
Chapter 1 part 1: The Message

Day 1 before the launch of project archive, 8:30 A.M.

John tiresomely walks down the stairs towards the kitchen, then without a warning the TV automatically turned on with a static sound, then it auto tuned to a warning message.

John startled from the TV then without noticing, he spilt coffie all over himself "Ahhh. . . Thats f***ing hot!" yelled John as little as possible as he can "We're sorry to interupt this program, but theirs a critical message regarding the program Project Archive, from the President herself" said the announcer "Thank you phill, so you've all heard about the space program Project Archive, the launch date has been moved from the 15th to the 4th the reason why Is because we've recieved a message from the terrorisy organisations leader" said the President. Everyone in the crowed started whispering to each other "hold on, why did the Governnment revive him he killed Johnny" said John confused "MESSAGE FOUND FROM DATA BANK, PLAYING MESSAGE" said the AI "Hello everyone I will give you two options either one you hand over everything the governments got from tech to cash, and bring me the President herself dead or alive, or option two we will destroy everything thaat sustains human life and eliminate the earth. Be careful what you chose, and be quick times ticking, tik tok tik tok" said Mr. Brooks.

After a few minuts later, the audience all pull out a shotgun, a assault rifle, or a AK40. Then the screen changed to a 'please hold' message.

Meanwhile at Johnnys place, he grabs the phone and dials Johns new phone number "0177804245... Come on, come on please pick up" said Johnny trying to not wake up his girlfriend (Carmen Oxford) "hello this is John" said John "hey its me, Johnny Fern, you probably dont remember me, but if you do I'm going to ask Phill if he wants to go to the resturant we used to go to as kids, you dont have to if you want to anyway I've got to go bye" Johnny hanged up "please leave a message after the beep, John smith out" said the answering machine