
Prince of harvest

This is the story of a boy named Jessup Grove. Jessup was born as the grandson of King Grove but Jessup has a secret, he is not from this world, but rather from a dystopian version of earth. His greatest fear is being found out and cast away or even executed for stealing the body of an innocent baby buy. Unlike most stories of the protagonist being reborn to be on top Jessup has to come to terms with the fact that his own grandfather is the immortal King progenitor and he will never have the potential of rising to the top. Will he become a victim to his families wrath or will his grandfather put him on his own path to being a king of a new land.

DragonMasta · Fantaisie
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40 Chs

Chapter 23: King Del

Chapter 23: King Del.

Alora and I walked out of the shop with a black stained wooden box in my hands, we were walking through the village and heading to the docks.

"So why did you want that thing anyway? I might be a demonoid but I'm still half human. I can't draw a blade like that, and you suck with the blade."

Trying to ignore her comment, I just replied back with, "Dont worry about it."

We continued walking until I saw a street stall selling some fried fish and chips. I've been meaning to say this for a while, but this world is weirdly cultured. I know things are different the further you get from the central continent but I still didn't expect the moment I was reborn in another world the place would be so weird.

"Are you hungry? It's only 3 papers each." I just realized the sword is worth as much as fish and chips. That's just sad.

"Sure, I can eat. I wish it was beef though."

"Beef and chips, gross."

"Hmm, yeah that does sound gross."

We enjoyed a leisure break on a public bench and just talked while we ate, occasionally I would look at the statues scattered around the area. They weren't that big but something about them was imposing. Not in a bad way, just in a way that makes you feel like they'll fight back if you provoke them. Something like that.

"Do you want a statue too?"

Alora noticed my gaze and said something strange, "I don't want anyone bothering me when I'm dead, so no."

"That's such a you answer."

Alora smiled at my joke and went back to eating.

"Do you?" I had to ask her to be polite, but I honestly didn't want to talk about this type of thing. Death always seems so distant to me, that the moment it gets close I just want to ignore it and pretend it's irrelevant to me. I've been through it once, I'd rather not do it again.

"Hmm, maybe on our family's property. Where only my close ones can speak to me."

"Yeah, I would prefer that too."

After finishing up our food we finally got moving again. After a few minutes of walking we finally reached the port where we saw a small gallion covered in metal. I recognized that metal, it was called mythril muntz alloy. It's 60% Mythril, 40% zink and a few traces of iron. This thing is top tier, I have no doubt it's been enchanted too. Is this one of Sir Makoto's ships?

"You're here. Perfect timing, the 'King' was just about to throw a fit. Not like he could go anywhere."

Speak of the devil, or demonoid. Sir Makoto was waiting for us just outside Fort Jessup. I'm still not sure if I'm comfortable with that name.

"Did I miss anything?" 

"Not much, King Del is here with a few servants and his daughters. I assume you know why he brought them here?"

It wasn't hard to guess, but does he really think bribing me with his daughters will work? The guy is too deep in his own shit to be offering so little.

"Well let's go, I'll head to the commander's office. Can you bring them to me?"

"Are you sure you want to piss him off more than you already have?"

I guess he's right, the man has already offered to come here without guards, and he's brought his daughters as a bribe.

"You're right, I'd hate to leave our guests waiting. Amelia, can you hold this for me?" I hand her the black box with the sword in it. She looked at me quizzically, still not sure why we still have this thing.

She's gonna have to put up with it, at least for now. 

I walk into the fortress behind Sir Makoto until he finally guides us to the training grounds. At least I call it that but it's literally just the center of the fort covered in sand and a few training dummies scattered around.

I was told the king was here but I didn't see anyone here. I looked around the place in confusion and even Sir Makoto was baffled.

"He was here a minute ago. I see his servants, I'll ask them."

Sir Makoto walked over to a few people standing by the staircase, they were dressed in thin clothes, while some of them were sweating like crazy. Are they okay? Have they been training?

I thought it was strange, but I noticed something peculiar. They were all holding something in their hands pointing at the staircase. 

When Sir Makoto walked over there he looked just as confused until he looked at the staircase itself. He took two steps back and glanced at me for a second with an awkward smile on his face. He bowed slightly to the… staircase until his servants rushed over to grab something, or someone.

It was a short and stubby guy with pale white skin completely shirtless. He was being pulled up by his servants until he finally noticed me. He knocked them away and started walking over to me. What followed behind him were 6 girls of varying ages. One of them being 4-5 maybe and another at 11 or 12. Yeah, this is gonna be a shit show isn't it.

