
Professor Dovahkiin

A man pulled into the multiverse by a cosmic being, and made into the physical form of his Skyrim character. Sent into a crossover universe of Harry Potter and the MCU, follow along as the newly formed Breton tries to gain the power to break free of the cosmic being. *Disclaimer* I do not own the rights to MCU, Harry Potter, or Skyrim. I own nothing.

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45 Chs

Ch. 17 Warlock

I slowly creep back into awareness.

I find myself laying, in an extremely soft bed, covered by a warm fur blanket.

I can hear light snores and a gentle heart-beat coming from the foot of the bed.

My nose is filled with the familiar scents of my home and Trixie.

Opening my eyes, I confirm I'm lying in my bed. Looking around the room, I can see my bedroom furnishings. Glancing towards my feet reveals a sleeping Trixie, curled up in a tiny elf-ball.

Just thinking about sitting up, results in my body carrying out the action. The motion was effortless and graceful.

The ease of my movement takes me by surprise. This is something far beyond the strength I gained from the combined serums. I'm not even sure how to describe the feeling.

Focusing on my body, I notice a foreign energy coursing through every inch of my body. It reminds me of my Magicka, but this feels more intense and primal.

My thoughts are interrupted by the elf shaped rocket that impacts against my chest. Trixie is attempting to wrap her thin arms around me as she's sobbing uncontrollably.

The sight of a distraught Trixie sends a spike of guilt through my gut.

I never even considered how my house-elves would feel about the entire ritual. I've just been so focused on breaking free of Other Me's control, that I failed to take those close to me into consideration.

Now that I've acquired the serums and took in the essence of Ego, I think I can slow down. Other than learning from the Ancient One, I just need to explore my new powers.

But before that, I need to reward my two loyal followers.

Seeing that Trixie is still bawling her eyes out, I quietly call out for Cody as I carefully lay my hand on Trixie's head.

A subtle pop signals the arrival of my second house-elf. With an anxious tone, "Master is awake! How can Cody help, Master?"

"How long have I been asleep?"

"Master has been asleep for three days," Cody promptly answers.

That is unexpected. "Cody, what happened after I passed out?"

There is a trace of regret in his voice, "When Master fell asleep, the grey power stayed connected to Master for a bit longer. Once the power stopped, Trixie and Cody used Master's portkey to return home. Cody is a bad elf! Cody used Master's things without permission!"

Before the horror-filled elf can begin to punish himself, I quickly place my other hand on his head. I didn't trust myself to grab him. I'm unsure if I can fully control my strength right now.

The touch of my hand on his head stops all movement from the frantic servant. Cody looks up at me with tear-filled eyes. Ensuring my voice is calm and soothing, "You did not disobey me, Cody. You and Trixie did an amazing job. So amazing, that the two of you are entitled to a reward."

Before Cody can respond, Trixie speaks up through her soft sniffles. "Trixie told the silly one, but he wouldn't listen, Master Dragon Sir." Trixie looks up at me and loudly whispers, "Cody is not the smartest house-elf, Master."

I resist the urge to laugh for Cody's sake. "Now, Trixie, I find both you and Cody to be brilliant."

Cody breaks into the most relaxed and content I've ever seen him, while Trixie nods her head as if accepting her due. Spoiled brat.

With a burst of strength, I literally leap out of bed, dumping Trixie from my lap. Trixie lets out a surprised squeak as she falls to the bed. Serves her right.

"Now, once I freshen up and get dressed, it will be time for your reward. How about ice-cream?!" Their wonder-filled eyes and excited shouts are more than enough answer.

After a shower, I throw on my over-robe to hide my ill-fitting clothes. The large robe gives me a couple of ideas. I can work on creating an Illusion spell to change the appearance of my clothes. Or I can use some of my vibranium to create form-fitting armor I can wear under my clothes.

Something like the Kryptonian Skinsuit General Zod wears in the movie 'Man of Steel'.

Before I get caught up in thoughts of working with vibranium, I firmly remind myself of the task at hand.

Reward Trixie and Cody first. Playing with vibranium can come later.


I arrive at Diagon Alley and swiftly make my way to Twilfitt and Tattings. I need a new wardrobe and don't feel like answering Madam Malkin's questions about my drastic physical change. Plus, I can get the cloths larger, so I can possibly wear armor under it.

Once I finish the armor, of course.

After experiencing the 'higher-class' clothing shop, I am of a mixed opinion of the place. While I enjoyed the higher quality selection, the cold demeanor of Mr. Tattings left me feeling as if I was a nuisance to the man. Even after spending nearly nine-hundred Galleons, his snobbish mannerisms never ceased.

Fortunately, I shouldn't have to purchase new clothes for at least another year.

Moving on down Diagon Alley, I soon arrive outside of Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour.

