

"Jkayyy are you sure we are doing this. "

Jimin asked looking unsure and scared

Jk - 😒😒

Jimin- 😓😓😓

"I mean jk its bangtan university not any ordinary college.. "

Jk - "my father is the trustee and i was the ex student here  "

Jm- " but you are not the studying now dont be subborn.. its gonna be troublesome if anyone catch you here

.. because of you i will be suspended "

Jk- "dont speak nonsense if u can't help me then its okay i can do it myself "

Jimin said in fear as jungkook was seeking inside bangtan university wearing school uniform without permission and jimin was helping him

Jm- "omg!!!😹😹😹 jk go hide.. its professor KANG your enemy no 1 "

Jimin pushed jk , he didn't want kang to see him..

As jk was the ex student and KANG was the one who complain against him (jk) he is the reason jk was rusticated earlier

Kang -

a very strict teacher who hates badboys.. he cant tolerate any nuisance in any sense.. every student fear from him.. he has hitler type personality

"JIMIN!!! Why are you hear.. you should be in your class now "

Jimin was shivering in fear seeing professor kang infront of him

Jimin - "good morning sir.. i was.. just going.. to my.. class "

Kang - "students like you can never study.. dont waste your time just go

HURRY UP !!!  "

Jim- "yes sir " (ran away )

Jk pov

This stupid idiot bastard kang.... how can i forget you that easily..

Come on kang bastard lets play game..

Your good times over..

Because' jeon jungkook' your bad time is here

Jungkook smriked looking at the kang he followed him to his cabin secretly

When slowly enters in the cabin looking here and there he notice kang was in the washroom and his suit was in the chair

he got a solid idea to trouble him...

Taking out the maker he searches for any paper which he can stick to his suit

Soon he found one and wrote something in a paper sticking it in his suit with some glue

He giggle

I just pray that kang didn't see this before wearing

Jk check again placing the suit in his right place he ran away from his cabin

On the other hand jimin

He was terrified he lost the track of jk

Just praying jk to be safe..

In the way he found professor kim

Being worried for jk he tell everything to tae

Tae - "whatt!! 😰😰

Jungkook is here "

Jimin looking down and nodded

"i saw jk following professor kang "

Tae just hold his head..

"Why he is here..? "

He asked in deep voice

Jimin - "he... "

Tae - "iam asking something "

(strict tone)

Jim- "he came here to meet you.."

Tae -(shocked )

Jungkook came here to meet me..

Ohh god.. Instead of ignoring him , i should have handle this matter maturely

I dont know what happen to me when it comes to him

Tae was already missing jk very much not feeling good ignoring him

After knowing jk take such a big risk just to meet him , he was feeling worst

regreting again if he had already met him.. he wouldn't have came here

Jim- "Professor kim please dont waste time.. let search for him.. he was following professor kang "

Tae - "kang.. " (scared)

Kang will not leave him if he found jk

"Let go.. where did you saw him last time "




All the students were stunned some where laughing looking at professor kang

Kang was getting irritated with the unwanted attention from the students

Dont know why the students were behaving so odd today

Actually jungkook has stick a papers written "my penis are getting old need help "

Mr kang was unaware of the fact ,he is still walking student's passing him are laughing but no one tell him anything

After getting irritated he turn around looking at the students and shouted


he shouted and went towards his next class when another teacher pass by him noticing his back

She was feeling little awarward in telling the professor but she decided to approach him as she is well aware that someone must have did prank on him

She called professor kang getting his attention,  kang smile at her

"Yes miss jennie "  😊

Jennie feeling embrassed but still she spoke

"There is something on your back mr kang "

She spoke feeling shy meanwhile tae find mr kang talking to miss Jennie  he went near them but stop when he saw what's written on that paper

Mr kang put his hand on his back feeling a paper he removed it...

😡😡😡 after reading the paper he rage out

Jennie little scared looking at the deadly glare of kang while tae too join them

"Students now a days don't have manner   don't even know how to respect teachers "

Mr kang said in his deep voice there was anger as well as embrassed with the note ,now he know why he was getting unwanted glare from the students

Jennie-"dont worry sir we can check the camera and punish the students later , it been late first finish the classes "

Kang nodded taking the paper with him going to his next classes

Tae too was in a conflict thinking who can be this daring to challenge kang , he frowned when he remember about jk , jimin said he was following kang..

'Did he '

Getting scared with the thought tae look around 😳 he get shock to see jk hiding and laughing he excuse himself and went away

Jungkook was enjoying laughing watching kang face wooo it was a fun day he thought still hiding ..

His facial expressions change when he notice someone behind him.. it will be a big issue if someone find him.. so he decided to run..


I went near him carefully and slowly, as I don't want anyone to caught him. Before I can signed him about my presence he hit me with his elbow running aware..

