
Chapter 3: Day Of Vengeance (Part-2)

"There you are. I was starting to think you would stand me up. But damn, you're late fucker,"

"You really came. Since you seek death so badly, I will happily grant your wish, you poorass fag*ot,"

The one talking was Derek. Derek was a tall, lanky delinquent. He had black hair with a yellow streak in the middle. It was shaved at the sides and long at the top shaped into a perfect pompadour.

He wore a long, golden earring, and had freckles all over his face. Two noticeably small but visible scars ran across the corner of his lips.

He wore an oversized white Henley shirt with buttons, cropped black skinny jeans, and tight sandals that wouldn't fall off when running or any other rough physical activity.

Arthur shrugged while grinning from ear to ear.

"I'm late, huh? What makes you think I'm obligated to you, no matter what time it is where I come or not. No matter how much worthless trash is always trash, don't worry, the dumpsters here can wait. They are always ready for people like you," Arthur answered.

His expression changed for a split second to an angry expression of hate written all over while in his talk, but he got a hold on his himself and held out his grinning expression

The last line hit a nerve, so they sent death glares at him. It looked like the majority of them were ready to charge at him, but Derek held up a hand to indicate to them to stop.

Arthur wasn't dumb, so he had brought a metal rod himself, and he had spiked shoes and a knife. He wasn't planning on using the knife, but it might work to scare them off if the situation became too messy and didn't go like planned.

Derek was obviously fuming with anger, along with his buddies. Arthur could see the veins almost popping out of their necks.

That was when Arthur threw his bait;

"Oh my shit, someone's fired. What you gonna do, go tell mommy, I ruined your gangsta life vibe? Shit, I forgot mommy kicked you out of the house cause' she found your weed " followed by a sarcastic cry and a burst of annoying fake laughter, but it sounded real.

Arthur quickly changed his expression to the wolf's glance. He was giving the wolf glance. It was an intimidation technique: He could see them getting riled up and aggressive, but Derek hadn't given the final order to charge.

'No matter how formidable you think you are, trust me I am worse' Those were the words and thought behind the wolf glance.

Two of his biggest lackeys standing on each of the sides of the wall beside him, Quinn Kane and Moby Talen, looking Arthur straight in the eye. Better known by their infamous names; Mob the blob and Quiller.

They had clear anger in their face, their weapons were raised, ready for any time Derek gave the order to jump their enemy.

The corner of Derek's lips twitched, his face turned red with anger.

Moby was the one to talk now. He took a step closer despite being the one closest to opening of the alleywayay, in other words closest to Arthur. He spun the bat in his hand, as if it made him more intimidating.

His big fat body made him a sturdy enemy of short and stocky build. He had slanted crystal blue eyes and bleached hair parted to the right side, with the sides of his head cleanly shaven.

He bore a small stitch on the leftmost side of his lower lip and a small scar under his left eye.

"You think we're shcared of that face you're giving, ill wipe it off you, shitter" He said, narrowing his eyes, his lips turned into what you'd expect to be a smile, followed by him spitting on the ground.

"Lil big wannabe gangshta, don't hurt me..!"

"That's honeshtly embarrasshing--Where'd you get that line from? You act tough and look tough, but you'll always be a fuckin' Tokyo Revengers fantard kid! Look at me now I'm so shcared, shhiver me timbersh," Arthur shot back impulsively, shaking his knees like in the meme.

The thought of getting back had gotten ahead of him. He even imitated Moby's lisp with the S that turned to an Sh.

Arthur had used step 1. on the roast-line web (Yes, he had memorized roasting-line web):

[Step 1. When you get insulted there's always a burning itch to retaliate, It's human nature, no need to suppress it. Use what you can about them against them to insult them, If there are people around the insult gets more spice to it. Embarrass the person completely destroy them with society by using society, making them never dare to threaten you with their lizard tongue ever again.

--PS: Roasting isn't all about "OOOH, that's the wrong number" type of roast]

That is exactly what Arthur had used, as the words escaped Arthurs's mouth, there was a moment of silence before the flock of members busted out in laughter.

Some even imitated the voice Arthur had and repeated what he had said, causing the rest to laugh even more.

To his irritation, Moby shot a death glance at them and they soon shut their mouth up.

'For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction' For Arthur that opposite reaction of negativity he had let escape his mouth felt good.

As expected the equal reaction triggered another action, Moby was the one who was fuming with anger now.

"NO!" Derek roared.

It was already too late Moby charged towards Arthur in blind fuming rage, his bat high over his head, ready to bash down on Arthurs's face.

Arthur reacted quickly, sidestepped, and in one fluid movement moved his body 90 degrees leaving him facing Mobblob's wide-open side. Using the momentum he kicked off from the wall and with the metal rod in his right hand swung it bashing into Moby's stomach.

"Gaah!" He groaned in pain.

