
11. Chapter 11

So I screwed up... this is yesterday's chapter, today's will be up in a minute. Let's see if we can fix this. So sorry!

So this chapter is long so be happy. Also, I know Felicity Jones is the actress not the character but since we don't know the character's name...

Chapter 11

The four Skywalkers sat down to dinner, and no one spoke. Anakin, Luke, and Rey all pretended that their food was the most interesting thing they'd ever eaten, and, with the exception of Anakin, it was. Rey and Luke couldn't believe the wealth and status of Padmé. They'd been raised with nothing, but here she was with so much. This was what they should have had. The life of wealth was their heritage, but they'd missed out because of Palpatine. But now, now Palpatine was gone.

Again Rey found herself wondering what world she'd return to if she ever got a chance to go back. Would she be back at the Jedi Temple begging an older Luke to train her? Or would she be living as a Jedi with a rich and powerful family? Both were equally hard to imagine. What would be worse- going back to nothing with the knowledge of more, or going back to more knowing it wasn't your real past?

Padmé didn't like the silence in the room. Sure, it was undoubtedly odd that the man sitting before her, with sandy locks and Anakin's eyes, was also the child within her womb, but still. They were all walking on pins and terrified. No. It just wouldn't do. She wasn't going to let her family be a mess just because the Force decided to play some tricks. She was going to fix things.

"Ani, can you help me for a moment?" She requested getting up and heading towards their bedroom. Anakin had no idea what she was doing, but knew the mischievous glint in her eye. It was how he always knew her apart from her doppelgangers, that look. She was up to something, and he suspected it did not bode well for their guests.

He shut the door, and followed Padmé over to the Veranda. She looked out at the bustling city wondering about all the normal families out there. They most certainly did not have her problems. "What is Rey's problem with Luke? I don't need to sense the Force to know she's avoiding him. He won't look away and she won't even look him in the eye."

"Rey was left on Jakku to be a scavenger when she was five. Luke thought he was protecting her, but I think she resents him for leaving her. He promised her he'd come back, but he never did."

Poor Rey. Padmé couldn't imagine being all alone in a desert at five. "And Rey's mother?"

"We have no idea who she was, but Kylo Ren claims to have killed her along with all the Jedi Padawans of their time. He only got to opportunity to attack because Luke had left to bring Rey to Jakku."

Padmé decided she needed to yell at her grandson later for his evilness, but for now she needed to give some happiness to her son and granddaughter. "They need to talk it out."

"I know but Rey won't give him a chance."

"She's not going to have a choice."

Rey and Luke awkwardly sat at the table while Padmé and Anakin spoke. Luke considered trying to talk to her again, but didn't want her to flat out leave. That would upset Padmé, and Luke didn't want to upset his mother within an hour of knowing her.

His mother, Luke still struggled to comprehend it. A father, he'd gotten used to the idea of having a father months ago on Bespin, but a mother? His Aunt Beru was amazing-patient, kind, loving-but she was not his mother. Padmé was Luke's mother, and she was the warm figure Leia described. Her memories always seemed impossible, but Luke realized they were true. Padmé was kind, if a bit sad. Not as sad as she would have been if Anakin turned though. Luke was glad to know he saved such a kind person that pain.

"Come here you two, we want to show you something," Anakin called from the other room, sounding slightly annoyed, as if he'd just lost an argument. Rey didn't think it was a rare state though. He probably lost arguments to Padmé all the time.

Luke and Rey followed his voice and were led into a beautiful sitting room. In it sat a box which, while normally locked, was open for all to see. The box was filled with holograms, replaying the secret love of Padmé and Anakin. It wasn't so secret anymore though, and the open box showed that.

"You looked lovely." Rey realized one of the holograms showed them getting married, and Padmé did look radiant. Like an angel really. "When did…"

She didn't get to finish her question, because Anakin and Padmé had escaped from the room. Rey ran towards the door, but couldn't get it open. "You two aren't coming out until Anakin senses no conflict!" Padmé yelled through the door, and Luke found himself smiling. His mother was so much like Leia. "You can't lie to the Force. Figure it out!"

"I am sorry about this," Anakin called back, mostly towards Rey. "But it is in your best interest. Think of it as part of your training Rey. Conflict leads to the Dark Side."

Rey was furious. She could not do this. She could not face him. She had no idea how she felt about Luke, never mind what she should say to him! She was scared and she didn't know what to do.

She'd felt the same way when she picked up Luke and Anakin's lightsaber. Rey had never felt so terrified in her life as when she saw those things, when she felt the Force awakening within her. Now she felt just as scared, if not more. She'd had to fight on Jakku; she hadn't had to feel.

"Rey, I'm going to meditate," Luke told her figuring it was in his best interest to let her go when ready. "If you want to talk feel free to, but take as long as you want."

Rey took about five minutes. She tried using the Force to open the door, but that failed. Then she tried to find a window, but they were so far up and Rey wasn't even sure there was a ground beneath her. The skyscrapers looked as if they met in the planet's core! No, she wasn't getting out until Padmé decided to let them out, and that wasn't happening until she spoke to Luke.

"Why Jakku?"

Luke tried not to show his smile, but he couldn't help it. Finally Rey was speaking to him. "I don't know, I haven't done it yet."

