

prodigies of power: In a world where humans have harnessed prodigious energies, three individuals stand out among the rest: The Human Prodigy, who possesses unparalleled intelligence and mastery over technology; The Time and Space Prodigy, who can manipulate the fabric of reality itself; and The Creation and Destruction Prodigy, capable of shaping matter and annihilating it at will. In the technologically advanced world of Neo-Genesis, three extraordinary individuals stand at the forefront of a revolution that will shape the destiny of humanity. Dr. Alexis "Lex" Armstrong, a brilliant neuroscientist and psychologist, possesses the power of soul, spirit, and body, unlocking the true potential of the human mind. Kairos Nova, a mysterious wanderer with mastery over time and space, safeguards the cosmic balance against forces that seek to disrupt it. And Lysander Ember, an enigmatic artist and visionary, wields the power of creation and destruction to reshape the fabric of reality itself. As Neo-Genesis teeters on the brink of chaos, the prodigies are thrust into a world of intrigue and danger, where dark forces conspire to unravel the very foundations of society. From the shadowy depths of the city's underworld to the farthest reaches of the galaxy, they embark on a journey of discovery and self-discovery, confronting ancient mysteries and confronting their own inner demons along the way. But as their powers grow, so too does the magnitude of the challenges they face. A sinister cabal known as the Order of Shadows seeks to harness their abilities for nefarious purposes, plunging Neo-Genesis into a maelstrom of chaos and uncertainty. With the fate of the world hanging in the balance, the prodigies must unite to confront their greatest challenge yet—a battle against an enemy that threatens to consume them from within. Amidst the turmoil, alliances will be forged, betrayals will be revealed, and sacrifices will be made. And in the end, the prodigies will discover that their true strength lies not in their individual abilities, but in the bonds of friendship and camaraderie that bind them together. For only by standing united can they hope to overcome the darkness that threatens to engulf them and usher in a new era of hope and possibility for Neo-Genesis and all of humanity.

Waidi_Michael · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

The assassination guild

Two hours before the meeting...

It was raining heavily in the heart of Neo-Genesis City, amidst the towering skyscrapers and bustling streets.

A striking figure stood tall and proud,at the rooftop of The peoples railway corporation with a commanding presence that demands attention,dressed in dark suits and crisp dress shirts, accented with subtle touches of luxury and refinement—a silk tie, a polished leather belt, a pair of finely crafted shoes, he exudes an aura of strength and determination that is palpable to all who encounter him. His features are sharp and angular, chiseled from years of hard work and perseverance, with piercing eyes that seem to see straight through to the heart of the matter.

The city skyline stretched out before him, a sprawling labyrinth of steel and glass illuminated by the neon glow of countless signs and holographic displays.

Besides him where two figures dressed in black cloaked hood one is masculine and the other no one can tell if his masculine or feminine...

"I want them alive as for the last one whether his dead or alive doesn't matter" the man declared in a masculine tone, his voice carrying authority.

"And how much do you think that would cost you?" replied the other figure, their voice equally masked in secrecy.

The man's lips curled into a smirk. "Enough to make it worth your while," he retorted, a hint of menace in his tone.

The rain drummed relentlessly against the rooftop of The People's Railway Corporation, a steady rhythm punctuating the tension that hung in the air. Mr Cho stood at the edge, his gaze fixed on the city below, while the two figures cloaked in black hoods remained at his side, their presence, a silent reminder of the task at hand.

"Are you sure about this?"

the masculine figure spoke, breaking the silence with a voice edged with uncertainty.Mr. Cho turned to face him, his expression unreadable beneath the hood of his cloak.

"I'm sure," he replied with a firmness that brooked no argument. "This is the only way to ensure our plan succeeds."

The other figure shifted uncomfortably, their gender still a mystery beneath the shadows. "But kidnapping the heirs of the four great companies and Lex's best friend... It's a bold move, one that could have serious repercussions," they voiced their concerns.Mr. Cho nodded, acknowledging the gravity of their undertaking. "I'm well aware of the risks," he conceded. "But we cannot afford to let sentimentality cloud our judgment. The future of Neo-Genesis City hangs in the balance, and we must do whatever it takes to seize control."

The rain continued to fall, a somber backdrop to their conversation as they delved into the details of their plan. Each step was carefully calculated, every contingency accounted for as they discussed the logistics of the kidnapping."We'll need to move quickly," the feminine yet masculine figure urged, a sense of urgency creeping into their voice. "The longer we wait, the greater the chance of discovery."said the masculine figure with stern look in his eyes

Mr. Cho nodded in agreement, his mind already racing with thoughts of the task ahead. "Agreed. We'll strike tonight, under the cover of darkness. With any luck, we'll be in and out before anyone knows what's happened."

As they finalized their plans, the rain began to taper off, leaving behind a sense of anticipation that hung in the air like a shroud. The stakes were high, but they were determined to see their plan through to the end, no matter the cost.

And as they prepared to set their scheme in motion, the three figures disappeared into the silent and rainy night, united by a common purpose and a shared vision of the future they sought to create.