I was worried for him so I hold him tight from backside before he could run away  oh god how much this brat eat , he is really strong somehow i successfully pulled him back to the place he was hiding , I was stuggling very much I slammed him in the wall


Hearing his yell i losed my grip "jungkook you are fine " I said worrily he was going to hit me again but stop after hearing my voice may be he had identify me..

He turned around looking at me , i was worried seeing at his forehead which was bleeding may be his head banged against the wall...

"You are bleeding let me check " I said extending my hands but he moved back angrily

"Jungkook don't be subborn let me check atleast

See its bleeding "

"No need of showing your fake concern professor kim " he spat angrily moving back i feel hurt hearing him.. my concern for him is not fake..

"This is not the right place to talk let's go to my cabin " i said holding his hand which he juck away

"No thanks i don't need your help " I looked down.. feeling sad yes I deserve this treatment.. after what I did his behavior was justify

"Please.. I know whatever I did was wrong but please come to my cabin " I request him , he is here because of me I have to save him it's my responsibility i have to correct my mistake..




Without getting notice by anyone they carefully get into tae's cabin

jk was angry , for the first time someone ignore him that too without any reason this thing was hurting his ego... thats the reason behind his rude behaviour, he has already decided to show his badboy look to tae.. because he thinks tae is underestimating him..

"Jungkook wait iam getting the first aid box "

"No need professor kim.. iam fine.. "

Jk again spat on him


arhh my forehead is paining.. I wish it doesn't leave any mark , I can't afford a mark I have to look after my look also..

Arhh this oldy please ask me again..

Jk sighed although he said that he dont need any first aid but from inside he wanted it , he thought tae will ask again so he rejected where as it's the first time sometime is behaving like this to tae.. he was not liking it... but at some point he knew he is wrong and he deserve it so he was enduring this

Soon jimin knocked the room entering after tae called him , he hug jk he was so scared ,he thought kang will not leave jk..

"Arhh you shorty leave me " jk make a weird face getting out of hug

"You bunny dont call me shorty I was scared for you idiot "

"No need of getting scared dont forgot iam jeon jungkook the badboy these are very small thing for me "

He said feeling proud of himself

"What the..

jk your forehead its bleeding "

"Yahh I know midget no need to overreact "

Jimin worry 😟 -"wait let me bandage it"

Jimin said taking the first aid box from tae hand ...

Tae was standing there feeling jealous watching the two bestfriend,  jimin so caring for jk.. The way jk allowed him to do when he rejected him(tae) just a few moment before . He turn his head to the other side not liking the scene...

"Yahhh do it slowly " jk hissed when jimin press his wound

Tae turn his head towards jk in worried he hurrily took the cotton buds from jimin hand and started cleaning it himself ,

"Jimin get back to your class iam here "

Jimin nodded leaving the place

jk try to stop him but this time he (tae) didn't listen, he slowly blow making sure not to put more pressure..  after putting bandage he back off..

Jk didn't say anything but he was liking it...

For a moment taekook made a eye contact their faces were so closed to eachother

"Aa.. jungkook... did you.. you ... " Tae said nervously backing off

Jk-"just asked whatever u want mr professor "

"You are the one who is behind  the prank on mr kang "

After hearing him jk smriked sitting on the chair like a boss

"What will you do if I say yes  ,are u going to punish me "

Tae sighed in disappointment

"Jungkook you shouldn't do this.. it's very bad .. he is your elder as well.."  😠

"And what you did was very right ignoring your soon be husband without any reason "

Jk mocked him cutting his words


Why he is calling me soon to be husband when I already reject him.. I wished dad has informed them about my decision

"Jungkook did dad tell you something about my decision "

Jk nodded as no

Jk - "no he didn't contracted me and my parents just like you did professor kim taehyung thank you for this bandage  Now iam going because i dont have time to waste on people like you who dont respect me.. and dont misunderstand that iam here to ask you the reason of your ignorance.. nopes... iam here to tell you not to get highs on yourself.. u dont even know how many are stocking me to get my attention ... " đŸ˜€đŸ˜€đŸ˜€

Tae - "iam sorry jk.. i know i shouldn't have ignore you like this please  "

Tae said coming forward

Jk- "dont you dare to touch me mr professor... at first you makeout with me then you ignore like iam nothing and now you are showing fake concern just woo what a acting " jk brusted out all his frustration for taehyung..

Tae was surely getting sad but confused also because he clearly says his father to reject this offer then

Tae- That means jk dont know that I rejected him.. ohh god.. why dad..

Tae was thinking why his dad didn't confront jeons , when suddenly he realised mr kang is going to check cameras

"Why are you so silent now tell me why did you ignore me "

Tae decided to change the topic as he wasnt ready to speak the truth atleast not here as he don't know how jungkook will react plus he was scared to face jungkook..

