
Professor's Lover

Boundless Love, Endless desire.

Dwiinee · Politique et sciences sociales
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20 Chs


Professor's Lover

The story may contain some scenes that may be quite disturbing for some of the readers. I request you to read it on your consent. Thank you.

I've posted this story in here few times but due to lack of having proper idea about this app I've deleted it. So this will be the official release and full story for you all.


It was a beautiful day, the droplets of rain hitting the surface made a pleasing rhythm with the busy crowd. Despite the windy, cool weather, the people's warm and welcoming smiles made the surrounding very pleasant.

Inside a quite crowded cafe,

Here is your order, said a man in his early 20s with a tall and well-sculpted figure. A warm smile escaped his lips when he greeted the customer with a warm demeanour.

Aoki, a man with strong features and quite a demanding personality; A student of literature, perfect unlike art but was a definition of art. His charms were heavenly and he had sprinted personality that would attract anyone and he always outshined in a room full of people.

Hi sir, what would you like to have?" Aoki asked softly without realising that the person was someone he knew...

Aoki right? said a man, in his late 30s with a gentle smile...

It was a matter of time until Aoki realized that the person standing right in front of him was his professor...

Kenzo, a man with beautiful features, is a very calm man who knows what is to be done at the moment doesn't matter if it's chaos or an ordinary situation, a professor at the university and an icon of literature. He lived his 36 years loving literature and art. A talented man with a beautiful body (not feminine but beautifully masculine)

Oh, professor, it's you",... Aoki said warmly with a pleasing smile...

Yeah", he chuckled...  What a surprise Aoki, you are a man of many talents... the professor said smilingly...

Yes, professor... Aoki smiled in response... what would you like to have?" aoki asked normally

Just a plain coffee and the best dessert here please.." replied Kenzo

After a few minutes, Aoki served the dessert and coffee as the professor asked him to. Here is your order please enjoy",...said Aoki with a warm smile...

Just at that moment, Aoki felt a sudden jerk from behind which made him crash into the professor.

Aoki flinched as the moment was very sudden. The man in the back started apologizing hesitatingly...

Aoki gained consciousness after a sudden jerk, he saw that the coffee was all spilt over the professor making his white shirt all tainted.

Aoki started apologizing immediately with a worried expression that formed knots on his forehead and he was still not aware of the fact that the man behind him was apologizing.

Hey hey, it's okay, said the professor and looked at the man behind. It's okay mister, you can carry on your business... don't be sorry.

Kenzo said it with a polite smile which made the hesitant man smile in response, as the man left. He caught Aoki smiling at him

Uh, Aoki what is it?, said Kenzo with a confused expression on his face as Aoki was smiling widely with a pleased face.

Oh. I. I was just .. let me help you clean your shirt professor, said Aoki in a stuttering tone with a nervous look.

Hey, it's okay... said Kenzo smiling

No stop being so polite professor...Just let me help you, professor, said Aoki with convincing eyes...

okay if you insist said the professor smilingly...

Where is the washroom then?

This way professor said Aoki while leading the way...


Thanks for reading!

Dwiineecreators' thoughts