
Prince of the Moon. Child of Space.

Warning ! R18 Scenes and dark elements will be present in this story. Such as : Poverty, hunger, war, breeding, murder, scheming, politics, and betrayal. However, do not let that fool you, for there will still be hope, and goodness spread throughout the story. Vector ( MC ) pays kindness with kindness, and death with death. He’s simply a man doing what he wants, when he wants, wherever he wants. A Hero to some and a villain to others… - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ( Usually 5 + chapters a week, chapters usually around 2,700 - 5,000 words. Please read until chapter 10-13. My writing improves drastically. ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vector, had a childhood that could only be described with one word, and that word, “hell”. Having grown up during the chaotic times of world war 4. With no parents, no support, no love, or any clear ambition. Vector’s life was a repeated, constant, and miserable cycle. His only escape was his death. At the young age of 19, with a bullet in his gut, and his built up regret… Vector died. Vector could only curse his own weakness, the sh#t world, and his long suppressed will to gain power. His end coming to a near, his existence snuffed out, and his dream of power gone. Yet his death was not his ending, no in actuality, it was his beginning. For he would have the chance to gain the power once more. - - - Vector Invidia Zenith, the 3rd prince of the Zenith kingdom, was born a “dud”. What was a dud? It’s a magical being, naturally born with no mana, nor had the ability to gain mana. You could imagine his treatment, when the whole world ran on mana. In all eyes of the world, including his own family’s, he was “trash” and useleses. Constantly tortured by his brothers, step-mother’s, and all the other noble kids… He grew resentful, vile, and “evil” by all standards. Constantly drunk, harassing girls, and even treating one of the only people to ever show him love… his mother, in a rude and cruel way. His father, the King finally having enough of the constant shame brought upon by his 3rd son, exiled Vector away to his given lands. These lands were supposed to be provided for, taken care of, and protected. Alas, Vector did not care… and as a result, his people died, starved, and gang activity ensured. However, this would all change. On the road there, his caravan was attacked by highly trained Demonic-Fae, sent by the Den Kingdom. His party slaughtered, himself captured, and his fate sealed. Thrown into a slave mine, with the worst of conditions, and used as leverage against the Zenith Kingdom… Vector despaired. Mining day in and day out, for 3 constant years, laughed at by the whole world. His body and mind could take no more. At the young age of 19, with constant near death starvation, exhaustion, and blood loss.. Vector died. - - - 2 lives filled with misery and pain. 2 lives filled with despair and no love. 2 lives suppressing their long desired goal of power. Yet these 2 lives were not so different. For these two bodies housed fragments of the same soul. Watch as these fragments re-emerge, creating a whole new being. A being that will know no bound. A being that will strive for power. A being that will not bow to anyone! Vector Invidia Zenith, will make the whole world kneel, or he’ll die trying, for he only has one real goal. World Domination? Yes, but quite. A Kingdom? Again, close, but not quite. Yandere wives? OF COURSE!! … ahem* … I mean, Yes, but still not there yet. For what he truly desires is something completely unprecedented… What he wants is control! Control over everything … - - - Watch Vector rise from a slave to a King. From a King to an Emperor… watch him shed his immortal body for something more… something primordial… something cosmic. Watch the Prince of the Moon, as he rises time and time again. Simply doing what he wants…

SpatialDevil · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
30 Chs

[ Chapter 19 ] - Class Choices ?

- Vector -

( Archeron Kingdom , FlameDen City , FAE LOUNGE INN )

Vector already having made up his mind on his plans, looked towards everyone in the room, smiling in a wicked demeanor, and whispered two words, before the various FAE could get any ideas.

" Sovereign - Freeze. "


As soon as the words escaped his mouth, everything in the room instantly froze, including the various FAE.

Who were all participating in some sort of activity. Be it drinking, gambling, laughing, singing, and even f#cking.

Everyone in the establishment was frozen, not able to move a single inch, even if Vector was higher leveled… this shouldn't have been possible.

Not with the combined effort of over half a dozen Fire-FAE constantly trying to melt the ice … and alas, it had no effort.