"Jungkook why you did this to mr kang dont you know how much dangerous it is "

Tae said strictly while jk rolled his eyes he really didn't regret anything even if they caught him.. it's nothing they can do against him..

"Calm down mr professor iam not the student of this university so they can't do anything rather than giving lectures,  fine or putting some extra charges "

Tae was really frustrated with his tone at first jk did really bad and then not even regreting this... but still he calm down himself

"Jungkook you are really that dumb , here iam trying to get your admission in this university so that you can study here and what are you doing.. if anyone caught you here , then that 1% chance of yours to get admission will be ruined

did you got it so stop making troubles "

This time tae literally shouted at him yes it's true all these days he was trying his best to get jk admission here , he wanted to say sorry for his deeds so tae thought it could be the best way to oppolise jk..

Jk eyes widen when he hear tae is giving him admission.. he hugged tae excitedly

"Omg oldy why didn't you tell me this early I shouldn't have scold you "

Jk said happily still hugging tae he was feeling bad for brusting out on the elder

whereas tae was zone out , from past days he was not happy and calm but while hugging jk he was feeling peace , he can feel his body so closed to the younger, closing his eyes smelling his beautiful fragrance calming him down...

He was feeling so low he badly wanted this hug.. before he could decide whether to hug back or not jk pulled out

He look so happy now, a few moment ago he was so angry on tae and now he look so glowing

Tae stood there he wanted to whine when jk break the hug so soon..

"Oldy will I get admission here " jk said in hope

"Admission..? (Tae frown 🙁 )

Jeon jungkook the thing you did now is not acceptable today mr kang will go check the cameras and you will be exposed ... then your admission will be impossible "

Jk -😡 "oldy help me please " jk show his puppy eyes Pouty face trying to convince  him but stand straight showing his blank face as if it doesn't affect him but inside only he knows how much cooled he is for this bunny brat

Seeing this idea fail jk choose a new trick to convince tae to help him he put his arms around tae leaning his face

"Oldy please help me... I promise I will do whatever u tell me to.. " This time jk decided to seduce him.. his hands were moving around the shoulder areas while  their faces were so closed , tae was freeze he hates the fact that the younger make him so weak..

Not getting any reaction jk leaned more tae whinned holding younger thin waist only he knows how much he likes his waist before they could proceed a sudden knock disturbed their private time ... tae moved back and thanks the person who save him from kissing the younger.. he couldn't commit the same mistake again..

"Jungkook go hide " tae hurrily pushed jk with the sudden realisation that he is inside with jungkook in his cabin..

"Come in " he said after hiding jungkook inside his desk

"Tae.. " shine come inside giving her beautiful  😊 to tae

"Shine..what.. are..you doing here " Tae shuttered while speaking this is the first time he doing something like hiding someone he was scared

"Tae.. why are you so nervous where is my crush who always speak in confidence "

Shine said chuckling tae just smile he know shine jokes a lot so he didnt take to heart but jk frown listening the crush word.. he wanted to come out to see who is this shinning gutter but he couldn't he badly wanted to get admission

"Shine why are here in my university "

Shine-"did you forgot tae.. I told you in our date this Friday that iam interested in teaching stuff.. so here iam "

Tae-"but shine.. you got the lecturer position so easily.. I mean it took a year for me  "

Shine chuckle

"Tae.. iam not that talented actually iam here just for training.. "

Tae ohh.. understanding what she mean

"So will you.. show me the whole university.. u are the only one I know.. "

She was excitely , tae will show her whole university now she can get more time to spend with her crush..

Before tae could approved her he grasp suddenly jk who was listening everything when shine told about date

Cheater professor you went on date with this shinning gutter so this is the reason you were ignoring me

Jk angrily hold his Cock as he was hiding  under the desk and tae was sitting on his chair

"What happen tae... you are ok right"

She said worrily

"Nothi..Ing..shinning.. " Tae somehow manage to speak some words controlling himself jk was literally squeezing his Cock..  his hands were trying to get free from jk grip but jk glare him..

"Tae.. oh my god what happen you look sick "

She said coming towards him but tae stopped him

"No no.. don't come here... you go out.. I will join later "

Shine 😟-"are u sure "



She leave the cabin thinking something might be wrong with tae

After she left tae moaned which he was holding till now.. jk leave his Cock getting up angrily glaring at tae..

"Are you gone mad.. you pervert.. how can you he so shameless " he shouted holding his pant

"Iam only a shameless and pervert but what are you a fucking cheated.. here we are going to married and you going on date with that shining gutter "

Tae-  đŸ˜€ "Who said we are going to get married..  I never approved this "

Jk-"you didn't even rejected me yet.. how could u go on a date with her "


tae finally spoke the truth..



What should I name this part

'Jealous' or 'prank' or something else

Iam thinking of 'rejection '