In the bustling heart of Neo-Genesis City, amidst the gleaming skyscrapers and bustling streets, stood Ambrosia Bistro—a quaint yet elegant restaurant known for its exquisite cuisine and warm ambiance.The restaurant buzzed with activity, the clinking of glasses and laughter filling the air as patrons enjoyed the vibrant atmosphere. It was here, on this fateful evening, that the three heirs of the city's most prominent corporations had gathered for a rare get-together.

At a nearby table, a group of young professionals leaned in close to catch a glimpse of Marcus, the charismatic heir to Nitrolite Corporation. "That's Marcus over there," one of them whispered excitedly. "He's always the life of the party, isn't he? I heard he once pulled off the most daring stunt at a charity gala." Said one of them

"Not just that it is rumored that he inherited his father's prodigy energy "said another

"Wow isn't that awesome" said a girl among them with a voice full of excitement and love, from the way she's reacting it's clear she has a thing for Marcus

"He isn't as awesome as Ethan "retorted a girl who couldn't contain her excitement at spotting Ethan, amidst a group of students gather at the entrance of the restaurant,

"He's such a down-to-earth guy, you know? Despite his family's wealth and status, he's always so approachable and friendly. I wish more people were like him." Said another guy with eyes twinkling as the stars..

...Meanwhile Marcus, the spirited heir to the Nitrolite Corporation, sat at a corner table with his friends, laughter and lively conversation filling the air around them.As if they where oblivious to the commotions going on around them. His golden eyes sparkled with mischief as he regaled his companions with tales of his latest escapades, his charismatic presence drawing smiles from all who listened.

Seated at a nearby table was Olivia, the poised and elegant heiress to the Hydro Transport Group. With her cascading locks of jet-black hair and piercing blue eyes, she exuded an aura of grace and sophistication that commanded respect. Her gentle smile and warm demeanor endeared her to all who knew her, and she greeted each guest with genuine warmth and hospitality.

Across the room, Ethan, the heir to the Peoples Railway, held court with a group of admirers, his easygoing charm and laid-back demeanor making him a favorite among his peers. With his tousled blond hair and bright green eyes, he had a boyish charm that belied his keen intellect and business acumen.

As the evening wore on, the atmosphere at Ambrosia Bistro grew more festive, with the clinking of glasses and the sound of laughter filling the air. Despite their differences in background and upbringing, Marcus, Olivia, and Ethan shared a bond forged through years of friendship and mutual respect. They may have been heirs to rival corporations, but in that moment, they were simply three friends enjoying each other's company in the heart of Neo-Genesis City.

As Marcus, Olivia, and Ethan continued their gathering at Ambrosia Bistro, their conversation flowed effortlessly, covering a range of topics from business to personal interests.

"So, Ethan, how's the expansion project for the Peoples Railway coming along? I heard it's been getting a lot of buzz lately" said Marcus with a tone of enquiry, his voice full of authority

"It's going great, Marcus! We've been working on some exciting new routes that will connect even more neighborhoods within Neo-Genesis City," Replied Ethan

The demand for reliable public transportation is higher than ever, and we're determined to meet that need he added in a satisfactory manner.

" That sounds fantastic, Ethan. Sustainable transportation is such an important issue, especially with the city's growing population. I'm glad to hear that the Peoples Railway is taking proactive steps to address it." Olivia chimed in, with a keen look of interest

" Absolutely", his face filled with pride ,and speaking of sustainability, Olivia, how's the latest project with the Hydro Transport Group going? I heard you're working on some innovative solutions for water conservation."asked Marcus

" It's going well, Marcus. We've been focusing on developing new technologies that will help reduce water waste and improve efficiency in our city's infrastructure. It's a challenging task, but I'm confident that we'll make a positive impact in the long run."replied oliva with euthesism in her eyes..

" That's impressive, Olivia. The Hydro Transport Group has always been at the forefront of environmental innovation. It's inspiring to see how much progress you've made in such a short amount of time." Commended Ethan

"And what about you, Ethan? Any new developments with the Peoples Railway that we should know about?" Asked Marcus

Well, we're currently exploring the possibility of incorporating renewable energy sources into our transit systems. Solar panels, wind turbines—you name it. We want to make sure that our operations are as sustainable as possible while still providing top-notch service to our passengers.said Ethan his tone filled with a feeling of accomplishment

"That's fantastic, Ethan. It's crucial for corporations like ours to lead by example when it comes to environmental stewardship. I'm glad to see that the Peoples Railway is taking proactive steps to reduce its carbon footprint." replied Olivia

" Agreed, It's inspiring to see how much progress we've made as a city in terms of sustainability and innovation. And it's all thanks to the hard work and dedication of companies like ours." Added marcus

.....As the evening wore on, Marcus, Olivia, and Ethan continued their lively discussion, sharing ideas and insights that would shape the future of Neo-Genesis City for generations to come.

....As Marcus, Olivia, and Ethan enjoyed their gathering at Ambrosia Bistro, unbeknownst to them, a group of mysterious figures cloaked in black hoods had taken up residence in a secluded corner of the restaurant.