Rather than make their situation better … it in fact made it worse, the normal looking Ice … became blacker, veins could be seen pulsing, becoming more corrupted, and the Ice slowly started to devour the Flames itself.

All these different elements trying to break this Ice, became fuel for it, and the Ice itself seemed to want more, and more it shall have…

For much more blood, Mana, and people's wills shall be devoured later tonight.

- - -

The various FAE that were all drinking, laughing, gambling, and overall having a " good time " all came to realize today would be the complete opposite for them.

For hell in reverse would happen, rather than a hot and fiery death, a winter that would freeze everything in it's sight… shall visit, a cold night of death shall occur, and all the while, many gang " bosses " would soon come to be nothing …

- - -

- Vector -

( Archeron Kingdom , FlameDen City , FAE LOUNGE INN )

After everything was temporarily covered in pure ice, Vector looked down at the little girl sleeping in his arms, and looked up at the frozen bartender.

The bartender happened to be a fairly attractive young FAE, with busty boobs, and small hips. Vector, looking at her, willed his ice to unfreeze her, and said in a menacing but neutral tone,

" I'll need a room for two, after this little girl in my arms is taken care of, I will come down and unfreeze this establishment, and if you have any objections …. Keep them to yourself or die. "

" uh- ye-s ssss-ir. " stuttered the young bartender.

" Good, lead the way " replied Vector, who then looked over at all the other frozen FAE in the room, and said two words that would drive even more fear into the hearts of these given individuals.

" I'll be back. "

- - -

The group of three, made their way upwards towards the rooms currently cleaned and available, which of course Vector chose the best one, which also included a private bathroom, which they both greatly needed.

He then sent the bartender away, and told her to wait for him by the bar, which she immediately complied too and scurried off.

Once in the room, Vector gently woke up Khione, and said in a sweet voice,

" Little One, Wake up. "

" Hmmm, oh.. where are we? " asked Khione.

" We're inside the Inn room, there's a bathroom there, do you know how to use the bath? Hmm, from that confused face, I'm guessing no. I'll start the bath, you sit here in this chair okay? "

" umu, okay! " said Khione.

While Vector was getting the water running, by flipping the crystal lever, and making sure the temperature was good for her.

Khione herself was in disbelief of her day so far.

' First strange man saved me, bought me clothes! Then got us room, hmm strange man… my brother? No, more like father? Me never had father …' thought Khione, in a loving and longing way, who hoped this day would never end.

Vector coming out of the room, showed the little girl the bath, the soap, and left her to it. The little girl herself, was in tears, from excitement, joy, and longing.

Vector knew she needed some space for now, so he silently waited for her to finish, eventually coming out, in a pair of brand new silk clothes, which he then gently picked her up, and put her on the comfy bed.

He looked at her dozing off, and knew she needed reassurance.

" Little One, it's okay, you can go to sleep. I'll be here. Hmm, that's right little one, have a peaceful sleep, goodnight. "

" Goodnight, strange man… hehe " giggled the little girl, who fell into a deep slumber, with a huge smile in plastered onto her face.

Vector waiting a few minutes to make sure she was knocked out, confirmed she was, and headed to the bathroom himself to clean up.

The little girl had a remarkable change within her appearance, as the dirt and filth got washed off, she was actually quite beautiful, even more so than before.

So he too wondered how he had changed in looks, and when he walked in front of the mirror, he quickly grimaced.

He really did look homeless, in poverty, and maybe even a slight drug addict.

Yes, drugs existed in this world too.

He had a bushy beard across his face, covering his sharpened jawline, had overgrown hair that covered his beautiful eyes, and had even more scars than the last time he analyzed his body.

Slowly grabbing a golden razor on the side of the ever-flowing basin, he started to shave, he had no rush, and he knew his ice would not melt… he could feel it.

Most people could obviously feel their own mana, control it, but not to the point of Vector. He actually thought his own mana had slight personalities traits just as himself, or rather enhanced personality traits of his own being, and his Ice happened to be very playful.

