
Princess Lycan

Caroline was dumped simply because she was deemed disabled. Together with her cousin Luis, Caroline has to live in a special dormitory. She couldn't get out of the place and everyone was staring at him one eye. But all of that disappeared when his wolf form appeared, not an ordinary wolf form but Lycan. Wolves that were stronger than werewofl. And without him knowing that she is the last descendant of the Lycan.

Park_Keyza · Fantaisie
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308 Chs

Invisible Wound

Caroline was stubborn, everyone who knew her knew very well how stubborn she was. But they really couldn't believe that Caroline's stubbornness had to exist at a time like this, how that girl who left them without a word, didn't even mind their screams.

Then what they did, of course, Luis ran after Caroline who was walking towards her study. In contrast to Frey who was still standing still, rooted to her spot doing nothing with the thought that maybe there was something he could do. Even though he knew it was difficult, he would do it for the sake of the Mate, to lighten the burden that was being carried by Caroline.

The Alpha left, left the house, it was no longer for him to stay in this place, he had to find out and let Caroline know if she could do something about it. Not just sitting around like a child who needs protection. Leaving Caroline only for a moment, until a voice sounded in her mind.