

"I who, wanted to live my life to the fullest, in the embrace of my parents whom I never met in my Previous world but now I got a chance to re-live or so I thought. They Killed my brother mercilessly, pierced my heart. Turned me into a cripple. I heard my mother's sobbing, my father's numb crying. Only waiting to be a cripple for all my life with no strength to get brother's revenge. Lost all hope. " Follow Louis(Luke), As Louis become part of the 'VARER'S' Research department, he encountered truth of this reality as well as his Ancestral ground. Sent to Abyss Realm but unexpectedly through Void cracks found himself in the Asura Realm in the middle of Chaos created by Mystical Beast, Racial Conflict like always, no matter the World. As he learned about his Unique Tsuki Energy, as well curtain rises slowly about his connection with the "Curse of 100,000 Year's Crimson Flame Love Bloom Rose", and due to this Curse his Reincarnation of 99,999 Year's as A Mortal. As Louis is determined to find his Brothers murderer's, and unfold the mystery behind this PROJECT:- TSUKIYOMI.

VelRiose · Fantaisie
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23 Chs

Last Resort and Seed of Infinity

"Huff! Huff! Th-This voice, is so familiar. COUGH! Cough! COUGH! Could it be..." Ken! Thought inwardly, as his head buried under this woman's strong hands grip. His face reddened as well his hands, chest, legs too. Hearing her voice cleared the shadow of his uneasiness and reminded him of someone who was once so close him.

He doesn't want to believe the person pinching down him is the same one he known some years ago, but there is only one way to, letting the cat out of the bag, can only be done. He whispered "Zelit is it you" somehow found his courage to do. So Ken! spoke his mind, this sparked a shockwave inside this woman in Gown and shivered for 4 or 5 breaths.

It was enough for Ken! to mobilize his immobile figure. He trans-channeled his whole figure within seconds between his Natural Green Vines. Not just he saved his skin in a bit of seconds but also released some of his Aura to trap this woman in gown. So he did, in next few breaths before the skull man or this woman in gown, could have noticed, she gotten trapped under Ken's Vines turning into a Mummify silhouette. For stopping skull man Ken let out that Vines figure he statued before to attack and distracted them. While Ken! could recuperate for some minutes to think about Counterattack.

Ken:- "Zelit! Huff! Huh! so what I thought was right! She really is her. Huh! Huff! I have known that she was part of some shady cult, but to think she came here to assassinate me. that could only tinge one thing, and that One. To think she forgot our past relationship and sabotage me. I was really naive back then."

Slapped his both cheeks simultaneously and continued murmuring, "I shouldn't think about that now. Bygone are bygone, now I have to face them with all my might, or otherwise..." Ken! breathing a lot heavier than before. He consumed as well used up his energy, pouring sweats of drips after drips of storm. Hints his weakening state, he looked back to the still frowned figures.

*Crack! Crack! Crack!*


The mummified Vines crushed to oblivion by Zelit! with her overflowing energy waves. She surprisingly flew in mid air with gust of winds surrounds her, then fall back near the Blood burning rotting skull face, landed on top of the Ken's Vines Copy, crushing precariously.

"Thanks! For that Lady Zelit! For saving this humble servant of yours." The rotting skull face being so Humble and obedient, behind this, can be seen his Greedy, soul-stirring blood oozing eyes, which can shatter souls of mortals within seconds.

Zelit:- "Huh! Who do you think you're, you Rotting sting? Get the hell away from my sight or else." she rectify him. Her voice tinge of uneasiness.

"Who are you calling Rotting skull, I have a name. Call me "Zarandh." This is the name given to me by my master. Now you know then call me by this. I hate people giving me nicknames." Zarandh! Counters.

Zelit:- "Hoh! You stinky also has name. what a bother. Anyway I'm not came here to argue with you! Now get away from my sight. so I can reimburse what I came here to get."

"Huh! so you noticed. it's quite unfortunate for us met in such a place and conditions, but it's surprises me, I still rules your thoughts and heart. Well whatever, now you know who I'm, then I won't beat around the bush, tell me, where is "Seed of Infinity?" And yeah! don't try to deny, cuz my informer gave me plenty of evidence of you've that. It will do good to both of you for safely return back to home. I bet your parents must be worried sick? So what it will be?" Zelit covered her chin and lips from above her veil with her left hand, and her eyes gleamed behind her sunglass, and a sinister smile crept across her lips. She attempted to inquire but failed abruptly, well Ken! Wasn't in the mood to negotiate.

Ken:- "So now wants to give me a chance of survival. Who do you think who you are? trying to negotiate with me, first your fellow Rotten skull doesn't hesitated to try to kill me and now you're saying this. Who are you trying to mislead. I'm not a 5 year old kid you can give a lollipop and obey your every commands. No! baby! Not a chance. Besides I don't even know what that seed of whatever is? Much less its whereabouts. So forgive me. And you two freaks can enjoy this momentous event to transpired your whatever going on between you two. I'm off to go now. See ya Freak rotting skull face and desperate booty."