It loved to toy with others, it loved to show its superiority, to mock other elements, to devour them, to overextend its Will onto them, and so, Vector knew his Ice was different.

His Spacial Magic, inner world, and overall personality effected it … , Vector thinking off all these connecting thoughts suddenly got a notification through his system, which stopped him from shaving for the moment.


[ Name : Vector Invidia Zenith ]

[ Race : Royal-Fae , Spacial High-Spirit ]

[ Titles: Child of Space , Transmigrated, Royal Fae ]

[ Natural Affinities : Spacial (100%) , Ice (100%) , Earth (17%) , ]

[ Bloodline Abilities : Reality Warping Eyes ( 53% ) , ]

[ Class : N/A ] [ 3 Choices Available ] -> [ 4 Choices Available ]

[ Sub Class : N/A ] [ Choices Available ]


' Damn I forgot about my class choices, a new one available? I haven't even checked the others. Hmm, let's check them out now… ouuu I'm excited. I totally forgot with everything going on.. ' thought Vector.


Class Choices Available (4) :

1) [ Barbarian ] + 50 Vitality, +35 Strength. +35% Efficiency in unarmed combat. - Barbarians focus on their own body, honing it to near perfection, using it as the only weapon ever needed.

2) [ Mage ] + 50 Intelligence, + 35 Mana , + 35% Efficiency in spell casting. - Mages focus purely on their own mana, Spells, and Intelligence to succeed.

3) [ Knight ]+ 30 Vitality , + 30 Strength , + 25 Speed - Knights are a well rounded type of fighter, that focus on all attributes, while also throwing in some slight bursts of Spells, and cunning.

4) [ NEW ! ] [ Scholar ] + 65 Intelligence , + 20 Mana - Scholars unlike Mages, focus on their own minds, and knowledge, rather than just their mana. While both go hand in hand, a scholar strives to seek to know all, find the truth in all, and discover the unknown.


' Hmmm, it seems subclasses can only be picked after picking a main class? Hmmm, I know I can change it eventually… but that won't be for awhile. What should I chose? I'm obviously a spell type of person, so Barbarian is definitely out. Although, I am quite good at close combat as well … hmm'

After minutes passed by of Vector going through the options, he finally narrowed it down between two, and couldn't help but think even more.

' Mage seems appealing, the mana increase will be good, but my mana is already high … Knight, seems to be the best overall choice … but, scholar? Scholar classes are quite rare, and I have a feeling my subclass could be good, oh f#ck it ! ' thought Vector, before mentally confirming the class option of scholar.


Class : CHOSEN ! -> [ Scholar ]

Subclasses Available (5):

1) [ Spacial Wizard ] +25 % Efficacy in anything related to the Spacial Affinity. - As a wizard, a job to understand mana and affinities is a given, as a Spacial one, the understanding of space, time, and the cosmos is the true ultimate goal.

2) [ Wintering Wizard ] + 25% Efficiency in anything related to the Ice affinity. As a wizard, a job to understand mana and affinities is a given, as a Ice one, the understanding of Ice, frost, mist, and even winter itself is the ultimate goal.

3) [ Mana Archeologist ] +25 % Efficiency in finding loot, mana gems, and understanding items. - A mana archeologist focus on items made of pure mana, mostly on lost relics, sometimes even belonging to the gods themselves.

4) [ Mana researcher ] +25 % Efficiency in all Affinity's, as a mana researcher wants to know all, and shall continue to strive the path of knowing everything related to mana itself.

5) ( NEW ! ) [ Corrupted Frigid Spacial Wizard ] +25 Efficiency in spell casting time, learning speed, and knowledge of your own Magic. As an exclusive sub - class relating only to you, you may dive deeper into the origins of your own magic, which by chance have affected each other, and therefore, evolved.


' Hmmm …. Oh sh#t. Exclusive classes are very rare, and they are usually always picked… however, there have been cases in the past, where it has backfired. '

' However, I think it's a no brainer for me. Corrupted… though? What does corruption imply? Hmmm… interesting, I'll chose the 5th for sure. HAHAHAHAH ! Let me see my stat increases now … ' thought Vector.


