
So, does this mean Kiyoshi succeeded?

Typically, I don't experience nightmares, but recently it kept happening. My dream mirrored my real-life experiences.

Once, I used to have nightmares about working in a concentration camp, spending my days mining rocks. If I had been a bit more careless, a guard would have approached me before shooting.

Waking up drenched in sweat after a deep sleep is never a pleasant feeling. Perhaps that's the reason my mornings never seem to go well.

"A useless person like you isn't needed here."

I can still recall the way she spoke with such coldness.

The guards were none other than those Bitches. They kept torturing me, and even though I couldn't recall all of it upon waking, my body held onto the pain as if it had never really left.

"Today, too, my head hurts more than usual."

After taking a deep breath, I got out of bed. As I went about my usual morning routine, something caught my attention.

I glanced at the window with bars, peering outside.

I didn't get sunlight, but instead, moonlight came with a strong gust that brought me back to reality.

"What happened?"

I was taken aback when memories I had nearly forgotten suddenly resurfaced.

That's right.

After Meiko made me handle a tiring task by myself, she suddenly switched to being caring before setting a trap for me.

I absentmindedly reached for my neck before inhaling deeply a few times.

I can vividly recall the moment when my awareness started to fade as I struggled to catch my breath. Back then, I was convinced that person was out to kill me, but now I believe he simply aimed to immobilize me.

What about Kiyoshi? Was he caught, too?

Seeing the small Guan Yu figurine getting farther and farther away from me made me feel physically drained.

It all just felt so surreal.

Almost there, and soon, my dream will be a reality.

"Argkkk, Damn it!... Damn it!... they're all useless without me!"

I clenched both my fists and slammed them onto the floor. Every bit of pain I felt only added to my annoyance.

Feeling a blend of anger, sadness, and regret all at once. I absolutely despise the Underground Student Council right now.

An incredibly wicked plan popped into my mind out of nowhere, but just then, I heard someone's voice.

"You're awake?... I heard you passed out after being pushed too hard by the Vice President…"

As soon as the person started speaking, I dashed over to him. I held onto his shoulder tightly.

"K-Kiyoshi-dono… Is it really you? What happened to our plan?"

I can't figure out why he's so frightened. It's only natural that I can't help but feel excited because my last hope is right in front of me now.

When he stayed silent, my nerves were on edge, so I asked again.

"How about my General Guan Yu limited edition figurine?... You managed to get it just in time, didn't you?"

Even throwing in a smile didn't seem to make a difference as he attempted to break free from my hold.

"Looks like your brain has been out in the sun for too long."

Kiyoshi glanced down, and as I followed his gaze, I noticed he was holding a rather large plastic bag.

My body shook as if I was going through trauma, but I noticed something unusual in the plastic bag.


My heart raced as Kiyoshi pulled out a box from inside. A box of familiar figurines arrived before my eyes.

Right now, General Guan Yu is giving me a stern look.

"I made it just in time. The place was super crowded. If I had been even a second late, I think I would have missed out."

"I can't believe General Guan Yu is finally within my reach... Is this real life? Kiyoshi-dono, thank you."

I took off my glasses and tried to wipe away the tears that were beginning to fall.

I wanted to do more than just say thank you, so I planned to give him a hug, but he ended up pushing me, causing me to fall on my butt.

"Just a heads up, if the Underground Student Council catches wind of this, they'll likely take it away, so make sure to keep it safe."

After that, Kiyoshi tossed the box in my direction. I felt like my heart was about to leap out of my chest, but I could catch it in my arms.

Right now, this box is like my most prized possession.

"Uhh... they're waiting for you in the creation room. You should head over there and reassure them."

It just hit me how quiet it was here. I must have been disturbing the other people in their cells with all the noise I was making, but it turns out they were in the recreation room.

I must have woken up just in time for dinner.

"And what about you?"

"Me?... I still have something to take care of."

I no longer paid attention to Kiyoshi, who walked further away from the cell.

Trying to find a spot to stash the figurine, I ended up tucking it under my bed for now.

From what I could gather earlier, it seemed like Kiyoshi was unaware that someone had almost suffocated me.

I'm sure Meiko didn't do it. I can vividly recall the moment she simply stood there, gazing at me as I lay defenseless, her eyes devoid of warmth. Still, she was among those who trapped me.

Contemplating the mysterious identity of the third individual. I reached the cell, which served as the recreation room.

It felt like I was watching a scene straight out of a Christmas movie. Everyone seems occupied with the presents they received.

Joe was the first one to spot me when I arrived. It looks like the flat box he's holding is actually an ant house crafted from transparent acrylic.

"Ughk, Gakuto... So relieved to hear you're alright... ughkk..."

Instead of focusing on me, I think your cough symptoms are more severe.

As soon as I walked in, I could sense the happiness in the room, evident from the smiles on everyone's faces. The recreation room, typically a bit gloomy, transformed into a cozy space for the night.

"Sorry, everyone. I didn't mean to cause any concern."

"Hey, Gakuto, no need to worry. I made sure to leave plenty for you."

Andre must have been full because he was glued to his seat, and when I glanced at the table, I saw a bunch of crepe wrappers thrown around haphazardly. One crepe looked barely touched, with just a tiny piece left.

 Knew he had good intentions, which is why I refrained from spitting at him.

"You seem pretty pleased. Did you end up getting what you were after?"

"Yeah, I believe so. Even though I got this cheap perfume and unbranded hair care products, I'm happy with them."

Shingo was the one who answered this time. He seemed a bit embarrassed, but I could tell he was quite pleased. After that, he revealed what was inside the simple bag he was carrying.

I still can't wrap my head around what happened. Everything went surprisingly smoothly, even when Meiko tried to stop me, the mastermind behind this plan.

So, does this mean Kiyoshi succeeded?

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