

prodigies of power: In a world where humans have harnessed prodigious energies, three individuals stand out among the rest: The Human Prodigy, who possesses unparalleled intelligence and mastery over technology; The Time and Space Prodigy, who can manipulate the fabric of reality itself; and The Creation and Destruction Prodigy, capable of shaping matter and annihilating it at will. In the technologically advanced world of Neo-Genesis, three extraordinary individuals stand at the forefront of a revolution that will shape the destiny of humanity. Dr. Alexis "Lex" Armstrong, a brilliant neuroscientist and psychologist, possesses the power of soul, spirit, and body, unlocking the true potential of the human mind. Kairos Nova, a mysterious wanderer with mastery over time and space, safeguards the cosmic balance against forces that seek to disrupt it. And Lysander Ember, an enigmatic artist and visionary, wields the power of creation and destruction to reshape the fabric of reality itself. As Neo-Genesis teeters on the brink of chaos, the prodigies are thrust into a world of intrigue and danger, where dark forces conspire to unravel the very foundations of society. From the shadowy depths of the city's underworld to the farthest reaches of the galaxy, they embark on a journey of discovery and self-discovery, confronting ancient mysteries and confronting their own inner demons along the way. But as their powers grow, so too does the magnitude of the challenges they face. A sinister cabal known as the Order of Shadows seeks to harness their abilities for nefarious purposes, plunging Neo-Genesis into a maelstrom of chaos and uncertainty. With the fate of the world hanging in the balance, the prodigies must unite to confront their greatest challenge yet—a battle against an enemy that threatens to consume them from within. Amidst the turmoil, alliances will be forged, betrayals will be revealed, and sacrifices will be made. And in the end, the prodigies will discover that their true strength lies not in their individual abilities, but in the bonds of friendship and camaraderie that bind them together. For only by standing united can they hope to overcome the darkness that threatens to engulf them and usher in a new era of hope and possibility for Neo-Genesis and all of humanity.

Waidi_Michael · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

Prologue: Origins

Welcome to Neo-Genesis City, a sprawling metropolis of the 30th century, where the boundaries between science and the supernatural blur, and prodigious abilities shape the fabric of everyday life.

In this futuristic world, humanity has harnessed the power of prodigy energy—a mysterious force that grants individuals extraordinary abilities based on the elements of fire, ice, earth, and more. These prodigies, as they are known, wield their powers with precision and finesse, shaping the world around them in ways that defy conventional understanding.

The origins of prodigy energy trace back to a cataclysmic event known as the Genesis Incident, a global phenomenon that occurred centuries ago and forever altered the course of human history. During this event, a surge of unknown energy swept across the planet, awakening latent abilities within select individuals and granting them prodigious powers.

As humanity grappled with the aftermath of the Genesis Incident, societies emerged that embraced and celebrated the prodigious among them. Neo-Genesis City stands as a shining beacon of this new era, a bastion of progress and innovation where prodigies thrive and their abilities are integrated into every aspect of daily life.

In Neo-Genesis City, prodigies hold positions of power and influence, shaping the city's technological landscape and driving forward advancements in science, medicine, and beyond. From fire-wielding engineers who power the city's energy grids to ice-controlling architects who design its towering skyscrapers, the prodigious are at the forefront of innovation and progress.

But with great power comes great responsibility, and not all prodigies choose to wield their abilities for the greater good. In the shadows of Neo-Genesis City, factions vie for control, each with their own agenda and vision for the future. As tensions simmer and alliances shift, the fate of Neo-Genesis City hangs in the balance, its destiny shaped by the prodigious forces that inhabit its streets. Their are different grades of power depending on their various level of exposure to prodigy energy

Novice (Grade D): Novice prodigies are just beginning to understand and harness their abilities. They can grow their powers by studying foundational texts, receiving guidance from experienced mentors, and practicing basic techniques regularly. Additionally, they may benefit from exposure to prodigy energy-rich environments, such as specialized training facilities or areas where elemental energies are naturally concentrated.

Apprentice (Grade C): Apprentice prodigies continue to develop their skills and expand their understanding of their abilities. They can enhance their powers by experimenting with different techniques, seeking out advanced training programs, and collaborating with other prodigies to share knowledge and insights. Exposure to diverse sources of prodigy energy, such as artifacts, relics, and ancient texts, can also aid in their growth and development.

Adept (Grade B): Adept prodigies have mastered the basics of their abilities and are ready to push the boundaries of what they can achieve. They can further enhance their powers by delving into specialized areas of study, mastering advanced techniques, and undertaking challenging training regimens. Engaging with prodigy energy-infused media, such as enchanted artifacts, mystical tomes, and immersive simulations, can unlock new levels of potential and refinement in their abilities.They also have the ability to create simple domains with their prodigy energy,but can only maintain it for a few moments.

Master (Grade A): Master prodigies are at the pinnacle of their craft, possessing unparalleled skill and expertise in their chosen discipline. They can amplify their powers by delving into esoteric knowledge, uncovering hidden secrets of prodigy energy manipulation, and pushing the limits of their abilities through rigorous training and experimentation. Immersion in prodigy energy-rich environments, such as sacred sites, ancient ruins, and dimensional nexuses, can provide them with profound insights and revelations that further elevate their mastery.They can create and maintain domain and have more prodigy energy to spare

Grandmaster (Grade S): Grandmaster prodigies are the epitome of prodigious power, capable of feats that defy comprehension. They can transcend the limitations of mortal understanding by tapping into cosmic sources of prodigy energy, communing with ancient entities, and transcending the boundaries of space and time. Their growth knows no bounds, as they continuously evolve and ascend to ever-greater heights of prodigious mastery.

By utilizing different media and resources to grow their powers, prodigies can unlock new levels of potential and achieve extraordinary feats beyond imagination. Whether through study, training, or interaction with prodigy energy-rich environments, the journey of prodigious growth is an endless and awe-inspiring pursuit of greatness.