LVL : [ 43 ] , EXP : [ 8,763 / 45,456 ]

[ HP: 501 / 501 ][ MP: 1860 / 2016 ] [ stat points : 78 ]

< vitality : 167 >

< strength : 47>

< dexterity : 51 >

< intelligence : 70 > ( + 60 ) ->

< intelligence : 130 >

< mana : 652 > ( + 20 ) ->

<mana : 672 >

< charisma : 39 > ( + 10 ) ->

< charisma : 49 >


' DAMN! Not bad … not bad at all, let's see my new and improved overall status. ' thought Vector, excitingly.


[ Name : Vector Invidia Zenith ]

[ Race : Royal-Fae , Spacial High-Spirit ]

[ Titles: Child of Space , Transmigrated, Royal Fae ]

[ Natural Affinities : Spacial (100%) , ( NEW ! ) Void Ice (100%) , Earth (17%) ]

[ Bloodline Abilities : Reality Warping Eyes (55%) , ]

[ Class : Scholar ]

[ Sub Class : Corrupted Frigid Spacial Wizard ]


LVL : [ 43 ] , EXP : [ 8,763 / 45,456 ]

[ HP: 501 / 501 ][ MP: 1870 / 2016 ] [ stat points : 78 ]

< vitality : 167 >

< strength : 47>

< dexterity : 51 >

< intelligence : 130 >

<mana : 672 >

< charisma : 49 >


' Hmm, so my ice really did change… Void ice? It make sense… space is cold, or rather what we interrupt as cold, it's rather a vacuum, which is referred to as a cosmic microwave background … hmm earth's knowledge is once again coming in handy. '

' The thing I dreaded for so long, was really a blessing … who would've known. Let me stop getting off track and finishing shaving. After all, I have places to be ….. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ! ' thought Vector, who once again started scheming while finishing to shave, and cleaning himself up.

- - -

After 20 minutes went by, Vector finally finished shaving, dressing in his new silk clothes, and trimming his long and wildly hair.

When looking up in the mirror, a whole different person could be seen, someone truly described as beautiful, handsome, hot, sexy, whatever floats someone's boat, but all Vector could describe himself as, was a " Prince ".

He truly looked like a prince once again, he had an air of authority, an appeal of royalty, and an aura of a wild beast.

It truly was a wild mix, that emitted an appeal of danger, sex, and lust.

After being pleased with his appearance, Vector about to walk out, realized his eye was still not covered in a proper way.

He thought long and hard about this problem along the road, after countless ideas, he could only come up with one solution, and decided to try it.

…. He decided to simply keep it closed, however, instead of manually holding it, therefore causing strain in his facial muscles, he would Will his ice to seal a tiny circular eye like patch, just around his eyelid.

So in the shape of his right eye, was a pure blackish blue circular patch, that covered the entirety of his eye, and if he needed it, he could simply Will the ice away.

The benefit of this, was by sealing his eye, his constant mana spending curse was eliminated, all the while of keeping his eye a secret, and therefore eliminating risk of people finding out.., which would also play as a trump card for Vector.

While using blink, distortion wave, and his other Spacial spells, he was already very efficient, close to mastering them all, but with his Spacial eye open … he was 200x more efficient than before, it was a completely different level.

Not to mention, access to the void plane was a completely unprecedented game changer, which only a few individuals throughout the world had access too, but Vector didn't know that yet, nonetheless the idea of simply throwing lower leveled opponents into the abyss … was … well…. overpowered as hell.

Still it had its drawbacks like all things in this world, maybe even all worlds, and nature itself. Balance must exist … yet Vector might change the idea of this so called " balance" very soon … very very very very very soon indeed ….. ;)

- - -

Meanwhile, the various FAE still frozen, who have all been struggling for the past 25 - 30 minutes, were still trying to get out of their perilous situation. Alas, no effort came out of it.

Every time one used an element, or attempted to break free, Vector's Void Ice would let the elements progress continue a little bit, making the FAE think they had a chance to succeed, and then… it would crush their hopes by fully extinguishing their elements once more.

