

"I who, wanted to live my life to the fullest, in the embrace of my parents whom I never met in my Previous world but now I got a chance to re-live or so I thought. They Killed my brother mercilessly, pierced my heart. Turned me into a cripple. I heard my mother's sobbing, my father's numb crying. Only waiting to be a cripple for all my life with no strength to get brother's revenge. Lost all hope. " Follow Louis(Luke), As Louis become part of the 'VARER'S' Research department, he encountered truth of this reality as well as his Ancestral ground. Sent to Abyss Realm but unexpectedly through Void cracks found himself in the Asura Realm in the middle of Chaos created by Mystical Beast, Racial Conflict like always, no matter the World. As he learned about his Unique Tsuki Energy, as well curtain rises slowly about his connection with the "Curse of 100,000 Year's Crimson Flame Love Bloom Rose", and due to this Curse his Reincarnation of 99,999 Year's as A Mortal. As Louis is determined to find his Brothers murderer's, and unfold the mystery behind this PROJECT:- TSUKIYOMI.

VelRiose · Fantaisie
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23 Chs

A Deep Eternal Fantasy

It's been four hours since both of Vineet's son's were in ICU. Now! ICU room A's top of the room light turn off, doctors come out, all the nurses and other doctors walked away left one incharge, who headed to Vineet, he was about to get up while letting Siona! rest on this large comfy sofa in grey, but halted in half way by the near doctor, "Huh! Halff!", Inhales a lot of air in his lungs, seems to gather enough strength to pressing the matter in hand, can be seen the unsatisfactory motion by his clasping fingers.

Took some breath then cleared his throat, "Arghu! Cough! Cough! Huuh! Mr. Vineet! I'm sorry. Ken! is brain dead. His body has symptoms of poisoning, haalf! that.... poison has cut his core roots of heaven, sorry! I wasn't educated enough to deal with that. I'm extremely sorry. I know...." Dr. announced the anomaly, which Vineet! has already been aware off, cuz he has been closely watching his Ancestral Clan mates Watch' and also have seen the Life mark dissapearence of Ken!.

Vineet's tears dropped out from his left eye, but holding himself back, couldn't be courageous anymore, he also have to take care of Siona! who is aware of her son's unfaithful tragedy, couldn't took anymore pressure has been fainted, once she knows about Ken! he needs to be there to comfort her or only Almighty knows what she will do.

"Hyaaaaaah! Arrrgh!" Vineet! looks towards the ceiling of this floor, white lights started flickering, he clenched his fists, stand up, tears made its way out, drawing a river path, from the corner of his both eyes tears, like a river fall at the end, near his ears.

After talking with Vineet! Dr. Gangam Malai! going back, but Vineet's sudden voice Interupted his heels.

Vineet! cleared his throat, and spoke, "Huh! What about Louis! can he will be saved? I-I will pay any fee I can, even have to sell my organs, I will do it, but please save my Louis! even I can take it to lose my both son's on same day. Sh-She, their mother, she will die for sure. Please doctor tell me he will be okay! Please!" Dr. Gangam! was about to reply him, but got intervened by that same nurse who gave a water bottle to Vineet! That time.

"Dr. Dr. Gangam! Chief! Please! Come inside, this patient is getting critical."

"Who was the incharge of his operation"

"Dr. Arivat! he has just gone back! and said he will be fine. But he doesn't seem far from being fine, atleast that's what I think his reports are saying."

"Huh! Reports! show me." Dr. Gangam! started flipping one page after another, then scrub back of his head by his left hand, while nice nurse lady patiently waits for his instruction.

"Hmmm! go call mr. Chiver Hon! he is an organ transfer specialist, tell him he needs to pay his favor now. What are you waiting for, go fetch the call, and also tell Aravat! to meet me now! or kiss goodbye to this field." Dr. Gangam seems worry, cloud filled tension, shown on his grumpy face, while the nurse gone to do her bidding, he turned to Vineet! facing him with extreme focus.

Without further hesitation, he brought out the most difficult wrods one could not hope to hear, much less to speak. "Mr. Vineet! Huh! I don't know how to say this, but situation is urgent and this needs you as a parent, your utmost attention, for what I'm about to say, much sounded like a jerk, so be it, but to save one I will use every ounce of my knowledge and expertise all over the years I had acquired, as well need your help to do so.

"Huh! Huh! Huh!" Took a long breath, then continued, "You had already lost one son, and I know you must be extremely in pain, heart brocken, but you need to take this decision cuz, this needs your acknowledgement."

Vineet! Couldn't understand anything, so intervened in middle of doctors conversation he interjected,

"What attention? What I required to do? What acknowledgement I need to have? Dr. I don't know what you wants from me. Please! clarify to me." He wasn't convinced by any means, he needed proper meaningful answers.

"Oh! My bad! S-Sorry, I'm extremely sorry, for my rudeness, but the truth is..." There fell silence for some moments, Vineet! eagerly looking at dr. Gangam!.

Dr. Shrugged his shoulders, looked down on his feets, then faced the ceiling, finally landed his piercing gaze on Vineet! and breaks the silence which felt like has befallen for an eternity. "Argh! Ughhh! Cough! I wants to say you to mr. Vineet! Is... Is that your son Louis! needs immediate organ transplant. I hate to state this but his heart has pierced, split in two, as well his brain is fatally damaged by some unforeseen force, I have never encountered with."