Ken! With teasing tone pressed last sentence louder, with disdainful expression.

"Who are you calling Desperate Booty? You freeking poler head! You're booty your entire family is booty! Huff! Huff! You bastard! don't even know how to address a lady? And there's nothing going on between us. Even I have some standards." With blood boiling inside her reddened figure, as rage took over her entire being, she nonchalantly striking him with baseless words. On the other hand, Zarandh! Kept quiet behind his bloody figure he is opting to create his next plan of action.

Zelit! calmed herself, knowing Ken's personality he must be planning ahead of both of them, she composed herself in a battle stance she put her right hand on her waist and took her left hand above her head and rotated it in left and right and then made a strong pinch with the middle finger and thumb. With this both long silver sleeves in her hands loosen off, flew in her sides, finally settled behind her back in a wings shape. Giving her all the rotation to fly without conjuring much aura.

Then she opened her right palm, a Black sharp rope appears, showing her flaunting cantankerous persona in addition to her sensuous personality. Well she pointed that rope towards Ken! just an inch away crashed, made a 2 feet CRACK! underneath. Ken! jumped in mid air like a gymnast arching an arch.

Before Ken! could have settled down on the ground beneath, a series of bombardment of 'Blood Spiral Knives' spinning towards him, from Zarandh's third hands opened palm on his Skull. Now the blood blazing skull's third hand flapping with his left blood clots hand, whereas his right hand holding the hilt of that iron black Scythe which has transformed into new with its rear has a Jackals skull within from three blades were pointed as well several other creatures skull's from small to human size were carefully decorated in dark Blood flames.

His hand with adding dark sutras wrapping all his elbow till his shoulders shinnig which lead Zarandh! to swing his Scythe horizontally and a barrage of Black flame bats covered with blood aura made it's way from the opening of Jackals skull's, towards the targeted persona, simultaneously making ear shattering, sky tearing sound waves.

*Tune! Tune! Tune!*

**Grrrrr! Shkrrrrrr! Zrrrrr!**

***Clickeee! Clickeee! Clickeee! Clickeee! Clickeee!***


**Baaaaaaang! Baaaaaaang!**

If this phenomenon sauntered in reality, mortals should have been shred into pieces and beyond recognition, but here inside this very Abomination of Zone, cut off guard from the known reality such phenomenon seems natural.

Zelit:- "You Dimwit! Dumbass! How dare you bombarded without my consent? You scumbag I will sue you, when I report to my master. Just wait for your outhanded obedience. And have I told you not to stay here any longer then why the hell you still here? Just get lost to your skull pit or wherever you like to. Just stop making things worse you damn it." She furiously accused Zarandh! for interception and as well for unwanted bombardment which slip past near her, gave her a tinge of fear as well goosebumps.

Her brows furrowed in Quinch, sweating in rage from top to bottom. Well for making things worse there wasn't any teamwork to begin with. Zarandh's Raging flame dark bats were doing their job perfectly as they kept attacking Ken's Thick wall of Vines, he covered himself with. During the continuous attack Ken! found no choice but to use his last resort, whereas Zelit! trying to find a way to deal with Ken!, all the while stopping some of Zarandh's nonchalant barrage to save her skin, as well Ken's, but unknowingly or not only she knows.

*Boooooomm! Baaaaaaang!*


Zarandh's deadliest barrage of Dark flame Bats attack is working efficiently. Ken! doesn't seems to hold on for long, cuz his thick Vines wall blasted, Cracked, burned in with this continuous bombardment. Zelit! on the other hand seems agitated for someone or something, well she couldn't helped when a maniac is on loose. Continuously touching her furious heart pumping for some reasons, which she has known by the fact that, the person she is came here to apprehend is also the one she has spent night's not so long ago, before breaking up.

She is having double feeling as what to do, but nonetheless she is bound to the Cults enchantment, if she try to disobey the high commands orders, then her beautiful figure will erupt in oblivion beyond recognition, not like she has anyone to count on as orphan she was born so. For getting her doubts clear she excepted this task in hand. Slapped her both cheeks with both hands.

Zelit:- "No! No! What I'm thinking. Our relationship ended that day, When he said, he had enough of me. He couldn't wait to sleep with other women's on bed. I was naive to believe in him. What a fool I was, back then. Huff! That's enough! Today I came here to perform my duties. I can't let myself indulge in such feelings. Besides high commands said, they only need the information about "Seed of Infinity." They Don't have anything against Ken!, so it's not like they'd kill him or so. I just need to capture him alive, Yes! Then I will ask my master to help me in forgiving him. That will work! Yes! I will do this, just like I had planned."

Mumured to herself nonchalantly for some time, just like a crazy persona of a woman madly in love, who is desperate to save her Love ones at all cost. Figuring out ways to solve this crisis as early as possible so she could have a chance to negotiate with her master. With determined looks, she clenched her fists, gets closer to Ken's shelter I hope to slove issues without bloodshed.