"You must be King King. I've heard you were young but you look like a child. My sister spoke highly of you. I didn't realize she was into children."

King King? Oh that's right, the king's name is actually King. No wonder nobody calls him by his name, it sounds weird and confusing, and he thinks I'm the king? Well I guess we do look alike.

"I hate to disappoint but my grandfather was unable to attend our meeting. I am Prince Jessup of the Grove family, a pleasure to meet you." I finished with a tiny and almost missable bow, only bowing an inch or two, just barely noticeable.

"WHAT?! What the #%^$! is this? I was told I would be meeting the king!"

Sir Makoto stepped in and interrupted, "No you were promised to meet 'A KING,' we just didn't say which one."

"This brat is a king?! Bullshit."

One of King Del's daughters walked up to her father and whispered in his ears while looking at me the whole time. I want to say I'm flattered by the attention all these girls are giving me if it weren't for the strange age differences. The one who's speaking to him looks like she's in her mid 30's. Not that that's a problem, it's just not for me.

"Oh, that's right, I forgot about your people's culture. Where is your kingdom?"

"Sir Makoto is just exaggerating, I still have yet to conquer my lands, but he likes to pretend that I've already succeeded."

King Del scrunched his brows in displeasure, clearly he had more to say but I interrupted him, "I have brought a gift. It's a sword fit for a king such as yourself, Lady Alora, please."

Alora stepped forward and handed the king's servant the wooden box. Alora looked at me for a second but did well with her poker face.

The servant walked over to the king and opened up the box. After seeing its beauty and glow he was immediately in love, but let's be real here, this guy is never going to pick this thing up in his life. Heck the only reason why he came to this island was probably to escape the war.

"It's not bad I suppose. Slave, bring it back to the ship."

These guys are slaves? Slaves are illegal on this island so this is my first time seeing one. They look relatively clean for slaves, besides the sweat that is. Speaking of which, "Why are you shirtless? You all look like you went through a bloodless battlefield."

One of the girls spoke up, "We live in extremely cold temperatures. We aren't used to this unbearable heat."

Heat? I hadn't noticed, maybe it's because I'm a C rank super now. I've been leveling and training in the dungeons for a couple years now. I am officially level 62, I would call that pretty good if I say so myself. Alora is only Level 58, I asked the king about this and he said it was because [ENERGY ABSORPTION] consumes a little more lifeforce from the creatures I kill.

"I hadn't noticed, perhaps we should head to our manor on the hill. We can talk there."

"We have to walk up that?"

King Del could see our manor clearly from here, it was a decent size and there wasn't much blocking its view. Gramps designed it himself, he said it was from a game called 'Ninja's Creed: Red and White flag'. It sounds like a terrible game, but they sure knew how to build manors I guess.

"It's very lovely, I've heard about vacation homes from my father but I've never seen one before." This was the second youngest girl.

I still haven't learned any of their names yet but it's not like I really care, so I'll just number them. 

"It can't be helped, we had to sell most of our property for funds. Some of which still haven't even been bought yet." Says number 2.

She had a pouty face, yet somehow I understood the message. She wanted us to buy them. It seems number 2 is pretty smart but her execution was lazy. I can see her tricks from a mile away.

"That is a shame. Come on, the manor is a few minutes walk from here."

I saw number 2 in the corner of my eye biting her lip and the oldest daughter who I'll call number 1 glaring at her. Number 1 was about to say something but her father interrupted, "Don't you have horse carriages or something?"

Why would we need that? We're in a tiny village, "No, we only have those in the city. There would be no reason to bring horses for such distances, besides they don't get along with the mosquitos. They're especially dominant here, in fact I heard rumors that the local chef was thinking about making them into burgers."

Number 5 spoke up in confusion, "Mosquitos? What are those?"

Meanwhile number 1's face was white as a sheet, "They're flying bugs, and they drink blood. I think I'm going to be sick."

The rest of the daughters looked disgusted but strangely enough, King Del didn't react to that at all. 

"King del, have you tried it?"

King dela-something, who's name I forgot scrunched his brow at the nickname I gave him, but moved on and answered me, "Those inbreds ate just about anything and everything, including people. I have been invited to their parties more times than I feel comfortable with. Worst part about it is that there was never any other choice BUT to eat it."

The inbred he was referring to are most likely the high goblins from Gobo.

"If only there was someone to kill them all already."

King Del looked at me accusingly like his problems were my own, I didn't have anything to say about though. In a way I do feel like he's right somehow, it's certainly possible to do something about the empire, but I can't change my grandfather's mind on this. Nobody can.