"Only Almighty knows and your son's unyielding will to live, is making him alive, but not for more, as blood vessels inside him breaking apart due to no commanding instructions by his brainwaves. I hate to say this but he only has few hours to live, if we don't transplant similar DNAs organs, he sure to die. Huh! this is what I wanted to say to you, now you have to make this decision."

Dr. Gangam! said the obvious, he has seen in his long 50 years of medical career, this is the first case, in which he struck, standing in front of a wall with no way out, don't know what path shall he take to save an innocent breath loosing life. He gave an hours time for Vineet! to think it over and consult with his wife Siona! before answering him.

After talking over all those things, dr. Gangam went back in his room. Vineet! felt frustration enveloping like an ignition wants to crush, destroy with destructive power, he fell on his knees, trembling, don't know what to do.

Suddenly felt a warmth in his hair full head, a familiar sensation, looked back, Siona! woke up, with tearful eyes, she said with her all strength shaking feelings, "L-Let's save o-one o-of.... o...u...r s-s-s-on o-ok...a...y." she burst out with the calmest tears, sobbing, before she could lost her footing Vineet! hold her both hand, sits closed to her, hugs her and let her cry, on his chest, his left hand hold her waist, with right hand he is patting her head in gentlest gesture ever. Both parents sobbed until their hearts contempt, already has taken their final decision.

≈≈≈≈≈≈TWO YEARS LATER≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈

The pleasant weather of the spring season, the birds chirping in the air and singing sweet songs, the cool breeze is causing shivering, as well as the high speed vehicles of this advanced technological Era, honking in roads, along with Air planes ascending and descending with dazzling sounds reverberate throughout the atmosphere everyday.

A wave of cool breeze made its way through the opening windows in a patient room with a single bed, from top of the bed wall. This room from the entrance in left, has white door, inside, on the far right corner has a bed, on top of it a motionless silhouette is sleeping soundly, on his left has a small table on top of it some fruits and jug with a glass of water carefully placed.

Next to that some monitors showing his vital signs, heart rate or so on. In fron of the small table a chair in brown with some wild flowers printed on with a comfy soft cushion placed. There is another window on far left corner also wide Opened, cold breezeade it's way in this early morning of spring.

During this time the motionless boy, is having a dream like fantasy, embarked on a, what seems like to be journey but not so much.

==========Inside Louis's Fantasy Dreamland========

"Hyooooah! Hmmmm! Uhhh! What is this place? Where am I? Wait what am I? Who am I? Is am I alive or died? Seriously what in the fricking hell is going on here? Is here anyone who can tell me who am I? What I'm doing here? Tell me someone, what I'm suppose to do here? I-I... Ahhhhh! Aaaah! This headache, Th-This headache will kill me for sure, if I'm still alive then."

"Aaaghh! Aaaaah! I wants to crush every piece of bone inside this fricking pain. Hell get out of my head. Aaaah! Wh-What is this? Is these are my memories, but why are they blurred, wait is my vision has gotten blurred too. No I don't have recollection of such things. Then what in the world is going through my head. These memories are mine for sure, but can't pinpoint any resemblance of any known figures, aaah! I-I need to find a way out of this place, and find my answers from people who knows me."

"That's seems the only, Aaaaah! Aarghaa! Thiss... I'm gonna crush this thick skull for sure. Aaaarh! Huh! What's that...." The Young Boy was antagonising his own bewilderment nature of such dull place, no answer were given only pile of mountain questions burst out in his settlement, along with such bizaare unnerving pain in the head, like his life on the line, massage his temples with enough eagernesty as he would, caught up in an unprecedented phenomenal crossfire, don't even know how to ended up here, much to how get out of here, seeing the uncertainty with all glance.

*Clamp! Clamp! Clamp! Clamp!*

**Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!**

**Cut! Slash! Cut! Slash! Cut! Slash!**

***Swwoooop! Swwoooop! Baaaaaaang! Baaaaaaang!***

A whirlwind of dust, showered by shattered meteorite, planets ominous debris, accompanied by soul-stirring vampiric ornate hums.

"Oh! Oooh! Ooooh! ouch! Whaaaat's going on here? This sudden change in space, accompanied by these boulders, are they wants to kill me. Hey! You, if you wants to destroy and play, get the fuck out of here, otherwise"

The Young Boy gotten angry, he looks above in the vast enormous starry sky, two figures were engaged in battle, with no care of anything in world. Some shattered boulders of heavy vast stones made its way to Young Boy's place wants crunch him underneath, that's what he felt as he pointed his fingers at them to warn but truth is he is powerless against such mighty feats, continued in low pitch tone,

"I will... I will.... I will, what can I possibly do to something like them? Even I don't know where I'm right now! Who knows maybe this is there place, that's why they are solving their quarrels by sparring like this. May be they will help me to find my home and Mom! and Dad!. I will wait here for them to finish their spar then I will ask to help me too. Aren't I'm a genuine genius. Hahahah." The boy with snow silver white hair shows his utmost stupidity, without any concern of the moment, he looked above, seems no other choice. Battle that changes Whole Universe's history, prolonged.