All like it was a fun game …

Vector's Ice truly was unruly, playful, deceitful, and loved devouring other elements. What Vector didn't know… was every time his Ice did devour an element.. it slowly grew stronger. Maybe just a bit, but bits add up eventually, and soon it shall show.

Vector's mana may have started off as an Ice and Spacial affinity… but slowly it was changing into something more, something cosmic, something primal.

If Vector ever had a novel written after him… he would be called the prince of the Moon after all… it couldn't be for nothing could it ? …

- - -

While the various FAE were once again struggling to get out, the young Bartender, who happened to be a Wind FAE, was currently still behind the counter, patiently waiting for Vector.

As she dared not to moved an Inch, after seeing over twenty, level 35 - level 40 FAE, try and break out of this Frozen jail, and still fail… constantly.

The various FAE were about to try and break free once more, after the 50th time in the last 20 minutes, when suddenly a noise could be heard from upstairs, slowly descending down the stairs.

* THUD *

* THUD *

* THUD *

* THUD *

* THUD *

* THUD *

* THUD *

* THUD *

These FAE realized the same strange, crazy, and powerful FAE was walking down…. and with each step, they tried to swallow even harder, and each stopped trying to break free.

* THUD *

* THUD *

All of them scared to face this lone figure.

* THUD *

* THUD *

* THUD *

After the final step could be heard, a figure could be seen slowly coming down, one they could recognize, but in a completely different light and manner.

For this FAE was nothing like the past …

He was elegant, royal, regal, handsome, dangerous, powerful, charming, and nothing remotely close to before… as this figure held an aura of a noble or rather in his case a prince….

As Vector finally fully stepped into the now frozen bar, they could all see his charming figure, while the other the other Veteran Soldiers could see the hideous and jagged scars on his arms.

They all realized at this point, he was a youth that experienced much more that they themselves have ever experienced in their whole lifetime, and once again… Vector became more dangerous in their minds.

For good reason.

Vector was fitted in a plain black silk shirt, that showed off every bit of leaned, compact, and toned muscle he had.

While he also where a smooth pair of black silk pants to match the top, while also wearing his Wolf coat like cloak, which he got back from Khione.

This look made all the female FAE, even some male FAE, look at him with lust and desire. While others looked at him with envy, jealously, and hate.

Yet, Vector cared not, for he had a schedule to stick by … it was time to get rich. He was a prince after all.

- - -

As Vector looked over the frozen bar, he couldn't help but be impressed once again by his Ice, he thanked it like usual, and willed it back inside of him, causing the constant strain of mana to suddenly stop.

After upon doing so, everyone was still in shock over his shocking transformation, which provided Vector the chance to address them, before they all tried anything stupid.

" Heheheh, I'm sorry y'all had to put up with that… but, I couldn't take any chances, especially with the looks, bloodlust, and desires I could see in some of y'all eyes. " chuckled Vector, in his Royal tone, which instantly affected the other FAE.

" Before y'all ask a million questions, try and kill me, or simply try and do something idiotic, let me address one thing…. Do anything right now, and I'll f#cking kill you " whispered Vector, who alluded a burst of bloodlust, causing many to urinate themselves, and effectively shutting everyone up.

Bloodlust is simply the intention of a person, however, a few factors are in play. One is the most basic and common thing, one's level.

One's level is very important throughout this world, and that's a given, but a level also determines the progress one makes on their given path. It's a representation of their experiences, talent, and will.

This comes to the second, ones pure determined will.

If two peoples bloodlust come into contact, the one with the higher level and mental fortitude, will come out on top.

In the case of Vector, who has literally two lifetimes, on two planets, and has experienced traveling across the cosmos itself … it's unparalleled, his Will is simply unmatched by anything in mortal levels…

Vector then turning to the bartender, looked her in the eyes once, swept her body up and down a few times, to make her blush, and asked,

" May I have a drink, Love? Anything shall do, I have to address these idiots after all, I hope you don't mind. "

" Of co-o-ourse sir, on the house! Anything you want ! " replied the bartender, who tried to showed of her cleavage a little more, in a seductive manner, which once again, didn't sway Vector.