Their presence went unnoticed by the other patrons, hidden beneath the shadows of their concealing garments.The figures sat in eerie silence, their hoods drawn low over their faces, obscuring their features from view. They seemed to blend seamlessly into the background, their presence subtle yet palpable, like shadows lurking in the darkness.

Despite all the commotions it was almost like they don't even exist..

From the way they conceal their prodigy energy it was clear that they are high ranked prodigies and only one organization has the ability to deploy that much high rank prodigies ... The assassination guild !!

Occasionally, one of the figures would glance surreptitiously in the direction of Marcus, Olivia, and Ethan, their eyes gleaming with an intensity that hinted at hidden motives. It was clear that they were observing the trio with keen interest, their attention focused like predators stalking their prey.

... As the evening wore on and the laughter continued to flow, Marcus excused himself from the table, citing the need to visit the restroom. His friends nodded understandingly, their attention momentarily diverted as they continued their conversation.

Making his way through the hallway Marcus whistles one of his favorite songs until he reached the restroom at the back of the establishment.

Unbeknownst to him, one of the clocked figure had been shadowing his movements, his eyes trained on Marcus with a predatory focus.

As Marcus entered the restroom and closed the door behind him, he was unaware of the danger that lurked just behind. The man, silent and stealthy, followed close behind, his footsteps muffled by the ambient noise of the restaurant.

Inside the restroom, Marcus splashed water on his face, his thoughts drifting as he stared at his reflection in the mirror. Suddenly, the door creaked open, and Marcus turned, "wanna take it out a little man" Marcus asked expecting to see one of his friends.

Instead, he was met with the chilling sight of a figure, wrapped in shadows.The shadows seemed to coalesce and shift, taking on a life of their own.

Suddenly, the darkness coalesced into a sinister form, revealing the figure of a man with eyes as dark as the abyss.

Marcus's heart skipped a beat as he recoiled in shock, his mind struggling to comprehend the sight before him. Before he could react, the shadowy figure lunged forward with unnatural speed, his movements fluid and predatory.

With a flick of his hand, the shadowy figure summoned tendrils of darkness that wrapped around Marcus, ensnaring him in their grasp. Marcus struggled against his invisible assailant, his muscles straining against the relentless grip of the shadows..

Who..who are you? ", Asked Marcus while stuttering, ..What do you want?" Marcus demanded, his voice trembling with fear and uncertainty.

The shadowy figure remained silent, his features obscured by the darkness that surrounded him. With a flicker of his fingers, he tightened his hold on Marcus, using shadow prodigy energy

As Marcus stood in the restroom, his senses heightened with fear and adrenaline, he realized that he couldn't just succumb to the darkness that threatened to consume him.

With a surge of determination, he tapped into the fiery energy that burned within him, his hands igniting with flickering flames.With a defiant roar, Marcus unleashed a burst of fiery energy, sending waves of heat and light cascading through the room.

The shadows recoiled in response, hissing and writhing as they struggled to maintain their hold on him.Caught off guard by Marcus's sudden display of power, the shadowy figure faltered for a moment, his grip loosening ever so slightly. Sensing an opportunity, Marcus pushed forward, channeling his flames into a concentrated blast aimed directly at his assailant.The shadowy figure stumbled backwards, his form flickering and distorting as the flames licked at his shadowy form. But even as Marcus pressed his advantage, he could feel the darkness pushing back against him, its malevolent presence threatening to overwhelm his fiery defenses.

But despite his best efforts, Marcus found himself locked in a desperate battle of wills with his unseen assailant.

The shadows seemed to coil around him like a serpent, their icy touch sending shivers down his spine as they threatened to snuff out his fiery spirit.With a primal roar, Marcus unleashed another torrent of flames, the searing heat washing over him in a wave of raw power.

For a moment, it seemed as though he might finally break free from the shadowy figure's grasp, his flames burning brighter than ever before.

But the darkness was relentless, its tendrils wrapping around Marcus with a vice-like grip that refused to let go. Try as he might, he couldn't shake the feeling of helplessness that threatened to engulf him, his flames flickering and faltering as the shadows closed in around him.In a last-ditch effort to break free, Marcus poured every ounce of his strength into one final attack, channeling the full force of his fiery energy into a concentrated blast aimed directly at his assailant.

The flames surged forward with blinding intensity, illuminating the darkness with their brilliant light.For a brief moment, it seemed as though Marcus might emerge victorious, his flames burning hotter and brighter than ever before. But just as he was on the brink of victory, the shadowy figure countered with a burst of shadow energy that sent Marcus reeling backwards, his flames sputtering and fading into embers.

"SHIT" said Marcus in a low tone as he grimaced in pain,as he tries to get to his feet

I can't connect to the outside world , it's a domain ...

Fear and dread finally creeping knowing his up against a high rank prodigy ..

He has always prided himself as the best in his generation ... But following the subsequent event that has taken place he has started to doubt himself..

"What do want from me I can give you anything " he said in a pleading voice.. The shadowy figures said nothing...but stare intently at Marcus , to Marcus it was like the steer of the devil....



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please add to your collection .. its very interesting .. thanks

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