
Program Alpha: The Tutorial

Asher Black like all other human's on earth has his own problems to deal with, well he did at least before a semi came crashing into his body killing him instantly, luckily though a seemingly all-seeing and all-knowing system like being decided it was time for Humanity to join the ranks of the Alpha Trials. This a story of a second chance at life and humanity's, Asher Black's Specifically, struggling in pursuit of the ultimate goal of the Alpha Trials: Survival and Ascend. This is my take on sci-fi, Wuxia, lit-RPG story, and will have heavy influences from some of the bigger known lit-RPGs I have read. I quite enjoy the story type and look forward to putting my spin on it!

ChloeThorne · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Chapter One: Smokers Cough

White Piercing light reflected off the windows of the bus occasionally forcing Asher to close his sleep-deprived eyes as the ensuing pain of migraine flared in the back of his head. It had been a long week and honestly, all Asher wanted right about now was to get back to his small hole in the wall apartment and nurse the hangover that he could already feel coming on. He had spent the larger portion of the day... and Night finding solace in the bottle. He let out an annoyed groan as another streetlamp peered into the bus making him wince from the bright light and as he turned back he caught a glimpse of his face in the reflective glass. He was young and his visage was a bit babyfaced, despite the dark circles under his eyes. His hair was a fine mess of black. His body was lean if not outright skinny from the past few years of living off mostly inadequate food, but this was the life of a college student, or at least it was until he dropped out last month. He closed his eyes letting his face sit against the cold glass his thoughts debating what exactly he was going to do without a job.

"Final Stop, please exit the bus at the nearest exit." Asher's crawling mind was pulled out of its self as the feminine robotic voice echoed through the bus. He slowly lifted his exhausted body off the chair and used the other seats as balance as he got off the bus into the cold night air. He was only a block away from his shitty little apartment, but as he looked across the street he sighed knowing he had a stop to make. He looked both ways before crossing the empty street the light of the small convenience store nearly blinding him as he walked inside. He shuffled inside the old crotchety man behind the counter giving him the same weary-eyed stare he always gave Asher when he came into the store at night. He promptly ignored the man and headed down the aisle grabbing a few snacks. He placed the items on the counter pulling out a few loose bills and change.

"A pack of Blacks." The old man grunted in reply his bones seemed to creak as he reached down to get the sticks of cancer.

"You really should stop smoking these, son. Youll ends up with lungs like mine." The man coughed as if to add effect to his statement. Asher picked up the bag and pack walking towards the door a hand out in mock wave as he repeated what had almost become a tradition with the old man.

"We're all gonna die someday old man. I'm just speeding up the process." With that, he left the building his lighter in hand trying to light what was now held between his lips, but just like always luck was not on his side.



"Damn it"



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