Before stepping into the ice-cream shop, I notice the shop across the way. Magical Menagerie, the wizarding animal pet store.

Now that I won't be as busy, perhaps it's time I try owning a pet again. If nothing else, it will give Trixie and Cody something to do when I don't need them.

Stepping into the only ice-cream shop in Diagon Alley, I'm not surprised to see the place nearly empty. Few would want a cold treat on such a chilly day. The cold December air reminds me of my time in Winterhold.

After securing two hot fudge sundaes for Trixie and Cody's reward, I made my way to the Ministry of Magic Liason Office to register for the wizarding duel. The registration was rather simple. I had to fill out a form with my personal information, sign a waiver, and pay the entrance fee of five Galleons.

Once I finish registering for the dueling tournament, I return home. I don't trust a sugar-rushed Trixie and Cody in Diagon Alley. I just don't see that ending well, and I'm excited to explore my new powers.

The qualifying rounds for the wizarding duel start this weekend. That only gives me three days to become accustomed to my new powers.

After I return home, I present my house-elves their reward. Watching them, enthusiastically devour the bowls of frozen sugar, I retreat to my training room. I figure it would be best to vacate the area before the two cleaning tornados begin their sugar-high.

Once I'm safe and secure, I sit down to explore the foreign energy coursing through my body. This must be the result of sacrificing Ego's seed.

Deciding to test the changes to my magic, I raise my hand to begin casting my magic routine. The second I cast Lumos, the entire training hall is engulfed in blinding light. I slam my eyes shut to protect them from the blistering glare.

As I'm about to extinguish the spell, I feel an awkward itch behind my eyes. In a single moment, the itch is gone, and my eyes fill oddly better.

I'm unsure why, but I slowly open my eyes. The blinding light nearly causes me to close my eyes, but I persist. As I slightly open my eyes, the odd itch returns.

Miraculously, my vision improves as the itch recedes! I'm able to withstand the burning brightness and actually comfortably look around.

This must be part of the biological manipulation I gained from Ego's seed! My body is naturally altering itself to better adapt to the current situation! I can change my body to my desires!

This is exactly what Star Lord did in his battle against Ego! I'm not sure how to do it consciously, but I will find out how!

Canceling the spell, another surge of power rushes forth.

Never have I been able to create such a light before, but now it seems effortless. It's as if my magic has been magnified.

I spend the next 20 minutes trying to consciously alter my body. Nothing seems to work.

My sight is still amazing, so the change doesn't seem to be temporary. I just haven't figured out how to make changes at will.

Taking a break from my attempts at biological manipulation, I continue with my magic.

By the time I'm finished with my magic routine, I've confirmed my spells are nearly double their previous strength.

I don't think I could win in a battle against Hela, let alone Odin, but given enough time, I think this may let me break free of Other Me!

With newfound determination, I get back to learning how to control my new power.


Saturday, December 28, 1991

Nymphadora Tonks would be lying if she said she wasn't excited. Her vibrant pink hair stood testament to her excitement. The past month has been simply unbelievable.

At the start of the month, she graduated first in her Basic Auror Training Class. As a result of her performance, she was taken as the apprentice to the legendary Auror, Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody. Being the apprentice of the famous Auror is almost a guarantee of passing her Auror Qualification Trials.

The best part, her ability as a metamorphmagus had nothing to do with his decision to take her on. She earned it from pure hard work. It was extremely satisfying.

Training under Moody is harsh and brutal at times, but she's learned more in the past two weeks than the entire six months of Basic Auror Training.

The crowning jewel to this month? The 1991 British Wizardly Duel Championship!

Moody was able to acquire them two seats in an observation booth. The only way she could miss anything is if she closed her eyes. These seats must have cost a small fortune.

She missed all the preliminary duels that took place the past two weeks, but she'll gladly accept being able to witness the finale.

The preliminary duels were nothing spectacular. They served their purpose of entertaining the crowd until the finale began.

Tonks slowly scanned over the thousands of spectators. There were witches and wizards of all ages, even a few currently on holiday break from Hogwarts. The small arena was vibrating with excitement and enthusiasm!

Tonks was getting caught up in the electrifying atmosphere.

"Focus, girl! This isn't some family outing. You're here to observe and learn." The grating voice of Mad-Eye knocked the excited jitters out of Tonks' body.

Alastor Moody stood in the corner of the booth in his long dragon-hide duster. His eye was focused on Tonks as his magical eye seemed to be zipping around in his socket.

Tonks knew Moody hated crowds. His state of 'constant vigilance' prevented Moody from being able to relax while others were around. The numerous visible scars gave credit to his belief that one must practice constant vigilance.

"The previous duels were nothing special. What am I supposed to learn that you're not already teaching me?" Alaster Moody wasn't famous for his gruesome appearance. He's renowned for the numerous battles he's survived.