The air was sucked out of Moby and was left with vacuum. Moby fell on one knee, hyperventilating and trying to get his body into normal condition. Arthur wasn't as kind.

As merciless as he was he kicked his shaven side of his forehead with his spiked mountain shoes that he had worn just for the beating of his enemies, the kick caught Moby of balance and slammed him into the alley wall headfirst.

Before he could scream in agony, Arthur had gotten in front of him and had thrown his fist towards his face. The first sunk directly into his face followed by blood trailing down Arthurs's fist and Moby's face.

Arthur quickly retracted his fist, he inspected the blood on his hand, raised his fist once again, and punched him again.

"Disgusting" He hissed.

He glanced quickly at the pitiful pulp he had just beaten to the pitiful pulp he was, without a second thought he raised his hand in the air and slapped his face 2 times, one with his palm and one backhand.

The blood was instantly wiped off and plastered on the cheek of Moby.

"I'm so nice, Look I gave back your lost filthy blood"

Arthur shifted his gaze at Derek and Quinn, who watched the scene in fear, surprise, and distress, little did he know Arthur wasn't finished.

A low but pained grown escaped Moby's lips.

Attempting to move away from his disturbing position.

"Let me help you.." Arthur said quickly with a devilish distorted grin and wide bloodshot eyes.

His gaze was still fixated on Derek and Quinn, Arthur had grabbed Moby's arm, Moby tried retracting his arm but Arthur held him in an iron grip, Arthur yanked his arm up, jolting Moby up towards him.

It looked like the evil version of a friend helping his friend up after a round of power of friendship killing the boss.

As soon as Moby was on a level with his knee, Arthur jammed his knee right into his face, jerking his head along with his whole body to the wall proceeding to make him fall hard and limp on the concrete with a bloody face and clothes.

One of the strongest of the gang had just been defeated easily, by their raged-go-to target.

"I'm not done with you.." Arthur said menacingly, he took something out of his pocket..a knife.

It was all a scene, an act, yes he was furious but he hadn't gone mad mongo. It was an act to agress up the other, to get them into his trap. He wasn't going to use the knife on them.

"Gang up on him, guys! Do not let him escape! Let's show him who is the trash."

Seeing them charging at him something clicked in Arthurs mind, he remembered all the bullying he had endured today was vengeance, no one was going to escape.

He was going to battle them with everything he had.

He went blind with rage, as he let the emotions stream in letting them aid him. He shot forward at one of them before he could react and swing his weapon, Arthur took a roundhouse kick in a perfect 180-degree balanced manner to the right side of his shoulder. The kick sent him flying, luckily the kick took with it two others as well, and they fell down hard on the concrete.

The damage didn't affect the two others who got mixed up in the kick, so Arthur quickly got over them and bashed at their legs and knees, and the nether region just to make sure he gave them a beating while rendering them immobile.

A nearby ally of Arthurs targeted, and slammed a wooden plank against the back of Arthh head, snapping it in place and causing him to fall to his knees.

"Gaah", Arthur screamed,

He soon felt another hit at his arm, forcing him to the side of the wall.

He turned around seeing the one who had hit him and rendered him immobile for this time. He was met seeing a Quiller grinning from ear to ear.

Arthur wasn't going to give up, his legs were still working, he quickly used his free hand to support him up. He quickly grabbed his metal pipe, and in a low posture swung at Quinnr's right leg.

The attack sent him down on one knee, Arthur didn't stop there he swung at his arm, then at the side of his already hit knee. Hitting the same place for him around 4 times.

Arthur quickly turned around to see the others come with their weapons raised at him.

Arthur had come fully armed. Using the pipe like a sword he quickly hit them respectively on the head, the side of the knee, in the groin. Only then did he start hitting the others that were trying to get back on their feet.

While they were moaning and sobbing on the ground, unknown how, but not so long after the surprising perfect taekwondo roundhouse, Derek tried scrambling up but Arthur got on top of him and started bludgeoning him, stomping on his groin area, punching his face countless times, and screaming insult.

Despite being injured they could see what was happening in front of them, the scene was unbelievable, the leader and the warlord, the alpha of the bullies who had been tossing around targets at his own discretion was now the one being tossed around.

Derek's perfect black and yellow pompadour being completely wrecked, his oversized white Henley shirt that was since perfectly white being bloodied, and his branded skinny jeans ripped apart, and some of his teeth missing.

Arthur managed to hold back, he wasn't planning on killing the guy, but otherwise, he was in a blind rage. Knocking out the guy would satisfy him.

' Shit, I gotta do something, the guys gonna end up killin' em ' Thought Moby watching from the distance, his leader being destroyed. He tried all he could to muster up all the energy he had and stand up That's when it happened.

"Arthur.." a familiar voice said amid him beating Derek, figure agape with shock. This turned the head of everyone in the alleyway...

They all knew who it was, the one Arthur wouldn't let anyone bully...