" Hmm, thanks Love…. now, I have a few questions for you all , and then you can continue on your normal routine of drinking your piss poor lives away, or … you may listen to what I have to say, and make a coin or two. Up to you all. " said Vector, who scanned the various FAE in front of him, who all seemed engaged, be it for different reasons.

" What questions do you have, Sir!?! "

" Coins are involved? "

" Opportunities for work sir?! I'm a veteran solider, toughest in here, level 41 ! "

" What is it ? "

" Huh?! "

" HELL YEA !!! "

Various FAE started speaking all at once, and Vector couldn't help but smirk, chuckling to himself, while taking the drink, the lovely bartender just handed to him.

After looking it over, he chugged it all at once, and was surprised as the burn wasn't nearly as bad as on Earth.

' FAE wine, liquor, and drugs do all hit differently, and when your immortal… everyone doesn't care about the so called " health " effects like on earth, HAHAHAHAHAHSH ! " Vector laughed inside his mind.

" Ok , Ok , Ok, quiet down. It's actually simply, I need a map of this city, including the gang zones, preferably detailed. The FAE who provides this, shall receive 10 gold later tonight… Yes, don't look at me with shocked faces, 10 gold. NOW! " yelled Vector, who was currently witnessing the various FAE scramble through their belongings, trying to scavenge a map, until a Water FAE in the back screamed,

" Here! "

" Hmmm, okay, bring it up. " replied Vector, while the the man slowly walked up, and placed it on the bar high top.

Vector upon inspecting it, couldn't help but admire the detailed work of this man, as this map was surely a custom one, most likely done by himself, given the admiration in his eyes.

Vector, made a note to recruit this certain water FAE for his territory as well, for he needed good designers..

" Wow, very thorough, and detailed. Well done. Now that I have this map in front of me, this is a question and answer game, for you all, one at a time do y'all understand? "

" YES "


" YEA "

" I'll KNOW!!! "

" Ok , Ok , Ok yall, quiet down. It's a simple question, for all of y'all. The people who provided me with the best information shall receive a cut of Gold, ranging from 10 - 25 pieces. Do you understand? Good, I can see the greed in your eyes … it's a simple question really, are y'all ready? "

" YES "


" YEA "

" YES "

" HELL YES ! "


" HELL YES " replied the various FAE, all eager to make a profit by answering Vector …

" The question is this… where are the biggest gangs located? Where are their headquarters so to speak, where is the loot they keep? Where are the richest places to rob ? Hmm, why are y'all looking at me like that? " asked Vector.

" Uhhhh… sir, what do you plan to do? "

" It's Suicide to go after them?! Are you crazy?! "

" Your only one FAE?!!! HUH?! How ! "

" What the F#uckkk?!!! "


" How dare you, I'm apart of the Frozen Banshee Gang, and I'll f#cking kill yo- " said a FAE Thug who happened to be in this bar, who happened to stop mid sentence, and who also … happened to "accidentally" get his head cut off …

* THUD *

' OOPPS, my hand slipped ' thought Vector.

* THUDDHDHDHDDH ( head rolling on the floor ) *

Vector having just casually sliced someone's head off, blood then spraying over the wall and floor, while the speed in which he did so, was completely unrecognizable to the various FAE … had the room utterly dead and quiet.

None dared to speak, all were still in shock, and they all still couldn't come to terms, to the speed of Vector's movement, it was also the like teleporting… and so silence continued.

Until, Vector spoke up once more..

" It's simple really, I'm going to eradicate all that oppose me, rob every single person that deserve it, maybe even others that don't, and simply do what I want. So, who wants to make some gold with me? Point out the richest areas, the most guarded gang warehouses, and anywhere that has no innocents that can be robbed… simple really, right? " asked Vector, while smiling like the crazy, serious, broken, and playful prince he was.


- - -

AN : I KNOW GUYS! No more excuses from me, even though I had legitimate reasons, more chapters dropping now!!!

- SpacialDevil, The Author.