Her mother told her stories of how the Death Eaters would specifically target Moody due to how big of a threat he was. In each Death Eater attack on Moody, he would always battle his way out. And each battle added new scars to the fearsome Auror.

For just a moment, both of Moody's eyes stared at Tonks. As the magical eye resumed it's roving, Moody spoke up. "Duelists are a different breed of wizard, girl. We have to spend time investigating, guarding, and policing the wayward. We have to make time to train.

"But a true duelist lives to hone his fighting ability. Never! Never underestimate a duelist girl. Many good people have lost their lives due to that mistake. Don't become one of them."

As the sobering advice of Moody started to settle in on Tonks, the arena lights dimmed down. Tonks focused on the dueling platform, where Ludo Bagman was standing.

With his wand to his throat, the chubby spokesman began to speak. "Goooood evening! Witches and wizards and boys and girls of all ages! Welcome, to Britain's 1991 Wizardly Dueling Championship! And now the moment you've all been waiting for, the championship match!"

The audience roared with excitement! The arena ground shook with the stomping of feet and clapping hands!

Playing to the spectators like the expert he is, Ludo continued to build up the crowd. Despite herself, Tonks couldn't stop her legs from bouncing in anticipation.

Tonks excitedly watched the first duelist walk onto the platform as Bagman introduced him. The duelist was clean-shaven and wore an expensive-looking dueling vest. He seemed ridiculously focused as he confidently walked to Bagman.

Tonks imaged herself about to duel the man. She was honest enough to admit she was intimidated by the idea.

As Bagman introduced the other finalist, Tonks turned her attention towards the man walking across the dueling platform.

Tonks let out a long whistle at the sight of the second duelist. Longingly staring at the handsome man, she softly uttered, "Damn."

Her ogling came to a screeching halt as Moody slapped the back of her head.

Rubbing the back of her head, she turned towards her mentor. "What? He's bloody hot," Tonks defensively stated!

Without taking his good-eye from the duelist, "He's bloody deadly, girl! That's what he is! Look at him again, girl, without drooling. Tell me what you see."

Turning her eyes back to the blonde contender, Tonks took a moment to voice her findings. "He's tall, broad, and handsome. He looks like a pure-blood aristocrat. Even with the beard, I would say he's in his mid-twenties." Tonks stared at the man a bit more. "He also walks with grace. Like a dancer."

"No. The man walks like a warrior. Ready for battle at every step. That's no duelist, that's a warlock." Moody sounded both appreciative and weary of the one named Dovahkiin.

"Warlock? He looks too young for that title." Tonks curiously stated to her mentor.

A deep frown formed on Moody's scared face. "Warlock isn't just a title given to some popinjay, girl. It also describes someone trained in martial combat, not just dueling."

Before her mentor could say another word, the duel began.

Within the first moment, Tonks was entranced. More spells were flying about than she thought possible for only two wizards. Not only where colorful streaks of light filling the air, a burst of earth would randomly explode, and conjured beasts would take form and attack a duelist.

Tightly gripping the arms of her chair, Tonks leaned forward. Trying to get just a bit closer to the duel. She had never seen a battle like this before. Tonks didn't even think Moody could replicate the level of magic being thrown around.

A streak of lightning caused Tonks to jump back into her chair in surprise and horror!

Tonks couldn't help but scream out, "Merlin's sweaty balls! They're throwing bloody lightning at each other!" That is something she didn't even know was possible!

Quickly glancing at her mentor, Tonks was confused about why Moody was shaking his head. "What? What's happening?" Tonks returns her full attention to the duel again.

Moody somberly replies, "The duel is already over. He's carrying the fight."

Tonk's tried to comprehend Moody's comment as she observed the duel. She no longer attempts to spectate but to examine the fighters.

Tonks quickly noticed the dark-haired wizard seemed angry. He's putting up little defense and concentrating on launching as many offensive spells as possible.

The actions of the handsome duelist give her pause. At first glance, he appears to be focused, but a closer look reveals the truth. He isn't dueling his opponent, he's toying with him.

He's casting flashy spells to annoy and distract. The crowd is loving the effects, but the fight could have already ended if he so decided.

The most frightening part was the unconcerned look on his bearded face. He would repeatedly dodge spells by the smallest of fractions as if he was trying to see how little he had to move out of the way of the spells.

Watching the duel go on, Tonk's came to a frightening conclusion. She stood no chance at victory against either duelist, but against the tall wizard, she would be utterly helpless.

As if fulfilling Moody's statement, the bearded duelist launches his opponent from the stage with a barrage of spells fired faster than she thought humanly possible.

Tonks numbly watches as the handsome victor respectfully salutes his opponent and the roaring crowd.

The booming voice of Ludo Bagman suddenly fills the arena. "Witches and Wizards! I proudly present to you, your victor and Britain's newest Warlock! Xavier Dovahkiin!"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.


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