wonder what's his real title."

O: "Yeah, I'm curious too.

Starting from tommorow I will personally teach him magic."

A: "Have you sensed mana in him?"

O: "Yes. It's amout isn't great but it's purity and quality is top notch.

If trained well he might even use spirits' magic himself."

A: "Hooo? So he's very tallented fellow."

O: "Indeed he is.

Shall we go now? He is still waiting for us after all."

A: "Yes, I think it's hight time."