
Chapter 1: Ping An Valley

Chapter 1: Ping An Valley

At the age of fourteen, I was kidnapped and sold to a place known as Ping An Valley. Born under an evil star, my arrival was marked by a stormy day, leading to a series of unfortunate events. Hated from birth, I became a commodity, sold repeatedly without even knowing my name. Referred to as a "dead girl" and a "loser," my life took a drastic turn when I was sold in Ping An Valley village.

Life in the village was deeply feudal, with men practicing polygamy while women adhered to the three virtues and served the men diligently. I was sold for a mere three thousand yuan and thrown into a pig pen that stormy night. The pungent smell and the locked door made escape impossible.

In the corner of the pig pen, amidst the stench, I contemplated my turbulent past. I was betrayed six times and labeled a bad girl. I sometimes slept near the garbage dump, fighting with dogs for scraps. Nights were plagued by poor sleep, with mice nibbling at my toes—a marginally better fate than the pig pen.

Recollections of my grandmother lingered, shrouded in a hazy fog of memories. Alone and deprived of familial connections, I pondered the possibility of finding my relatives.

"Wake up, damn girl! How long are you planning to sleep? I'll beat you to death!" The harsh words were followed by a forceful slap, leaving me disoriented. My new mistress, known as Aunt Li, was formidable and strong, pulling me out of the pig pen with ease.

Aunt Li's husband, Wu Dazhuang, held authority in the village as the caretaker, armed with a weapon that enforced his dominance over everyone.

Aunt Li doesn't let me call her mother, but I can call her Auntie.

Aunt Li didn't allow me to eat breakfast, so she sent me to do housework. She thought my clothes were very dirty, so she took out a pair of worn-out clothes and impatiently threw them at me.

To me, these clothes are not shabby; they are just new clothes. I remember when I changed into these clothes. Aunt Li has no children, so the clothes are naturally hers. Although they are large, they are better than nothing.

As soon as the porridge was cooked, Wu Dazhuang burst through the door with several of his men and sat on the chair, laughing loudly. Many of his men surrounded Wu Dazhuang, offering congratulations.

"Brother Zhuang, congratulations on marrying another bride. You are very blessed, Brother Zhuang!"

Wu Dazhuang became even more proud after hearing that.

"Hahaha, of course, you'll have to drink two more drinks after that!"

What makes me feel strange is that Aunt Li, who is usually very fierce, heard that her husband was getting married for the second time, but she did not dare to make any noise and stood aside without saying a word.

"Damn it, you didn't see me back, and you haven't made me breakfast yet. Do you want me to starve?"

Wu Dazhuang suddenly turned from joy to anger, and Aunt Li was so frightened that she immediately scolded me, "Damn girl, didn't you see your father coming back? Why don't you bring the porridge quickly?"

The shouting made me tremble with fear, and when Wu Dazhuang saw me trembling, he pushed me without a word.

"Go, go, what are you trembling for? I am not a tiger; what are you trembling for? Ominous Star!"

When Aunt Li saw this, she was already angry. Taking advantage of Wu Dazhuang's opinion of me, she came over and slapped me. "Damn girl, your father is getting married; why are you making him angry?"

She picked up a stick and hit me straight up, making me roll on the floor in pain. Each blow tore off my clothes and left my skin torn. "Auntie, stop hitting me. I won't shake anymore. Please stop hitting me." Auntie never stopped. She wanted to hit me until death.

Wu Dazhuang on the side suddenly spoke, "Okay, okay, don't kill another one. You beat the other one to death last time. If you beat another one to death again this time, I will never buy anyone again. And no one will help you with housework."

As soon as Wu Dazhuang opened his mouth, Aunt Li immediately stopped and said, "Yes."

After being beaten, Aunt Li asked me to keep doing housework and not be lazy.

I could only endure the pain and work, or I would be beaten by that damned lady again. I couldn't say that, but she beat someone to death. I thought she was just being mean, but I really didn't expect that she would dare to beat someone to death.

Wu Dazhuang is going to marry another wife. She must feel very uncomfortable. I'm definitely going to take a beating these last few days. Moreover, will the second wife he marries be as evil as her?