
Prince Of Rivia [MCU]

In MARVEL there is highly advanced country called Wakanda which is hidden from world. Its technology is 100x more advance than World. But only few people know that there is an Island country whose technology is far greater than Wakanda. Unlike Wakanda who depends on Vibranium and Adamentium, It ( the country) has created new metal which is better than Vibranium. Welcome To The Kingdom Of Rivia. ~• Introduction •~ In year [ 3099 ] there was massive explosion in Kingdom of Rivia due to outburst of A.C.E. This lead to Destruction of Utopia. Last remaining survivor was transported to Year [ 1991 ] with Capital of Rivia in his Pocket Dimension. Sadly there were only buildings in his Pocket with reserves of Minerals that were collected by Rivia in its 10000 years of history.

WhiteMooN · Livres et littérature
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Time Skip and Asterdome

After leaving Howard, Alex realised that he was now in Another Universe. At first he was scared and then he remembered everything from his birth in Rivia to A.C.E explosion. Unconsciously tears roll down from his left eye. He tried his best to control his emotions and was somewhat successful doing that. He then composed himself and started to plan about future. He then remembered his V.I Alice. He then quickly called Alice.

'Alice, are you there?'

[ YES, sir ]

'Alice quickly do full body check up because I think something is wrong with my body.'

[ On it sir ]

[ Scanning 10%....50%....100%.]

[ Yes sir you are right, your cells are shrinking rapidly and your age is changing

Age: 17....10.....5.....3]

[ Initiating Protection Protocol ]

Before Alex realised what was happening he then fell unconscious. His body was changing rapidly and was shrinking. Thankfully no one was there to witness this phenomenon or else they would think that they are drunk.

~• After 2 months •~

In public hospital you could see a 2 year old boy sleeping in hospital bed. The boy slowly opened his eyes. The boy was none other than Alex. He slowly opened his eyes but was only able to see blur because his eyes were adapting bright light. He then adjust his eyes and started observing his surroundings. He was in Hospital more importantly a public hospital. He then called Alice and asked

'Alice what happened to me after I fell unconscious?'

[ Sir your body was shrinking rapidly and you fell unconscious. After that a small boy found you and called for help. Now you are in Public hospital in New York, USA. I have to remind you that 98% of nanites were sacrificed for protecting you and now you have only 2% of nanites in your body. You dont have enough energy to Do that ]

'So I need energy, That will be tricky.'

'How much time would it take to recover?' asked Alex

[ It will take minimum 8 year to naturally recover your nanites. If there is any pure energy reserve than it will take 3 minutes to recover. But there is no pure energy available right now ]

Alex was about to ask who registered him in hospital, Door opened and a middle aged woman enter with a 8 year old boy. While the woman was talking to doctor, The boy was curiously observing Alex. The woman said

" Doctor here are adoption papers for this child."

A man in white coat who was supposed to be doctor said " No problem Ms.Maximus The boy is now healthy and ready to be discharged. I will take my now." after saying that he left the ward

Middle aged woman turned to Alex and said " Such a cute child. From now on you are part of Maximus Family, you are Alexander Maximus" while patting his hair

When Alex hear this he was shocked and said

" How the FUCK you know my name ( buua gug bu gaue)"

"Mark take care of your brother." after saying that she left the boys alone.

~• Time Skip •~

It has been 10 years since Alex was adopted by Maximus Family. In his family there was his mom and his brother. His mom's name was Melinda Maximus and his brother's name was Mark Maximus. Melinda was working at law firm and had very good salary. She was able to handle her children's expenses. She had annual salary of $700,000. She was also able to spend time with us but mostly she was busy in her office anyway she still loved me. Also my Brother was a Genius. He attended Harvard at age of 14 and now he graduated with 3 phds. He is now working on some project which requires a lot of money. So I helped him a little by investing in his project. He also opened his Company which was short on cash and I invested 20 million in it while took 40% of shares. He now owns 60%, of shares and I secretly own 40%.

By the way when I was 4 I told Alice to Open a Bank account with fake I.D and asked her to make some investments. Now I am officially a billionaire YaY. Also I own 15% of Stark Industries, 40% of Osborne Industries and 30% of Rand Industries. I also have 53 billion dollars in my personal account. While doing all this I also attracted attention of some mysterious organization called SHIELD but I managed to get off the radar with help of Alice.

I also recovered my nanites and now I am Fully able to use Nano-Tech. Right now I am asking my Mom for her permission so that I can attend College.

" Mom please can I go to college. I also got scholarship in M.I.T you don't have to worry about money please." I was pleading

" Fine Alex, You can attend M.I.T. But you have to call me everyday. Promise?" she said

" Promise" I said while grinning from ear to ear while showing my white milky teeth

After that I went to MIT

~• Year 2009 •~

I graduated from M.I.T at age of 14 with flying colours I also got PHD in 10 subjects. In my graduation ceremony Tony Stark was invited by MIT and he gave his narcissistic speech. He also Invited me to work for Stark Industries with annual salary of $500,000. So I face slapped him by saying " Bitch I own 15% of Stark Industries." Since then we became best friends.

Having friends with him has both advantage and disadvantage. In advantage you get his support and In disadvantage you get disease of Narcissism. By the way I got this disease. I also announced that I am Billionaire and owner of this many companies due to my Narcissism. Whole world was shocked that world's 3 richest person was 18 year old Boy. Since then I became New York's 2nd infamous Playboy. I also had sixsome with Tony and four models since then we don't talk about that night.

When I turned 18 I realised that I had Pocket Dimension which had whole city of Asterdome ( No LifeForms ) in it with its architecture and technology after that I went to Bermuda triangle and Created land for My City. After Asterdome was loaded in Bermuda. I shielded it with Solar reflecting panels and quadro electric barrier so that no one can find my Paradise.

I renovated whole city with help of robots which came with the city. I replaced houses with living area and cleared all unnecessary buildings also I had Royal Place as my headquarters where I live and do research. I made whole city with flying cars and also unloaded some metal reserves from Pocket Dimension.

I had whole City for myself I was now King of Asterdome. I sat on my n-metal throne while having my evil laugh. My City mainly consisted of Humanoid robots which were controlled by main A.I also Main A.I was in control of Alice because I don't want any Skynet. Now whole city was empty so I decided to Invite Wakanda so that I can boast about my city.