"I know, I know that." Rey thought he was making it extra hard, but really he was just unsure how to answer her questions. "I know you don't have a daughter yet or a wife or even a girlfriend but, theoretically. You have a vision that says your padawan and nephew wants your five year old daughter dead, so you bring her to Jakku. Why?"

Speculating was difficult, but Luke found that he did know why he'd bring her to Jakku. "I don't know much of it, but I know it's a desert world, a lot like Tatooine. I suspect it reminded me of where I grew up. The desert is hard, but it is livable. Jakku is also remote, no one would look there. If Kylo Ren knew me he'd look on Tatooine for you first. Plus Jakku is in the Inner Rim so it's under the control of the Republic… we do get a new Republic, right?"

Rey nodded, yes there was a Republic, until Kylo blew it up at least. Luke's answer was exactly what she expected it to be. For Luke Jakku was familiar, but safe. But he always had a family, an aunt and uncle, on Tatooine; Rey had no one.

"You know I do have an idea who your mother might be," Luke admitted. He'd been thinking about it since he found out earlier, who her mother might be. "You're right that I'm not involved with anyone, there hasn't been much time for that, but there is a woman with the same accent as yours that I've heard around the Rebel base. Felicity Jones I think, the woman who stole the plans to the death star."

"Felicity Jones," Rey whispered the name to herself and decided she liked it. It was unlike any name she'd ever heard before, but lovely all the same. Felicity Skywalker, her mother. "Everyone always said my accent was odd, but I'm glad to think I learned it from my mother."

Luke nodded. He understood the longing for any connection to your family. He understood his daughter very well. "When I was young I used to make things up about my mother. Some days I said she was a runaway slave who my father found stowed away on his spice freighter… that's what I thought he did, pilot a spice freighter. Sometimes I thought she was an heiress who was disowned when she married my father, but would do it again gladly. Other times of course I decided she was a queen or senator, I guess I wasn't too off with those last ones."

"I couldn't remember anything about my parents, I guess it got wiped or maybe time's to blame, but I always remembered that it was my father flying the ship that left me on Jakku." Rey remembered screaming for him to return; it was her first memory. "So I imagined my father was a Rebel pilot and that one of the ships I scavenged from on Jakku he'd shot down. And I told myself he had got roped into helping the Resistance which was why he hadn't come back yet."

It was odd to think that their wildest theories were closest to the truth. "I might be able to help you remember some stuff," Luke realized after a moment of peaceful silence. "If I did block your memories I might be able to undo it." He'd stepped towards Rey, but she stepped away. Did she really want another life in her head? Was she ready to be Reyna Skywalker? "I don't need to undo it all if you want. I could help you bring out one memory, that way you'll know how it works if you ever want to do it yourself."

Rey liked that idea; she liked being in complete control. Carefully she sat down on the floor, and Luke sat across from her. "You need to relax, focus on the Force, but specifically your own Force presence." He paused for a few minutes, letting her fall into a peaceful rhythm of breathing. "Now focus on something, something you know you must have done as a child." He could feel Rey try, but she came up with nothing. "Okay, don't try that, try your name, your real name. Think about Reyna." Rey thought it wasn't working, but then she heard a whispered voice, with her same accent.

Reyna danced in some grass, no shoes on her little feet. The dew had soaked her, but she didn't mind. The day was warm and dual suns, one far closer than the other, made everything shockingly bright. Little Reyna didn't mind though, she was used to the landscape.

"Reyna Skywalker, don't ignore me," her mother called, trying to sound more annoyed than she actually was. Her daughter looked like she belonged with the rays of sunshine. "It's time to come in for dinner."

Reyna ran over to her mother, tripping as she did. Suddenly the wet grass wasn't so much fun, and a thick gash traced her leg. Reyna cried out, sobbing instantly. Her mother ran over, carefully picked up the bleeding girl and carried her into the Jedi Temple.

Everything was blurry as Rey cried, but she wiped her eyes in time to see her father looking worried. He was older than the man Rey knew in the past, but younger than what she met in her time. Reyna's mother held her as Luke carefully placed a bacta patch on the wound. "It's okay, sunshine, I know it hurts, but it won't hurt forever. Nothing hurts forever."

"Don't leave me daddy," Reyna whispered, grabbing his hand with her little one. Luke's face softened, his worry disappeared, as she grabbed him. The rest of the galaxy was not as precious as his little girl.

"I won't ever leave you, my little ray of sunshine, daddy promises he'll never leave you. And if I do you'll find me again. The Force will always bring us back together."

Rey's eyes flung open, and she stood up. Luke too looked startled by the vision, seeing himself with his daughter, feeling the love between them. He longed to know Rey even more because of it.

"You were right though," Rey whispered, finally looking her father in the eye. "I spent all those years waiting for you to come back but you couldn't. I had to find you, and I did. And now the Force has brought us back together, in the most unexpected way."

Luke nodded, and reached out to wipe away the tear Rey didn't realize she'd shed. "It's amazing how in a single day someone can go from a stranger to someone you'd sacrifice the galaxy for. I love you Rey, not for who you were as a child or who you grew up to me. I love you unconditionally and irrevocably because you are my daughter and I've been given a chance to know you that I probably don't even deserve."

Rey nodded, and found herself wrapped in the safety of her father's arms. She didn't even notice the door creaking open.