
Princess Lycan

Caroline was dumped simply because she was deemed disabled. Together with her cousin Luis, Caroline has to live in a special dormitory. She couldn't get out of the place and everyone was staring at him one eye. But all of that disappeared when his wolf form appeared, not an ordinary wolf form but Lycan. Wolves that were stronger than werewofl. And without him knowing that she is the last descendant of the Lycan.

Park_Keyza · Fantaisie
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308 Chs

Breaking Magic

The thing that not everyone knows is about the death of the northern Pack leader couple who died because they were killed by the higher-ups. But they knew that the northern Pack had separated from the higher-ups, but the reason for that was no one knew.

Far from it all, there is a reason behind all the reasons that made all these things happen. The reason why the northern Pack chose not to interfere in the higher-up's affairs.

The first reason was the fact that the Lycan massacre happened because of the Gods of that era. No one knew the exact details, but the Werewolf could only follow their leader's wishes.

Because it might just be what's best for them, not knowing that it would lead to the couple's death.

Just like the bad memories of those days, the woman couldn't forget it even to escape the reality that she couldn't. Ends up trapped in a promise and huge guilt, even though she knows that everything she did was wrong.